Professor Andrew Cooper - publications

Professor Andrew Cooper - publications
O’Hagan, A-M & Cooper, J.A.G., 2001. Extant legislative and administrative constraints on Irish
coastal management. Coastal Management. 29: 73-90.
Power, J., Cooper, J.A.G., McGourty, J., McKenna, J. & MacLeod, M.J. 2001. A LIFE-ICZM
demonstration project for Irish beaches and sand dunes. In: Houston, J. (ed.) Coastal Dune
Management. Liverpool University Press: 24-33.
MacClenahan, P., McKenna, J., Cooper, J.A.G. & O’Kane, B. 2001. Identification of highest
magnitude coastal storm events based on an analysis of wind speed and duration thresholds in
western Ireland. International Journal of Climatology 21: 829-842.
MacLeod, M., McKenna, J., Cooper, J.A.G., and Power, J. 200. Community Group Involvement
in Rural Beach and Dune Management. Tearmann, Irish Journal of Agri-environmental Research,
1: 101-111.
Cooper, J.A.G. & Jackson, D.W.T. 2001. Surficial beach structures formed by wave-generated
foam. Journal of Geology: 109 (6): 780-788.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2001. Gemorphological variability among microtidal estuaries from the wavedominated South African coast. Geomorphology 40 (1-2): 99-122
Malvarez, G., Cooper, J.A.G. & Jackson, D.W.T. 2001. Relationships between wave-induced
currents and sediment grain size on a sandy intertidal flat. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 71:
McKenzie, G. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2001. Post-emplacement geomorphology of sand dunes in
western Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue. 34: 602-610.
Navas, F., Cooper, J.A.G., Malvarez, G., and Jackson, D.W.T. 2001 Theoretical approach to the
investigation of ridge and runnel topography of a macrotidal beach: Dundrum Bay, Northern
Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 34: 183-193.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2001. Geomorphology of tide-dominated and river-dominated, barred microtidal
estuaries: a contrast. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 34, 428-436.
Malvarez, G., Cooper, J.A.G., Jackson, D.W.T., Navas, F. The role of wave action on
sedimentation of tidal flats: application of high spatial resolution numerical modelling in Strangford
Lough, Northern Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 34: 172-182.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. The role of extreme floods in estuary-coastal behaviour: contrasts between
river- and tide-dominated microtidal estuaries. Sedimentary Geology, 150: 123-157.
Cooper, J.A.G., McErlean, T, Lenham, J. and Forsythe, F., 2002. The Evolution of the Lough. In:
Strangford Lough: An Archaeological Survey of the Maritime Cultural Landscape. McErlean, T.,
McConkey, R. and Forsythe, W. (Eds), Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 21-39.
Ramsay, P.J. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. Late Quaternary sea level changes in South Africa.
Quaternary Research 57: 82-90.
Cooper, J.A.G., Kelley, J.T., Belknap, D.F., Quinn, R. & McKenna, J. (2002) Inner shelf seismic
stratigraphy off the north coast of Northern Ireland: new data on the depth of the Holocene
lowstand. Marine Geology 186: 369-387.
Pilkey, O.H. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. Longshore transport volumes: a critical view. Journal of
Coastal Research Special Issue, 36: 572-580.
Cooper, J.A.G. & Pilkey, O.H. 2002. Barrier islands of southern Mozambique. Journal of
Coastal Research Special Issue, 36: 164-172.
Navas, F., Malvarez, G.C., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. & Portig, A.A. 2002.
Geomorphological and biological monitoring of sensitive intertidal flat environments. Journal of
Coastal Research Special Issue, 36: 531-543.
Knight, J. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. Introduction. In: Knight, J. (ed) Field Guide to the Coastal
Environments of Northern Ireland. International Coastal Symposium, 2002, University of Ulster,
Cooper, J.A.G. & Gault, J.R. 2002. Lough Foyle. In: Knight, J. (ed) Field Guide to the Coastal
Environments of Northern Ireland. International Coastal Symposium, 2002, University of Ulster,
Cooper, J.A.G. & Jackson, D.W.T. 2002. Management of County Antrim's sandy beaches. In:
Knight, J. (ed) Field Guide to the Coastal Environments of Northern Ireland. International Coastal
Symposium, 2002, University of Ulster, 165-168.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. Shelf sediments and stratigraphy. In: Knight, J. (ed) Field Guide to the
Coastal Environments of Northern Ireland. International Coastal Symposium, 2002, University of
Ulster, 105-108.
Hanna, J. E. and Cooper, J.A.G., 2002. Mesoscale morphological changes on linear, nearshore
sandbanks, County Wexford, SE Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 36, 356364.
Bann, E.E. and Cooper, J.A.G., 2002. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty as a tool for Coastal
Management in Northern Ireland - Can they work?. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue
36, 22-27.
McLaughlin, S., McKenna, J. and Cooper, J.A.G., 2002. Problems encountered in the
incorporation of socio-economic data into a coastal vulnerability index . Journal of Coastal
Research, Special Issue 36, 487-497.
Huang, Jiandong, Jackson, D.W.T. and Cooper, J.A.G., 2002. Morphological monitoring of a
high energy beach system using GPS and total station techniques, Runkerry, County Antrim,
Northern Ireland . Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 36, 390-398.
O’Hagan, A.M. and Cooper, J.A.G., 2002. Spatial variability in approaches to coastal protection
in Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 36: 544-551
MacLeod, M., Pereira da Silva, C. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2002. A comparative study of the perception
and value of beaches in Rural Ireland and Portugal: implications for coastal zone management.
Journal of Coastal Research 18: 14-24.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2003. Anthropogenic Impacts on estuaries. In: Isla, F.I. (ed) Coastal systems.
in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the
UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, []
McKenna, J., O’Hagan, A.M., Macleod, M.J., Power, J. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2003. Obsolete maps
and coastal management: case studies from northwest Ireland. Coastal Management 31, 229246.
Cooper, J.A.G. & Power, J. 2003. Perched salt marshes on a high energy coast: implications for
sea level studies. Journal of Coastal Research 19 (2):357-363.
Cooper, J.A.G. and Jackson, D.W.T. 2003. Geomorphological and dynamic constraints on
mesoscale coastal response to storms, Western Ireland. Coastal Sediments '03. Proceedings 6th
International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes.
(Ed) Richard A. Davis, Peter A. Howd, and Nicholas C. Kraus. American Society of Civil
Engineers. 1-13.
Pilkey, O.H. & Cooper, J.A.G., 2004. Society and Sea Level Rise, Science, 303, 1781-1782.
Cooper, J.A.G. and Navas, F. 2004. Natural bathymetric change as a control on century-scale
shoreline behavior. Geology, 32, 513-516.
Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. 2004. Sea level rise and shoreline retreat: time to abandon the
Bruun Rule. Global and Planetary Change 43, 157-171.
Cooper, J.A.G., Jackson, D.W.T., Navas, F., McKenna, J. & Malvarez, G. 2004. Identifying
storm impacts on an embayed, high energy coastline: western Ireland. Marine Geology, 210,
Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. 2004. Longshore drift: trapped in an Expected Universe.
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 74, 599-606.
Burningham, H. & Cooper, J. A. G. 2004. Morphology and historical evolution of north-east
Atlantic coastal deposits: the west Donegal estuaries. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue
41, 148-159.
Cooper, J.A.G. & Pilkey, O.H. 2004. Alternatives to the mathematical modelling of beaches.
Journal of Coastal Research 20, 641-644
Smith, A.M & Cooper, J.A.G. 2004. Tropical rhodoliths with multiple internal abrasion surfaces:
Diani Reef, southern Kenya. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue, 42, 74-78
Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. 2004. Questioning the Rules in Coastal Erosion. Physics
Today, August 2004, 21-22.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2005. Microtidal Coasts. In: Schwartz, M. (ed) Encyclopedia of Coastal
Systems. Kluwer.
MacLeod, M. & Cooper, J.A.G. 2005. Carrying Capacity of Coastal Areas. In: Schwartz, M. (ed)
Encyclopedia of Coastal Systems. Kluwer
Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. and Del Rio, L. 2005. Geological constraints on beach
morphodynamic state. Marine Geology, 216, 297-314
McKenna, J., Macleod, M., Cooper, J.A.G. , O'Hagan, A.M. and Power, J. 2005. Land tenure
type as an underrated legal constraint on the conservation management of coastal dunes:
examples from Ireland. Area, 37, 312-323
Lewis, D, Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. 2005. Fetch Limited Barrier Islands of Chesapeake
Bay and Delaware Bay. Southeastern Geology 44, 1-17.
Kelley, J.T., Cooper, J.A.G., Jackson, D.W.T., Belknap, D.F. and Quinn, R.J. Sea-Level Change
and Inner Shelf Stratigraphy off Northern Ireland. Marine Geology, 232, 1-15.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2006. Geomorphology of Irish Estuaries: inherited and dynamic controls. Journal
of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 39.176-180.
Lynch, K., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. 2006. A remote sensing technique for the
measurement of aeolian fetch distance Sedimentology.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2006. Sedimentary Indicators of sea level change: high energy coasts. In: Elias,
S.A. (ed) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier
McKenna, J and Cooper, J.A.G. 2006. Sacred Cows in Coastal management: the need for a
cheap and transitory model. Area
Cooper, J.A.G. & Pilkey, O.H. 2006. Quantification and measurement of longshore sediment
transport: an unattainable goal?. In: Balson, P. and Collins., M. (eds) Coastal and Shelf
Sediment Transport. Geol Soc London, Spec. Publ. 274, 37-43.
Cooper, J.A.G. and Alonso, I. 2006. Natural and anthropic coasts: challenges for coastal
management in Spain. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 48, 1-7.
Cooper, J.A.G., Pilkey, O.H. Lewis. D. 2006. Fetch-limited barrier islands a new coastal landform
category. GSA Today March, 2007, 17 (3), 4-9.
Pilkey, O.H and Cooper, J.A.G. 2006. Discussion of Cowell et al., 2006. Management of
uncertainty in predicting climate-change impacts on beaches, Journal of Coastal Research 22(1)
232-245. Journal of Coastal Research,
Cooper, J.A.G and Pilkey, O.H. 2006. Rejoinder to Cowell and Thom., 2006. Management of
uncertainty in predicting climate-change impacts on beaches, Journal of Coastal Research 22(1)
232-245. Journal of Coastal Research
Cooper, J.A.G. & Pilkey, O.H. 2007. Quantification and measurement of longshore sediment
transport: an unattainable goal?. In: Balson, P. and Collins., M. (eds) Coastal and Shelf
Sediment Transport. Geol Soc London, Spec. Publ. 274, 37-43.
Cooper, J.A.G. 2007. Temperate Coasts. In: Perry, C.M. and Taylor, K.(eds) Applied
Sedimentology. Blackwell 263-301.
Cooper, J.A.G., McKenna, D.W.T. Jackson, D.W.T. and O'Connor, M. 2007. Mesoscale coastal
behavior related to morphological self-adjustment. Geology, 35, 187-190.
McKenna, J., MacLeod, M., Cooper, J.A.G , O'Hagan, A.M. and Power, J. 2007. Coastal dune
conservation on an Irish commonage: community-based management or Tragedy of the
Commons? Geographical Journal.
Cooper, J.A.G., Pilkey, O.H. and Lewis, D.A. 2007. Islands behind islands: An unappreciated
coastal landform. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 50, 907-911.
Pilkey, O.H. and Cooper, J.A.G. 2007. Lifting the flap or why coastal models don't work. Journal
of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 50, 585-587.
Lewis, D.A., Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. 2007 Fetch-limited barrier islands of Spencer Gulf,
South Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 50, 912-916.
Backstrom, J., Cooper, J.A.G. and Jackson, D.W.T. 2007 Shoreface dynamics on the high
energy coast of Northern Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 50, 594-598
O'Connor, M., Cooper, J.A.G. and Jackson, D.W.T. 2007. Inlet-associated beach dynamics,
northwest Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 50, 626-630
Lynch, K., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. 2007 Foredune accretion under offshore winds.
Lynch, K., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. 2007. Aeolian fetch distance and topographic
steering: the influence of micro-scale variables on meso-scale foredune development for leeside
coasts. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (in press).
McCabe, A.M., Cooper, J. A. G. and Kelley, J.T. 2007. Relative sea level changes from NE
Ireland during the Last Glacial Termination. Jour. Geol. Soc. London. 164; p. 1059-1063
Lynch, K., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G. 2007 Coastal foredune topography as a control on
secondary airflow regimes under offshore winds. Sedimentology (in press)
Jackson, D.W.T. and Cooper, J.A.G. Application of the shoreline planform stability concept to
beaches in Northern Ireland. Coastal Engineering (in press).
Cooper, J.A.G. and McKenna, J. 2007. Social Justice and coastal defence: the long and shorttem perspectives. Geoforum (in press)