CURRICULUM VITAE Isaac SALAZAR CIUDAD Phone: 358-40-740-3478 Email: CURRENT POSITIONS: Ramón y Cajal Researcher, Deparment of Genetics and Microbiology Autonomous University of Barcelona EDUCATION: Licenciature in Biology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 1992-1996 Ph.D. in Genetics, Department of Genetics, University of Barcelona and Department of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, 2002. Thesis title: Genetic network models in embryonic development and evolution. 1996-2002 POSITIONS HELD: -Marie-Curie postdoctoral Fellowship (Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland). 2002-2004 -Generalitat de Catalunya Ph.D. Fellow, (FI) formation of researchers. 1998-2001 - Finnish Academy postdoctoral Fellowship Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki) - Juselius postdoctoral Fellowship Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki GRANTS: Juselius Fellow Finnish Academy independent research 081/07-3/08 120,000 Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 2 postdoctoral fellowship 08/04-12/06 120,000 Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship (30) 08/02-07/04 120,000 Generalitat de Catalunya Ph.D. Fellowship, (FI) formation of researchers. 1998-2001 01/98-12/01 75,000 Memberships in Scientific Committees and Boards: Council member of European society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, 2006- LECTURES (First autor): In Meetings: Inivited: 2008 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB), Doshisha University, Kyoto Japan 2008 Second meeting of the European society for Evolutionary Developmental biology (EEDB), Ghent, August. (Organizing committee) 2008 International Symposium in networks in Bioinformatics. Amsterdam. 2007 Phenotypic and developmental plasticity. Indian Institute of Science Trivandrum, India. 2007 Developmental Systems Biology at the European congress in complex systems ECCS 2007. Dresden. 2007 Linking genes and morphology in vertebrates. In SICB 2007. Phoenix (USA). 2006 Morphogenesis from different viewpoints. Faculty of Science at Göteborg University. Göteborg 2006. First European Exploratory Workshop on Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Venice 2006 First meeting of the European society for Evolutionary Developmental biology (EEDB), Prague, August. (Organizing committee) 2004 Seminars in Algorithmica and Biology. "Genomes, Chromosomes, Cells and Developmental Biology". Lyon. France. Invited Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 3 2001 Evolution of Genetic Networks Symposium. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. USA. Invited. Contributed speaker: 2007 ICVM-8. International Congress in Vertebrate Morphology. Paris. 2005 Developmental Basis Of Evolutionary Change. Chicago. Chicago University 2005 Sysbio Annual Symposium, Finnish Academy. Espoo, finland. (Price to the best talk) 2005 3rd TICSP workshop on computational systems biology (wcsb 2005). Tampere University of Technology 2004 7th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Florida. USA 2000 European symposium of evolutionary biology. Barcelona. Spain Invited to give a talk to the institution: 2005 Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie. Universität zu Köln. Germany 2005 EMBL. Heidelberg. Germany 2004 Biogeosciences. Université de Bourgogne. Dijon. France 2003 Faculty of Biology. University of Manchester. United Kingdom 2000 Konrad Lorenz Institute for evolutionary and congitive biology. Viena. Austria. 2000 Cell Biology and Anatomy department at New York Medical College. USA VISITS AND PERIODS ABROAD. 01/10/99-15/12/99 01/06/00-30/06/00 01/10/00-15/11/00 New York Medical College, New York, U.S.A. (Stuart Newman) New York Medical College, New York, U.S.A. (Stuart Newman) Konrad Lorenz institute on cognition and evolutionary biology, Vienna, Austria (Gerd Müller) Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 4 15/11/00-01/12/00 15/04/01-15/05/01 15/03/02-Present Institute of Biotechnology, Helsinki, Finland (Jukka Jernvall) New York Medical College, New York, U.S.A. (Stuart Newman) Institute of Biotechnology, Helsinki, Finland (Jukka Jernvall) REFEREE: Journals Nature Review Genetics Bioessays Evolution and Development Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution BMC Evolutionary Biology Journal of Theoretical Biology Physica A Biosystems Evolutionary Bioinformatics Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling Grant agencies NSF: National science foundation, USA NRF: National Research foundation. Southafrican Republic. University of Padua 4. Other: Teaching experience: Five hour course in systems biology of development in the Ecole Normale superior of Lyon, Complex systems institute. Phenotypic evolution and the evolution of development. 24h course. Main organizer and teacher. 12h. For Graduate and undergraduate students. April-May 2005 I have a accreditation as a lecturer from the AQU (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU)) Agence for the quality of the universitary system in catalonia Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 5 5. Languages Languages I speak fluently: Catalan, Spanish, English and French Languages I speak to some extent: Finnish and Italian Languages I can write properly: Catalan, Spanish, English and French Languages I can write to some extent: Finnish and Italian Languages I can read fluently: Catalan, Spanish, English and French Languages I can read to some extent: Finnish and Italian PUBLICATIONS (excluding abstracts): Journals: 2007 Salazar-Ciudad, I. Tooth morphogenesis in vivo, in vitro and in silico. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 2007 Salazar-Ciudad, I On the origins of morphological variation, canalization, robustness and evolvability. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 2007 Veitia, R and Salazar-Ciudad, I. A theoretical perspective about patterning of the developing pituitary gland. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism. Trends in Metabolism and Endocrinology. 2006 Elina Järvinen, Isaac Salazar-Ciudad, Walter Birchmeier, Makoto M. Taketo , Jukka Jernvall, and Irma Thesleff. Increased epithelial β-catenin unlocks renewal of mouse teeth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. Dec 5;103(49):1862732 2006 Salazar-Ciudad. I. On the origins of novelty: phenotypic disparity and its diverse developmental basis. Bioessays. 2006. 2006 Nov;28(11):1112-22. 2006 Salazar-Ciudad. I. Developmental constraints versus variational properties: how pattern formation can help to understand evolution and development. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2006. Volume 306B, Issue 2. p 107-125 2005 Salazar-Ciudad I. and Jernvall J. Graduality and innovation in the evolution of complex phenotypes: insights from development. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2005. vol 304B No 6: 619-631 Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 6 2004 Salazar-Ciudad, I. & Jernvall, J. — How different types of pattern formation mechanisms affect the evolution of form and development. Evolution and Development Jan-Feb;(1):6-16 2004 2003 Salazar-Ciudad, I., Jernvall, J. & Newman, S. A. — Mechanisms of pattern formation in development and evolution. Development 130: 2027-2037. 2002 Salazar-Ciudad, I. & Jernvall, J. — A gene network model accounting for development and evolution of mammalian teeth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 99: 8116-8120. 2002 Solé, R.V., Salazar-Ciudad, I. and García-Fernandez, J. Common Pattern Formation, Modularity and Phase Transitions in a Gene Network Model of Morphogenesis. Physica A 305, 640-647 2001 Salazar-Ciudad, I., Newman, S.A. and Solé R.V. — Phenotypic and dynamical transitions in model genetic networks I: Emergence of patterns and genotypephenotype relationships. Evolution and Development. Mar-Apr;3(2):84-94. 2001 Salazar-Ciudad, I., Solé, R.V. and Newman, S.A. — Phenotypic and dynamical transitions in model genetic networks II: Application to the evolution of segmentation mechanisms. Evolution and Development, Mar-Apr;3(2):95-103. 2000 Solé, R.V., Salazar-Ciudad, I. and Newman, S.A. Gene network dynamics and the evolution of development. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15, 479-480. 2000 Salazar-Ciudad, I., García-Fernandez, J. and Solé, R.V. Gene networks capable of pattern formation: from induction to reaction-diffusion. Journal of Theoretical Biology 205, 587-603. 1999 Solé, R.V., Salazar-Ciudad, I. and García-Fernandez, J. Landscapes, Gene Networks and Pattern Formation: on the Cambrian Explosion. Advances in Complex Systems 2, 313-337 Chapters in books: 2007 Jernvall, J. & Salazar-Ciudad, I. 2007 The economy of tinkering mammalian teeth. In: Tinkering: Mechanisms of Microevolution, Novartis Foundation, London, pp. in press. 2007 Salazar-Ciudad, I. 2007 Making evolutionary predictions about the structure of development and morphology: beyond the neo-Darwinian and constraints paradigm. In: (eds. Minelli A. and Fusco G.). Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Cambridge University Press. in press Book review: Isaac Salazar-Ciudad - 7 2007 Jernvall, J. & Salazar-Ciudad, I. Where the genes meet the road. Review of Biological Physics of the Developing Embryo (G. Forgacs & S. A. Newman). BioEssays 29: in press.