Mr -

2 Technology Park Drive
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
January 15, 2010
The Honorable Thomas M. Menino
City of Boston, Mayor's Office
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts 02201-2102
Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment, Revised Phase III Remedial
Alternatives Analysis, and Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
MBTA Readville 5-Yard Site
Release Tracking Number 3-2856
Dear Mayor Menino:
AECOM, on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), is hereby notifying
your office that a Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (Phase II), a Revised
Phase III Remedial Alternatives Analysis (Phase III), and a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
(Phase IV RIP) have been submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) for the Readville 5-Yard Site located on Industrial Drive, in Dedham and Boston,
Massachusetts (the Site). Thls notification is provided in accordance with the public involvement
requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.1403.
The purpose of this Phase IV RIP is to document engineering concepts and design criteria to be
used for the design and construction for the Comprehensive Remedial Action based on
commercial/industrial property end use. Secondary goals of this document are to present and
analyze supplemental Site data in support of an updated risk characterization and Supplemental
Phase II report, as well as to present a Revised Phase III report.
The Phase IV RIP report containing the Supplemental Phase II and Revised Phase III reports and
supporting documentation are on file and available for public review at DEP's Northeast Regional
Office in Wilmington, Massachusetts, and at the two public repositories established in Dedham
(Dedham Public Library, 45 Church Street) and Boston (Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard
Should you have any question, please contact our office at (978) 589-3000.
Very truly yours,
Elissa Brown, CPG, CHMM, LSP
Senior Program Director
Debra M. Darby, Site Remediation Specialist, MBTA
MA DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup North East Regional Office
Public Involvement Program (PIP) Repositories
To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments
2 Technology Park Drive
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
January 15, 2010
The Honorable Barbara Ferrer
Board of Health, Executive Director
1010 Massachusetts Ave, 2nd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment, Revised Phase III Remedial
Alternatives Analysis, and Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
MBTA Readville 5-Yard Site
Release Tracking Number 3-2856
Dear Dr. Ferrer:
AECOM, on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), is hereby notifying
your office that a Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (Phase II), a Revised
Phase III Remedial Alternatives Analysis (Phase III), and a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
(Phase IV RIP) have been submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) for the Readville 5-Yard Site located on Industrial Drive, in Dedham and Boston,
Massachusetts (the Site). Thls notification is provided in accordance with the public involvement
requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.1403.
The purpose of this Phase IV RIP is to document engineering concepts and design criteria to be
used for the design and construction for the Comprehensive Remedial Action based on
commercial/industrial property end use. Secondary goals of this document are to present and
analyze supplemental Site data in support of an updated risk characterization and Supplemental
Phase II report, as well as to present a Revised Phase III report.
The Phase IV RIP report containing the Supplemental Phase II and Revised Phase III reports and
supporting documentation are on file and available for public review at DEP's Northeast Regional
Office in Wilmington, Massachusetts, and at the two public repositories established in Dedham
(Dedham Public Library, 45 Church Street) and Boston (Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard
Should you have any question, please contact our office at (978) 589-3000.
Very truly yours,
Elissa Brown, CPG, CHMM, LSP
Senior Program Director
Debra M. Darby, Site Remediation Specialist, MBTA
MA DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup North East Regional Office
Public Involvement Program (PIP) Repositories
To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments
2 Technology Park Drive
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
January 15, 2010
Mrs. Leanne Jasset
Chairman, Board of Health
Town Administration Building
26 Bryant Street
Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment, Revised Phase III Remedial
Alternatives Analysis, and Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
MBTA Readville 5-Yard Site
Release Tracking Number 3-2856
Dear Mrs. Jasset:
AECOM, on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), is hereby notifying
your office that a Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (Phase II), a Revised
Phase III Remedial Alternatives Analysis (Phase III), and a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
(Phase IV RIP) have been submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) for the Readville 5-Yard Site located on Industrial Drive, in Dedham and Boston,
Massachusetts (the Site). Thls notification is provided in accordance with the public involvement
requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.1403.
The purpose of this Phase IV RIP is to document engineering concepts and design criteria to be
used for the design and construction for the Comprehensive Remedial Action based on
commercial/industrial property end use. Secondary goals of this document are to present and
analyze supplemental Site data in support of an updated risk characterization and Supplemental
Phase II report, as well as to present a Revised Phase III report.
The Phase IV RIP report containing the Supplemental Phase II and Revised Phase III reports and
supporting documentation are on file and available for public review at DEP's Northeast Regional
Office in Wilmington, Massachusetts, and at the two public repositories established in Dedham
(Dedham Public Library, 45 Church Street) and Boston (Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard
Should you have any question, please contact our office at (978) 589-3000.
Very truly yours,
Elissa Brown, CPG, CHMM, LSP
Senior Program Director
Debra M. Darby, Site Remediation Specialist, MBTA
MA DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup North East Regional Office
Public Involvement Program (PIP) Repositories
To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments
2 Technology Park Drive
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
January 15, 2010
Mr. James A. MacDonald
Chairman, Boardd of Selectmen
Town Administration Building
26 Bryant Street
Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment, Revised Phase III Remedial
Alternatives Analysis, and Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
MBTA Readville 5-Yard Site
Release Tracking Number 3-2856
Dear Mr. MacDonald:
AECOM, on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), is hereby notifying
your office that a Supplemental Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (Phase II), a Revised
Phase III Remedial Alternatives Analysis (Phase III), and a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan
(Phase IV RIP) have been submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) for the Readville 5-Yard Site located on Industrial Drive, in Dedham and Boston,
Massachusetts (the Site). Thls notification is provided in accordance with the public involvement
requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.1403.
The purpose of this Phase IV RIP is to document engineering concepts and design criteria to be
used for the design and construction for the Comprehensive Remedial Action based on
commercial/industrial property end use. Secondary goals of this document are to present and
analyze supplemental Site data in support of an updated risk characterization and Supplemental
Phase II report, as well as to present a Revised Phase III report.
The Phase IV RIP report containing the Supplemental Phase II and Revised Phase III reports and
supporting documentation are on file and available for public review at DEP's Northeast Regional
Office in Wilmington, Massachusetts, and at the two public repositories established in Dedham
(Dedham Public Library, 45 Church Street) and Boston (Hyde Park Branch Library, 35 Harvard
Should you have any question, please contact our office at (978) 589-3000.
Very truly yours,
Elissa Brown, CPG, CHMM, LSP
Senior Program Director
Debra M. Darby, Site Remediation Specialist, MBTA
MA DEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup North East Regional Office
Public Involvement Program (PIP) Repositories
To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments
A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at this location, which is a disposal site
as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, 5 2 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000.
On July 13, 2001, the MBTA received a petition from residents in Dedham and Boston
requesting that this disposal site be designated a Public lnvolvement Plan site, in accordance
with M.G.L. c. 21E §14(a) and 310 CMR 40.1404.
In response to Massachusetts Contingency Plan requirements, the MBTA has prepared a
Phase IV Remedy lmplementation Plan. The Remedy lmplementation Plan can be reviewed at
the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Northeast Regional Office, 205B
Lowell Street, Wilmington, MA and at the following Public lnvolvement Plan repositories in
Dedham and Boston.
Dedham Public Library
43 Church Street
Dedham, MA 02026
(781 ) 326-0583
Hyde Park Branch Library
35 Harvard Avenue
Hyde Park, MA 02136
(61 7) 361-2524
As a result, a public meeting will be held at Boston Police Department, District 18 Police
Station, 1249 Hyde Park Avenue on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 7pm to present the
Remedy lmplementation Plan and to provide information about disposal site conditions. Copies
of the Remedy lmplementation Plan will be made available at the meeting.
Any questions regarding this meeting or the Public lnvolvement Plan should be directed to
Debra Darby, Site Remediation Specialist, MBTA (617 222-3169).
To enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments