Dear Belvedere Faculty Member, I am the Educational Opportunities Counselor (also known as the PHBAO Counselor) for students attending Belvedere Middle School and its feeder elementary schools. I am a credentialed school counselor. The Educational Opportunities Counselors are a part of the Counseling Support Program at 21 schools within Los Angeles Unified School District. The main focus of the EO Counselors is to provide guidance for students as they make the transition from elementary to middle school and also to increase access to educational resources and post-secondary education opportunities to the families in our community. As the PHBAO Counselors at Belvedere I provide services for ALL grade level students who are “at-risk” students, assisting them in raising their academic achievement. Students are identified “at-risk” according to their grades and/ or behavior through school staff. The EO Counselor will assist the identified students to successfully complete the sixth/seventh grade and to develop academic and social skills to help them successfully complete middle school and high school. Although the focus of the program is to assist students to raise academic achievements, the EO Counselor will assist in school programs for all students that address the alleviation of other harms that are interfering with the students academic success. L.A.U.S.D. Guidelines specify the role of the Educational Opportunities Counselor. These duties are to provide intensive counseling and guidance services for the targeted students. * Increase access to educational resources and post-secondary education opportunities. * Work in collaboration with UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) to provide classroom presentations regarding college and high school requirements A-G * Parent workshops to inform about scholarships and financial aid. * Work with families to provide them with family or individual therapy in or around the community. * Develop and maintain communication (articulation) with feeder elementary school. Identify students who are “at-risk”. Feeder Elementary School visits on campus. * Assist students to make the transition to middle school. * Provide individual and/or group counseling for selected students at the elementary School who need intensive help in making the transition to middle school. * Provide follow-up support in the first year of middle school for students identified at the elementary school. * Identify and provide counseling services for other sixth and seventh grade incoming students who are “at-risk”. * Make recommendations for remediation and other services needed. * Maintain communication with students, parents, teachers and counselors in order to provide consistent monitoring of an identified student’s progress. * Monitor attendance of identified students and follow up on concerns. * Develop and maintain a calendar of counseling activities each month. In addition to the required job duties of providing services to students with low grades, poor attendance, and/or social adjustment problems, I also work with a variety of programs and projects. The following list includes some of the programs: Cordination of Services Team (COST) CSULA Upward Bound (8th grade students) Angel’s Gate Academy (6th & 7th grade boys & girls) all students) Angle’s Flight (at risk boys) Bienvenidos CLARITY (at risk girls) Casa Hermandad (open to all) Vital Intervention Directional Alternatives (VIDA) UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (all grades) UCLA Youth In Sports/ College Awareness (all grades) VISTA ULCA Bruin Core (all grades) UCLA classroom tutors/ after school toturing (all grades) PSAT for 8th grade students Hermanos Girl’s Inc. (all grades, girls only) Classroom Guidance Presentation: Bullying, Sexual Harassment College Awareness, Success… Respectfully, Educational Opportunities Counselor Gang Intervention Outreach (open to