Hadley Cell worksheet answers

Name: _________________________
Sequencing the Hadley Cell System
1) Accurately completing this activity will
allow you to achieve the following learning
objective: To be able to describe and
explain how the Hadley Cell system is
responsible for air circulation in the
Re-arrange and write out the jumbled theory statements in the table below
Describe in order what is happening at each point in the Hadley
Give information about any pressure types, weather conditions,
names of features or movement of air masses at each point of the
Refer to the labeled figure of the Hadley Cell.
You may want to cross out each statement once you have used it.
Point A:
Water vapour condenses to
form heavy rain/ thunder. 4
Ground surface at the
equator becomes very hot. 2
Convection currents. 6
Sun is directly overhead &
high in the sky. 1
The area of low pressure in
the equatorial latitudes is..
Low pressure develops.7
Known as inter-tropical
convergence zone (ITCZ). 8
Water at/on the surface
evaporates. 3
Hot air and water vapour
rises by… 5
Point B:
The air circulates as upper
westerly winds around the
planet due to the deflection
effect… 2
The poleward movement of
air at high altitudes. 1
The air that has risen moves
in a poleward direction.. 4
Known as the Coriolis
Both north and south of the
equator. 5
The overall / net effect is
that the air still moves
polewards. 6
…At 30 degrees N and 30
degrees S, there are areas
of high pressure called…5
An area of high pressure is
created at the ground
As the air descends, it
warms and evaporates any
residual moisture. 2
…which generally means
cloudless skies. 4
On reaching the ground at
the subtropical
anticyclones, some of the
air returns to the….1
Hence, the northeast trades
blow north of the equator
and the southeast trades
blow south of the equator.3
…also affected by the
Coriolis effect..5
Point C:
…Colder air at the high
altitude begins to sink /
subside back to the
…subtropical anticyclones. 6
Point D:
These movements of air
from both N and S of the
equator are…4
…and to the left in the
southern hemisphere.7
…and are deflected to the
right in the northern
…equatorial latitudes as consistent winds. 2