Forword Mr. Noel Dempsey T.D., Minister for the Environment and Local Government and Mr. Robert Molloy T.D., Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal have announced a range of measures which are being taken by the Government following on the recommendations of the House Price Study undertaken by Peter Bacon and Associates, Economic Consultants. This leaflet provides a summary of the Report's main recommendations and the action being taken to help restore balance to the housing market and to provide for orderly growth of housing output into the coming years. Summary of action on main recommendations of House Prices Report MAIN RECOMMENDATION ACTION TO BE TAKEN 1. The following actions are being A number of key taken to address infrastructural constraints on the constraints:realisation of housing supply in Dublin, in terms of water/sewerage and road infrastructure, have been identified. It is considered that, if the potential of housing land is to be realised effectively there will have to be a considerable investment undertaken in the improvement and development of infrastructure. (a) (a) Applications for funding the Serviced Land under the Serviced Initiative (water/sewerage) Land Initiative should to fund release of land for be reviewed and housing is being increased funding increased to from £15m to £30m. The allow a larger number Minister for the of projects to proceed. Environment and Local Priority should be given Government will shortly to the Dublin region in announce details of the particular. first £15m allocation under the Initiative. (b) (b) For larger schemes, the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) approach should be considered. (c) (c) In limited cases where the main constraint is road infrastructure which, up to this, has not been recognised as a specific objective and where action needs to be taken which cannot be funded within the current non-national roads programme, additional resources should be made available to local authorities on a similar basis to the existing Serviced Land Initiative. 2. the Department of the Environment and Local Government will now identify water and sewerage schemes that might be suitable for execution by way of PPP. a provision of £5m is being made available to help local authorities to target (on the same basis as the Serviced Land Initiative) areas where roads infrastructure is a key constraint. Stamp duty rates for residential Reduced rates of property will be reduced as Stamp Duty to apply - follows with effect on and from 23 second hand houses April, 1998. up to £60,000 - 0%; House Existing Proposed £60,001 - £170,000 Price Rates 4%; £170,001 various up to £500,000 - 5%; above rates up Zero £60,000 £500,000 - 9%. These to 5% thresholds to be £60,001 reviewed periodically to 6% 3% with regard to £100,000 increases in average £100,001 6%, 7% second-hand house to 4% and 8% prices. £170,000 £170,001 to 9% 5% £250,000 £250,001 to 9% £500,000 Over 9% £500,000 7% 9% The existing rate structure will continue for transfers of land and non residential properties. The new band structure for residential property will operate as follows: (a) the adjusted (i.e. lower) stamp duty rates on second-hand houses and apartments will apply to conveyances dated on or after 23 April, 1998. (b) stamp duty at the new rates will be charged on all new houses and apartments bought by non-owner occupiers and will apply to contracts entered into on or after 23 April, 1998. All conveyances after 30 September 1998 for new houses and apartments bought by non-owner occupiers will attract stamp duty regardless of the date of the contract. (c) to avail of the stamp duty exemption for new houses a person buying a new house or apartment will at the time of purchase be required to state in writing that they intend to reside there and undertake to 3. Repeal of 'Section 23' relief for investment in private rented accommodation from a current date. 4. Remove deductibility of interest on borrowings undertaken for investment in residential property, against rental income for personal income tax purposes from a current date. notify Revenue if within the first five years of ownership they let the property. Upon notification to Revenue, the individual will have to pay the amount of stamp duty that would have been paid if they had purchased the house or apartment as an investor from the outset. Failure to notify Revenue will be an offence with appropriate penalties. Under the new Urban Renewal Scheme to be introduced on 1 August, 1998 tax incentives will not be available on a blanket basis as previously. The case for TSection 23U relief will be critically evaluated in the case of each area to which an Integrated Area Plan relates and the possible impact on house prices will be a factor in considering the application of the relief. TSection 23U relief will only apply in any area where it is shown to be absolutely necessary for the achievement of the objectives of the Integrated Area Plan. In the case of rental income from residential property of an individual, partnership or company the interest on borrowed monies employed on or after 23 April, 1998 will not be allowed as a deduction for tax purposes. This will operate as follows: (a) the interest on borrowed monies employed on or after 23 April, 1998 to purchase a residential premises (or to purchase a site and construct a residential premises) will be disallowed (b) there will be transitional relief where there is a binding contract in writing before 23 April, 1998 to purchase such a premises (or site and construct) and the borrowed money was employed for that purpose by 30 September 1998 (c) 5. Stamp Duty should be payable on purchases of new houses by nonowner occupiers. 6. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on development land: a rebate of 50% should be available on serviced land zoned residential brought into residential development in the next four years, to be financed by a surcharge of 50% thereafter on CGT on development land. the interest on loans for improvement or repair of rented residential property will not be allowed except in the case of properties already owned by the investor before 23 April, 1998 or where covered by a similar transitional relief as specified in (b) above. The rates of stamp duty for residential property as mentioned above will apply to purchase of new houses or apartments by non-owner occupiers to take effect for all binding contracts entered into on or after 23 April, 1998 A reduced CGT rate of 20% will apply for a period of four years to the disposal on or after 23 April, 1998 of development land for residential development in accordance with appropriate amendments to the Finance Acts which will be introduced as a matter of urgency. It is intended that at the end of the 4 year period disposals of zoned serviced land should be subject to a 60% CGT rate. 7. Shared Ownership: (a) (a) The effective income limits for eligibility under the present scheme should be raised to £20,000 for single income households with appropriate increase for two income households. (b) The income limits under the scheme will be revised by the Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal in line with the consultants' recommendation, with immediate effect. (b) The structure for financing the local authority share of the equity should be reviewed with a view to being able to offer a lower rent. (c) (c) Private sector shared ownership instruments should be encouraged. 8. 9. The rent charge is being reduced from 5% to 4.5% for transactions completed after 1 May, 1998. The Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal will consider the scope for private sector shared ownership in consultation with mortgage lending institutions. The Minister for Housing and In the context of low Urban Renewal will bring this interest rates mortgage recommendation to the attention lenders should of mortgage lenders for their consider offering consideration. mortgages with longer repayment structures, say up to 35 years, with a fixed interest option for the first 5 to 10 years, to borrowers with lower incomes. The Minister for Finance will Central Bank to carry bring this recommendation to the out on-site attention of the Central Bank examinations of lending institutions' practice in relation to their written policies regarding mortgage lending, the aim being to ensure that an adequate duty of care to customers is being exercised by mortgage lenders. 10. (a) (a) The Minister for the Environment and Local Government has appointed two additional board members to An Bord Pleanala following enactment of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1998. The Minister has already approved significant increased staffing resources for the Bord and will keep the situation under review to see if additional measures are required. An Bord Pleanala should be assured of sufficient resources to ensure that appeals can be dealt with in 4 months or less; (b) (b) there should be adequate resources at local authority level to ensure that statutory time periods for assessing planning applications are adhered to and delay avoided. 11. A voluntary Code of Best Practice for builders would be beneficial to limit the occurrence of practices Greatly increased financial resources under the new system of local government finance will enable local authorities to devote increased resources to planning development and control. The Director of Consumer Affairs is pursuing the question of a voluntary code of practice with representatives of lending institutions, housebuilders and the Law Society. such as excessive stage payments. If this does not work widening of the statutory role of the Director of Consumer Affairs in this area should be considered. 12. The Minister for the Environment and Local Government should utilise powers under the Planning Acts to direct planning authorities to adopt a more pro-active approach towards increased density developments at locations which would contribute to sustainability. 13. A review of all Development Plans in the Dublin and MidEast regions, based on Strategic Planning Guidlines, to identify the scale and location of future development, based on the principles of sustainability, should be undertaken and adopted soon after completion of the The Department of the Environment and Local Government has commenced an initiative to promote higher densities, particularly in brownfield sites and near town centres, public transport nodes and access points and is consulting planning authorities, the architectural, planning and auctioneering professions and the house building industry in relation to the greater Dublin area. Planning Guidelines will be issued in relation to residential densities and in advance of this, planning authorities will be advised to promote increased densities in appropriate locations, and of the safeguards required and the steps they should take in this direction. The Minister for the Environment and Local Government will ask the planning authorities to review their development plans in the light of the Strategic Planning Guidelines when completed and will bring forward proposals for a statutory requirement on local planning authorities to ensure that their development plans are consistent with any relevant Strategic Planning Guidelines. Guidelines. 14. A comprehensive land use analysis relating to the Dublin and MidEast regions should be undertaken and subsequently updated at regular intervals under the direction of the Department of the Environment and Local Government and the resultant information made available to relevant interests. 15. 16. Such information would normally be made available as part of the survey carried out prior to the review of a development plan. The Minister for the Environment and Local Government will ask local authorities to publish such information. This recommendation will be The bring forward of brought to the attention of lands other than those planning authorities in the Dublin already zoned for and Mid-East regions by the residential Minister for the Environment and development or Local Government. proposed to be zoned in Draft Development Plans should await the conclusions of the Strategic Land Use Guidelines which are being prepared for the Dublin and Mid-East Regions. In advance of the guidelines, any necessary variations or material contraventions of Development Plans should be guided strictly by the principles enunciated in "Sustainable Development - A Strategy for Ireland". This recommendation will be The development considered in the preparation of potential of settlements the Strategic Land Use with existing or Guidelines for the Dublin and proposed high quality Mid-East regions and in the public transport links should be prioritised in the interests of sustainability. The improvement of public transport links to other settlements in the MidEast region, which have substantial residential land banks should be undertaken. 17. (a) context of planning for investment in the improvement of public transport links in these regions. The Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal will take these Land Registry matters up with the Land Registry returns should and the Central Bank in the be used to context of maintaining an obtain better effective information system information on based approach for analysis of house prices house prices and other data and related data. relevant to policy analysis. (b) Additional data should be compiled in the context of information on mortgages collected by the Central Bank. Serviced Land Initiative A £15m allocation of Exchequer funding will be announced shortly by the Minister for the Environment and Local Government under the Serviced Land Initiative for water and sewerage projects required to open up land for residential development. This allocation will result in estimated overall expenditure of £37.7m in providing essential water and sewerage schemes to over 6,400 acres and enabling the construction of over 45,000 housing units as follows. Area Total Cost No. of £m Acres 14.3 1,130 Dublin Local Authorities Dublin "commuter belt" 4.4 (Meath, Kildare, Wicklow) Cork, Galway, Limerick, 8.1 Waterford (including No. of Housing Units 14,200 1,020 5,300 2,220 13,400 commuter belts) Other areas Total 10.9 37.7 2,030 6,400 12,200 45,100 The original £15m now allocated is being increased with a further £15m for water and sewerage services and a new provision of £5m to provide for necessary road access to open up housing land on the same basis as the Serviced Land Initiative. The total investment arising from these allocations should amount to some £85 m over the three years 1998-2000.