Spring Branch ISD COMMUNICATION SAMPLE FORM Student’s name:__Jane Smith__________________ ID number:____________________________ SLP: ______________________________________ Date of sample:_______9/14/10_________________ Contexts __X___ Conversation __X___ Classroom Interaction Observed during small group activity in science class. _____ Interaction with peers ____________________________________________________________ __X __Structured Language Tasks retelling favorite movie “Mean Girls”___________________________ Topics/tasks Topics: __Difficulty at school, after school activities (t.v.); science experiment (class) _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Tasks: retelling favorite movie without prompts/ then with prompts__________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Identifies difficulty with speech/language ______Did not identify any difficulty with speech/language Student’s comment(s) about speech/language difficulty: Doesn’t always understand what the teacher is talking about. She asks questions but often still doesn’t understand. General Pragmatic Skills Generally Appropriate: Difficulty noted: _____ Maintained/initiated topics _x__ Did not maintain/initiate/share topics ______Maintained appropriate turns _x__ Required prompting to maintain or ______Provided clear info/adjusted to the listener share topics and turns ______Follows social cues ____ Did not adjust to listener ______Able to revise _x__ Did not revise Examples: _________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Examples: Responded to questions and prompts, but did not initiate. Couldn’t revise when message was not clear. Vague vocabulary ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Generally Appropriate: _____ Vocabulary for age/peers ______Organization-easy to follow ______Provided adequate information ______Appropriate sequence Language Content Difficulty noted: _x__ Vague referents/limited vocabulary _x__ Difficult to follow/frequent revisions _x__ Inadequate information for listener ____ Difficulty with sequence Examples:_________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Examples: (Can type specific sentence here supporting your observations above.) And when they were doing that stuff, they said trash and stuff. Language Structure Generally Appropriate: Weaknesses in language structure: _____Sentence structure comparable for peers ___x__Simple sentence structure _____Used a variety of sentence structures ______Grammatic errors noted _____Elaborated sentence structure noted: ______Primarily _____-word sentences ______Noun phrases ______Reduced MLU for age (< 5 years) ______Conjoined sentences ______Elaborated clause structure Examples: _________________________________ __________________________________________ Examples: _______________________________ __________________________________________ Articulation __x__No errors noted Additional errors noted: _____Errors consistent w/ standardized assessment _____Additional errors noted in spontaneous speech Phonological Processing __n/a No phonological processing patterns noted _____Phonological patterns are not typical for age _____Phonological processing patterns noted _____Phonological patterns are disordered/atypical are appropriate for age (developmental) Specify:____________________________________ Specify:___________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Intelligibility __X_ Easily understood _____Easily understood although errors noted _____Intelligibility decreased in connected speech _____Intelligibility decreased when context was not known _____Intelligibility was estimated to be approximately ___________% Stimulability _n/a_ Student was stimulable for all errors noted. _____Student was not stimulable for the following ____ Student was stimulable for phonemes which errors: ___________________________________ are usually developed by his age. _____Student was stimulable for the following phonemes: ________________________________ Generally adequate: __x__ Pitch __x__ Loudness _____ Prosody __x__ Quality Voice Inadequacy noted: _____Pitch _____Loudness _____Prosody Explain:___________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ______Quality Explain:___________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Fluency Difficulty noted: _____Rate _____Rhythm (* Additional detailed assessment required) Explain:___________________________________ Explain:____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Generally appropriate: _x___ Rate __x__ Rhythm Summary Statements Functional speech/language skills appear to be Weaknesses are noted in functional speech/language. appropriate for age. ____This is consistent with/supports results of standardized testing. ____Functional communication skills are inconsistent with results of standardized testing. __x_ These weaknesses are consistent with/support results of standardized testing. ____ Functional communication skills are inconsistent with results of standardized testing. SAMPLE WRITE-UP Informal Assessment Strategies A communication sample was collected during conversation with the examiner, and was asked to retell the story of her favorite movie “Mean Girls.” Jane was also observed during class interacting in a small group during science. During conversation, Jane discussed some difficulty she has at school, her favorite after school activities, and the science experiment that she did in class. When asked if she had any difficulties with speech or language, Jane indicated that she does not always understand what the teacher is talking about. She stated that she asks questions but she often does not understand. When asked to retell the story from her favorite movie, she was difficult to follow, even when given prompts. During the communication sample tasks, difficulty was noted with pragmatic skills. Jane usually responded to questions and prompts but she did not initiate any topics. She required prompting to maintain topics and turns. For example, Jane stated in her narrative “And when they were doing that stuff, they said trash and stuff.” When the examiner provided facial cues indicating she did not understand the meaning, Jane did not revise what she said to make the meaning more clear. Jane’s language content included limited vocabulary, and she was difficult to follow. She provided inadequate information for the listener. Jane used primarily simple sentence structure. No articulation errors were noted, and she was easily understood. Aspects of vocal pitch, loudness, prosody and quality were adequate. Jane’s speech fluency was judged to be appropriate. Weaknesses were noted in Jane’s functional speech/language in pragmatics, content and structure. These weaknesses are consistent with results of standardized testing.