LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System CLIENT INFORMATION Client Name: ________________________ (First name) _______________________ (Last Name) Date of Birth: _____ / _____ / _______ (mm/dd/yyyy) Social security number: ______________________ Highest Educational Level: Less than 9th grade Some college, no degree Master's degree 9th-12th grade (no diploma) Associate degree Professional degree High School graduate Bachelor's degree Doctorate degree Primary Language: English Spanish French French Creole American Sign Language German Tagalog Italian Korean African Languages Vietnamese Client received copy of informed consent DEMOGRAPHICS: (Please check appropriate boxes) RACE Hispanic White Black or African American Asian Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaskan Native Unknown/Unreported Gender: Male Transgender Female-to-Male Female Transgender Male-to-Female Non-Hispanic Unknown Unknown Refuse to Respond Transgender Unknown CLIENT ENROLLMENT STATUS (Please check appropriated box) New Louisiana Positive Client Charge Continuing (out of care) “Continuing” definition: Client who was enroll in Louisiana Positive Charge before. CURRENT ENTRY POINT (Please check appropriate box) CARP / Earl K. Long Medical Center STD Control Program N'R Peace / HOP Clinic NO/AIDS Task Force/OPSO St. John #5/Camp ACE Worker's Name:__________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 1 LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System RESIDENCY INFORMATION: Street Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone #: ( ____ ) - ________ - ________ State: __________ Email Address: ______________________________ Cell Phone #: ( ____ ) - ________ - ________ ALTERNATIVE/EMERGENCY CONTACT 1: Refused Name: ______________(First name) _______________(Last Name) Relationship: _____________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ Zip Code: _______________ State: ___________ Phone #: ( ____ ) - ______ - ______ Cell #: ( ____ ) - ______ - ______ Email Address: _____________________________________ Is this contact aware of your HIV status? Yes No Preferred way to contact: Cell Email Phone If preferred way to contact is by calling the alternative/emergency contact's phone or cell phone: The best time to contact him/her is between ______ to ______ (am) or _______ to _______ (pm) Comments: _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Worker's Name:__________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 2 LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System ALTERNATIVE/EMERGENCY CONTACT 2: Refused Name: ______________(First name) _______________(Last Name) Relationship: _____________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ Zip Code: _______________ State: ___________ Phone #: ( ____ ) - ______ - ______ Cell #: ( ____ ) - ______ - ______ Email Address: _____________________________________ Is this contact aware of your HIV status? Yes No Preferred way to contact: Cell Email Phone If preferred way to contact is by calling the alternative/emergency contact's phone or cell phone: The best time to contact him/her is between ______ to ______ (am) or _______ to _______ (pm) Comments: _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Worker's Name:__________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 3 LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System HIV STATUS: (Please check appropriate boxes) HIV-positive, not AIDS HIV-positive, AIDS status unknown HIV-positive, AIDS Diagnosis Dates: HIV: _____ / _____ / _______ (mm/dd/yyyy) Estimated AIDS (if applicable): _____ / _____ / _______ (mm/dd/yyyy) Estimated HIV Risk Factors (Current): (check all that apply) Men Who Have Sex with Men Injection Drug User Hemophilia/Coagulation Disorder Heterosexual Contact Perinatal Transmission Unknown/Unreported Transfusion of Blood or Blood Components Other: _____________________________________________________________________ QUALITY OF LIFE Would you say that in general your health is: Excellent Very Good Good Poor Refused to answer Don't know * Fair * Do not read a aloud Worker's Name:__________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 4 LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System CLIENT NEEDS I am going to read a list of services and resources. Please indicate me which ones you currently need. (Please indicate which of these services is most urgent for the client now) Currently Most Urgent Need (Check only one) Drug and Alcohol abuse treatment Housing or Shelter Food or other subsistence needs Dental Services HIV-related Medical Services Non-HIV related Medical Services Pharmacy or Medication Services (For HIV or non HIV reasons) Mental Health Services (inpatient or outpatient) Other: _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ BARRIERS TO CARE Often people with HIV face barriers to getting HIV care. What factors make it hard for the client to get care? (Let the client answer. Do not read the following options; only fill the boxes based on the client’s answers) Lack of money Fear Lack of ancillary services Homelessness Stigma Transportation Immigration Denial Location of care Incarceration Distrust of Medical System Structure of testing Drug use Lack of perceived need Competing priorities Other: ________________________________________________________________________ Worker's Name:__________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 5 LOUISIANA POSITIVE CHARGE [INTAKE / SCREENING FORM] _______________________________________________________________________ INTAKE DATE: ___ /___ / _____ (mm/dd/yyyy) (URN) Complete URN after filling information in CAREWare System STIGMA Now I will read you some statements, please tell me how often you have felt this way. Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often I've felt that people avoided me because I have HIV I've feared I would lose friends if they learned about my HIV I've thought other people were uncomfortable being with me because of my HIV I've avoided getting treatment because someone might find out about my HIV POSITIVE CHARGE ENGAGEMENT How did PC first engage client: (Choose one) PC street outreach PC social media PC peer outreach (other than street outreach) Site: ______________________ PC access coordinator/patient navigator __________________________ PC affiliated organization Zip Code: __________________ Other (Specify) ___________________________ ________________________________________ Worker's Name: __________________________ (First) __________________________________ (Last) Page 6