yunuspubgrants2 - Portland State University

Principal Investigator/ Program Director: Emch, Michael, Edward
B. Selected Publications (continued)
 de Francisco A, Chakraborty 1, Chowdhury fIR, Yunus M, Baqui AH, Siddique
AK, Sack RB. Acute toxicity of vitamin A given with vaccines in infancy. Lancet
 Yunus M, Aziz KMA, Bhuiya A, Strong M. Feeding practices during and after
acute diarrhoea in rural Bangladesh. In : MC Ncish AS, Mittal Sk, Smith lAW,
eds. Recent trend in diarrhoea and malnutrition; Selected papers of the Second
Commonwealth Conference on diarrhoea and malnutrition, New Delhi, December
1991, Maulana Azad Medical College, 1993; 117-24
 Yunus M, Aziz KMA, Islam MS. Perceptions on health and disease in the Matlab
Community. In: Fauveau V, ed. Matlab: Women, Children & Health. ICDDR,B
Special Publication No. 35. luly 1994; 257-274.
 Albert Ml, Ansaruzzaman M, Bardhan PK, Faruque ASG, Faruque SM, Islam
MS, Mahalanabis D, Sack RB, Salam MA, Siddique AK, Yunus M, Zaman K.
Large epidemic of cholera-like disease in Bangladesh caused by Vibrio-cholerae
0139 synonym Bengal, Lancet 1993 Aug 14;342(8868):387-90.
 Islam MS, Hasan MK, Miah MA, Yunus M, Zaman K, Albert MI. Isolation of
Vibrio-Cholerae 0139 synonym Bengal from the aquatic environment in
Bangladesh:Implications for disease transmission, Appl Environ Microbiol 1994
May, 60(5): 1684-6.
 Yuuus M, Zaman K, Khan EH, Chowdhury HR, Rahman A, Alam DS, Hoque E.
Su/11eillallce of Vibrio cholerae 0139 patients attending a rural diarrhoea
treatment centre [abstract]. J Diarrhoeal Dis Re.\' 1995 Mar;13(1):54.
 Huq A, Colwell RR, Chowdhury AMR, XU B, Moniruzzaman M, Islam MS,
Yunus M, Albert MI. Coexistence of Vibrio ClIolerne 01 and 0139 Bengal in
plankton in Bangladesh (letter). Lancet 1995 May 13;345:1249.
 Yunus M, Aziz KMA, Zaman K. Message for parents:Diarrhoea, Child Health
Dialogue 4th Quarter, 1996;5:5.
 Sack RB, Rahman M, Yunus M, Khan EH. Antimicrobial resistance in organisms
causing diarrhoeal diseases. Clin Infect Dis 1997 lan;24(1 suppl):5102-5.
 Zaman K, Baqui AH, Yunus M, Sack RB, Bateman OM, Chowdhury HR, Black
RE. Acute respiratory infections in children: a community based longitudinal
study in rural Bangladesh. 1 Trop Pediatrics 1997;43: 133-7.
 Zaman K, Baqui AH, Yunus M, Sack RB, Chowdhury HR, Black RE.
Malnutrition,Cell-mediated immune deficiency and acute upper respiratory
infections in rural Bangladeshi children. Acta Paediatr 1997;86:923:7.
 Zaman K, Zeitlyn S, Chakraborty 1, Francisco A de, Yunus M. Acute lower
respiratory infections in rural Bangladeshi children: Patterns of treatment and
identification of barriers. Southeast Asian 1 Trop Med Public Health
1997;28(1):99-1 06.
 Francisco A de, Hall AI, Unicomb L, Chakraborty 1, Yunus M, Sack RB.
Maternal measles antibody decay in rural Bangladeshi infants -implications for
vaccination schedules. Vaccine 1998;16(6):564-56
 Alam DS, Marks GC, Baqui AH, Yunus M, Fuchs Gl. Association between
clinical type of diarrhoea and growth of children under 5 years in rural
Bangladesh. International 1 of Epidemiology 2000:29:
Principal Investigator/ Program Director: Emch, Michael, Edward
Bresee JS, Arifeen SE, Azim T, Chakraborty J, Mounts AW, Podder G, Gentsch
JR, Ward RL, Black RE, Glass RI, Yunus M. Safety and immunogenecity of
tetravalent rhesus-based rotavirus vaccine in Bangladesh. Pediatr Infect Dis J
2001 Dec; 20(12): 1136-43.
Zaman K, Yunus M, Rahman A, Chowdhury HR, Sack DA. Efficacy of a
packaged rice oral rehydration solution among children with cholera and cholealike illness. Act. Paediatr 2001 May; 90(5): 505-10.
Ali M, Emch M, Yunus M, Sack RB. Are the environmental niches of vibrio
cholerae 0139 different from those of vibrio cholerae 01 ElTor? Int J Infect Dis
2001; 5:214-219.
Longini IM Jr., Yunus M, Zaman K, Siddique AK, Sack RB, Nizam A.
Epidemic and endemic cholera trends over thirty-three years in Bangladesh. J
Infect Dis 2002 Jul 15;186(2):246-51.
Ali M, Emch M, Donnay JP, Yunus M, Sack RB. The spatial epidemiology of
cholera in an endemic area of Bangladesh. Soc. Sci Med 2002 Sept; 55(6):101524.
Baqui AH, Black RE, Arifeen SE, Yunus M, Chakraborty J, Ahmed S, Vaughan
JP. Effect of zinc supplementation started during diarrhoea on morbidity and
mortality in Bangladeshi children: Community randomized trial. Br. Med J 2002
Nov 9; 325 (7372): 1059-64.
Sack RB, Siddique AK, Longini IRA, Nizam A, Yunus M, Morris G, Ali A, Huq
A, Islam S, Calwell RR, Sack DA. A four study of vibrio cholerae in four rural
areas of Bangladesh. J Infect Dis 2003 Jan 1; 187(1):96-101.
Colwell RR, Huq A, Islam MS, Aziz KMA, Yunus M, Khan NH, Mahmud A,
Sack RB, Nair GB, Chakraborty J, Sack DA, Russek-Cohen E. Reduction of
cholera in Bangladeshi villages by simple filtration. PNAS Feb 4,
Zo Y-G, Rivera ING, Russek-Cohen E, Islam MS, Siddique AK, Yunus M, Sack
RB, Huq A, Colwell RR. Genomic profiles of clinical and environmental isolates
of vibrio cholerae 01 in cholera endemic areas of Bangladesh. PNAS Sept. 17,
C. Research Support
 No U.S. federal grants in past 3-years