PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) ABN: 50 615 178 347 CAPACAR INC. Membership Application FORM/ INVOICE 1st July 2015 – 30th June 2016 Please add all relevant details to update our membership system – please PRINT Clearly. 1. Personal Details Please add your details to update our membership system – please PRINT Clearly. New M’Ship Title:…… Renewal Member number Given Name:……………………. Initial:…... Family Name:………………………… Company/Employing Organisation:…………………………………………………………………………… Postal address:………………………………………………. Suburb:………………………………….. State:…….. Postcode: ……….Home Ph: ……………….. Work Ph: ………………………… Mobile: ……………………. Email 1……………………………………….. 2. Fax: …………………. Email 2………………………………… Membership category and fee – (tick category required - see Pages 5-6 for criteria) Clinical Member $280.00 (includes $170.42 inc GST PACFA levy and $15.00 non-refundable application fee) Associate $195.00 (includes $15.00 non-refundable application fee) Student $85.00 Affiliated Member $65.00 (includes $15.00 non-refundable application fee) Leave of absence $35.00 [Renewal Application can skip to No. 9] 3. Employment – please indicate Employed by an agency/organisation Employed by a private practice Self-employed in private practice Working in another field Other (eg. Student, retired, not employed, volunteer) Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 1 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) ABN: 50 615 178 347 4. How long have you been practising as a counsellor? Years [ ] Months [ ] Please provide a brief summary of the work you do. 5. Do you offer professional supervision? Yes / No Supervision qualifications (if any) Institution Qual/Award Year completed 6. Professional Interests One of CAPACAR’s visions is to provide members with access to other members with whom they can share their knowledge or learn new skills. Please indicate your professional special interests: 7. Grief and loss Sexual abuse Relationships Group facilitation Adolescent Addictions/impulse control Children Domestic violence Crisis/trauma Personality disorders Trauma Other (please state) Professional standing and membership of other relevant associations Name of Association Type of membership Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. Member since 2 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) 8. Relevant training / Continuing education Institution 9. ABN: 50 615 178 347 Qual/Award Yr. completed Course Duration No. Contact hrs. Supervision. Clinical Members are required to provide evidence of 10 hours (minimum) of appropriate supervision, relating to clinical practice over the past 12 months. [see attached Supervision Log] In training ……… Number of hours of supervision: 10. After training ……… Total ……… Continuing Professional Development Number of hours of CPD over previous 12 months: [ ] (Attach evidence of participation in 20 hours [min] of CPD) 11. Indemnity Insurance Applicants for Clinical and Associate Membership need to be covered by Counsellor’s or Psychotherapist’s Professional Indemnity Insurance - either privately or through an employer (a copy to be attached to the Membership Application). a) Private - a photocopy of your Certificate of Currency or Policy Schedule b) Employed - a photocopy of the Certificate of Currency or Policy Schedule of your employer’s insurance. 12. Criminal charges or Complaints Since your last renewal have you had criminal charges or complaints against you in relation to your work as a counsellor? 13. YES / NO (If YES please provide details on a separate document). Dismissed from another association Since your last renewal have you been dismissed from another association YES / NO (If YES please provide details on a separate document). Please note that a criminal record, a complaint or a dismissal from another association do not automatically exclude membership. However, an application may require the approval of the CAPACAR Executive Committee. Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 3 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) 14. ABN: 50 615 178 347 Certificate disclaimer Membership certificates will be sent to members via email. 15. Declaration – please read carefully before signing The information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that any information provided on this form and accompanying documentation may be verified. I have read and agree to abide by the CAPACAR Inc. Code of Ethics. Signature Date The content of this application, when completed, is CONFIDENTIAL, and is to be viewed only by those appointed by the CAPACAR Inc. to conduct the application assessment and associated processes. Payment method – please tick one Cheque Money order EFT (BSB: 112-908 Account no: 438 462 859, Reference: include Surname or Membership Number [note EFT payment receipt number here ……………..………..….] OFFICE USE Receipt number Date recorded on database……………………. GST does not apply to membership fees Applicants should direct any membership inquiries to the Membership Registrar at capacar2office@iinet.net.au Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 4 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) ABN: 50 615 178 347 Membership Categories Clinical Member – open to people who have: a. Completed a tertiary or equivalent course in counselling or psychotherapy of at least 200 contact hours extending over 2 years (e.g. a Graduate Diploma course) with at least half of the training course being experiential. The course must be VETAB or ITAB accredited and also meet the minimum standards of PACFA. (1) Postgraduate Equivalent Relevant Degree + Specialist Training in Psychotherapy or Counselling (2 years - 200 hours of training plus 50 hours of supervision linked to 200 client contact hours). (2) Undergraduate Equivalent 3 years Training in Psychotherapy or Counselling (3 years - 350 hours of training plus 50 hours of supervision linked to 200 hours of client contact hours). (3) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Where an applicant's professional training and formation does not fit the above, but is based on extensive training, practice and supervision over several years, it may be possible to be admitted as a member based on recognition of this prior learning. b. Have practised as a counsellor or psychotherapist and received at least 50 hours of appropriate supervision linked to 200 hours client contact These requirements comply with PACFA’s minimum requirements for professional membership of a PACFA Member Association. People who are applying for this category of membership are asked to provide the following documents: a) b) c) d) Completed membership form Certified copies of transcripts of results Outline of course syllabus Evidence of experience as a professional counsellor or psychotherapist (letters from employers may be accepted) e) Evidence of participation in appropriate supervision and number of hours completed (CAPACAR log or letter/s from supervisor/s may be tendered as evidence) f) Evidence of participation in Continuing Professional Development g) Evidence of Current Professional Indemnity Insurance . Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 5 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) ABN: 50 615 178 347 Associate – open to people who have completed educational requirements and are in the process of completing the number of supervision and client contact hours post training leading to Clinical Membership. People who are applying for this category of membership are asked to provide the following documents: a) b) c) d) Completed membership form Certified copies of transcripts of results Evidence of participation in Continuing Professional Development Evidence of Current Professional Indemnity Insurance (if working as a counselling) Student member – open to people who are currently studying to become counsellors or psychotherapists. a) Completed application form. Affiliated member – represents a truly worthwhile investment in your career and professional development. This category of membership is available for: people who are not presently engaged in practicing counselling and/or psychotherapy but who are still interested in the field; people who teach in counselling and/or psychotherapy courses; or those who work in occupations which involve the use of counselling skills and who have demonstrated knowledge and interest in the counselling aspects of their job. Affiliate members are bound by CAPACAR's Constitution and Code of Ethics. b) Completed application form. Leave of Absence – this category of membership is open to members wanting to take time off from their practice as a Counsellor or Psychotherapist. Leave of Absence is granted at the discretion of the CAPACAR Executive for a maximum of 12 months. c) Completed application form. PACFA Register Application CAPACAR is a Member Association of PACFA. If you are a CAPACAR Clinical member and wish to be listed on any of the PACFA registers (Main register, Supervision register, Mental Health Register) you are required to complete the appropriate PACFA Application form. Eligible applications are to be forwarded to PACFA. Forms can be downloaded from the PACFA Website. Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 6 PO Box 1040 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 E: capacar2office@iinet.net.au W: www.capacar.org.au A member association of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Inc. (PACFA) ABN: 50 615 178 347 CAPACAR Clinical Supervision Log Name of Supervisee: Name of Supervisor: Phone/email: Phone/email: Period (From-To) Client hours Supervision hours Supervisors signature I confirm the contents of this form are a true and accurate record. Signed __________________________________________ CAPACAR [ ] Clinical member Date: ____________________ [ ] Associate member [tick one] Please return this completed form by: Email: capacar2office@iinet.net.au; Post to: CAPACAR Inc. Membership, PO Box 1040, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Payments can be made by EFT, Cheque, or Money order. 7