Highlights from the Message: “The River of Divine Love” Ministered on 9/26/2015 – 2 P.M. Service, Second Message by Brother Wesley Dolphin - We may not understand everything, but there is something inside of us that believes. - The River of Divine Love is flowing. Now, there is no debate, but only fellowship. Hardness has been replaced by fellowship. - The Lord has found us and everything is unfolding. - We’re not moving by intellect… we are moving by Revelation. - All things are working together for the good. - The Lord has allowed us to find one-another. "Let's enjoy what we understand in our message at this moment" - Pastor Joe Gomez- LLCF Sunday Service My comment; Avoid distractions and negativity. REMEMBER Bro. Branham’s experience with the Pine Squirrel and the Eagle. - We have come to another junction of what the Lord is doing and a lot of chattering is going on, but the eagle makes a jump and moves away from all of the chattering. 59-0419E "SHOW US THE FATHER AND IT WILL SATISFY US" 31 I watched them, big fellow. Finally he got sick and tired; he knowed I was his buddy. But he got sick and tired of that "Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter." You know what he did? He just made one big jump, flopped his wings about twice, and he was up in—out of the timber. And then he just seemed to know how to set those big wings ... Every time a air wave would come in, he'd ride up with it. And then another air wave come in; he'd ride up with it, never move a feather. He knowed just how to set his wings. - Every time a message comes forth we set our wings and move with it. “VISION OF TRANSFORMATION” May 6, 2005 "I watched the Great White Eagle and he began to fly into the Sun setting his eyes straight into the Sun. He started flying with extreme velocity! I thought to myself, this will blind me. ~DKP~ My eyes can't look directly into the Sun. The Great White Eagle screamed with that Voice and said, "You are changed, look directly into the Sun and fly. Only Eagles can come here, every thing else will be left behind". ~DKP~ - We must take our flight in order to see. - When the Lord speaks, we just change. The dedication of Solomon's Temple 2 Chronicles 5:13 It came to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 5:14 So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God. Habakkuk 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him. - The cloud is here to direct us on what to say. It’s not a one-man ministry, but a body ministry. We yield to the Holy Spirit and the Spirit gives us what to say. It’s a heart ministry. - The cloud is here to gives us what to say or do. It’s coming from the heart. - The Lord is in His Holy Temple… let Him do the talking. The River of Divine Love Page 1 Here we see for the dedication of the Temple, a hierarchy of the Elders of Israel, the heads of all the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, the Levites the priests, the singers, trumpeters etc. Note: In the consciousness of ONENESS -- the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. NOTE: The primary role of the priest in the Temple, was that of mediation, intercessory, and propitiation; however ... they could not continue because of the Cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. - Oneness brought the cloud here, not twoness. The cloud has taken over because of oneness. - Things reveal themselves as you continue walking. When you are awaken to the consciousness that you are Christ in his Temple again; then the priests cannot stand to minister as a mediator, an intercessor, propitiation ... by reason of the cloud - Christ in his Temple. The walls of hierarchy and self righteousness are broken down. - All walls have come down, bringing everyone to the same level. Hierarchy: A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. - Oneness breaks down the hierarchy… levels have been brought down. Highlights from the Message "The Testaments Part 28" "Now we have finished the process and they can't leave the cocoon. They try to stay in the metaphor instead of moving with reality“ ~DKP~ My Comment: I understand that our evolution in the earth, came through the process of the tree of knowledge, the serpent, Satan, the devil, the red dragon etc. which are all metaphors. This provided the necessary contrast for the experience and manifestation of the attributes of the Theophany. - We have come through the process and we are moving past the process, moving into a place where we’re supposed to be. It's the awakening to the process of transforming and shape shifting; The end result, we highlight and develop the attributes of the Theophany, you are Christ." When you are finished with a process; to stay there you will die, the life is moving on, don't be a part of what dies and goes away" -DKP- When we came to the consciousness who we are, everything clears up. Every day I’m being awakened. ATTRIBUTE: Something attributed as belonging to a person, thing, group, etc.; a quality, character, characteristic, or property: Example: father, son, redeemer healer etc. PROCESS: A systematic series of actions directed to some end: - Contrast is used to bring out the attribute. We have made it through the process and we’re moving on. The new message has taken us higher. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. ( John 7:38) “Let's break down the walls of Separation, and open the floodgates of Divine love.” ~WD~ “Tear Down This Wall” President Ronald Reagan’s 1987 exhortation to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall that separated the people in East and West Berlin. On November 9, 1989, after approximately 30 years, the Wall fell. - All walls of separation have been broken down. Oneness is here now. The River of Divine Love Page 2 Reaction to Opposition SHIMEI CURSES DAVID; 2 Samuel 16:5-13 " ... let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hath bidden him. It may be that the Lord will look on mine affliction, and that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day. And as David and his men went by the way, Shimei went along on the hill’s side over against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones at him, and cast dust “The Testaments” – Part 20 Memphis, 2007 Visitation Dream “You’ll die if you continue fighting that old battle. Didn’t I tell you to go deep in the woods and drink from the river there, it will sustain you”. ... ~DKP~ “I could hear the thing, waiting on me to strike me again. I could feel the pull of the battle. I turned to go deep into the woods and stepped into the river. It was so soothing and healed my stomach. The river healed my deadly wounds. The old battle couldn’t enter there. I’m staying here! ~DKP~ - We have made it to the River of Divine Love… it has healed us and it has revived us. Don’t leave the river. The River of Divine Love Page 3