LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Health Sciences Discipline/Program: Nursing Course Number and Name: Nursing 323 Nursing Process and Practice in the Care of Adult Client I Program Contact Person: ___Doris Webster/Kathy Vo _____________________ Phone: __310-233-4385_____________________ Reviewed by: Joachin Arias, Ph.D. (SLO Coordinator) Date: Fall, 2014 Attach additional pages as necessary.(The Learning outcomes for Nursing 323 are Directly and Indirectly measured from formative and summative assessment of the course theory and clinical components, simulation laboratory and WEEKLY CLINICAL EVALUATION(WCET) Institutional learning outcomes Program learning outcomes Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Summary of Data Collected Use of Results 1 2 1. 1. Utilize the nursing process and the Roy Adaptation Model in caring for Adult-medical surgical patients with selected diseases of the cardiovascular, hematologic, endocrine, immunology and oncological problems. (Scope of Practice, QSEN’s), ACEN, Nursing concepts: Assessment, judgment, caring interventions Decision-making). Mean: WCET (Rubrics)clinical performance/observation, clinical preparation, pathophysiology, Nursing history and physical assessment forms, written nursing care plan, anecdotal notes of clinical instructor. Criteria: 90% of students utilized the nursing process to provide holistic nursing care to adult patients and family as evidenced by receiving a “Satisfactory” rating on the clinical evaluation tool in 5/7 weeks. Results: N=55 10,students failed and 2 student dropped. Emphasis on preventing adverse events, enhancing patient safety and patient centered care. Clinical and lecture placed emphasis on QSEN.s QSENs concepts placed in revised evaluation tool.QSENs concepts integrated into course objectives. Emphasis on integrating cultural competence.http:www.aacn On weekly evaluation no clinical failures but students did receive weekly failures. The criteria are that must receive three failures in the 8th week course or a weekly failure that put the client in physical or emotional jeopardy. Of the 10course failures, none were clinical failures. Two students were not legible to return because of failure in the nursing course two times. Examinations in the second semester focus on the NCL format and critical thinking questions. Although students received the passing scores on the TEAS examination, many of the students had difficult Program evaluation is an ongoing part of our Curricula evaluation. QSENS are integral part of our reforming our curriculum. The WCET was revised and will be implemented in the fall. We have made recommendation to the students in nursing 323 to try and increase pass rate for the course. The students who repeat N323 do very well in the program after remediation. We will continue to monitor the student’s performance on the WCET for safe, patient centered nursing care. 2 with vocabulary and application questions. 85% of students passed a total of 4 NCP on the first try (including physiological and psychosocial problems and a teaching plan, but many of the students experienced problems with the outcome criteria. 5 2. 2. Display professional behaviors for nursing practice in caring for Adult –Medical Surgical Patients with selected diseases of the CV, Hematology/Immunology/Endocrine and Oncological Problems. Mean: WCET (Rubrics) clinical performance/observation, anecdotal notes of clinical instructor. Results: On written clinical evaluations tool, more than 85% of nursing students met this Program Outcome. Simulation, as well as Results will be used to aid in achieving program outcomes. Continue to maintain and 3 Criteria: 90% of students will practice professional behavior as evidenced by achieving a “Satisfactory” rating on the clinical evaluation tool while in the clinical settings in 5/7 weeks. 2 4. 3. Interpret rationales for clinical decisions in caring for adult Medical-Surgical patients with selected diseases of the CV, Hematology, Endocrine, Immunology and Oncological Problems. Mean: WCET (Rubrics) handoff report, SBAR, electronic and written documentation. Criteria: 90% of students will demonstrate effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills by utilizing appropriate channels of therapeutic communication, provide accurate and pertinent communication when reporting and documenting the nursing process as evidenced by receiving a “Satisfactory “ on the clinical clinical observation is used to evaluate this outcome. Observing students in handoff communication and selfevaluation monitors this competency. E.g. at post conference assess how student interacted with interdisciplinary staff. When students did not communicate appropriately with interprofessional team, instructor emphasized patient safety in jeopardy because of inadequate communication skills. Competency # 5. 55 students Results; On written weekly clinical weekly and cumulative evaluations tools, more than 90% of students were given a rating of satisfactory on Competency #2. 55 students. If students observed to have poor communications skills with clients, the student was corrected immediately. E.g. If students gave explanation of action of medication, or patient teaching, corrected. Team would like to see more case studies and High monitor performance of students in nursing process courses of adult client. Results of competency will continue to be monitored for maintaining course outcomes. WCET will be used to document the achievement of the competency. Students will continue be assessed directly for therapeutic communication skills with clients. Need more Simulation and case studies to 4 evaluation tool in 5/7 weeks. 2 2.3,4 4.Provide safe, patient-centered care in caring for adult Medical-surgical with selected diseases of the CV, Hematology, Immunology, Endocrine and Oncological Problems.(QSENs)Nursing concepts and Nursing judgment Mean: WCET (Rubrics) instructors’ anecdotal notes, observations, clinical preparation, including pathophysiology, NCP, including implementation. Criteria: 90% of nursing students will demonstrate clinical decision making by implementing the nursing process to ensure accurate and safe nursing care to move the patient and family to positive outcomes by incorporating cultural and spiritual components in the plan of nursing care, recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in managing health care. 80% of nursing students received a “satisfactory rating” in 5/7 weeks. Fidelity simulation exercises to evaluate student’s clinical decision making skills since evaluation tool can be subjective. Results: All students achieved an overall rating of satisfactory on competency 2 in 5/7 weeks. Documentation found on weekly clinical and cumulative evaluation tool. 53 students. 90% of students consistently actively engaged in client interactions that were based on mutual respect and collaboration to achieve the goal of caring and providing patient centered care. Use of simulation is an integral part of learning since it helps the student to realize and mimic complex patient scenarios. develop clinical decision-making skills in caring for the medicalsurgical patient. Results of competency will continue to be monitored for achieving course outcomes. WCET will be used to document the achievement of the competency. Perhaps next fall 2014 will look at test questions that depict safe and accurate nursing care. The Kaplan examination will be used at the end of the semester to validate student’s knowledge base of accurate and safe nursing care. Will continue to use High Fidelity simulation as an integral part of learning since students do not always demonstrate 5 1,4 3. 2 1,4 5. Practice as a member of the nursing team utilizing effective communication strategies in caring for adult Medical-Surgical patients with selected Diseases: CV, Hematology, Immunology, Endocrine, and Oncological Problems.(QSEN’s) (ACEN) Nursing Concepts Mean: WCET (Rubrics) anecdotal notes, Criteria: 90% of nursing students will demonstrate therapeutic caring intervention and an opportunity to learn about team work and collaboration to assist patient in meeting biopsycho-social needs by incorporating cultural and spiritual influences and promote the patient’s integrity within the legal, ethical and regulatory framework of nursing as evidenced by receiving a “Satisfactory “rating on thee weekly clinical evaluation tool in 5/7 weeks. 6. Incorporate evidence-based Mean: WCET#6 practices, which support clinical competency, adheres to reasoning in caring for adult institutional policies and medical-surgical patients with procedures, and expertise selected diseases of the CV, of clinical faculty to Hematology/Immunology Endocrine provide evidence-based and Oncological Problems. (QSEN- care . Perform basic s) Nursing concepts literature search in preparing for clinic 80% of students not aware or do not consistently incorporate-evidenced Results: 56 students in class. In 5/7 weeks all students received a rating of satisfactory on clinical evaluation too, Results: Competency #6 Only 50% of students can cite evidence base practice for nursing concepts and practice. The Kaplan examination at the end of the semester will assess more accurately mastery of the concept. accurately concepts learned in lecture. Results of competency will continue to be monitored on multiple-choice examination and the Kaplan examination that evaluates students on QSENS. High Fidelity Simulation will continue to incorporate scenarios that incorporate teamwork and collaboration. 0 Will continue to monitor the concept of evidenced base practice and clinical reasons/ Students will use charts and graph in textbooks to demonstrate the choice 0f interventions that 6 5 4 7. Utilize a variety of sources to review outcomes of caring for adult Medical-Surgical patients with selected diseases of the CV, Hematology, Immunology, Endocrine and Oncological problems.(QSEN’s) and Nursing concepts 3 2,8 8. Utilize technology to research patient information and communicated with interprofessional teams in caring for adult Medical-Surgical patients with selected diseases of the CV, (Hematology/Immunology, Endocrine and Oncological Problems.(QSEN’s) nursing concepts. based practice in knowledge and attitude, and skill performance of therapeutic nursing interventions. Mean: WCET, Hand off communication tool, Discharge planning with multidisciplinary team, Review of medical record for discharge planning. Nursing history and Assessment form. Criteria: 80% of nursing will participate in with interdisciplinary teams to promote patient centered care to adult patients and families as evidenced by receiving a “Satisfactory” rating on the weekly clinical evaluation tool 5/7 weeks. Mean:WCET(RUBRICS) The instructor of the course serves as the expert and resource person for the student. Six clinic groups in Nursing 323. 3 groups were at hospitals that used EHR and the other 3 groups at a hospital that had partial EHR. Next 8 are best practice or evidenced base practice. Results: Outcome met. Limited experience in discharge and interdisciplinary planning, as students are novice at this level. Simulation is utilized to help students gain an understanding of interdisciplinary teams and self-evaluation. The debriefing sessions was used to evaluate the self as well as the overall team. This allows the students to gain information about own strength and receive feedback from the group as well as the nurse educator. Continue to maintain and monitor. Simulation will continue to utilize as a method of teaching and learning, Simulation teaches communication skills as well as the importance of interdisciplinary teams in the delivery of safe client care. All students receive input from staff nurse, charge nurses and instructor to select clients that will help achieve the weekly objectives. Students encouraged communicating with other members of the interdisciplinary teams. 50% of second level students communicate Staff and instructors assist students to select clients and gather pertinent information regarding lab and diagnostic tests. Goal is Implement more technology in the classroom such as 7 weeks the hospital without will convert to EHR.((70% of students use personal PDAs, and high tech devices for patient monitoring and care. (90%) of students who used HER are efficient effectively with other members of the health care team beside the nurse. electronic clickers. Students are assigned to DVDs, but majority of students(80% will not use Teaching methodology unless shown in class. Information technology wills 3 the journaling that students submit in their weekly evaluation. Still some confusion on what determines information technology literacy. 8