Biosafety Project Approval Certificate Application Form Applicant information PI name: Title/Position: Permit number (s): Department: Name of Person completing application: Expedited review required: Justification: Employee number: Date: Lab locations (s): Faculty: Approval by Principle Investigator I declare that I am familiar with the contents of Health Canada’s Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines, 3 rd Edition (2004) and that the application describes my research program, insofar as this includes the use of hazardous biological agents and materials, in its entirety. As the legally responsible individual, I will ensure that all research conducted under my direction in the above laboratories conforms to the requirements of the University of Manitoba’s Biological Safety Program. I will ensure that there is full compliance with all the conditions specified on the Biosafety Project Approval Certificate and that Biological Workers are oriented and trained on the hazards of working with biological materials, agents and other sources of biological hazards and the safe working procedures. I understand that if either myself and/or laboratory personnel are found to be in breach of either institutional and/or Health Canada guidelines all funding maybe frozen until corrective action is taken. Signature: Date: Approval by Department/Unit Head, or Director By signing, I agree to administer the local requirements for Certification Compliance, including LASH committees, and WHMIS Coordinator compliance. Name: Signature: Date: NO ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Keep a copy for your records and forward the original to Chair of the Biological Safety Advisory Board Approval by Review Committee Chair By signing, I confirm that this application has been peer reviewed to ensure compliance with required safety protocols. Name: Signature: 1|P a g e Date: Apr 15 2012 Biosafety Project Approval Certificate Application Form PI Name: Project Specific Project Name: Applied for Approved Funding agency: To: Application summary page attached Funding dates from: Biohazardous reagents described in the application 1 – in the event that there is a substantial changing in the bioagents, or how they are handled, stored and disposed of, and/or used in the project, an amendement must be submitted 2 – In the event of a change in biohazard containment level an amendment must be submitted BIOLOGICAL AGENT USAGE Indicate usage by checking the relevant boxes. human tissues and cells primary human cell cultures human blood and blood fractions established human cell lines human body fluids Source: Protocol: Approved live animals : Pending bacteria viruses fungi animal tissues and cells primary animal cell cultures animal blood and blood fractions established animal cell lines animal body fluids Source: Protocol #: Approval letter appended: parasites microbial toxins recombinant DNA/RNA Briefly explain why this work is at the level stated: Stem Cell Oversight Committee/CIHR: stem cells Approved Pending Stem Cell Oversight Committee/CIHR Approvals appended: other (specify): Have you completed a PHAC check list? No Yes (This may be audited) Explain: Agent Inventory continued on an extra page? 2|P a g e Biohazard Containment Level Yes Handling/storage/disposal level No Apr 15 2012 Biosafety Project Approval Certificate Application Form PI Name: Level One Containment Specific Handling, Storage and Disposal Handling (Personal protective equipment) tick all that applies Lab coat Gloves Eye protection Respiration protection Type: Other (detail): Storage Location: Refrigerated Other (please detail): Frozen Biological Agent Disposal Autoclave followed by Regular waste Other (please detail): Biological Agent Disposal Autoclave followed by Regular waste Other (please detail): 3|P a g e No Yes No Yes Locked container Via UofM Hazardous waste disposal route Level Two Containment Specific Handling, Storage and Disposal Handling (Personal protective equipment) tick all that applies Lab coat Gloves Eye protection Respiration protection Type: Other (detail): Storage Location: Refrigerated Other (please detail): Close toed shoes If N95 are all fit-tested? Frozen Close toed shoes If N95 are all fit-tested? Locked container Via UofM Hazardous waste disposal route Apr 15 2012 Biosafety Project Approval Certificate Application Form PI Name: Level Three Containment Specific Handling, Storage and Disposal Handling (Personal protective equipment) tick all that applies Lab coat Gloves Eye protection Respiration protection Type: Other (detail): Storage Location: Refrigerated Other (please detail): Biological Agent Disposal Autoclave followed by Regular waste Other (please detail): 4|P a g e Frozen Close toed shoes If N95 are all fit-tested? Locked container Via UofM Hazardous waste disposal route Apr 15 2012 No Yes Biosafety Project Approval Certificate Application Form PI Name: Site Specific Training Project specific training in Handling Storage and Disposal has been conducted for all named staff PI directed Postdoc directed Technician directed Signature Date: Site Specific Emergency Response: Please list the site specific instructions and safety protocols and spills response that all lab workers will follow when handling the biohazardous materials specified in this application. I (the PI) declare that there is full compliance with all the conditions of the specified biohazard containment levels, and that Biological Workers are oriented and trained on the hazards of working with biological materials, agents and other sources of biological hazards and the safe working procedures. Signature Date: Final Instructions NO ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES 5|P a g e Apr 15 2012