At the opposite end of town, beyond the Cathedral, lies the `Latin

As the Danish senate president is my great pleasure to present the finished program for senators. In
Denmark we have put much thought and energy in showing you our beautiful country and culture.
Senator Hotel Best Western Hotel Oasia is Scandinavian design, light and simple. Here you will sleep like
"The Princess and the Pea" as the bed you sleep in is of the very best of Scandinavian design and
comfort. There is free coffee / tea throughout the day. Best Western Hotel Oasia offers beautiful bright
comfortable rooms, all with wide plank floors, Hästens beds and designer furniture, large flat screen
television, telephone and free wireless internet. There is free Italian luxury coffee to all guests as we
welcome all our guests with a surprise wine in your room. The large breakfast buffet can be enjoyed in the
bright breakfast restaurant. The hotel Oasia is smoke free - this also applies to all rooms.
Enjoy the beautiful terrace where we hope we can spend many hours in the Danish summer and not to
forget that a Danish summer night is only dark for a few hours.
The Farewell brunch also takes place in this hotel; - you will have the opportunity to choose between
normal hotel brunch and farewell brunch, and we still be able to sit together in the same room.
For ordering hotel room: Please contact Christine Aagaard on mail:
The Senator Lounge - we have been forced to move away from the first choice of hotel because EC2010 has
had to cancel some reservations at the hotel, so now there will be other guests staying there and the
senators cannot be there exclusively. However, the Senator Lounge will be moved to a place no more than
500 meters from the hotel, we look forward to being with you, there are several countries who want to host
the bar in the evening, so we'll get some wonderful hours together.
Please “Let’s not dry out”! Please bring a bottle to the Lounge in case you have this
Due to lack of registrations at this time we unfortunately will have to cancel the pre-tour for senators
through Denmark.
There are less than 500 meters to the train, bus to Gatwick / Aarhus or Billund Airport. 375 meters to the
Congress, galla dinner in the Concert Hall and The Senators' Luncheon in Aros Aarhus Museum of Art.
Are there mountains in Denmark?
Yes there are! The highest point in Denmark are Møllehøj, Yding and Ejer Bavnehøj - all 170 mtrs high and
some cm. The point "Himmelbjerget" - translated to" The Sky mountain" ( we do have humor in Denmark) is
147 meters and you get the chance to climb, or rather the opportunity to walk down from! You will be driven
there by a coach and will have to walk slowly down through beautiful slopes to board an old paddle steamer,
where lunch will be consumed whilst enjoying Silkeborg lake and nature.
Mols Bjerge = The Mols Mountains ( Yes we call the hills at the peninsula Mols for mountains even though
the highest is only 137 meters high- you will also get an opportunity to see the national park of Mols. We
invite you to a trip to Ebeltoft, a more than 700 year old little town with cobbled streets and old buildings and
narrow streets - but also with a very prestigious glass museum under the protection our Queen Margrethe II
and our old frigate "Jylland" under protection of her Husband Price Henrik (Henri).
Have you seen BOY??
The Australian artist Ron Mueck giant sculpture "Boy" is a landmark for AROS. The five meter tall boy has
sat squatting in all its spectacular glory at the northern end of the museum's special exhibition foyer. The
seated position is inspired by the Australian Aboriginal who watchfully looks out over the plains in search of
"Boy" is because of its size and vibrancy to a fantastic vision, and he has been a great pet cover for museum
guests - children and adults.
You will meet BOY at The Senators' Luncheon which takes place in the beautiful AROS Aarhus Museum of
Art. Danish food and art, can you imagine a better combination?
The Senators programme - specifications:
Please observe that participation in the excursions are binding – and admission to the busses for the
excursions will only be possible if showing a valid and pre-paid ticket.
Tuesday June 8:
Early-bird welcoming party for all senators
hour 18.30 - ?
Free of charge
Wednesday June 9
Welcome to Århus(Aarhus) - get to know the city
We offer you a guided walking tour through the most interesting parts of Aarhus.
Meeting Point: The Senator Hotel Oasia – at hour 13.00 – until approx. 16.30
Price: EUR 10,The tour will take you through the centre of Aarhus with a special focus on the pedestrian areas and the
shopping district – we will walk around the fairly new area near the canal with many restaurants called
“Vadestedet” .The Vadestedet’ (which was where the ford used to be) by the canal is one of Århus’ many
lovely oases.
– Churches like the Cathedral of Aarhus, The Church of Our Lady – as well as the one Catholic Church of
At the opposite end of town, beyond the Cathedral, lies the ‘Latin Quarter’ – Århus’ oldest quarter with
cobbled streets. You will be lead through a very old street “Møllestien” with picturesque houses and further
on to the Latin Quarter.
The streets have historical names such as Klostergade (Convent St), Volden (The Rampart) and Borggade
(Castle St) – and in the centre of the quarter lies the Pustervig Torv square as a small and cosy oasis,
perfect for a break.
When it is time to rest our feet we will enjoy a cup of coffee, the Latin Quarter has a range of cosy cafes.
The tour will also lead you to the classical Town Hall, the AROS Aarhus Art Museum, and some nearby
museums centrally located in the centre of Aarhus – like the Occupational Museum, The Women's
Museumin Denmark and a small Viking museum. We will not visit the museums but all points of interests will
be pointed out to you.
Thursday June 10: Visit to Mols and Frigate Jutland
Duration: 09.00 -17.00
Guide: English and German speaking (if we are min.30 senators and spouses we will have our own bus –
and the tour will then be guided by 41.313 Hanne Hedegaard).
Price: EUR 60,- excl. lunch.
Included: Entrance to Frigate Jutland and the Glass Museum
Departing by bus from the hotel Radisson Blue and the Conference headquarter to drive North through the
beautiful Eastern part of Jutland along the bay to Ebeltoft - a small and picturesque town dating back to the
Middle Ages.
Our first visit is to the Frigate Jutland, the last full-rigged oak ship of the Danish Navy, where you get a good
impression of life on board. It was built and launched at the Orlogs-shipyard in 1860 and restored in 1993 (10
years work). Junior Chambers in Aarhus helped collecting money for the restoration of this old frigate. New
technology and new media has made it possible to experience the thrill of that time the ship sailed on the
high seas, in a whole new way.
You can, for example delve into the crew members lives and browse through important messages and secret
diary entries from the frigates raids via a touch screen.
With the Nintendo Wii you can shoot with the frigate guns. Visit our blue screen studio where you can do
your own” live report” from the battle in 1864, which then can be viewed on You Tube. There is plenty to
experience with the digitization of the frigates magnificent history
There will be a sightseeing excursion in Ebeltoft followed by time on your own to explore the city and walk in
the old cobbled streets, have a lunch and maybe make some shopping. Afterwards there will be an
opportunity to visit the Glass Museum with its fine exhibition of modern glass made by both Danish and
international artists. In the small workshops in the garden you can watch various artists work. The main aim
of the glass museum in Ebeltoft is to show the latest tendencies in contemporary glass art, so if artists create
an object which is better or very different from the object they are represented within the museum's
collection, they are welcome to exchange or supplement their work. This means that the museum can
continue to show up-to-date work and current trends in glass.
Take a stroll in the old town of Ebeltoft. A number of other very old and well preserved buildings are situated
along the following streets: Adelgade, Overgade and Nedergade You don’t actually have to be an architect to
appreciate the beauty of a fine building. But you will find far more than major monuments in this mine of
information. How about city gates, squares, water mills, vicarages and pedestrian streets? This fun and
informative facility gives you a wealth of surprising and fascinating details about the little town. .
After Ebeltoft we continue to Mols “Mountains” which is a distinctive hill landscape with a breathtaking view
over the bay and Aarhus. Before returning to Aarhus we will make a small walk in Mols Mountains - one the
most beautiful Danish national parks.
Thursday June 11:
Visit to the Occupation Museum in Århus. , The Cathedral of Aarhus (Domkirke) – Viking remains in
the middle of Aarhus – and a visit to a local brewery.
Duration: 10.00 to 16.00 (open departure back to the hotels
Guide: English speaking – your tour guide will be 24.638 Jørgen Elbæk
Price: EUR 20,- ( min. 20 persons)
Included: Entrance to the Museums and the Cathedral – also incl. a local brew.
We will meet outside the Minster of Aarhus and have a guided tour inside the largest church in Denmarkafter that we will have a glance at a very small museum with some Viking remains 50 meters to the little
Viking remains ... This is just a glance.
Lunch somewhere near the canal – on your own. Please use your EC 2010 lunch voucher in the nearby
restaurants or café’s (according to the list).
We will meet again at 13.30 in front of the cathedral – and walk 100 metres to the Occupation Museum.
The Occupation Museum:
The object of the Museum is to document and inform about the period of the occupation in and around
Aarhus during the Second World War from 1940 to 1945. The Museum shows both peaceful and dramatic
events in Aarhus during the German occupation. Everyday life during the occupation, restrictions, humour,
German military equipment, Allied, Nazi and Danish propaganda and Nazi terror against the civilian
population are also part of the exhibition. Furthermore, allied air raids on Aarhus, the dropping of arms to the
Aarhus Resistance and finally the work and equipment of the Resistance are on display. Everything is
displayed through original objects, documents, photos, plates and tableaux.
After having absorbed a lot of Danish culture we will end our tour at a local brewery and have a taste of the
local beer. .
Thursday June 19
– Golf Tournament for Senators and spouses
Price: EUR 130
Included: Transport, green-fee and lunch
Friday June 11:
Visit to the lake district of Silkeborg , Himmelbjerget and – and the JORN art Museum - or - the BOG
Man Museum in Silkeborg
Duration: 09.00 to 18.00
Guide: English speaking
Price: EUR 90,Included: Sailing with HJEJLEN, lunch and entrance-fees to the Museums
The ”Silkeborg Museum Tours"
The tour departs at. 9:00 from the Senator Hotel Best Western Hotel OASIA to Himmelbjerget where a
magnificent view over the beautiful Silkeborg lakes can be enjoyed from the hillside and the tower. Then we
walk downhill to the bank of the lake where we will embark one of the old boats – the “Hjejlen”. We sail to the
town of Silkeborg while we will enjoy our lunch on board the Hjejlen surrounded by the clear water lakes and
the beautiful scenery and surroundings. After arriving to Silkeborg we will visit the Silkeborg
Here you can have 2 choices – either the Museum with the Bog Man - or The art tour:
Choice 1 :
The MUSEUM Tour – and shopping
At Silkeborg Museum you can see the 2400 year old bog man: the Tollund-man known all over the world. His
well-preserved body was found in a marsh just west of Silkeborg.
Silkeborg Museum is housed in the city's oldest building, a small manor house from 1767. The museum
also offers a fine Iron Age exhibition
Before the journey back to Aarhus you will have an opportunity to do a little shopping in Silkeborg or relax in
one of the city's cozy cafes
Choice 2:
After arriving in Silkeborg this part of the tour goes to the JORN Art Museum which hosts the works of the
world famous Cobra painter Asger Jorn born in Silkeborg and it has the greatest selection of the works of
this great Danish painter of the 20th century. See Asger Jorn's stunning masterpiece "Stalingrad", and
hundreds of his works. Together with the works of many other exciting Cobra painters the Jorn Museum is a
unique and exciting experience in the world of art.
The tour then goes to the "Art Center Silkeborg Bad” which is an old spa but has been transformed and are
now designed to be an international contemporary art center. At our visit there are exhibitions by:
Joan Hall exhibiting Your Existence Is Not Unlike My Own.
14 Young Danish and Swedish artists with the exhibition Painterly Delight
Kurt Jakobsen Heegaard with the exhibition An unusual perspective
The trip is expected to end with arrival at the Senator Hotel Best Western Hotel Oasia "at. 18:00
Saturday June 12:
EC2010 - AGM European Senate General Meeting
Duration: 09.30 to 12.00
The AGM European Senate General Meeting takes place on Saturday June 12th, 2010 at 9:30 – 12:00, in the
Auditorium of the AROS Aarhus Museum of Art.
Participation is free, but only registered participants will be admitted.
Museum Tour – Pre - Senators Luncheon
Duration: 10.00 to 11.00
Guide: English/ Danish speaking
Price: EUR 7,Included: Entrance to the Museum and guided tour
For (accompanying participants/accompanying guests) those partners etc. who will attend the Luncheon but
not the AGM, we have arranged a one-hour guided tour of the AROS Aarhus Museum of Art before the
luncheon. The tours are conducted in Danish and English in groups of 25 people.
The tours start at 10:00 a.m. After the tour the guest can visit the Museums Tourist Shop and/or Café until
12:00 when the Luncheon begins.
Participation in the guided tour costs DKR 50 / Euro 7. Participation in the guided tours requires registration
in advance. Kindly indicate your choice of language in the registration.
Senators' Luncheon
Duration: 12.00 to 15.00
Price: please see below
The Senators' Luncheon takes place at the beautiful AROS Aarhus Museum of Art. We serve a delicious
Nordic inspired menu and coffee/tea. With the menu is included ice water and one beverage soda/beer/wine.
Additional beverages may be purchased from the restaurant.
Participation is free for conference delegates but only registered participants will be admitted.
Kindly indicate in the registration if you would like the vegetarian meal-option.
Saturday June 12: hour 16.30-18.00
By special invitation only:
The Bumble Bee Club Meeting.
On the banks of the Bay of Aarhus. Plunge or swimming for exterior refreshment of the members' bodily
parts, as well as traditional refreshment of their interior!
Admission: Club members and partners, ONLY !
Registration: Senators' desk, no later than Thursday the 10th at 18:00 hours. ( 6 PM ),
to ensure that sufficient refreshments will be available.
Sunday June 13
Farewell brunch 10.00-12.00 Senator Hotel Oasia. Champagne and Steak.
Residents (guests) staying at the hotel
Price EUR 14,-
Steak and Champagne and the normal ecological breakfast.
Guests from other hotels
Price EUR 34,-