Local Rules for the Use of the Reliant 300 WC Laser

Local Rules for the Use of the Reliant 300 WC Laser
Laser Safety Officer
Laser Protection Adviser
Issued under the authority of
XXXXXXXXX Head of School
September 2007
These Written Procedures cover the use of the XXXXXXXXXX located in Laboratory XXXX. They
cover the normal use and user maintenance operations only.
The Reliant 300WC krypton/argon laser is used to project scanned multi-coloured laser patterns
across a silicon photodiode detector. The maximum radiant power of the laser is quoted by the
manufacturer as 300 mW (sum of all wavelengths). The laser is a Class 3B laser product.
The selection of wavelengths is via a poly-chromatic acousto-optic modulator. This, and the beam
scanner, are controlled through Pangolin LD2000 software.
Authorised Users
Only persons who are adequately trained and registered, and who have received specific
instruction on the laser equipment, and who are authorised as listed in the Appendix to these local
rules, may work with the laser/carry out user maintenance on the laser.
Laser Controlled Area
A Laser Controlled Area is designated when the laser is switched on. The Laser Controlled Area is
the whole of the interior of the Laser Lab, but the zone containing beams in excess of the
Maximum Permissible Exposure is limited by the use of local barriers and is difficult to access in
Access to the Laser Controlled Area is restricted to authorised personnel only.
1. Place warning sign on door.
2. Ensure door is unlocked / locked.
3. Draw curtain across doorway.
4. Draw curtain across windows.
5. Ensure laser shutter is closed.
6. Switch laser on.
7. With laser set to minimum radiant power, and with attenuator in place, open shutter and
check beam paths.
8. When beam paths are satisfactory, close shutter and remove attenuator from beam path,
open shutter.
9. When experiment is complete, close shutter and switch laser beam off - leaving fan running
until it automatically switches off.
10. Turn laser off.
11. Open curtains, as required.
12. Remove sign from door.
Protection Measures
Restriction of access:
Sign placed on door - "No admittance. Authorised personnel only" and "DANGER. Laser
Curtain provides barrier immediately inside door.
All staff are required to have received appropriate instruction and training. Any visitors to
be supervised at all times.
Engineering Controls:
Key control of laser (key is held in a locked key press).
Position of laser to minimise risk of beams being directed at entrance door.
Covers placed over beam baths prior to fibre delivery system.
Air-conditioning system to remove excess heat.
Personal Protective Equipment:
Ear defenders available, which are required for extended work periods.
Eye wear? Type / location?
Summary of Hazards
Laser Beam - up to 300 times the MPE for accidental exposure. NOHD is larger than the room
dimensions for the primary beam. Risk from hazard is managed by containment, use of attenuator
for beam alignment and location of the experiment.
Heat - the laser generates significant heat, which is extracted from the laser using forced air
This heat in turn is removed using air conditioning.
Noise - the fan on the laser is very noisy. Ear defenders, including active noise management
defenders are available and should be worn if working with the laser running for more than 10
Cables/Fibre - the path of the cables and fibre is managed to ensure that they do not present a
trip/drag hazard.
Contingency Plan
In the event of an actual eye injury caused by a laser beam:
1. Call for help.
2. Switch off the laser, if possible.
3. Telephone for emergency assistance (extension XXXX)
4. Take "grab-pack" with you when attending for emergency treatment.
In the event of a potential eye injury:
1. Test retinal function using the Amsler Grid.
2. If no problem found then, providing long term (more than 30 minutes) after-images do not
exist, no further action is required.
3. If problems are suspected, including persistent after-images, then telephone the medical
centre (extension XXXXX) and request an appointment.
4. Take "grab-pack" to appointment.
The following persons are authorised to work with the Reliant 300WC laser:
User Declaration
(update for your laser application)
Reliant 300WC Laser Experiment
I confirm that I have received adequate instruction and training concerning the safe use of, the
Reliant 300WC experiment. I also confirm that I have read, understood and agree to work to the:
Written Procedures for the Use of the Reliant 300 WC Laser, version 1.1
Print Name:
Seen by Laser Safety Coordinator (LPS) (date):
Signed by LPS:
Received and placed
Management File (date):