Australasian Systematic Botany Society + Society of Australian

Australasian Systematic Botany Society + Society of Australian Systematic Biologists
Australian Conservation Taxonomy Award
Application Form
First names:
I am applying for: [tick as appropriate]
Botany award
I am a member of Australasian Systematic Botany Society
Zoology Award
I am a member of Society of Australian Systematic Biologists
You must be a member of the relevant society before lodging your application
Contact details
Postal address:
Email: .
Academic qualifications
Qualifications already held and year completed:
Degree in which you are currently enrolled:
University at which you are currently enrolled:
[students must be enrolled at an Australian university]
Year first enrolled:
Proposed completion:
Name of supervisor(s):
Relevant research experience and publications
Either here or on a separate sheet provide a brief curriculum vitae that outlines
- evidence of ability to carry out the project, such as relevant experience with the techniques;
- previous experience in carrying out research;
- summary of academic record any relevant publications
Title of project:
Aims, outline and duration of proposed research, including an explanation of its significance for plant conservation
[Up to three extra pages may be inserted here. The project must be conducted in Australia and relate to Australian taxa.]
Priorities of The Nature Conservancy
Does proposed research involve impacts on conservation in Gondwana Link and the Great Western Woodlands region of Western
Australia (see e.g., Australia’s tropical savannas (see e.g., the aridlands of Australia, wetlands and floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin, or temperate
Australian estuaries, which are amongst the conservation priorities of The Nature Conservancy? If so, please insert 100 words or less
here, explaining how.
Proposed budget and budget justification
[up to three extra pages may be inserted here]
Include names, addresses and telephone numbers of two scientific referees. Signed letters of support from both referees must be
attached to this application. One of the referees should be your current supervisor.
Referee 1:
Referee 2
List other research grants currently held and / or applied for:
If this application is successful, the cheque should be made to (name of administering institution):
Institutional support for project
[A signature from your Head of School/Department is acceptable]
Signature of institution delegate:
Name and position of delegate:
I hereby apply for the Australian Conservation Taxonomy Award and agree to the following conditions:
i) To apply the grant monies that are awarded to the project described above;
ii) To acknowledge said grant in any relevant publication;
iii) To provide a report summarising the tasks and objectives accomplished by the use of the award funds and a financial accounting of
budget to actual expenditures to the ASBS Secretary by 30 November of the year after the award was issued, and to provide to ASBS and The Nature
Conservancy a short report on the progress and outcomes of the research project (including any published papers and presentations) annually in
November until the completion of the postgraduate degree.
iv) To provide a brief summary of the project for publication in the ASBS Newsletter (Botany award) or the SASB Newsletter (zoology
award) within 18 months of the award being issued.
v) to acknowledge The Nature Conservancy and The Thomas Foundation in any publications or presentations relating to the funded research.
Signature of applicant:
The applicant will be carrying out the above research project under my supervision.
Signature of supervisor:
Guidelines for completing your application
The Australian Conservation Taxonomy Awards are competitive. If no proposal is of a suitably high standard, no grants will be made
in that round. Therefore applicants should prepare their proposals carefully and completely, giving brief personal details, academic
record (undergraduate as well as postgraduate, and level of honours awarded, if applicable), institution where the project will be
carried out, and attaching signed letters of support from two scientific referees, one of which should be a current supervisor. Apart
from the academic standing of the applicant, the following will be taken into account in assessing proposals:
 evidence of the applicant’s ability to carry out the project, such as relevant experience with the techniques;
 previous experience in carrying out research;
 the applicant’s academic record;
 the applicant’s CV including academic record any relevant publications (published or accepted only).
 letters of support from referees.
 the scientific and/or theoretical merit of the proposal;
 the likelihood that it will make a worthwhile contribution to systematic botany or zoology in Australia and a nature
conservation issue;
 identification and proper budgeting of the particular aspect of the project that funding will make possible, rather than a
request for partial support of a large project will be essential;
 extension of a project into some new and worthwhile area should be noted; it may be advantageous, though is not essential to
a project;
 the feasibility of the project being carried out within the proposed timetable and with the available resources;
 the soundness of the proposed methodology and planning of the work schedule.
 the potential conservation impact of the proposal, i.e., conservation benefits that could come from improved understanding of
the systematics of the taxa concerned. Where applicable, applications should highlight potential impacts on conservation in
Gondwana Link and the Great Western Woodlands region of Western Australia (see e.g., Australia’s tropical savannas (see e.g., the aridlands of Australia, wetlands and floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin, or temperate
Australian estuaries, which are amongst the conservation priorities of The Nature Conservancy.
Applications for the botany and zoology awards must be submitted as pdf files by email to the Secretary of ASBS by the midnight on
the closing date