November 2015 - West Kilbride Primary School

School Tel: 01294 822353
Early Years Class Tel:01294 829978
Fax: 01294 823905
follow us on twitter @ WestKilbridePS
Head Teacher:
Parent Council Chair:
Out of School Care:
Sheena Savage
Holly Woodhouse
Doris Stevenson
Tel: 01294 822 353
Tel: 07776 426 364
Dear Everyone,
As this is the Term leading up to Christmas there will be a lot going on so please keep the diary
section to hand so that you don’t miss anything.
Once again all classes from P1 - P7 will travel by private coach to the Palace Theatre,
Kilmarnock to enjoy a traditional Christmas Pantomime. This year’s pantomime is Mother
Goose and stars Liam Dolan as Jimmy Goose, alongside Mountain Goats star Jimmy
Chisholm in the title role of Mother Goose. Joining them are River City's Gayle Telfer
Stevens as the Fairy, James McAnerney as Demon King, Lindsay Ashworth as Jack
Goose, Douglas Sannachan as Squire McSkinner and Amber Howland as Jill McSkinner.
We have booked out the morning performance on Tuesday 8 December. The charge per pupil will
be £10 (with a maximum charge of £25 per family). This visit will be heavily subsidised by funds
donated by the Parent Council.
The visit offers your child a real theatrical experience at a very reasonable price. All travel costs
and a snack are included. As we do not want cost to be a barrier to children attending, please pay
by instalments if you prefer - just speak to Mrs Bruce at the office (822353). All payments and
Consent Forms should be returned by Friday 27 November.
The Parent Council Big Christmas Raffle is a great source of income for the school and
helps us to pay for IT resources, visits, Christmas party goodies and the visit to the
pantomime. Raffle tickets will soon be sent home in school bags of eldest children. Any
money and/or unsold tickets should be returned to the school office by
Wednesday 25 November. The raffle will be drawn during the Christmas Fair
(see below), at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Hall. Make sure your ticket has your name
and telephone number written on the stub. Any prize-winners who cannot
attend the draw will be contacted by Tuesday 1 December and may collect their prize
from the school office. Top prizes include Lego, Tekno and a pre-lit Christmas tree.
Children are asked to bring contributions for the Christmas Fair on Thursday 26 November. We
will have a Non-Uniform Day on that day to thank the children for their donations and their
efforts. We are looking for donations of: items for the Colour Stalls (see below), “bottles”, home
baking, toys, books, DVDs, CDs, games, bric-a-brac, jewellery, raffle prizes, crafts.
Building on the success of last year, The Parent Council Christmas Fair will again be an evening
event. The Christmas Fair is, by far, our biggest fundraiser of the year and will take place this
year on the evening of Thursday 26 November between 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
We would be very grateful to any parents who can volunteer to help set up the
Grotto on Wednesday 25 November between 6:00pm – 9:00pm and/or the stalls
on Thursday 26 November between 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Any adults who can
volunteer to take money at the stalls are asked to come to school at 5:00 p.m. on
the Thursday evening.
Please send Holly Woodhouse (Chair of The Parent Council) an email if you can help in any way.
Holly will co-ordinate the helpers and communicate with them via email. You can contact Holly via
Items for sale on the following stalls would be much appreciated: items for the Colour Stalls,
“bottles”, home baking, used uniform, toys, books, DVDs, CDs, games, bric-a-brac, jewellery, raffle
prizes, crafts. We cannot re-sell any electrical equipment.
As in previous years, we would like to ask each Stage in school to contribute to a
Stage “Colour Stall”. Individual pupils at each Stage are asked to contribute one
small item of a particular colour that we can sell at the Christmas Fair. The Colour
Stalls look very attractive to buyers as all the items on the table are of the same
colour and are brand new.
We would be grateful if you could provide your child with an item worth, no more
than a few of pounds, e.g. candles, napkins, tree decorations, etc. If you write a
suggested re-sale price on the item it will help to ensure that your item is not sold
on too cheaply. Colour Stall items can be sent in as soon as you wish, as teachers will
use them to create a small display in their classrooms.
Rather than a Colour Stall, the P7 Stall will consist of items more specifically
suitable for male family members, e.g. socks, wallets, ties, belts, etc. (they can be of any colour).
Allocations for the stalls are as follows:
EEaarrllyy YYeeaarrss CCllaassss
maarryy 11
maarryy 22
maarryy 33
maarryy 44
maarryy 55
maarryy 66
maarryy 77
Maallee ggiiffttss
Entry to the Christmas Fair will be FREE for all visitors. Entry will be via the Primary 1 entrance
door nearest the main office – this will provide easier access for buggies / wheelchairs and
provide some shelter if the weather is poor. Alternatively people can also use the Main Entrance.
A visit to Santa’s Grotto will cost £3 per child. This is remarkable
value as it also includes a small gift and a photo with Santa himself.
The Main Hall will become a “Food Hall” where refreshments will be
served by members of the Parent Council. The charge to “adults”
(anyone aged 12 or over) for a coffee/tea and a mince pie or
shortbread will be £2. There will be free juice and biscuits made
available for children under the age of 12. There will also be the
opportunity to purchase hot teatime snacks such as hot dogs. Sweets,
juice and home baking will also be on sale.
On the evening of the Christmas Fair, members of the Parent Council will take orders for
personalised 2016 School Calendars. The Calendars would make a great gift for grandparents,
aunts & uncles this Christmas and are a bargain at £5 each or 3 for £12.
The Calendar will include a high quality photograph of your child(ren) and will detail all of the
school holidays for 2016. Children’s photographs will be taken during the Christmas Fair so please
decide beforehand what you would like your child to be wearing in the photograph. The calendars
will be delivered to families prior to the Christmas Break. Samples will be available to view on the
evening of the 26 November.
The Tempest School Photographer will visit on Friday 20 November to take photographs of each
class of children including the Early Years Class. There are some examples of his
previous work hanging in the main corridors. Photo proofs and instructions for payment
will be given to carers on the same day that the photographs are taken. You are under
no obligation to buy, but please let us know if you have a strong objection to your child
being photographed.
We would ask that all children in P1-P7 come to school wearing full school
uniform/colours that day as any child not doing so will “stick out like a sore thumb” in
the class photo. We will text/tweet to remind parents.
As we are an Eco School, we would like, as in previous years, to limit the number of Christmas
cards sent around school by pupils. (We would also like to spare parents the cost of buying lots of
cards.) Children are asked to write ONE CARD ONLY and address it to the whole class. Class
teachers will display all the cards attractively in their classrooms.
Last session we ran a hugely successful STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week
during the week beginning 16th March 2015. Normal lessons were put to one side and a week of all
things STEM ensued. Visits from parents/grandparents, Mr Halliday (Rolls Royce), Ranger Pete
(Community Windpower), Alex McCall (Author), Zoo Lab, Mr Hewson, Mrs McGillvery (Ardrossan
Academy), SSPCA, pupils from St Winning’s Primary School and Generation Science were hugely
successful in enhancing our pupils’ knowledge of STEM and its place in our society. We were
delighted when our recent Education Scotland (HMIe) inspection team highlighted our strong
practice in this area.
It was decided, after listening to the views of staff and pupils, that we would run a series of
STEM focus days this Session to continue the fabulous work from last Session and endeavour to
embed STEM further in West Kilbride Primary School. Wednesday 11th November has been set
aside as one of these days. Children will be involved in all things STEM so make sure you ask your
child about the activities he/she participates in during this day.
We are very fortunate to have been invited to take our P6 pupils to visit the
Travelling Gallery bus on the morning of Thursday 12 November. The bus will be
parked near The Barony so the children will also visit there. The current
exhibition in the Travelling Gallery is called “Eyes on the Prize”. The children will be able to see
works by 10 different artists all of whom have been considered at one time for the Turner Art
Prize. All the works are very different and the children will see lots of different kinds of art
that will include printmaking, sculpture, painting, drawing, animation and film.
Mrs Ward has helped to coordinate lots of literacy activities during Scottish Book Week that
starts on Monday 23 November. All classes will participate in a Book Study. P1-3 classes will
choose a book shortlisted for the Scottish Book Trust Awards. Classes will create wall displays
linked to the Book Study. In addition, Angela Proctor who has written a novel set on Arran and
aimed at P4-7 readers will visit school on the morning of Thursday 26 November. Her novel is
called “Thumble, Tumble and the Ollpheist”. All children in P4-7 will hear her read from her book
and will be invited to draw the character from Chapter 4 of the story. The best drawing will be
published in 100 copies of he novel.
Our school football team will play their first fixture matches of this Session at Stanley Primary
School on the afternoon of Monday 23 November. The team will compete in a league comprising
teams from Dykesmains PS, Stanley PS, Winton PS and St Peter’s PS. In June 2016 the teams will
also compete in a one-off event for the Summer Cup trophy. We are very grateful to the group of
dedicated parent volunteers for training the squad each week.
Mr Callander will attend the National Apple Conference in Birmingham on the 26 th & 27th of
November. Mr Callander is one of only 2 Apple Ambassadors in North Ayrshire. The school is
very fortunate to benefit from his enthusiasm and expertise.
A dedicated team of Primary 7 pupils have been participating each week in trials for the area
Intergenerational Quiz. The team have been chatting with residents of Headrigg Gardens to
learn from each other and to form a formidable Quiz Team. The competition Heat will take place
in Headrigg Gardens on Thursday 12 November with the grand Final taking place at Vikingar! on
Friday 27 November. We wish the Team every success.
The start date for our newly appointed Principal Teacher, Ms Kirsty Robinson, is Monday 23
November. Ms Robinson will also teach Primary 7a Monday – Thursday each week (with Friday
being her Principal Teacher non-contact time). Ms Robinson’s Promoted Post responsibilities will
include: Rights Respecting Schools/Pupil Council, Dyslexia Friendly Classrooms, 1+2 Primary
Languages (Spanish & French), Wider Achievement. We are very much looking forward to
welcoming Ms Robinson to our school. We are also very grateful to Mr Cameron Martin who has
ably taught P7a since August.
On the afternoon of Friday 20 November all pupils will have the opportunity to listen
to a performance by a professional duo called The Clyde Duo. One member plays the
flute and the other the harp. Members of the local Music in West Kilbride society
have very kindly arranged this visit for us. The duo will perform in The Village Hall on
Friday 20 November at 7:30 p.m. Adults pay £10 and all school children get in free as
long as they are with an adult.
During snowy and icy conditions, our Janitor, Miss Philips, will maintain a
single pathway leading from the double gate in the P1-3 playground to the
main pupil entrances at the front of school. All children and adults are
strongly advised to use this designated “pathway” as it will provide the safest route into school.
It is simply not possible, or economical, to grit the entire playground every time it is icy so all
pedestrians are asked to take extra care. As it is not a priority to grit the staff car park, you
may find that more staff cars are parked out in the street. Please take extra care if crossing
your child between parked cars.
All Christmas parties will take place in the afternoon, except the Early Years Class which
will take place during the morning. Children will join together at Stages to help create
more of a party atmosphere. Party clothes may be worn to school on the day of the
party to avoid lots of fuss during lunchtimes. If families prefer, children may, instead,
bring their party clothes and change during the last 15 minutes of the lunch break. For
safety reasons, any parent of younger children wishing to take their child home to
change should notify class teachers in writing. (Lunch break is 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.)
The parties will include dancing and some party games. Juice, some sweets and crisps will
be provided. As the Parent Council kindly sponsors the Christmas Parties, there will be no cost to
Party dates are as follows:
11 Friday
15 Tuesday
16 Wednesday
17 Wednesday
18 Friday
21 Monday
21 Monday
23 Wednesday
P3 - Main Hall, p.m.
P5 – Main Hall, p.m.
P7 - Main Hall, p.m.
P4 - Main Hall, p.m.
P6 –Main Hall, p.m.
P2 – Main Hall, p.m.
P1 – Open Area, p.m.
Early Years Class – OSC Room, a.m.
P4-P7 CHURCH CHRISTMAS SERVICE, Parents/Carers Welcome
All pupils from P4-7 will participate in a celebration of Christmas Around the World in WK Parish
Church on the morning of Tuesday 22 December starting at 9:45am. The Service will be
conducted by Reverend James McNay and should last about an hour. A collection will be taken for
P1-P3 CHRISTMAS SERVICE, Parents/Carers of P1-3 Children Invited
All pupils and staff from P1-3 will participate in a celebration of Christmas entitled “Hey, Ewe!”
in WK Parish Church on the afternoon of Tuesday 22 December starting at 1:45pm. The
Service should last about 45 minutes and all children will return to school to be dismissed at
3:15pm. The Reverend James McNay, School Chaplain will conduct the Service. A collection
will be taken for Childline.
N.B. Because of limited space, we would like to invite ONE carer per family to attend each
of the Church Services. We will issue tickets via schoolbags on Friday 4 December. If you
cannot use your ticket, please return it to the school office so that someone else can have
it. Thank you for your understanding.
Follow us @WestKilbridePS for news, updates and to find out about the wonderful learning in
West Kilbride Primary School and Early Years Class. Please spread the word! So far, less than 60
people are following us but if we can get the majority of families following us we will be able to use
Twitter to make announcements such as "Class Photos on 20th – Remember to Wear School
Uniform" and “Christmas Services are on 22 December”. Happy Tweeting!
Please remember that all North Ayrshire schools will be closed on Friday 13th and Monday 16th
November. This is a local holiday peculiar to North Ayrshire so have a great time as all other
school-aged children in Scotland should be at school!
Yours sincerely
Sheena M Savage
YOU SAID…………….
WE DID………………..
My child never tells me what happens at school
We re-launched our school website
We started a twitter following
The Dux Board needs updated
We are trying hard to source a sign-writer
Can we queue indoors at whole school events?
We bring people inside the P1 area to queue
What does the Parent Council do?
Minutes and news are now on school website
Can my child come to Parents Evenings?
Most teachers now discuss with parent & child
Can the Early Years Class start at 9:00 am?
We will survey parents this Session to decide
My child is coming home with muddy clothes
We have restricted play on the “embankment”
Guitar lessons clash with P.E. lessons
We have altered the guitar timetable
Some photos in corridors are out of date
We will replace these this month
November Diary
2 Monday
2 Monday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
4 Wednesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
9 Monday
10 Tuesday
10 Tuesday
10 Tuesday
11 Wednesday
11 Wednesday
11 Wednesday
11 Wednesday
11 Wednesday
12 Thursday
12 Thursday
13 Friday
16 Monday
17 Tuesday
17 Tuesday
17 Tuesday
18 Wednesday
18 Wednesday
18 Wednesday
20 Friday
20 Friday
20 Friday
20 Friday
23 Monday
23 Monday
23 Monday
23 Monday
23 Monday
24 Tuesday
24 Tuesday
24 Tuesday
25 Wednesday
25 Wednesday
25 Wednesday
25 Wednesday
25 Wednesday
25 Wednesday
26 Thursday
26 Thursday
26 Thursday
26 Thursday
26 Thursday
27 Friday
27 Friday
S Savage to CP Case Conference, Largs, a.m.
Sathida Finlay commences BA Placement in EYC and P1
S Arneil supports Spanish teaching throughout the week
Parent Council Meeting, Community Centre, 7:30 p.m.
S Savage to CP case Conference, Largs, a.m.
S Stevenson to Child Protection training, a.m.
P1b Parent Evening appointments from 4:00 p.m.
E Floyd, Home/School Inclusion Worker visits, a.m.
Ardrossan Academy Work Experience pupil to P4 all week
Rotary Shelter Box Assemblies, a.m.
F Hopkins, Senior Manager visits
P3 STEM Challenge afternoon. Parents invited from 1:30 p.m.
STEM Focus Day for all classes
Professor McBride presents “Maths is Best” for P6 & P7 pupils, p.m.
F Bruce to Focus Group, Cunninghame House, p.m.
N Armstrong to Electricity CPD, GCC, 4:00 p.m.
Staff Collegiate Meeting, 3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
P7 Team to Intergenerational Quiz Heat, Headrigg Gardens, 10:00 a.m.
S Callander to Tweetie Pi training, Dumfries House
Ardrossan Academy Work Experience pupil to P4 all week
S Savage to Head Teacher Meeting, GCC, a.m.
S Savage to Cluster Meeting, p.m.
L Mulvey to Better Movers, Better Thinkers, CPD, GCC, 4:00 p.m.
V Macdonald to Action Research seminar, GCC, 4:00 p.m.
Staff Collegiate Meeting, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
S Savage to Leadership Conference, GCC, a.m.
Class Photographs taken – please wear school uniform
Junior Road Safety Officers meet with NAC Road safety Officer, a.m.
The Clyde Duo perform for all pupils, p.m.
S Callander to STEM Conference, Edinburgh
Expected start date for Kirsty Robinson, new Principal Teacher (P7a)
Scottish Book Week commences
Football Team competes in Summer Cup League, Stanley, p.m.
S Savage attends CP Core Group Meeting, p.m.
S Savage to Cluster Meeting, Winton PS, a.m.
N Armstrong on LOA
GCC = Greenwood
OSC Committee Meeting in OSC room, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Centre
L Shedden on LOA
CPD = Continuing
Madeleine Corr B.Ed. commences Placement in P1
Professional Development
F Hopkins, Senior Manager visits, a.m.
CP = Child Protection
Alison McLure gives a talk on Antarctica to P6 & P7, a.m.
STEM = Science,
V Macdonald to Action Research seminar, 4:00 p.m.
Technology, Engineering,
Return those raffle tickets please
Mathematics (Subjects)
Non Uniform Day, bring Christmas Fair goods
Cluster = Ardrossan
Author Visit for P4-P7, a.m.
Academy, James
S Callander to Apple Conference, Birmingham
MacFarlane Special
Adult Christmas Fair helpers to school please from 2:00 p.m.
School, West Kilbride PS,
Christmas Fair, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – All welcome
Stanley PS, Dykesmains
S Callander to Apple Conference, Birmingham
PS, Winton PS
P7 Team to Intergenerational Quiz Final, Vikingar!
Moderation Activities =
Professional dialogue to
agree standards