Implementing a Smoke-Free Environment in Mental Health Services

July 2004
For more information, contact:
Sonja Goldsack
Mental Health Commission
(04) 917 8922
The introduction of the Amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 on August 1st
2004 has implications for District Health Boards, not least of these being the effect on Mental
Health Acute Inpatient Units.
Some DHBs have asked for the Commission’s views on implementing a smoke-free
environment in acute inpatient units. The Mental Health Commission is fully committed to an
eventual smoke-free environment within mental health services, with recent evidence
suggesting that the incidence of smoking amongst service users remains at unacceptably high
levels. However issues surrounding implementation of a smoking ban are wide-ranging and
complex. In this respect, the Mental Health Commission’s position is as follows:
Exemptions under the Smoke-free Amendments Act 2003 should be used by all acute
inpatient services. Acute services provide care and treatment for individuals in acute
states of unwellness and vulnerability. Clinically, this is neither the time nor the
environment for smoking cessation to be imposed.
While all efforts to introduce a smoke-free environment in mental health services are
encouraged, the dignity, rights and safety of service users are paramount. All
attempts to change smoking behaviour should have service users as leaders and
participants in the process.
Mental health services need to remove institutional inducements to smoke including
the distribution and use of tobacco products as rewards, prizes or tools of control and
privilege or behaviour management. This practice is particularly prevalent in acute
inpatient units.
DHBs must work to close the gap between rates of smoking for service users and the
general population.
The basis for this position is attached in this paper. In October 2004, the Commission will be
following up on DHB responses to the introduction of the Smoke-free Amendments Act.
Sonja Goldsack (Advisor, Service User Issues) is available for comment, advice and
information on the issues outlined in this paper. Sonja is available on 04 917 8922 or at
Yours sincerely
Jan Dowland
An amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 comes into effect on 1st August
2004. The purpose of the Act (1990) as amended is “to prevent the detrimental effect of other
people’s smoking on the health of people in workplaces, or in certain public enclosed areas,
who do not smoke or do not wish to smoke there”1 The purpose therefore, is primarily to
prevent the detrimental effect on non-smoking individuals and workers, rather than an express
purpose to make services smoke-free.
Acute services are therefore required to become smoke-free. However, in recognition of the
specific needs of individuals in these services, the use of a “dedicated smoking room” is
permitted. Strict requirements must be met if this option is to be used. Smoking is only
permitted where:
(a) the smoking takes place only in one or more dedicated smoking rooms; and
(b) each dedicated smoking room is equipped with or connected to a mechanical
ventilation system that takes air from the room to a place outside the workplace; and
(c) all reasonably practical steps are taken to minimise the escape of smoke from the
dedicated smoking rooms into any part of the workplace that is not a dedicated
smoking room; and
(d) for each dedicated smoking room, there is available for patients and residents who
wish to socialise in a smoke-free atmosphere an adequate equivalent room2.
Therefore, hospitals, rest homes and residential care institutions may ban smoking, but where
they choose to allow smoking, only patients or residents (not staff, volunteers, or members of
the public) may smoke in a dedicated smoking room.
While the amendment to the Smoke-free Environments Act allows for the use of a dedicated
smoking room within inpatient units and mental health residential units, most other mental
health services will be required to be smoke-free.
There are several key stakeholder views to be taken into account in discussing the impact of
the Amendment on acute inpatient units. These include:
service users
staff working within acute inpatient units
International evidence shows that smoking for service users remains one of the highest
clinical risk factors relating to poor physical health3,4. This, alongside evidence suggesting
that physical ill health is commonplace for most mental health service users, should be
Smoke-free Environments Act Amendment 2003
Smoke-free Environments Act Amendment 2003 s6
Lasser, K et al. (2000) Smoking and Mental Illness. A population based prevalence study. Journal of
the American Medical Association Vol284;
Mental Health Commission (2004) Our physical health… who cares? Occasional Paper No.5.
Wellington, New Zealand.
sufficient reason for mental health services to commit to smoking reduction within their
However, nicotine is a highly addictive drug and cessation brings with it significant personal
and clinical issues which need to be considered before any action is taken on smoke-free
Clinical implications
International literature reports a clear differential in the uptake of some drugs, in particular
antipsychotics, during a reduction in smoking5,6. Abrupt withdrawal will affect therapeutic
doses almost immediately, with increased agitation also likely to occur as a result. In services
where people are acutely unwell, both nicotine reduction and cessation would need to be
carefully managed to ensure that individuals are not subject to ineffective or potentially
dangerous drug regimes. In order to work within the bounds of clinical accountability, staff
working with service users must have a full and thorough appreciation of, and education on,
the clinical issues around smoking cessation and its effects on individuals.
International advice suggests that cessation treatment “should not be offered when the mental
illness is florid or very active”7. Addiction behaviours often increase during times of stress
and it would be unreasonable for inpatient or acute care units to expect any form of smoking
cessation during the initial stages of a person’s admission. The signs and behaviours of
nicotine withdrawal often are similar to, and can mirror, the symptoms of psychiatric illness,
giving rise to complication of diagnosis, medication prescribing and symptom observation.
Smoking as a coping strategy
Service users in acute services are often in vulnerable and stressed states where there are
strong demands and challenges to individuals’ coping strategies. At this time, smoking
cessation is an unnecessary additional stressor, which could further burden coping strategies.
For many service users, smoking itself is a coping strategy. Attempts to cease smoking would
possibly further worsen what, for many, is already a traumatising experience.
Practices encouraging smoking
Often practices within mental health services both passively and actively encourage smoking.
The practice of staff handing out cigarettes on the hour (a practice used in many inpatient
units, particularly intensive care units) reinforces the belief that smoking is a privilege and
something to be desired. The use of cigarettes as prizes or rewards within some residential
units not only further supports this belief, but also does little to promote healthy practices
within mental health services. Often this leads to the initiation of smoking for those who
entered the service as non-smokers, along with increased rates of smoking by those who are
ongoing smokers. An identification of these practices and their immediate cessation is the
first and most important step in providing an environment that discourages smoking. A DHB
Symposium Report on Smoking and Mental Health (2001) London, Pg 22
Nicotine interacts with nicotinic receptors on nerves throughout the body and brain. Chronic nicotine
use causes inactivation of the receptors causing a subsequent increase in their number and leading to
an increased number of high affinity nicotinic receptors. Consequently, nicotine use affects the
release of different neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine (or
noradrenaline), serotonin (5-HT), glutamate and aminobutyric acid (GABA). Whitireia Community
Polytechnic (2004) Psychopharmacology. A Handbook for New Zealand Health Professionals,
Wellington, NZ
Symposium Report on Smoking and Mental Health (2001) London
whose practices within mental health services both foster and encourage smoking amongst
service users and who also runs a public health smoke-free campaign is at odds with itself.
Smoking and socialising
Service users tend to smoke more than the general population across most diagnoses.
Evidence suggests that the inpatient unit, as well as other service environments, are often
major contributors to high levels of service user smoking8. Smoking often plays a large role in
the social interactions of clients within these units where “if people went into hospital as nonsmokers, in all probability they would leave as smokers, literally because of peer pressure to
smoke, the lack of other activities to occupy them while there, and reinforcement by the
institution” 9. The smoking room of the acute inpatient unit and similar rooms in other mental
health services are where many introductions and social interactions occur10,11. Inpatient units
that offer little else in terms of entertainment, structure and activities often leave little
alternative for clients who desire relief from the boredom of the ward and a platform for
interaction with others. This leaves non-smokers more vulnerable to taking up smoking. The
requirement of an equivalent room for non-smokers as outlined in section 6 of the
Amendment is an acknowledgement of the need to provide a smoke-free room in which
people can congregate and socialise.
Leading the change
Some DHBs have employed staff specifically to oversee the implementation of a smoke-free
environment in non-acute mental health services. This ensures that there is consistency in the
implementation of tactics used as well as streamlining the delivery of training. Where this
implementation is not led by service users, the staff involved in this implementation should be
aware of issues around smoking cessation or reduction which are particular to service users.
Where steering groups are used, they should include an appropriate representation of service
users and consumer advisors, preferably as the leaders of this process.
Reducing use of the smoking room
Restricting access to the designated smoking room in all mental health services may be the
first step in removing the attraction of smoking as a means of socialising, although this should
be weighed up against the rights of the service users who may view these services as their
current ‘home’. Slow, but sure introductions of closure have worked well in some services12.
Successful ideas around reducing use might include:
1. Giving notice that a smoking room will be used only for limited hours, if at all.
2. Allowing only one person at a time.
3. Eventually closing the ‘smoking’ room altogether, with service users smoking
outside where practicable.
Lawrie, S (1995) Cigarette Smoking in Psychiatric Units. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Vol 88, p59
McNeill, A (2001) Smoking and mental health – a review of the literature. Smokefree London
Programme, United Kingdom.
Goldsack, S (2004) Advice to DHBs on Cessation of Smoking in Mental Health Service Acute
Inpatient Units. Paper prepared for the Mental Health Commission.
Porter, S (2004) Service User Perspectives on the Proposal to Ban Smoking on all DHB Facilities
and Grounds. Paper prepared for the Mental Health Commission.
McDonald, G (2004) Personal Communication, Wakari Hospital. Otago District Health Board.
Staff need to be aware that there may be situations in the initial stage of the closure where the
smoking room needs to be re-opened. Flexibility around this, particularly where the safety of
either a service user or staff member is compromised, should be exercised.
Changing the physical environment
An outside smoking space accessible to all within the immediate area protects staff and nonsmokers from the effects of smoking and actively discourages smoking by reducing social
interaction. The provision of an outdoor space for service users to smoke must ensure that the
health of individuals is not compromised. The area provided should be secure and protected
from bad weather, and not directly in the space of other non-smoking service users.
Individuals standing in the rain or in freezing temperatures in order to smoke is unacceptable.
In some services, the design of the unit may not lend itself to an outside smoking area. In
these instances, services may be able to provide an escort for client to a suitable place not
located directly within the service in order to reduce use of the smoking room. However staff
ratios and clinical issues can all affect this practice, which should be seen as a last resort.
Including smoking status on service user information files and recovery care
Given the strong anecdotal evidence that smoking for service users is often initiated or
increased within mental health services, attempts to prevent such behaviour is worthwhile.
Gathering information on tobacco use will allow for assessments and ongoing plans to be
made for each client who is keen to work towards smoking reduction or cessation.
Steps toward smoking reduction or cessation should be instigated and led by the service user
themselves. As with all steps toward recovery, small practicable goals should be first
identified by the service user and then supported by mental health service staff to be achieved.
Assessment processes
Most DHBs have staff trained to assess with the individual, their readiness for smoking
cessation and / or reduction and consequently, which Nicotine Replacement Therapy could be
used in this process. Mental health staff will often need to contribute to this assessment to
provide a clear idea of a person’s mental wellness to undertake smoking cessation.
Subsidised community programmes and nicotine replacement therapy
Most communities have smoke-free programmes and initiatives available, many with
subsidies for people on benefits or who have community services cards. Several smoke-free
initiatives are underway through public health services. The Ministry of Health Smoking
Cessation Services has recently published a Smoking Cessation Directory, which details all
Government funded cessation programmes within New Zealand13.
International evidence states that support programmes should be set up specifically for service
users, as they often feel excluded from mainstream smoking cessation programmes14. Many
service user-friendly programmes exist throughout New Zealand and have proven to be
A range of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) for service users who are being encouraged
to reduce smoking by DHB services should be available. Nicotine patches, inhalers, nasal
Ministry of Health (2004) Smoking Cessation Directory. Public Health Directorate, Wellington New
McNeill, A (2001) Smoking and mental health – a review of the literature. Smokefree London
Programme, United Kingdom p4
sprays, sublingual tablets, lozenges and gum are all forms of NRT. Many cessation
programmes offer free nicotine replacement therapy for various population groups.
Promoting healthy lifestyle alternatives
Smoking is an addiction and like all other addictions, often needs to be replaced with other
activities. It is not surprising given the stressful nature of mental illness and often, mental
health services themselves, that smoking is particularly high amongst this client group15. Most
individuals who give up smoking report huge demands on other parts of their lives as the
result of smoking cessation. Often dietary concerns are raised as people replace smoking with
a higher intake of comfort food often leading to weight gain and poor nutritional status.
Mental health services will need to make accommodations according to the nature of the
service being provided and the service users involved when working towards a smoke-free
environment. Many mental health services will still be required to become smoke-free under
the Smoke-free Environments Act. Specialist mental health services, NGO residences and
services where service users are contained under the Mental Health Act16 may need to adapt
to cater for particular needs of their clients. Service user leadership and involvement in this
process will enhance effectiveness and promote recovery.
All mental health services need to be aware and mindful of the human rights of service users
to continue to smoke, should they so choose, and weigh this alongside the requirements of the
Act. While the Mental Health Commission is supportive of strategies to increase the physical
health of all population groups within New Zealand, these must be balanced alongside the
need to uphold the rights, dignity and respect of individuals. Any undue coercion or
enforcement of smoking cessation challenges this balance and is in direct contrast to the aims
and philosophies of the Smoke-free Environments Act and the recovery approach to mental
For further information, contact:
Sonja Goldsack
Mental Health Commission
(04) 917 8922
July 2004
Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992