Biome Project There are large areas on Earth that have similar

Biome Project
There are large areas on Earth that have similar climates and distinct plant and animal populations. Each biome
has its own producers, consumers, decomposers, and scavengers. A biome usually covers parts of several
continents (each continent has several biomes).
 Pick an organism that lives in your assigned biome. There are many different types of biomes on Earth.
 Identify environmental factors and native organisms that interact with your assigned organism.
tropical rainforest
American grasslands
temperate rainforest
deciduous forest
boreal forest
African savannah
Your Job:
Research one biome where your organism lives, write a research paper, and prepare a tri-board poster that
represents your biome and organism. Creativity and neatness count! This project is worth 300 points and
counts as a test grade! You will only take short quizzes on Fridays throughout our Life Science Unit.
Part 1: Research:
Each research page is worth 10 points for a total of 40 points. This is for a completion grade, but the rest of your
project relies on this information and will be scored for accuracy. You will complete the majority of your
research at school. The research documents are titled: Abiotic and Biotic Factors, Food Web Research, Biome
Location and Weather Report Research, and Adaptations and Warnings.
Part 2: Tri-Fold Poster Presentation Board
Your presentation poster board is worth 100 points. You need to include the following things:
 Picture Representation of Biome (middle of poster board): Draw and color a representation of your
biome. This should look like you flew to your biome and took a picture of it. The representation of your
biome may include colored, printed pictures of animals and plants, yet it must still look like a picture
taken with a camera. Your picture representation needs to include a detailed background and
foreground that depict the following items:
Major abiotic factors that affect your organism (at least 2)
o Biotic factors
 Plants
 At least 2 producers
 Animals
 At least 6 consumers (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, scavenger)
 Decomposers (if any are found in your region)
o At least 2 populations of organisms that interact with one another
o At least 2 predator/prey relationships
 Abiotic and Biotic Factors (side flap of poster board): List all of the abiotic and biotic factors that you
included in your picture representation. Follow the format listed above. For example:
o Abiotic Factors
 Riverused by many animals for their drinking water
 Fertile soilvarious plants can grow in this soil which then provides food for the animals
Biotic Factors
 PlantsKapok Tree and Ferns
 Consumers
o Herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, scavengers, decomposers
Biome Location Map (side flap of poster board): Biomes are located in different areas of the world. Print
off a map of the world and shade in the location of your biome. You can also draw a map!
Weather Report (side flap of poster board): All biomes have different types of weather impacting the
animals and plants that call these places “home.”
o What is the average temperature?
o What is the average amount of precipitation per year?
o How does the weather affect your biome?
o How does the weather affect your organism?
Food Web (side flap of poster board): All organisms living in a biome interact and compete with each
other for food.
o Create one food web that includes your assigned organism and at least 5 other organisms
represented in your picture representation. REMEMBER: A food web consists of producers,
consumers, and the major energy source for Earth. DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE THE ENERGY
o If one organism dies out, how does this affect other organisms in your biome?
Adaptations (side flap of poster board): Many organisms need to adapt to survive in their environment.
o List and explain ONE animal adaptation that allows your organism to live in this biome.
o List and explain ONE plant adaptation that allows this certain type of plant to live in this biome
(include this plant in your picture representation).
Warnings (side flap of poster board): Describe the following topics and how they affect your biome
and/or organism.
o TWO limiting factors that affect your organism
o Endangered species
Analysis (side flap of poster board):
o Why is this biome globally important?
o Why is this biome important to the survival of your organism?
Part 3: Presentations
Your presentation is worth 60 points. You will present this information in a 2-3 minute speech to other 6th grade
students, teachers, and/or parents. You may use note cards to guide you in your presentation, but you should
NOT read your presentation to the class. A good presentation is one where you are well informed on the topic.
Your picture representation is a great tool to use to help guide your presentation.
Biome: _____________________________________Research Due Date: _________________________________
Project Due Date: ___________________________ Project Presentation Date: ___________________________