Grade 6/7 Mathematics Course of Study – Sequence of Units Term 1 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 6 Grade 7 3 weeks Number Sense & Numeration 3 weeks Patterning & Algebra Data Management Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge. Operations with whole numbers, decimal place value, composite and prime numbers, order of operations Geometric and number patterns Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge Whole numbers, decimals, factoring, multiples, square roots, order of operations, integers Linear and number patterns, table of values Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, mean Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, central tendency Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) 1 week 2 weeks 0.5 week Term 2 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 6 Grade 7 4 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Measurement Fraction, Decimal, Percent Fractions, Decimals, Percent Conversion of metric units, area of parallelograms and triangles Construction of angles and polygons, Composite area, conversion of metric units Constructing lines, classifying triangles and quadrilaterals, Congruency & Similarity Algebraic expressions and equations 2 weeks 2 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense 3 weeks Patterning & Algebra 1 week Simple algebraic expressions and equations Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Term 3 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 6 Grade 7 4 weeks (combined with P & A) 4 weeks (combined with NSN) Number Sense & Numeration Operations with Decimals, Rate and ratio Rate and ratio Patterning & Algebra Table of Values, Graphing Graphing proportional relationships 4 weeks Measurement Area of trapezoids Surface Area and Volume of Right Prisms 3 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense Building and sketching 3-D Surface (G&S) Surface Area and Volume of Triangular and Rectangular Prisms Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (quadrant 1) 2 weeks Data Management & Probability 1 week Experimental and Theoretical Probability Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (all 4 quadrants) Experimental and Theoretical Probability Suggested Cross–Strand Summative Task(s) Page 29 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 1 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 3 weeks 6m8- read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1 000 000 6m9- solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole numbers, using a variety of strategies Nelson Grade 6 p. 36 – 47 Specific Expectations 6m13- read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred thousand, using meaningful contexts 6m16- solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the magnitude of whole numbers up to 1 000 000 p. 170 – 181 6m 24 – use estimation when solving problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution Overall Expectations 7m9-apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers 7m8-represent, compare, and order numbers, including integers 7m9-demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers Specific Expectations 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers using a variety of tools and strategies 7m22-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m12- generate multiples and factors, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m16-represent perfect squares and square roots, using a variety of tools 6m18- use a variety of mental strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems involving whole numbers p. 184 – 195 p. 166 - 169 p. 196 6m19- solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole numbers (four by four digit), using a variety of tools and strategies 6m17- identify composite numbers and prime numbers, and explain the relationship between them (i.e., any composite number can be factored into prime factors) 6m 25 – explain the need for a standard order for performing operations, by investigating the impact that changing the order has when performing a series of operations 7m13-identify and compare integers found in real-life contexts 7m14-represent and order integers, using a variety of tools 7m26-add and subtract integers, using a variety of tools 7m 23 – evaluate expressions that involve whole numbers, including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Page 30 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 1 – Patterning & Algebra Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 3 weeks Overall Expectations 6m55- describe and represent 7m58- represent linear growth patterns relationships in growing and shrinking patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) (where the terms are whole numbers) using concrete materials, graphs, and algebraic expressions 7m59- model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically Nelson Grade 6 Specific Expectations p. 2 -3 6m57- identify geometric patterns, through investigation using concrete materials or drawings, and represent them numerically p. 22 - 23 p. 4 – 6, 34 6m61- determine a term, given its term number, by extending growing and shrinking patterns that are generated by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or dividing by a constant, to get the next term 6m60- describe pattern rules (in words) that generate patterns by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or dividing by a constant to get the next term, then distinguish such pattern rules from pattern rules, given in words, that describe the general term by referring to the term number Specific Expectations 7m60-represent linear growing patterns, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m61- make predictions about linear growing patterns, through investigation with concrete materials 7m62-develop and represent the general term of a linear growing pattern, using algebraic expressions involving one operation 7m63-compare pattern rules that generate a pattern by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or dividing by a constant, to get the next term with pattern rules that use the term number to describe the general term SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Page 31 Suggested Timing Grade 6 Term 1 – Data Management Grade 7 Overall Expectations 2 weeks 6m67- collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including continuous line graphs 6m68- read, describe, and interpret data, and explain relationships between sets of data Nelson Grade 6 p. 70 p. 77, 86, 87, 90 - 92 Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 7m73 -collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject and record observations or measurements 6m73- determine, through investigation, how well a set of data represents a population, on the basis of the method that was used to collect the data 6m71- collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including continuous line graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels and scales (e.g., with appropriate scales) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 7m76-distinguish between a census and a sample from a population 6m76- explain how different scales used on graphs can influence conclusions drawn from the data p. 74- 76, 78 – 80, 88 - 89 7m71- make and evaluate convincing arguments, based on the analysis of data 6m70-collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject, and record observations or measurements 6m72- select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph p. 84 - 85 Overall Expectations 7m70-collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including relative frequency tables and circle graphs 6m75- compare, through investigation, different graphical representations of the same data 6m77- demonstrate an understanding of mean, and use the mean to compare two sets of related data, with and without the use of technology 6m74- read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data presented in charts tables and graphs (including continuous line graphs) 6m78- demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of how data from charts, tables, and graphs can be used to make inferences and convincing arguments 7m77-identify bias in data collection methods 7m74 -collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels (appropriate units marked on the axes), and scales (with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 7m75-select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph 7m79-identify, through investigation, graphs that represent data in misleading ways 7m80-determine, through investigation, the effect on a measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode) of adding or removing a value or values 7m78-read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) 7m81-identify and describe trends, based on the distribution of the data presented in tables and graphs, using informal language 7m82-make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Suggested Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Term 2 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 6 Grade 7 Page 32 Timing Overall Expectations 4 weeks 6m8- read, represent, compare, and order decimal numbers to thousandths, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers 6m10-demonstrate an understanding of relationships involving percent Nelson Grade 6 Specific Expectations p. 356 - 359 6m14- represent, compare, and order fractional amounts with unlike denominators, including proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers, using a variety of tools and using standard fractional notation Overall Expectations 7m8- represent, compare, and order numbers 7m9- demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions, and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving decimal numbers 7m10- demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using percent Specific Expectations 7m11--represent, compare, and order fractions, using a variety of tools 7m24-add and subtract fractions with simple like and unlike denominators using a variety of tools and algorithms 7m19-use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions p. 56 – 57 p. 50 – 52 P. 268 – 269, 306 – 308 p. 274 - 277 6m11- represent, compare, and order whole numbers and decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1000 000, using a variety of tools 6m12- demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000, using a variety of tools and strategies 6m23- multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 using mental strategies (use calculator to develop the rule) 6m22- multiply whole numbers by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 using mental strategies (use calculator to develop the rule) 7m25-demonstrate using concrete materials, the relationship between the repeated addition of fractions and the multiplication of that fraction by a whole number 7m18-divide whole numbers by simple fractions using concrete materials 7m11- represent, compare, and order decimals to hundredths using a variety of tools 7m22- use estimation when solving problems involving operations with decimals to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m19-use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals 7m20-solve problems involving the multiplication and division of decimal numbers to thousandths by one-digit whole numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m18-divide whole numbers by decimal numbers to hundredths, using concrete materials 7m23-evaluate expressions that involve decimals, including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. Combined 2006 Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 2 – Number Sense & Numeration Continued Grade 6 Grade 7 Page 33 Nelson Grade 6 Specific Expectations p. 360 – 361 370 – 371 6m27 – determine and explain, through investigation using concrete materials, drawings, and calculators, the relationships among fractions (i.e. with denominators of 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, and 100), decimal numbers, and percents p. 372 - 373 6m15- estimate quantities using benchmarks of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% Specific Expectations 7m27-determine, through investigation, the relationships among fractions, decimals, percents and ratios 7m15- select and justify the most appropriate representation of a quantity (i.e. fraction, decimal, percent) for a given context 7m22-use estimation when solving problems involving percents to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m28-solve problems that involve determining whole number percents, using a variety of tools SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Suggested Timing Overall Expectations 3 weeks Page 34 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Term 2 – Measurement Grade 6 6m29-estimate, measure and record quantities, using the metric measurement Grade 7 Overall Expectations 7m31- report on research into real-life applications of area measurements system 6m30-determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area of a parallelogram, and the area of a triangle Nelson Grade 6 p. 142 – 143 152 - 153 p. 144 – 145 146 - 147 p. 242 Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 6m31- demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between estimated and precise measurements, and determine and justify when each kind is appropriate 6m32 – estimate, measure, and record length, area, and mass, using the metric measurement system 6m33- select and justify the appropriate metric unit (i.e., millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, metre, decameter, kilometer) to measure length or distance in a given reallife situation 7m35-solve problems that require conversion between metric units of measure 6m34- solve problems requiring conversion from larger to smaller metric units 6m35- construct a rectangle, a square, a triangle and a parallelogram, using a variety of tools Review – area 6m36- determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the area of a rectangle and the areas of parallelograms and triangles, by decomposing and composing p. 245 - 247 7m32- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes Review - perimeter 7m36-solve problems that require conversion between metric units of area 7m39-estimate and calculate the area of composite two-dimensional shapes by decomposing into shapes with known area relationships 6m37- develop the formulas for the area of a parallelogram [i.e., Area of parallelogram = base x height] and the area of a triangle [i.e., Area of triangle = (basexheight ) ], using the area 2 p. 250 - 253 relationships among rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles 6m38- solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the areas of triangles and the areas of parallelograms 7m33-research and report on real-life applications of area measurements 6m39- determine, using concrete materials, the relationship between units used to measure area (i.e., square centimeter, square metre), and apply the relationship to solve problems that involve conversions from square metres to square centimetres SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 35 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 2 – Geometry and Spatial Sense Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 2 weeks 6m43- classify and construct polygons and angles Overall Expectations 7m43-construct related lines, and classify triangles, and quadrilaterals 7m44- develop an understanding of similarity, and distinguish similarity and congruence Nelson Grade 6 p. 210 - 211 Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 6m48- measure and construct angles up to 7m46-construct related lines (i.e. parallel; 0 180 using a protractor, and classify them as acute, right obtuse, or straight angles 0 0 perpendicular; intersecting at 30 , 45 , and 0 60 ), using angle properties and a variety of tools and strategies 7m48-construct angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors, using a variety of tools and strategies and represent equal angles and equal lengths using mathematical notation 7m47- sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies. p. 224 - 225 6m46- sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies p. 222 – 223 6m47 – sort polygons according to the number of lines of symmetry and the order of rotational symmetry, through investigation using a variety of tools p. 218 - 221 6m49- construct polygons using a variety of tools, given angle and side measurements 7m50-identify through investigation, the minimum side and angle information (i.e. side-side-side; side-angle-side; angle-sideangle) needed to describe a unique triangle ( to create congruent triangles). 7m53-distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m51-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths, and corresponding angles of congruent shapes. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 36 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Grade 6 Term 2 – Patterning & Algebra Grade 7 Overall Expectations 3 weeks Overall Expectations 7m58- represent linear growth patterns (where 6m56- use variables in simple algebraic expressions and equations to describe the terms are whole numbers) using concrete materials, graphs, and algebraic expressions relationships 7m59- model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve simple algebraic equations using a variety of strategies, including inspection and guess and check Nelson Grade 6 Specific Expectations p. 12 – 13, 20 – 21, 26 - 27 6m63- demonstrate an understanding of different ways in which variables are used 7m66-translate phrases describing simple mathematical relationships into algebraic expressions using concrete materials 6m65- solve problems that use two or three symbols or letters as variables to represent different unknown quantities 7m67-evaluate algebraic expressions by substituting natural numbers for the variables 6m64- identify, through investigation, the quantities in an equation that vary and those that remain constant p. 24 - 25 6m66- determine the solution to a simple equation with one variable of tools and strategies Specific Expectations 7m68 – make connections between evaluating algebraic expressions and determine the term in a pattern using the general term 7m69-solve linear equations of the form ax = c or c = ax and ax + b = c or variations such as b + ax = c and c = bx + a (where a, b, and c are natural numbers) by modeling with concrete materials, by inspection, or by guess and check, with and without the aid of a calculator SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Suggested Timing Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Term 3 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 4 weeks (combined with patterning and algebra) 6m9- solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to thousandths, using a variety of strategies 6m10-demonstrate an understanding of relationships involving ratio and unit rate Nelson Grade 6 Specific Expectations p. 362 – 365 374 - 375 Page 37 6m26- represent ratios found in real-life contexts using concrete materials, drawings, Overall Expectations 7m10 – demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using ratio and rate Specific Expectations 7m29 -demonstrate an understanding of rate as a comparison, or ratio, of two p. 120 - 129 p. 270- 271, 283 – 286, 294 – 303, 310 - 311 Suggested Timing 4 weeks (combined with number sense and numeration) p. 14 - 16 and standard fractional notation 6m28- represent relationships using unit rates 6m20-add and subtract decimal numbers to thousandths, using concrete materials, estimation, algorithms, and calculators 6m24- use estimation when solving problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 6m21 multiply and divide decimal numbers to tenths by whole numbers, using concrete materials, estimation, algorithms, and calculators measurements with different units 7m30-solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates Term 3 – Patterning & Algebra Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 6m55- describe and represent relationships in growing and shrinking patterns Overall Expectations 7m59- model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 6m58- make table of values, for growing patterns given pattern rules, in words, then list the ordered pairs (with the first coordinate representing the term number and the second coordinate representing the term) and plot the points in the first quadrant, using a variety of tools 6m59- determine the term number of a given term in a growing pattern that is represented by a pattern rule in words, a table of values, or a graph 7m64-model real-life relationships involving constant rates where the initial condition starts at 0, through investigation using tables of values and graphs 7m65-model real-life relationships involving constant rates using algebraic equations with variables to represent the changing quantities in the relationship SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 38 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 3 – Measurement Grade 6 Overall Expectations 4 weeks Nelson Grade 6 p. 322, 336 – 340 6m30- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the volume of a triangular prism 6m44 – sketch three-dimensional figures, and construct three-dimensional figures from drawings; (G&S) Specific Expectations 6m50- build three-dimensional models using connecting cubes, given isometric Grade 7 Overall Expectations 7m32- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the volume of a right prism, and the area of a trapezoid Specific Expectations 7m37-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the p. 323, 334 - 335 p. 324 - 325 p. 326 - 327 p. 328 330 - 331 sketches or different views (i.e., top, side, front) of the structure (G&S) relationship for calculating the area of a trapezoid, and generalize to develop the formula 6m51- sketch, using a variety of tools, isometric perspectives and different views (i.e., top, side, front) of three-dimensional figures built with interlocking cubes (G&S) Area = (sum of lengths of parallel sides height) 2 6m41- determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms 6m42- solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the surface area of triangular and rectangular prisms 6m40- determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of a triangular prism, and generalize to develop the formula 6m42-solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the volume of triangular and rectangular prisms 6m32- estimate, measure, and record capacity, and volume, using the metric system 7m38-solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the area of a trapezoid 7m49- investigate, using concrete materials, the angles between the faces of a prism, and identify right prisms 7m41--determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, the surface area of right prisms 7m42--solve problems that involve the surface area of right prisms 7m40-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of right prisms with simple polygonal bases and generalize to develop the formula (i.e. Volume = area of base height) 7m17-explain the relationship between exponential notation and the measurement of area and volume 7m42-solve problems that involve the volume of right prisms and that require conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume (i.e. millilitres and cubic centimetres) 7m34-sketch different polygonal prisms that share the same volume SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 39 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 3 – Geometry and Spatial Sense Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations 3.5 weeks Nelson Grade 6 p. 72 - 73 6m45- describe location in the first quadrant of a coordinate system, and rotate two-dimensional shapes Specific Expectations 6m52- explain how a coordinate system represents location, and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane Overall Expectations 7m45- describe location in the four quadrants of a coordinate system, dilatate two-dimensional shapes, and apply transformations to create and analyse designs Specific Expectations 7m54- plot points using all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane p. 416 - 425 6m54- create and analyse designs made by reflecting, translating, and/or rotating a shape, or shapes, by 90 0 or 180 0 6m53- identify, perform, and describe, through investigation using a variety of tools, 0 0 rotations of 90 and 180 clockwise and counterclockwise, with the centre of rotation inside or outside the shape p. 432 - 433 6m62- extend and create repeating patterns that result from rotations, through investigation using a variety of tools 7m56-create and analyse designs involving translations, reflections, dilatations, and/or simple rotations of two-dimensional shapes using a variety of tools and strategies 7m55-identify, perform, and describe dilatations (i.e. enlargements and reductions), through investigation using a variety of tools 7m52-demonstrate an understanding that enlarging or reducing two-dimensional shapes creates similar shapes 7m 53 – distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes, using a variety of tools and strategies (dilatations create similar shapes that translations, rotations, reflections generate congruent shapes) 7m57-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, polygons or combinations of polygons that tile a plane, and describe the transformation(s) involved SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 40 Combined Grade 6 & Grade 7 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing 2 weeks Nelson Grade 6 p. 392 - 393 Term 3 – Data Management & Probability Grade 6 Grade 7 Overall Expectations Overall Expectations 6m69- determine the theoretical probability of an outcome in a probability experiment, and us it to predict the frequency of the outcome 7m72-compare experimental probabilities with the theoretical probability of an outcome involving two independent events Specific Expectations 6m80- represent the probability of an event (i.e., the likelihood that the event will occur), using a value from the range of 0 (never happens or impossible) to 1 (always happens or certain) Specific Expectations 7m83-research and report on real-world applications of probabilities expressed in fractions, decimal, and percent form p. 390 – 391, 400 - 403 p. 394 - 396 6m79- express theoretical probability as a ratio of the number of favourable outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes, where all outcomes are equally likely 6m81- predict the frequency of an outcome of a simple probability experiment or game, by calculating and using the theoretical probability of that outcome 7m85-represent in a variety of ways all the possible outcomes of a probability experiment involving two independent events (i.e. one event does not affect the other event), and determine the theoretical probability of a specific outcome involving two independent events 7m86-perform a simple probability experiment involving two independent events, and compare the experimental probability with the theoretical probability of a specific outcome 7m84-make predictions about a population when given a probability SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 41 Grade 7/8 Mathematics Course of Study – Sequence of Units Term 1 Recommende d Length of Unit Strand 1 week 3 weeks Number Sense & Numeration 3 weeks Patterning & Algebra Data Management 2 weeks 0.5 week Grade 7 Grade 8 Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge Whole numbers, decimals, factoring, multiples, square roots, order of operations, Integers Linear and number patterns, table of values Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge Whole numbers, decimals, factoring, exponents, powers, square roots, order of operations, integers Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, central tendency Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, central tendency Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Linear and number patterns, Term 2 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 7 Grade 8 4 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Measurement Fractions, Decimals, Percent Fractions, Decimals, Percent Composite area, conversion of metric units Constructing lines, classifying triangles and quadrilaterals, Congruency & Similarity Algebraic expressions and equations Conversion of metric units, Circumference and area of a circle Constructing circles, angle properties, similarity Algebraic expressions and equations Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) 2 weeks 2 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense 3 weeks Patterning & Algebra 1 week Term 3 Recommende d Length of Unit Strand Grade 7 Grade 8 4 weeks (with P & A) 4 weeks (with NSN) 4 week Number Sense & Numeration Patterning & Algebra Rate and ratio Rates and Proportions Graphing proportional relationships Solving equations Linear Relationships Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder 4 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense 2 weeks Data Management & Probability Measurement Surface Area & Volume of Right Prisms, Area of Trapezoids Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (all 4 quadrants) Experimental and Theoretical Probability 1 week Suggested Cross–Strand Summative Task(s) SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept.Combined 2006 Grade 7 & Grade 8 Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (all 4 quadrants) Pythagorean Theorem Theoretical and Experimental Probability Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Page 42 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing 3 weeks Term 1 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations Overall Expectations 7m8-represent, compare, and order numbers, including integers 8m8-represent, compare, and order equivalent representations of numbers, including those involving positive exponents 7m9- demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers Specific Expectations 8m9-solve problems involving whole numbers, and integers, using a variety of computational strategies Specific Expectations 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers using a variety of tools and strategies 8m16-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m22-use estimation when solving problems 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution involving operations with whole numbers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m12- generate multiples and factors, using a variety of tools and strategies 8m15-determine common factors and common multiples using the prime factorization of numbers 8m11-express repeated multiplication using exponential notation 7m16-represent perfect squares and square roots, using a variety of tools 8m25-estimate, and verify using a calculator, the positive square roots of whole numbers, and distinguish between whole numbers that have whole-number square roots (i.e. perfect square numbers) and those that do not SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 43 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 1 – Number Sense & Numeration Continued Grade 7 Grade 8 Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 7m13-identify and compare integers found in real-life contexts 7m14-represent and order integers, using a variety of tools 7m26-add and subtract integers, using a variety of tools 8m22-solve problems involving adding and subtracting with integers using a variety of tools 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with integers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m21-represent the multiplication and division of integers, using a variety of tools 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with integers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m23-evaluate expressions that involve whole numbers including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations 8m22-solve problems involving multiplication and division with integers, using a variety of tools 8m23-evaluate expressions that involve integers including expressions that contain brackets and exponents, using order of operations 8m12- represent whole numbers in expanded form using powers of ten SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 44 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 1 – Patterning and Algebra Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations 3 weeks 7m58- represent linear growth patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using concrete materials, graphs, and algebraic expressions 7m59-model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically, Specific Expectations Overall Expectations 8m54-represent linear growing patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using graphs, algebraic expressions and equations 8m55-model linear relationships graphically and algebraically, Specific Expectations 8m59-describe different ways in which algebra can be used in real-life situations 7m60- represent linear growing patterns, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m61- make predictions about linear growing patterns, through investigation with concrete materials 8m60 – model linear relationships using table of values, graphs, and equations 7m62- develop and represent the general term of a linear growing pattern, using algebraic expressions involving one operation 7m63- compare pattern rules that generate a pattern by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or dividing by a constant, to get the next term with pattern rules that use the term number to describe the general term 8m56 – represent, through investigation with concrete materials, the general term of a linear pattern, using one or more algebraic expressions 8m57-represent linear patterns graphically (i.e. make a table of values that shows the term number and the term, and plot the coordinates on a graph), using a variety of tools SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 45 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Term 1 – Data Management Suggested Timing Grade 7 Overall Expectations 2 weeks Grade 8 Overall Expectations 7m70- collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including relative frequency tables and circle graphs 8m65-collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including frequency tables with intervals, histograms, and scatter plots 7m71-make and evaluate convincing arguments, based on the analysis of data 8m66- apply a variety of data management tools and strategies to make convincing arguments about data Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 7m73-collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject and record observations or measurements 7m76-distinguish between a census and a sample from a population 7m77- identify bias in data collection methods 8m68-collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject, and record observations or measurements 8m72-explain the relationship between a census, a representative sample, sample size, and a population 7m74-collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels (appropriate units marked on the axes), and scales (with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 7m75-select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph 7m79-identify, through investigation, graphs that represent data in misleading ways 7m80-determine, through investigation, the effect on a measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode) of adding or removing a value or values 7m78-read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) 7m81-identify and describe trends, based on the distribution of the data presented in tables and graphs, using informal language 7m82-make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs 8m70-collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data, and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including histograms and scatter plots) that have appropriate titles, labels (appropriate units marked on the axes) and scales (with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 8m69-organize into intervals a set of data that is spread over a broad range 8m71-select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph 8m75-demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate uses of bar graphs and histograms by comparing their characteristics 8m74-determine, through investigation the appropriate measure of central tendency (i.e. mean, median, or mode) needed to compare sets of data 8m73-read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data, presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including frequency tables with intervals, histograms and scatter plots) 8m77-identify and describe trends, based on the rate of change of data from tables and graphs, using informal language 8m78-make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Suggested Timing Term 2 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations 4 weeks Page 46 7m8-represent, compare, and order numbers 7m9-demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions, and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving decimal numbers Overall Expectations 8m8-represent, compare, and order equivalent representations of numbers 8m9-solve problems involving, decimal numbers, and fractions using a variety of computational strategies 7m10 – demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using percent Specific Expectations 7m11-represent, compare, and order fractions, using a variety of tools 7m24-add and subtract fractions with simple like and unlike denominators using a variety of tools and algorithms 7m19-use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions Specific Expectations 8m13-represent, compare, and order rational numbers (i.e. positive and negative fractions) 8m20-solve problems involving addition, subtraction with simple fractions 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with fractions to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m25-demonstrate using concrete materials, the relationship between the repeated addition of fractions and the multiplication of that fraction by a whole number 8m19-represent the multiplication of fractions, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m18-divide whole numbers by simple fractions using concrete materials 8m20-solve problems involving multiplication with simple fractions 8m19-represent the division of fractions using a variety of tools and strategies 7m11-represent, compare, and order decimals to hundredths using a variety of tools 8m20-solve problems involving division with simple fractions 8m13-represent, compare, and order rational numbers (i.e. decimals to thousandths) SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 47 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 2 – Number Sense & Numeration Continued Grade 7 Grade 8 Specific Expectations Specific Expectations 7m22-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with decimals to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with decimals to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m19-use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals 8m24-multiply and divide decimal numbers by various powers of ten 7m20-solve problems involving the multiplication and division of decimal numbers to thousandths by one-digit whole numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m18-divide whole numbers by decimal numbers to hundredths, using concrete materials 7m23-evaluate expressions that involve decimals, including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m27-determine, through investigation, the relationships among fractions, decimals, percents and ratios 8m14-translate between equivalent forms of a number (i.e. fractions, decimals, percents) 7m15-select and justify the most appropriate representation of a quantity (i.e. fraction, decimal, percent) for a given context 7m22- use estimation when solving problems involving percents to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving percents to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m28-solve problems that involve determining whole number percents, using a variety of tools 8m28-solve problems involving percent that arise from real-life contexts 8m17-solve problems involving percents expressed to one decimal place and wholenumber percents greater than 100 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 48 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Term 2 – Measurement Suggested Timing Grade 7 Overall Expectations 2 weeks 7m31- report on research into real-life applications of area measurements Grade 8 Overall Expectations 8m31-determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area of a circle 7m32 – determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes Specific Expectations 7m35-solve problems that require conversion between metric units of measure Specific Expectations 8m44- construct a circle, given its centre and radius, or its centre and a point on the circle, or three points on the circle (G&S)* 8m34- measure the circumference, radius, and diameter of circular objects, using concrete materials Review – perimeter Review – area 8m35-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationships 7m36-solve problems that require conversion between metric units of area (ie. Square centimeters and square metres) 7m39-estimate and calculate the area of composite two-dimensional shapes by decomposing into shapes with known area relationships for calculating the circumference and the area of a circle, and generalize to develop the formulas [i.e. Circumference of a circle = diameter; Area of a circle = 2 (radius) ] 8m33- solve problems that require conversions involving metric units of area (ie. Square centimeters and square metres) 8m36-solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the circumference and the area of a circle 7m33-research and report on real-life applications of area measurements * (G&S) expectation is from Geometry and Spatial Sense strand SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 49 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 2 – Geometry and Spatial Sense Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations 2 weeks 7m43-construct related lines, and classify triangles, quadrilaterals 7m44-develop an understanding of similarity, and distinguish similarity and congruence Specific Expectations 7m46-construct related lines (i.e. parallel; Overall Expectations 8m40-demonstrate an understanding of the geometric properties of quadrilaterals and circles and the application of geometric properties in the real world; 8m41-develop geometric relationships involving lines, triangles, and solve problems involving lines and triangles; Specific Expectations 8m45-investigate and describe applications of geometric properties in the real world 0 0 perpendicular; intersecting at 30 , 45 , and 0 60 ), using angle properties and a variety of tools and strategies 7m48-construct angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors, using a variety of tools and strategies and represent equal angles and equal lengths using mathematical notation 7m47-sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies. 7m50-identify through investigation, the minimum side and angle information (i.e. side-side-side; side-angle-side; angle-sideangle) needed to describe a unique triangle (to create congruent triangles) 8m47-determine through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the angle relationships for intersecting lines and for parallel lines and transversals, and the sum of the angles of a triangle 8m48-solve angle-relationship problems involving triangles, intersecting lines, and parallel lines and transversals 8m43-sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties, including those based on diagonals, through investigation using a variety of tools 8m46-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths, and corresponding angles of similar shapes 7m53-distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m51-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths, and corresponding angles of congruent shapes SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 50 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 2 – Patterning and Algebra Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations 3 weeks 7m58- represent linear growth patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using concrete materials, graphs, and algebraic expressions 7m59-model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve simple algebraic equations using a variety of strategies, including inspection and guess and check Specific Expectations Overall Expectations 8m54-represent linear growing patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using graphs, algebraic expressions and equations 8m55-model linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve and verify algebraic equations, using a variety of strategies, including inspection, guess and check, and using a “balance” model Specific Expectations 7m66-translate phrases describing simple mathematical relationships into algebraic expressions using concrete materials 7m67-evaluate algebraic expressions by substituting natural numbers for the variables 7m68-make connections between evaluating algebraic expressions and determine the term in a pattern using the general term 7m69-solve linear equations of the form ax = c or c = ax and ax + b = c or variations such as b + ax = c and c = bx + a (where a, b, and c are natural numbers) by modeling with concrete materials, by inspection, or by guess and check, with and without the aid of a calculator 8m61-translate statements describing mathematical relationships into algebraic expressions and equations 8m62-evaluate algebraic expressions with up to three terms, by substituting fractions, decimals, and integers for the variables 8m58-determine a term, given its term number, in a linear pattern that is represented by a graph or an algebraic equation 8m63-make connections between solving equations and determining the term number in a pattern, using the general term 8m64-solve and verify linear equations involving a one-variable term and having solutions that are integers, by using inspection, guess and check, and a “balance” model Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 of Study Sequence SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Course Suggested Timing Term 3 – Number Sense & Numeration Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations 4 weeks (combined with P & A) Page 51 7m10-demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using percent, ratio and rate Specific Expectations 7m29-demonstrate an understanding of rate as a comparison, or ratio, of two measurements with different units 7m30-solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates Overall Expectations 8m10-solve problems by using proportional reasoning in a variety of meaningful contexts Specific Expectations 8m29-solve problems involving rates 8m27-solve problems involving proportions, using concrete materials, drawings, and variables. Term 3 – Patterning and Algebra Suggested Timing Grade 7 Overall Expectations 4 weeks (combined with Number Sense and Numeration) 7m59-model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically Specific Expectations 7m64-model real-life relationships involving constant rates where the initial condition starts at 0, through investigation using tables of values and graphs 7m65-model real-life relationships involving constant rates using algebraic equations with variables to represent the changing quantities in the relationship Grade 8 Overall Expectations 8m55-model linear relationships graphically and algebraically Specific Expectations 8m60-model linear relationships using table of values, graphs, and equations, through investigation using a variety of tools 8m26-identify and describe real-life situations involving two quantities that are directly proportional 8m76-compare two attributes or characteristics, using a scatter plot, and determine whether or not the scatter plot suggests a relationship 8m79-compare two attributes or characteristics, using a variety of data management tools and strategies SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Suggested Timing Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Term 3 – Measurement Grade 7 Overall Expectations 4 weeks Page 52 7m32-determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the volume of a right prism and the area of a trapezoid Grade 8 Overall Expectations 8m30-research, describe, and report on applications of volume and capacity measurement 8m31-determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the volume of a cylinder Specific Expectations 7m37- determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship for calculating the area of a trapezoid, and generalize to develop the formula Area = (sum of lengths of parallel sides height) 2 7m38- solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the area of a trapezoid Specific Expectations 8m51-determine, through investigation using concrete materials, the relationship between the number of faces, edges, and vertices of a polyhedron (i.e. number of faces + number of vertices = number of edges + 2) 7m49 – investigate, using concrete materials, the angles between the faces of a prism, and identify right prisms 7m41-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, the surface area of right prisms 7m42-solve problems that involve the surface area of right prisms 7m40-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of right prisms with simple polygonal bases and generalize to develop the formula (i.e. Volume = area of base height) 8m38-determine through investigation using concrete materials, the surface area of a cylinder 8m39-solve problems involving the surface area of cylinders using a variety of strategies 8m37-determine through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the area of the base and height and the volume of a cylinder, and generalize to develop the formula (i.e. Volume = area of base height) 7m17-explain the relationship between exponential notation and the measurement of area and volume 7m42-solve problems that involve the volume of right prisms and that require conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume (i.e. millilitres and cubic centimetres) 7m34-sketch different polygonal prisms that share the same volume 8m39-solve problems involving the volume of cylinders, using a variety of strategies 8m33-solve problems that require conversions involving metric units of volume and capacity (i.e. cubic centimetres and cubic metres; millilitres and cubic centimetres) 8m32-research, describe, and report on applications of volume and capacity measurement SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 53 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Suggested Timing Term 3 – Geometry and Spatial Sense Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations Overall Expectations 4 weeks 7m45-describe location in the four quadrants of a coordinate system, dilatate twodimensional shapes, and apply transformations to create and analyse designs Specific Expectations 8m42-represent transformations using the Cartesian coordinate plane, and make connections between transformations and the real world Specific Expectations Review – plotting points in four quadrants 7m54-plot points using all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane 7m56-create and analyse designs involving translations, reflections, dilatations, and/or simple rotations of two-dimensional shapes using a variety of tools and strategies 8m53-identify through investigation, real-world movements that are translations, reflections, and rotations 7m55-identify, perform, and describe dilatations (i.e. enlargements and reductions), through investigation using a variety of tools 7m52-demonstrate an understanding that enlarging or reducing two-dimensional shapes creates similar shapes 8m52-graph the image of a point, or set of points, on the Cartesian coordinate plane after applying a transformation to the original point(s) (i.e. translation; reflection in the x-axis, the yaxis, or the angle bisector of the axes that passes through the first and third quadrants; 0 0 0 rotation of 90 , 180 , or 270 about the origin) 7m53-distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes, using a variety of tools and strategies (dilatations create similar shapes and that translations, rotations, reflections generate congruent shapes) 7m57-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, polygons or combinations of polygons that tile a plane, and describe the transformation(s) involved 8m49-determine the Pythagorean relationship, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies 8m50-solve problems involving right triangles geometrically, using the Pythagorean relationship SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 54 Combined Grade 7 & Grade 8 Course of Study Sequence Term 3 – Probability Suggested Timing Grade 7 Grade 8 Overall Expectations Overall Expectations 2 weeks 7m72-compare experimental probabilities with the theoretical probability of an outcome involving two independent events Specific Expectations 8m67-use probability models to make predictions about real-life events Specific Expectations 7m83-research and report on real-world applications of probabilities expressed in fractions, decimal, and percent form 7m85-represent in a variety of ways all the possible outcomes of a probability experiment involving two independent events (i.e. one event does not affect the other event), and determine the theoretical probability of a specific outcome involving two independent 8m80-compare, through investigation, the theoretical probability of an event (i.e. the ratio of the number of ways a favourable outcome can occur compared to the total number of possible outcomes) with experimental probability, and explain why they might differ. events 7m86-perform a simple probability experiment involving two independent events, and compare the experimental probability with the theoretical probability of a specific outcome 8m81-determine, through investigation, the tendency of experimental probability to approach theoretical probability as the number of trials in an experiment increases, using class-generated data and technologybased simulation models 7m84-make predictions about a population when given a probability 8m82-identify the complementary event for a given event, and calculate the theoretical probability that a given event will not occur SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Grade 7 Mathematics Course of Study – Sequence of Units Page 55 Term 1 Recommended Length of Unit Strand 1 week Grade 7 Comments Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge Textbook Scavenger Hunt Diagnostics Exploration of manipulatives Unit 1 and 4 of textbook (also page 366-unit 10) Unit 9 3 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Whole numbers, decimals, factoring, multiples, square roots, order of operations, Integers 3 weeks Patterning & Algebra Data Management Linear patterns, table of values, number patterns Unit 10 Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, central tendency Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Unit 5 2 weeks 0.5 week See Summary of Tasks Pages of this document Term 2 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 7 Comments 4 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Measurement Fractions, Decimals, Percent Unit 4, 8 Composite area, conversion of metric units Unit 3, 6, 2 2 weeks 2 week 3 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense Patterning & Algebra 1 week Congruence & Similarity Unit 7 Algebraic expressions and equations Unit 10 Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) See Summary of Tasks Pages of this document Term 3 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 7 Comments 4 weeks (combined with P &A) 4 Weeks (combined with NSN) 4 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Ratio and Rates (conversion of metric units continued) Unit 2 (ratios in scale drawings page 112-113) Patterning & Algebra Graphing Real-Life linear relationships modeling proportional relationships Extend questions in Unit 2 to include graphing of the relationships Measurement Surface Area & Volume of Right Prisms, area of trapezoids Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (all 4 quadrants) Theoretical and Experimental Probability Unit 3, 6 Suggested Cross–Strand Summative Task(s) See Summary of Tasks Pages of this document 3 weeks 2 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense Data Management & Probability 1 week Unit 7 Unit 11 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 56 Grade 7 Mathematics Course of Study – Suggested Summary Tasks Term 1 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Math Makes Sense 7 Math Make Sense 7 Page 362-363 Number Sense Page 212-213 Gage Mathematics Assessment Gage Mathematics Assessment Page 16 DMP701-8 Data Management &Probability Data Management &Probability Data Management &Probability Unit Problem: What Time Is It? Unit Problem: Organizing a Winter Carnival Winter Olympics How Much Does A Pet Cost? Use of integers, operations with integers Collect, display, organize and analyse data Use of graphs to make predictions Investigation into yearly costs of keeping a pet Page 13 Term 2 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Math Make Sense 7 Page 320-321 Number Sense Math Make Sense 7 Page 162-163 Number Sense Impact Math Page 22-56 Patterning and Algebra P&A Unit Problem: At the Shopping Mall Unit Problem: Publishing a Book Patterns in Ancient Cultures Math Makes Sense Page 432-433 Number Sense Use of decimals, percent and sales tax Use of fractions, cost calculation, decimals Four activities that use extension of patterns and create equations to represent situations Use of probability, Cross Strand 7 Math Makes Sense 7 Page 242-243 Data Management &Probability Number Sense, Patterning &Algebra, Measurement Investigation: A Population Simulation Designing a Patio fractions, percent, analysis of trends Formulas for area used in final task, use of various 2D geometric shapes Planting Vegetables Use of unit conversion and area calculation Tile Town Use of area calculation, price calculation Patterns with Toothpicks Table of Values, Prediction, equation representation Table of Values, Prediction, equation representation Table of Values, Prediction, equation representation Gage Mathematics Assessment Page 7 M702-6 Gage Mathematics Assessment Page 8 M703-3 Gage Mathematics Assessment Gage Mathematics Assessment Gage Mathematics Assessment Page 9 PA701-2 Number Sense, Patterning &Algebra, Measurement Number Sense Patterning &Algebra Measurement Patterning &Algebra Page 10 PA701-5 Patterning &Algebra Page 10 PA701-6 Patterning &Algebra Patterns with Geometric Figures Patterns with Geometric Figures SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 57 Grade 7 Mathematics Course of Study – Suggested Summary Tasks Term 3 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Impact Math Page 22-56 Measurement Number Sense, Patterning &Algebra, Measurement Gulliver ‘s Travels Number Sense Patterning &Algebra Number Sense Patterning &Algebra Number Sense Measurement Number Sense Measurement Spaceship Earth Four activities that involve area calculation and basis of formula for area of a trapezoid Use of volume calculations Unit Problem: Fund Raising Unit Problem: Who’s the Smartest Unit Problem: Making Food for a Bake Sale Cross Strand Investigation: Ratios in Scale Drawings Structure Construction The 2$ Coin Math Make Sense 7 3.1 – 5.2 Page 48-56 Number Sense Page 402-403 Math Make Sense 7 Page 72-73 Math Makes Sense 7 Page 110-111 Math Makes Sense 7 Page 112-113 Gage Mathematics Assessment Gage Mathematics Assessment Page 18 GSS701-4 Number Sense Measurement Geometry Geometry Page 6 Measurement Impact Math Use of table of values, real life relationships, equations Use of units of measure, conversion and ratios Use of units of measure, surface area and volume calculations Use of Ratios, perimeter, area, polygons Building 3D figures Calculating mass, volume and value of various amounts of money SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 58 Grade 7 Term 1 - Number Sense and Numeration 7m9 - apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers 7m8 - represent, compare, and order numbers, including integers 7m9 - demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers Textbook References/Other Resources MMS = Math Makes Sense 7 Pearson (referenced as a primary source) MMSCC = MMS Curriculum Companion AA7 = Active Achievement Binder Grade 7 AA8 = Active Achievement Binder Grade 8 MP = Math Power (only referenced as a secondary source) MB = Marilyn Burns ‘About Teaching Mathematics’ Examples Sample Problems Specific Expectations Ministry Documents TIPS4RM = Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports for Revised Mathematics TL = Think Literacy IM = Impact Math G7E = Grade 7 Exemplar Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents IM Number Sense Activity 1 - 4 Overall 3 weeks TL p. 29, 31, 32 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers using a variety of tools and strategies 7m22 – use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m12-generate multiples and factors, using a variety of tools and strategies e.g. of strategies: estimation, algorithms calculators; concrete materials; drawings; MMS p. 6-13, 27 e.g. of strategies: identify multiples on a hundreds chart; create rectangles on a geoboard Sample Problem: List all the rectangles that have an area of 36 color tiles; geoboards; hundreds chart; MMS p.14-18 geoboards; grid paper; linking cubes MMS p.19-21 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 1 Day 1 AA7 p. 14-15 2 cm and have whole-number dimensions. 7m16 –represent perfect squares and square roots, using a variety of tools AA7 p. 19 Grade 7 Term 1 – Number Sense and Numeration Continued SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 1 Day 1 Page 59 Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Integers 7m13-identify and compare integers found in real-life contexts 0 0 e.g. -10 C is much colder than +5 C geoboard; number cards; number line; thermometer; two-colour counters; virtual manipulatives; 7m14-represent and order integers, using a variety of tools 7m26-add and subtract integers, using a variety of tools 7m23-evaluate expressions that involve whole numbers, including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations MMS p.327-329 TIPS4RM Gr 7 Unit 2 Day 7 MMS p.330-336 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 2 Day 7-9 MMS p.337-355 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 2 Day 6, 15 Sample Problem: 2 + 3(4 + 5) = 2 + 3(9) = 2 + 27 = 29 calculators; counters MMS p. 366 AA7 p. 82-84 MP p. 38-39, 72-73 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Grade 7 Term 1- Patterning and Algebra 7m58 - represent linear growth patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) Page 60 using concrete materials, graphs and algebraic expression Specific Expectations 7m59 - model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically Examples Learning Timing Textbook Sample Problems Tools References Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Patterning to Algebraic Modelling Overall 3 weeks IM Patterning & Algebra Activity 1,2 G7E "From Patterns to Prediction" 7m60-represent linear growing patterns, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m61-make predictions about linear growing patterns, through investigation with concrete materials 7m62-develop and represent the general term of a linear growing pattern, using algebraic expressions involving one operation 7m63-compare pattern rules that generate a pattern by adding or subtracting a constant, or multiplying or dividing by a constant, to get the next term with pattern rules that use the term number to describe the general term e.g. of strategies: make a table of values using the term number and the term; plot the coordinates on a graph; write a pattern rule using words e.g. the general term for the sequence 4,5,6,7, … can be written algebraically as n + 3, where n represents the term number; the general term for the sequence 5, 10, 20, … can be written algebraically as 5n, where n represents the term number calculators; concrete materials; drawings; pattern blocks; spreadsheets; toothpicks e.g. for 1,3,5,7,9, … the pattern rule is “start at 1 and add 2 to each term to get the next term” e.g. for 1,3,5,7,9…the pattern rule is “double the term number and subtract 1,” which can be written algebraically as 2n –1 Sample Problem: For the pattern 1,3,5,7,9, .. investigate and compare different ways of finding the 50th term. calculators; concrete materials; drawings; pattern blocks; spreadsheets; toothpicks MMS p. 28-32 (extend questions to ask for the general term) TIPS4RM Gr 7 Unit 2 Day 1 - 4 AA8 p. 146 Activity #1 p. 148- concrete part of Activity #4 AA7 p. 92-94 MMS p.368-377 TIPS4RM Gr 7 Unit 5 Day 1 - 4 IM Patterning & Algebra p.16-17 (warm up activity) Grade 7 Term 1 –Data Management SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 61 7m70 - collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including relative frequency tables and circle graphs 7m71 - make and evaluate convincing arguments, based on the analysis of data Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Teacher Note: This unit could be completed in another subject area. 7m73 -collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject and record observations or measurements 7m76-distinguish between a census and a sample from a population 7m77-identify bias in data collection methods 7m74- collect and organize categorical, discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels (appropriate units marked on the axes), and scales (with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 7m75-select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data, graph the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents IM Data Management Activity 1 - 4 Overall 2 weeks Sample Problem: Conduct a survey in your classroom in order to discover which type of music students prefer. e.g. use E-stat to find differences between a sample and a census Sample Problem: How reliable are your results if you only sample girls to determine the favourite type of book read by students in your grade? e.g. of data sources – electronic data from websites such as E-Stat or Census At Schools e.g. Graph results of a student based survey (i.e. favourite sports of grade 7 students) using a spreadsheet program and select most appropriate graph to represent data (i.e. line, bar or circle graph) MMS p. 169-171, 212-213 Internet; TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 1 Day 3 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 3 Day 1 MMS p. 172-183, 185 -197 204 -205 306-310 Fathom grid paper; GSP; Internet; spreadsheets; Tinker Plots TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 3 Day 2 -10 AA7 p. 160-161, 167-169 e.g. line graphs that exaggerate change by starting the vertical axis at a point greater than zero 7m79-identify, through investigation, graphs that represent data in misleading ways SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Grade 7 Term Specific Expectations 7m80-determine, through investigation, the effect on a measure of central tendency 1 –Data Management Continued Examples Sample Problems e.g. changing the value of an outlier may have significant effect on the mean but no effect on the median Learning Tools hundreds chart; pentominoes Timing Page 62 Textbook References MMS p. 168, 198-201 MMSCC p.21-22 AA7 p. 170-172 Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 3 Day 11 (mean, median, mode) of adding or removing a value or values 7m78-read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) 7m81-identify and describe trends, based on the distribution of the data presented in tables and graphs, using informal language Sample Problem: Use a set of data whose distribution across its range looks symmetrical, and change some of the values so that the distribution no longer looks symmetrical. Does the change affect the median more than the mean? Explain your thinking. e.g. of primary data: survey results, measurements, observations e.g. of secondary data: temperature data or community data in the newspaper, data from the Internet about populations MMS p.183, 188-192, 212-213 Internet; newspaper; AA7 p. 162-166 TL p. 62 - 68 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 3 Day 12, 13 Sample Problem: Use census information to predict whether Canada’s population is likely to increase. 7m82-make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs Grade 7 Term 2 – Number Sense and Numeration SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 63 7m8 – represent, compare, and order numbers 7m9 – demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions, and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving decimal numbers 7m10 - demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using percent Examples Learning Timing Textbook Ministry Specific Expectations Sample Problems Tools References Documents Overall 4 weeks AA7 p. 69-75 TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Fractions IM Number Sense Activity 1 - 4 7m11- represent, compare and order fractions using a variety of tools 7m24-add and subtract fractions with simple like and unlike denominators using a variety of tools and algorithms e.g. when adding 3 1 , think about 4 what is needed to create a whole and group (i.e. taking 1 from 1 and adding 4 7m19- use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions 7m25-demonstrate using concrete materials, the relationship between the repeated addition of fractions and the multiplication of that fraction by a whole number 7m18-divide whole numbers by simple fractions using concrete materials 2 2 it to 3 thus resulting with 1 1 ) 4 4 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 7 Day 1 calculators; Cuisenaire rods; drawings; fraction circles; fraction strips; fraction tiles; geoboards; linking cubes; number cards; number line; pattern blocks; MMS p.120-139, 162-163 AA7 p. 41-44 e.g. 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 e.g. divide 3 by TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 7 Day 2 - 7 MMS p.141-143 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 7 Day 8 1 using fraction 2 strips 7m11- represent, compare, and order decimals to hundredths using a variety of tools MMS p.119 AA7 p. 55-56 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 64 Grade 7 Term 2 – Number Sense and Numeration Continued Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents 7m22- use estimation when solving problems involving operations with decimals to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 7m19-use a variety of mental strategies to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals 7m20-solve problems involving the multiplication and division of decimal numbers to thousandths by one-digit whole numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies eg. How much will it cost to buy three items costing $4.25 + $3.30 + $1.60? Mental Strategy: 4 + 3 + 1 = 8 To make another dollar add .60 + .30 and .10 from .25. Thus it will cost $9.15. MMS p.118 e.g. of strategies: estimation, algorithms MMS p. 145 –152 MMSCC p.9 – 12, 14 - 19 e.g. divide 4 by 0.8 using base ten materials and estimation 7m18-divide whole numbers by decimal numbers to hundredths, using concrete materials 7m23-evaluate expressions that involve decimals, including expressions that contain brackets, using order of operations e.g. 14 - 2.3 5 = 14 – 11.5 = 2.5 e.g. of strategies: estimation, algorithms 7m21-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving decimals, using a variety of tools and strategies 7m27-determine, through investigation, the relationships among fractions, decimals, percents and ratios MMS p.153-155 MMSCC p. 13 e.g. use the TI-15 activity “Converting Ratios, Fractions, Decimals and Percents” e.g. “I would use a decimal for recording the length or mass of an object, and a fraction for part of an hour.” decimal chart; fraction circles; geoboards; MMS p.290-295 AA7 p. 57-58 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 7 Day 11 hundred chart 7m15-select and justify the most appropriate representation of a quantity (i.e. fraction, decimal, percent) for a given context SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 65 Grade 7 Term 2 – Number Sense and Numeration Continued Specific Expectations 7m22-use estimation when solving problems involving percents to help Examples Sample Problems e.g. approximate 5 27 to a Learning Tools base ten materials; Timing Textbook References MMS p.297-304, 311-313, Ministry Documents judge the reasonableness of a solution “friendly fraction” (i.e. 7m28-solve problems that involve determining whole number percents, using a variety of tools make an easier conversion to a percentage Sample Problem: If there are 5 blue marbles in a bag of 20 marbles, what percent of the marbles are not blue? 5 ) 25 to 320 –321 calculators; fraction circles; geoboards; MP p. 238-239, 242-247, 250 MB p. 250 Task 2 & 3 p. 251 Task 1 p. 252 Task 1 & 2 Grade 7 Term 2- Measurement SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 66 7m31 - report on research into real-life applications of area measurements 7m32 - determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Overall 2 weeks Textbook References Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Perimeter, Area IM Measurement Activities 1 - 4 7m35—solve problems that require conversion between metric units of measure Review – perimeter Review - area 7m36-solve problems that require conversion between metric units of area 7m39-estimate and calculate the area of composite twodimensional shapes by decomposing into shapes with known area relationships 7m33—research and report on real-life applications of area measurements e.g. millimetres and centimetres, grams and kilograms, millilitres and litres i.e. square centimetres to square metres measuring cup; measuring tape;ruler; e.g. of known area relationships rectangle, parallelogram, triangle Sample Problem: Decompose a pentagon into shapes with known area relationships to find the area of the pentagon. e.g. building a skateboard; painting a room pattern blocks; pentominoes; tangrams MMS p.44 MMS p216 - 224 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 Day 1 MMS p.234-237 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 Day 2 TL MMS p. 231, 242 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 p. 44 - 49 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 Day 21-23 Page 67 Grade 7 Term 2 – Geometry and Spatial Sense 7m43 - construct related lines, and classify triangles, and quadrilaterals 7m44 – develop an understanding of similarity, and distinguish similarity and congruence Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References TL p. 28 - 30 Overall 2 weeks 7m46-construct related lines (i.e. parallel; e.g. of strategy: paper folding compass; Ministry Documents MMSCC p.39 – 40, TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 6 GSP; protractor; straight edge; Mira 48 - 50 AA7 p. 124 -129, 134 Day 1, 6, 7 e.g. of strategies: using charts, using Venn diagrams geoboards, GSP MMS p.250-254 MMSCC p. 46 -47, 58 -62 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 6 Day 2 - 4 e.g. “I can draw many triangles if I’m only told the length of one side, but there’s only one triangle I can draw if you tell me the lengths of all three sides.” Sample problem: Do you agree with the conjecture that triangles with the same area must be congruent? Justify your reasoning. geoboards; GSP perpendicular; intersecting at 30 0 , 45 0 , and 60 0 ), using angle properties and a variety of tools and strategies 7m48-construct angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors, using a variety of tools and strategies and represent equal angles and equal lengths using mathematical notation 7m47- sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies. 7m50-identify through investigation, the minimum side and angle information (i.e. sideside-side; side-angle-side; angle-side-angle) needed to describe a unique triangle 7m53- distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes using a variety of tools and strategies 7m51-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths, and corresponding angles of congruent shapes AA7 p. 130-132 MMS p.255-259 MMSCC p. 41 – 43 51 - 55 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 68 Grade 7 Term 2- Patterning and Algebra 7m58 - represent linear growth patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using concrete materials, graphs and algebraic expression 7m59 - model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve simple algebraic equations using a variety of strategies, including inspection and guess and check Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Overall 3 weeks Textbook References Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Patterning to Algebraic Modelling TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Solving Equations 7m66-translate phrases describing simple mathematical relationships into algebraic expressions using concrete materials 7m67-evaluate algebraic expressions by substituting natural numbers for the variables 7m68-make connections between evaluating algebraic expressions and determine the term in a pattern using the general term 7m69-solve linear equations of the form ax = c or c = ax and ax + b = c or variations such as b + ax = c and c = bx + a (where a, b, and c are natural numbers) by modeling with concrete materials, by inspection, or by guess and check, with and without the aid of a calculator e.g. one more than three times a number can be written algebraically as 1 + 3x or 3x + 1 MMS p. 378-381, 387-389 algebra tiles; counters; pattern blocks TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 5 Day 1 AA7 p. 97-99 Sample Problem: Evaluate the expression x+8 if x=3, 3+8=11 MMS p.383-386 p.38-39 e.g. for 3,5,7,9, … the general term is the algebraic expression 2n + 1; evaluating this expression when n = 12 tells you that the 12th term is 2(12) + 1, which equals 25 AA7 p. 101 e.g. “I solved x + 7 = 15 by using guess and check. First I tried 6 for x. Since I knew that 6 plus 7 equals 13 and 13, is less than 15, then I knew that x must be greater than 6.” MMS p.390-394 algebra tiles; TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 5 Day 2,3 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 5 Day 5,6 AA7 p. 105 Grade 7 Term 3 – Number Sense and Numeration SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 69 7m10 - demonstrate an understanding of proportional relationships using ratio and rate Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Overall 4 weeks (combined with P & A) Textbook References AA7 p. 69-75 Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Proportional Reasoning IM Number Sense Activity 1 - 4 7m29 -demonstrate an understanding of rate as a comparison, or ratio, of two measurements with different e.g. speed is a rate that compares distance to time and that can be expressed as kilometres per hour Cuisenaire rods MMS p. 45 – 65 units 7m30-solve problems involving the calculation of unit rates Sample problem: You go shopping and notice that ‘s 25 kg of Ryan Famous Potatoes cost $12.95, and 10 kg of Gillian’s Potatoes cost $5.78. Which is the better buy? Justify your answer. MMS p.68, 72-73 calculators; store sale flyers; Note: Extend rate problems to include a table of values and a graph to satisfy the patterning and algebra expectations. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 70 Grade 7 Term 3 – Patterning and Algebra 7m59 – model real-life linear relationships graphically and algebraically Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Overall 4 weeks (combined with NSN) Textbook References Ministry Documents 7m64-model real-life relationships involving constant rates where the initial condition starts at 0, through investigation using tables of values and graphs 7m65-model real-life relationships involving constant rates using algebraic equations with variables to represent the changing quantities in the relationship e.g. of relationships: speed, heart rate, billing rate Sample problem: Create a table of values and graph the relationship between distance and time for a car traveling at a constant speed of 40 km/h. At that speed, how far would the car travel in 3.5h? How many hours would it take to travel 220 km? e.g. of relationships: speed, heart rate, billing rate e.g. of an equation: the equation p = 4t represents the relationship between the number of people that can be seated (p) and the number of tables (t), given that each table can seat 4 people [4 people per table is the constant rate]. calculators; grid paper Note: Extend rate problems to include a table of values and a graph. calculators; grid paper Note: Extend rate problems to include a table of values and a graph. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 TIPS4RM Gd 7 Unit 5 Day 4 Page 71 Grade 7 Term 3 – Measurement 7m32 - determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the volume of a right prism and the area of a trapezoid Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Volume Overall 4 weeks 7m37-determine, through Sample Problem: Determine the concrete Ministry Documents MMS p. 226-230 G7E "Saving Space" TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship for calculating the area of a trapezoid, and generalize to develop the formula Day 6-10 relationship between the area of a parallelogram and the area of a trapezoid by composing a parallelogram from congruent trapezoids. materials; grid paper; GSP; pattern blocks Sample Problem: Use all methods to find the area of a trapezoid. Use strategies for finding area of a square, rectangle, parallelogram to develop a formula for area of a trapezoid. Sample Problem: Identify the perpendicular faces in a set of right prisms. Sample Problem: Investigate the surface area of towers made from a single column of connecting cubes, and predict the surface area of a tower that is 50 cubes high. Explain your reasoning. grid paper; pattern blocks; MMS p.232 - 233 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 Day 11 base ten materials; concrete materials; Conexions; GSP; linking cubes; nets; MMS p.97-100 MMSCC p. 27 -28, 34 - 37 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 4 Day 12-14, 17,18 Area = (sum of lengths of parallel sides height) 2 7m38-solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the area of a trapezoid 7m49-investigate, using concrete materials, the angles between the faces of a prism, and identify right prisms 7m41-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, the surface area of right prisms 7m42-solve problems that involve the surface area of right prisms SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 72 Grade 7 Term 3 – Measurement Continued Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems 7m40-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of right prisms with simple polygonal bases (parallelograms, trapezoids) and generalize to develop the formula (i.e. Volume = area of base e.g. of strategies: decomposing right prism; stacking congruent layers of concrete materials to form a right prism Sample problem: Decompose right prisms with simple polygonal bases into triangular prisms and rectangular prisms. For each prism, record the area of the base, the height, and the volume on a chart. Identify relationships.) Sample Problem: Explain why area is Learning Tools base ten materials; linking cubes; Timing Textbook References MMS p.101-103 MMSCC p. 25 -26, 29 - 33 Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 10 Day 1,4 - 8 height) 2 7m17-explain the relationship between exponential notation and the measurement of area and volume 7m42-solve problems that involve the volume of right prisms and that require conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume (i.e. millilitres and cubic centimetres) 7m34-sketch different polygonal prisms that share the same volume expressed in square units [units ] and volume is expressed in cubic units 3 [units ]. Sample Problem: An aquarium has a base in the shape of a trapezoid. The aquarium is 75 cm high. the base is 50 cm long at the front, 75 cm long at the back, and 25 cm wide. Find the capacity of the aquarium. Sample Problem: The Neuman Company is designing a new container for its marbles. The MMS p.102-103 linking cubes TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 10 Day 9,10 3 container must have a volume of 200 cm . Sketch three possible containers, and explain which one you would recommend. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 73 Grade 7 Term 3 – Geometry and Spatial Sense 7m45 - describe location in the four quadrants of a coordinate system, dilatate two-dimensional shapes, and apply transformations to create and analyse designs Specific Expectations Examples Learning Timing Textbook Sample Problems Tools References G7E "Geometer's Sketchpad" Overall 3 weeks 7m54- plot points using all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane e.g. Plot point A (2, 3) and reflect it along the x and y axes grid paper; Ministry Documents IM Geometry and Spatial Sense Activities 1 - 4 AA7 p. 141-142 MMSCC p. 65 -71 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 8 Day 1 e.g. of strategies – paper folding Sample Problem: Identify transformations that may be observed in architecture or in artwork [e.g. in the art of M.C. Escher] 7m56-create and analyse designs involving translations, reflections, dilatations, and/or simple rotations of two-dimensional shapes using a variety of tools and strategies 7m55-identify, perform, and describe dilatations (i.e. enlargements and reductions), through investigation using a variety of tools 7m52-demonstrate an understanding that enlarging or reducing twodimensional shapes creates similar shapes Sample Problem: Using grid paper draw a 2cm by 2cm square. Suppose this figure represents 25% of the larger figure. Draw a figure that would represent 100%. 7m53-distinguish between and compare similar shapes and congruent shapes, using a variety of tools and strategies (dilatations create similar shapes and that translations, rotations, reflections generate congruent shapes) 7m57-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, polygons or combinations of polygons that tile a plane, and describe the transformation(s) involved. Sample Problem: A larger square can be composed from four congruent square pattern blocks. Identify another pattern block you can use to compose a larger shape that is similar to the shape of the block. MMS p. 261-265, 270-277 MMSCC p. 44 – 45, 56 - 57 concrete materials; drawings; geoboards; grid paper; GSP; Mira; pattern blocks; AA7 p. 135-136, 138-140 AA7 p. 137 MMS p. 266-269 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 8 Day 4-6 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 8 Day 7 TIPS4RM Gr7 Unit 8 Day 8 - 10 Page 74 Grade 7 Term 3 – Probability 7m72 - compare experimental probabilities with the theoretical probability of an outcome involving two independent events Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Overall 2 weeks 7m83-research and report on real-world applications of probabilities expressed in fractions, decimal, and percent form e.g. of applications – lotteries, batting averages, weather forecasts, elections newspaper; Statscan Textbook References Ministry Documents 7m85-represent in a variety of ways all the possible outcomes of a probability experiment involving two independent events (i.e. one event does not affect the other event), and determine the theoretical probability of a specific outcome involving two independent events. e.g. of representations – tree diagrams, tables, models, systematic lists 7m86-perform a simple probability experiment involving two independent events, and compare the experimental probability with the theoretical probability of a specific outcome Sample Problem: Place 1 red counter and 1 blue counter in an opaque bag. Draw a counter, replace it, shake the bag, and draw again. Compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of drawing a red counter 2 times in a row. Sample Problem: The probability that a bass fish is caught in Lake Goodfish is 29%. Predict how many bass will be caught in a fishing derby there, if 500 fish are caught. 7m84-make predictions about a population when given a probability number cards; number cubes; spinner; MMS p. 407- 423 Statscan MMSCC p. 76 AA7 p. 173-181 Sample Problem: What is the probability of rolling a 4 and spinning red, when you roll a number cube and spin a spinner that is equally divided into four different colours? SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 75 Grade 8 Mathematics Course of Study – Sequence of Units Term 1 Recommended Length of Unit Strand 1 week 3 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Patterning & Algebra Data Management 0.5 week Grade 8 Comments Familiarize students to new textbooks. Review to activate prior knowledge Textbook Scavenger Hunt Diagnostics Whole numbers, decimals, factoring, exponents, powers, square roots, order of operations Integers Linear and number patterns Units 1 and 8 of Text Data Collection, graphing, interpreting, central tendency Suggested Cross-Strand Summative Task(s) Unit 5 Unit 9 Unit 1,10 See Summary of Tasks Pages of this document Term 2 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 8 Comments 4 weeks Number Sense & Numeration Measurement Fractions, Decimals, Percent Unit 2, 4 Conversion of metric units, Circumference and area of a circle Constructing circles, angle properties, similarity Unit 6 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks Geometry & Spatial Sense Patterning & Algebra Algebraic expressions and solving equations Unit 6, 7,2 (cross strand invest – pg130) Unit 5, 10 Term 3 Recommended Length of Unit Strand Grade 8 Comments 4 weeks (with P&A) Number Sense & Numeration Rates and Proportions Unit 2 4 weeks (with NSN) Patterning & Algebra Proportional relationships Unit 10 4 weeks 4 weeks Measurement Geometry & Spatial Sense Unit 3, 6 Unit 9 2 weeks Data Management & Probability Surface Area & Volume of Cylinders Transformational Geometry and Cartesian Coordinate Plane (all 4 quadrants) Pythagorean Theorem Theoretical and Experimental Probability Suggested Cross–Strand Summative Task(s) 1 week Unit 8 Unit 11 See Summary of Tasks Pages of this document SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Grade 8 Mathematics Course of Study – Summative Tasks Page 76 Term 1 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Impact Math Patterning & Algebra Math Makes Sense 8 Pages 60 -93 Patterning & Algebra, Data Management Where Should They Hold the Fundraising Party? Pages 2 –3 Number Sense, Patterning & Algebra Digital Roots Investigating number property through patterning Term 2 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Math Makes Sense 8 Pages 178 – 179 Number Sense Measurement Dividing a Square Fractions, decimals, area Math Makes Sense 8 Page 450 Patterning & Algebra Number Sense Choosing a Cell Phone Plan Graphing, expressions, solving equations, decimals Term 3 Resource Option Page/Unit Reference Strand(s) Description Comment Impact Math Data Management Impact Math Geometry and Spatial Sense Math Makes Sense 8 Pages 60 - 93 Pages 60 - 93 Data Management Probability (Is the World Series Rigged?) What is Shannon’s Secret? Probability with some data management Angle Relationships and Pythagorean Theorem Pages 130 - 131 Number Sense, Patterning & Algebra, Data Management Golden Rectangles Impact Math Measurement Pages 60 - 93 Math Makes Sense 8 Pages 482 - 483 Measurement, Data Management, Number Sense Number Sense Probability The Ingenious Beverage Can – Will We Ever Run Out? Integer Probability Collection, organization, analysis of data dealing with the ratio of rectangles Exploring Volume of cylinders Geometry SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Investigation reinforcing the integer skills through probability Page 77 Grade 8 Term 1- Number Sense & Numeration 8m8 - represent, compare and order equivalent representations of numbers including those involving positive exponents 8m9 - solve problems involving whole numbers and integers, using a variety of computational strategies and integers Textbook References/Other Resources Ministry Documents MMS = Math Makes Sense 8 Pearson AA7 = Active Achievement Binder Grade 7 AA8 = Active Achievement Binder Grade 8 MP = Math Power Specific Expectations TIPS4RM = Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports for Revised Mathematics TL = Think Literacy IM = Impact Math G8E = Grade 8 Exemplar Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Overall 3 weeks 8m16-solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers using a variety of tools and strategies 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m15-determine common factors and common multiples using prime factorization of numbers 8m11-express repeated multiplication using exponential notation 8m25-estimate, and verify using a calculator, the positive square roots of whole numbers, and distinguish between whole numbers that have whole-number square roots (i.e. perfect square numbers) and those that do not. calculators; concrete materials; drawings; graphs MMS p. 9 – 13 e.g. the prime factorization of 12 is 2 2 3; the prime factorization of 18 is 2 3 3; the greatest common factor of 12 and 18 is 2 3 or 6; the least common multiple of 12 and 18 is 2 2 3 3 or 2 2 3 2 or 36. color tiles; geoboards; hundreds chart; MMS p. 6 – 7, 14 – 18 Sample Problem: Explain why a calculators; geoboards; grid paper; MMS p.325 – 332 e.g. strategies: estimation, algorithms 2 square with an area of 20 cm does not have a whole-number side length. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Ministry Documents IM Number Sense Activity 1-4 TIPS4RM Gr8 Intro Unit Day 2 - 5 AA8 p. 28 – 29 TL p.24 AA8 p. 24 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 3, 4 AA8 p. 26 – 27 Page 78 Grade 8 Term 1 - Number Sense & Numeration Continued Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Integers 8m22-solve problems involving adding and subtracting with integers using a variety of tools 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with integers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m21-represent the multiplication and division of integers, using a variety of tools 8m18- use estimation when solving problems involving operations with integers to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m22-solve problems involving multiplication and division with integers, using a variety of tools 8m23-evaluate expressions that involve integers including expressions that contain brackets and exponents, using order of operations e.g. if black counters represent positive amounts and red counters represent negative amounts, you can model 3 (2) as three groups of two red counters 2 1 e.g. 347 = 3 10 + 4 10 + 7 integer tiles; number cards; numbered cubes; number lines; geoboard; two-colour counters; virtual manipulatives; MMS p. 364 - 379 AA8 p. 40 – 42 MMS p. 380 - 388 AA8 p. 43 – 47 base ten; calculators; centi-cubes; MMS p. 390 – 392 MMS p. 19 – 23 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 1 8m12-represent whole numbers in expanded form using powers of ten SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 79 Grade 8 Term 1- Patterning & Algebra 8m54 - represent linear growing patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using graphs, algebraic expressions and equations 8m55 – model linear relationships graphically and algebraically Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Overall 3 weeks Ministry Documents IM Patterning & Algebra Activities 1 - 4 TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Patterning to Algebraic Modelling 8m59-describe different ways in which algebra can be used in real-life situations e.g. the value of $5 bills and toonies placed in an envelope for fund raising can be represented by the equation V = 5f + 2t algebra tiles; counters; pattern blocks e.g. Using toothpicks, I noticed that 1 square needs 4 toothpicks, 2 connected squares need 7 toothpicks, and 3 connected squares need 10 toothpicks. I think that for n connect squares I will need drawings; pattern blocks; toothpicks; 8m60- model linear relationships using table of values, graphs, and equations 8m56-represent, through investigation with concrete materials, the general term of a linear pattern, using one or more algebraic expressions 8m57-represent linear patterns graphically (i.e. make a table of values that shows the term number and the term, and plot the coordinates on a graph), using a variety of tools calculators; Fathom; graph paper; Tinkerplots MMS p. 420 - 433 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 2 Day 1 - 6 Grade 8 Term 1 – Data Management 8m65 - collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including frequency tables with intervals, histograms, and scatter plots 8m66 - apply a variety of data management tools and strategies to make convincing arguments about data Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References IM Data Management Activities 2 & 4 Overall 2 weeks 8m68-collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment SCDSB to do with Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 themselves, their environment, issues in e.g. “I think that in most cases a their school or community, or content larger sample size will be more from another subject, and record representative of the entire observations or measurements; population.” 8m72-explain the relationship between a census, a representative sample, sample size, and a population 8m70-collect and organize categorical, e.g. data sources – electronic data discrete, or continuous primary data from websites such as E-Stat or and secondary data, and display the Census At Schools data in charts, tables, and graphs (including histograms and scatter plots) e.g. the age of respondents to a that have appropriate titles, labels survey may range over 80 years (appropriate units marked on the axes) and may be organized into ten-year and scales (with appropriate increments) intervals that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools 8m69-organize into intervals a set of Sample Problem: How is a data that is spread over a broad range histogram similar to and different 8m71-select an appropriate type of from a bar graph? Use examples to graph to represent a set of data, graph support your answer. the data using technology, and justify the choice of graph (ie. from types of graphs already studied, including histograms and scatter plots) 8m75-demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate uses of bar graphs and histograms by comparing their characteristics SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Internet; Ministry Documents MMS p. 187 – 193 Page 80 AA8 p. 175 – 176 computers; Fathom; grid paper: Internet; spreadsheets; Tinkerplots MMS p. 184 – 186, 205 – 209, 216 – 223 AA8 p. 170 – 174 Page 81 Grade 8 Term 1 – Data Management Continued Specific Expectations 8m74-determine, through investigation the appropriate measure of central tendency (i.e. mean, median, or mode) needed to compare sets of data 8m73-read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data and from secondary data, presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including frequency tables with intervals, histograms and scatter plots) 8m77-identify and describe trends, based on the rate of change of data from tables and graphs, using informal language 8m78-make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts, tables, and graphs Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools e.g. in hockey compare heights or masses of players on defence with that of forwards hundreds chart; pentominoes; e.g. primary data: survey results, measurements, observations e.g. secondary data: election data or temperature data from the newspaper, data from the Internet about lifestyles e.g. “The steep line going upward on this graph represents rapid growth. The steep line going downward on this other graph represents rapid decline.” Sample Problem: Use data to make a convincing argument that the environment is becoming increasingly polluted. Internet; newspaper; SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents MMS p. 211 – 215 AA8 p. 177 – 179 MMS p. 194 – 204 TL p. 80, 84 Page 82 Grade 8 Term 2 - Number Sense & Numeration 8m8 - represent, compare and order equivalent representations of numbers 8m9 - solve problems involving decimal numbers, and fractions using a variety of computational strategies Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents IM Number Sense & Numeration Activities 1 - 4 Overall 4 weeks TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Fractions MMS p. 135 – 138 8m13-represent, compare, and order rational numbers (i.e. positive and negative fractions) number line; 8m20-solve problems involving addition, subtraction with simple fractions calculators; cuisenaire rods drawings; fraction circles; fraction strips; fraction tiles; geoboards; pattern blocks MMS p. 139 – 147 graph paper; linking cubes; number cards; number line; pattern blocks MMS p. 148 – 155 8m18- use estimation when solving problems involving operations with fractions to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m19-represent the multiplication of fractions, using a variety of tools and strategies AA8 p. 54 – 56 e.g. use an area model to represent 1 1 multiplied by 4 3 8m20-solve problems involving multiplication with simple fractions SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 5 Day 1,2,11 AA8 p. 57 – 59 AA8 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 5 Day 3 - 7 p. 60 – 64 Grade 8 Term 2 - Number Sense & Numeration Continued Page 83 Examples Sample Problems Specific Expectations Learning Tools Timing 8m19-represent the division of fractions using a variety of tools and strategies 8m20-solve problems involving division with simple fractions 8m13-represent, compare, and order rational numbers (i.e. decimals to thousandths) 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving operations with decimals to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m24-multiply and divide decimal numbers by various powers of ten 8m14-translate between equivalent forms of a number (i.e. fractions, decimals, percents) 8m18-use estimation when solving problems involving percents to help judge the reasonableness of a solution 8m28-solve problems involving percent that arise from real-life contexts 8m17-solve problems involving percents expressed to one decimal place and whole-number percents greater than 100 3 e.g. “To convert 230 000 cm to cubic metres, I calculated in my head 230 6 3 000 10 to get 0.23 m .” Sample Problem: Use a calculator to help you generalize a rule for dividing numbers by 1 000 000. e.g. 3 4 = 0.75 = 75% e.g. discount, sales tax, simple interest e.g. 12.5%, 115% Sample Problem: The total cost of an item with tax included [115%] is $23.00. Use base ten materials to determine the price before tax. Textbook References Ministry Documents MMS p. 157 – 164 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 5 Day 8 - 10 base ten; calculators; decimal chart; drawings; geoboards; number line; AA8 p. 72 – 73 decimal chart; fraction circles; geoboards; hundreds chart; base ten; calculators; fraction circle; geoboards; MMS p. 165 - 168 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 MMS p. 169 – 171 AA8 p. 74 – 75 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 2 AA8 p. 79 – 81 MMS p. 70 - 85 AA8 p. 82 – 85 Page 84 Grade 8 Term 2 - Measurement 8m31 - determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area of a circle Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents IM Measurement Activities 1 & 2 Overall 2 weeks TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Perimeter, Area 8m44-construct a circle, given its centre and radius, or its centre and a point on the circle, or three points on the circle (G*S) 8m34-measure the circumference, radius, and diameter of circular objects, using concrete materials 8m35-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationships for calculating the circumference and the area of a circle, and generalize to develop the formulas [Circumference of a circle = Area of a circle = Sample Problem: Use string to measure the circumferences of different circular objects. circular objects; circle geoboards; compass; measuring tape; string; AA8 p. 137 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 5 MMS p. 239 - 241 Sample Problem: Use string to measure the circumferences and the diameters of a variety of cylindrical cans, and investigate the ratio of the circumference to the diameter TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 6,7 AA8 p 94 – 95 102 – 104 diameter; 2 (radius) ] 8m33- solve problems that require conversions involving metric units of area (i.e. square centimetres and square metres) 8m36-solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the circumference and the area of a circle MMS p. 242 - 251 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 3 Day 8 - 10 Page 85 Grade 8 Term 2 – Geometry & Spatial Sense 8m40 - demonstrate an understanding of the geometric properties of quadrilaterals and circles and the application of geometric properties in the real world; 8m41 - develop geometric relationships involving lines, triangles, and solve problems involving lines and triangles; Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References IM Geometry & Spatial Sense Activity 1, 4 TL p. 162 Overall 2 weeks 8m45-investigate and describe applications of geometric properties in the real world e.g. properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles 8m47-determine through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the angle relationships for intersecting lines and for parallel lines and transversals, and the sum of the angles of a triangle e.g. strategies: paper folding geoboards; GSP; numbered cubes; concrete materials; GSP; pattern blocks; protractor e.g. triangle – finding interior angles or complementary angles e.g. intersecting lines – finding supplementary angles or opposite angles e.g. transversals – finding alternate angles or corresponding angles Ministry Documents MMS p. 271 – 292 303 - 307 AA8 p. 128 – 131 8m48-solve angle-relationship problems involving triangles, intersecting lines, and parallel lines and transversals 8m43-sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties, including those based on diagonals, through investigation using a variety of tools Sample Problem: Which quadrilaterals have diagonals that bisect each other perpendicularly? concrete materials; GSP 8m46-determine, through investigation using a variety of tools, relationships among area, perimeter, corresponding side lengths, and corresponding angles of similar shapes Sample Problem: Construct three similar rectangles, using grid paper or a geoboard, and compare the perimeters and areas of the rectangles. geoboards; GSP Grade 8 Term SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 2 - Patterning & Algebra AA8 p. 120 – 122 Page 86 8m54 - represent linear growing patterns (where the terms are whole numbers) using graphs, algebraic expressions and equations 8m55 - model linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve and verify algebraic equations, using a variety of strategies, including inspection, guess and check, and using a “balance” model Examples Sample Problems Specific Expectations Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Overall 3 weeks Ministry Documents IM Patterning & Algebra Activities 1 - 4 TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Solving Equations 8m61-translate statements describing mathematical relationships into algebraic expressions and equations 8m62-evaluate algebraic expressions with up to three terms, by substituting fractions, decimals, and integers for the variables 8m58-determine a term, given its term number, in a linear pattern that is represented by a graph or an algebraic equation e.g. for a collection of triangles, the total number of sides is equal to three times the number of triangles or s = 3n e.g. evaluate 3x + 4y = 2z, where x = 1 , y = 0.6 and z = 3 8m64 –solve and verify linear equations involving a one-variable term and having solutions that are integers, by using inspection, guess and check, and a “balance” model 8m63-make connections between solving equations and determining the term number in a pattern, using the general term Sample Problem: What is the value of the variable in the equation 2x – 6 = -18? algebra tiles; e.g. for the pattern with the general term 2n + 1, solving the equation 2n + 1 = 17 tells you the term number when the term is 17. algebra tiles MMS p. 419 2 AA8 p. 154 Sample Problem: Given the graph that represents the pattern 1,3,5,7 … find the 10th term. Given the algebraic equation that represents the pattern t = 2n – 1, find the 100th term. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 AA8 p. 149 G8E p. 64, 65, 98 - 102 MMS p. 435 – 443 AA8 p. 155 – 156 MMS p. 440 – 443 AA8 p. 151 – 153 TL p. 154 Page 87 Grade 8 Term 3 - Number Sense & Numeration (NSN) 8m10 – solve problems by using proportional reasoning in a variety of meaningful contexts Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Proportional Reasoning Overall 4 weeks (with P&A) 8m29-solve problems involving rates 8m27-solve problems involving proportions, using concrete materials, drawings, and variables. Sample Problem: A pack of 24 CDs cost $7.99. A pack of 50 CDs costs $10.45. What is the most economical way to purchase 130 CDs? Sample Problem: The ratio of stone to sand in HardFast Concrete is 2 to 3. How much stone is needed if 15 bags of sand are used? SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Ministry Documents MMS p.65 – 68 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 8 Day 7,8 MMS p. 53 – 59 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 8 Day 2 - 4, 6 fraction circles; Geoboards, Page 88 Grade 8 Term 3 – Patterning and Algebra (P&A) 8m55 – model linear relationships graphically and algebraically, and solve and verify algebraic equations, using a variety of strategies, including inspection, guess and check, and using a “balance model” Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents Overall 4 weeks (with NSN) 8m60-model linear relationships using table of values, graphs, and equations, through investigation using a variety of tools 8m26-identify and describe reallife situations involving two quantities that are directly proportional 8m76-compare two attributes or characteristics, using a scatter plot, and determine whether or not the scatter plot suggests a relationship 8m79-compare two attributes or characteristics, using a variety of data management tools and strategies (i.e. pose a relevant question, then design an experiment or survey, collect and analyse the data, and draw conclusions) Sample Problem: Leah put $350 in a bank certificate that pays 4% simple interest each year. Make a table of values to show how much the bank certificate is worth after five years, using base ten materials to help you. Represent the relationship using an equation. e.g. the number of servings and the quantities in a recipe, mass and volume of a substance, circumference and diameter of a circle Sample Problem: Compare the length and width of different-sized leaves from a maple tree to determine if maple leaves grow proportionally. Collect, graph, and analyse data. What generalizations can you make? base ten; grid paper MMS p. 65 – 68, TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 8 Day 1,5 Grade 8 Term 3 - Measurement SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 89 8m30 – research, describe, and report on applications of volume and capacity measurement 8m31 – determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes including the volume of a cylinder Examples Learning Timing Textbook Ministry Specific Expectations Sample Problems Tools References Documents Overall 4 weeks IM Measurement Activity 3 TIPS4RM Continuum and Connections Volume 8m51-determine, through investigation using concrete materials, the relationship between the number of faces, edges, and vertices of a polyhedron (i.e. number of faces + number of vertices = number of edges + 2) 8m38-determine through investigation using concrete materials, the surface area of a cylinder Sample Problem: Use Polydrons and/or paper nets to construct the five Platonic solids [i.e. tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron] and compare the sum of the numbers of faces and vertices to the number of edges for each solid Sample Problem: Use the label and the plastic lid from a cylindrical container to help determine its surface area. Conexions; paper nets concrete materials; paper towel roll 8m39-solve problems involving the surface area of cylinders using a variety of strategies 8m37-determine through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationship between the area of the base and height and the volume of a cylinder, and generalize to develop the formula (Volume = area of base height) 8m39-solve problems involving the volume of cylinders, using a variety of strategies 8m33-solve problems that require conversions involving metric units of volume and capacity (i.e. cubic centimetres and cubic metres; millilitres and cubic centimetres) 8m32-research, describe, and report on applications of volume and capacity measurement MMS p. 258 - 260 TL p.152 AA8 p. 108 – 109 e.g. generalizing from the volume relationship for right prisms, and verifying using the capacity of thinwalled cylindrical containers circular disks; graduated cylinder; open topped triangular prisms; rulers; Sample Problem: Compare the volumes of the two cylinders that can be created by taping the top and bottom, or the other two sides, of a standard sheet of paper. Sample Problem: What is the capacity of a cylindrical beaker with a radius of 5 cm and a height of 15 cm? e.g. cooking, closet space, aquarium size Sample Problem: Describe the situations where volume and capacity are used in your home. SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Sept. 2006 Grade Math 8 Term 3– MMS p. 253 - 255 catalogues; recipe cards; tent Geometry and Spatial Sense 8m42 – represent transformations using the Cartesian coordinate plane, and make connections between transformations and the real world Page 90 Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References IM Geometry & Spatial Sense Activity 2-4 Overall 4 weeks Review – plotting points in four quadrants 8m53-identify through investigation, real-world movements that are translations, reflections, and rotations 8m52-graph the image of a point, or set of points, on the Cartesian coordinate plane after applying a transformation to the original point(s) (i.e. translation; reflection in the x-axis, the y-axis, or the angle bisector of the axes that passes through the first and Ministry Documents MMS p.393 - 397 MMS p. 398 – 407 geoboards; grid paper; GSP; 0 third quadrants; rotation of 90 , 0 0 180 , or 270 about the origin) 8m49-determine the Pythagorean relationship, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies MMS p.337 – 343 geoboard; GSP; paper and scissors; square tiles calculator; GSP 8m50-solve problems involving right triangles geometrically, using the Pythagorean relationship TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 10 Day 1 - 3 G8E p. 12-14, 56 - 61 MMS p. 346 – 354 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 10 Day 4 AA8 p. 132 – 133 SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 Page 91 Grade 8 Term 3 – Probability 8m67 – use probability models to make predictions about real-life events Specific Expectations Examples Sample Problems Learning Tools Timing Textbook References Ministry Documents Overall 2 weeks 8m80-compare, through investigation, the theoretical probability of an event (i.e. the ratio of the number of ways a favourable outcome can occur compared to the total number of possible outcomes) with experimental probability, and explain why they might differ. 8m81-determine, through investigation, the tendency of experimental probability to approach theoretical probability as the number of trials in an experiment increases, using class-generated data and technology-based simulation models. 8m82-identify the complementary event for a given event, and calculate the theoretical probability that a given event will not occur. Sample Problem: Toss a fair coin 10 times, record the results, and explain why you might not get the predicted result of 5 heads and 5 tails. coins; coloured number cubes; paper bag; MMS p.456 - 465 Sample Problem: Compare the theoretical probability of getting a 6 when tossing a number cube with the experimental probabilities obtained after tossing a number cube once, 10 times, 100 times and 1000 times. integer tiles; numbered cubes; MMS p. 467 - 470 Sample Problem: Bingo uses the numbers from 1 to 75. If the numbers are pulled at random, what is the probability that the first number is a multiple of 5? is not a multiple of 5? SCDSB Grade 7, 8 and Combined Math Sept. 2006 IM Data Management & Probability Activities 1 - 4 G8E p. 104 -106,139-144 AA8 p. 200 – 201 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 6 Day 2 - 5 AA8 p. 212 – 214 MMS p. 471 - 473 TIPS4RM Gr8 Unit 6 Day 6 AA8 p. 210 – 211 Page 92