Project Funding Information Revised on 12/17/07 Mitigation Program for Public Housing Authorities CDBG Disaster Recovery Program - $10,300,000 THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS Applicant Eligibility: An Applicant must be a Public Housing Authority created pursuant to Chapter 421, Florida Statutes, and the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The Applicant must be in good standing with HUD prior to applying for funding from the Department. Public Housing Authorities located in any one of the following counties may apply for funding: Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Indian River, Lee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Osceola, Palm Beach, Polk, Sarasota and St. Lucie. Eligible Activities: 1. Improving the strength of the roof deck attachment. For example, if the roof consists of shingles nailed to plywood sheets, the inspection may reveal that the plywood sheets are not adequately nailed to the roof trusses, and that additional nails and/or longer nails need to be added to prevent the plywood from being blown off in a hurricane. 2. Creating a secondary water barrier to prevent water intrusion. For example, using strips of “peel and stick-on” material that cover the joints between the plywood sheets can reduce leakage if a hurricane blows off the roof shingles. 3. Improving the survivability of the roof covering. For example, upgrading to thicker and stronger hurricaneresistant roof shingles, attached with properly sized and properly applied roofing nails, to reduce the susceptibility of the roof shingles blowing off in a hurricane. 4. Bracing gable-ends in the roof framing. This is usually done inside the attic to decrease chances that the roof will collapse under hurricane wind loads. 5. Reinforcing roof-to-wall connections. For example, installing metal tie-down straps that attach roof rafters to wall studs to decrease chances that all or a portion of the roof will simply lift the house during a hurricane. 6. Upgrading exterior wall opening protections. For example, installing hurricane-rated window shutters. 7. Upgrading exterior doors and windows. For example, replacing a standard garage door with a hurricane-rated garage door. Qualified Multifamily Units: Multifamily units eligible for assistance are those that are actual public housing units as well as affordable housing units that are owned by Public Housing Authorities. Available Funding: The total funding available through this program is $10,300,000. Each eligible Public Housing Authority is limited to one application submission. Applicants may request funding up to a maximum of $750,000 based on estimated costs. However, the Department will only reimburse expenditures based on actual costs which have to be supported with the appropriate documentation. Application Evaluation Criteria: All applications will be evaluated based on the criteria and scoring methodology outlined on page 3 of this document. 1 Low and Moderate Income National Objective: The Department will use the HUD Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities to determine that projects meet the Low and Moderate Income (L/M) National Objective. The following requirements apply: o An assisted two-unit structure (duplex) must have at least one unit occupied by a L/M household, and o An assisted structure containing more than two units must have at least 51 percent of the units occupied by L/M income households. CDBG assistance to two or more structures may be considered to meet the above requirements as though all of the assisted structures were in a single structure. These cases are: o Buildings used for rental housing which are under common ownership and management and are located on the same or contiguous properties may be considered a single structure. 2 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Submit one original and two copies of the Project Proposal, signed by the Executive Director or other individual authorized by resolution to sign on behalf of the Public Housing Authority. 2. The following policies and procedures, or a policy or procedure approved by HUD that is the equivalent of, must be made available to the Department at site visit and/or a regularly scheduled monitoring visit: citizen participation plan, citizen complaint policy, fair housing plan, procurement policy, housing assistance plan, etc.). These policies and procedures may be outlined in the PHA plan submitted to HUD. The Department may suggest amendments to the PHA’s existing policies in order to provide for the administration of the disaster recovery funds and to ensure full compliance with all applicable HUD rules relative to the CDBG program. 3. One copy of the PHA’s most recent annual financial audit must be submitted to the Department with the Project Proposal. 4. One copy of the PHA’s current Housing Plan (as submitted to, and approved by, HUD) must be made available to the Department at site visit and/or a regularly scheduled monitoring visit. 5. Supporting documentation must be submitted with the Project Proposal. These documents should be labeled as “exhibits” to the Project Proposal. Exhibit 1 – If at least 50% of the total units assisted will benefit households with incomes at or below 30% of the county’s median income and points are being claimed, a Household Income Survey form, or an official document that provides the information that is required on the Household Income Survey form, must be provided for households residing in units to be addressed. Exhibit 2 – Documentation that supports the points claimed for units occupied by the elderly or disabled (letter from physician, certification, etc.). DCA will accept a spreadsheet or other document that shows which units are occupied by the elderly or disabled with the application. However, the PHA will be required to provide documentation during a future monitoring/site visit by DCA staff. Exhibit 3 – Documentation (title, deed, etc.) that indicates the age of units to be addressed (year that construction was completed or that unit was first approved for occupancy). Exhibit 4 – Documentation that shows the total number of units managed by the PHA. Exhibit 5 – If points are claimed, letter of support from the local government in which the PHA is located. The letter may be signed by the chief elected official; applicable city or county manager, administrator or clerk; or the director of the local government’s housing and community development office. Exhibit 6 – If points are claimed, documentation that reflects the HUD programs administered, the compliance measures associated with those programs and the number of years that the programs have been administered by the PHA. Exhibit 7 – If points are claimed for long-term affordability, documentation must be submitted to support the points. 6. Comply with the Intergovernmental Coordination and Review (IC&R) process outlined below. o Mail one (1) copy of the Project Proposal to the Florida State Clearinghouse, Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. A transmittal letter should accompany the materials sent to the State Clearinghouse and should request that the Clearinghouse send copies of any correspondence to the PHA and to the Department of Community Affairs. The PHA may also ask the Clearinghouse to send copies to other parties such as consultants and engineers. Contact the Department of Community Affairs at 850/487-3644 if you have questions. 3 PROJECT INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION COUNTY INFORMATION Applicant (Name of Housing Authority) County in which housing authority is located Local Contact Title Phone Number FAX Number Mailing Address Street Address or Directions City Zip Code E-mail Address Executive Director Title Executive Director’s Address (if different) PROJECT PROPOSAL / PREPARER INFORMATION Agency or Firm Address Phone Number Contact Title E-Mail Address PHA INFORMATION How many units does the PHA serve? What is the average age of the units? Are the units to be served covered by the National Flood Insurance Program? Yes No Is a statement of interlocal cooperation (letter) or interlocal agreement (existing) with another local government, housing authority or other agency necessary in order to apply for, administer or carry out the project activities? Yes No U.S. Congressional District(s) Florida Senate District(s) Florida House District(s) HISTORIC PRESERVATION Will the project or any related activities result in direct physical changes to a structure older than 50 years, such as demolition (partial or complete), rehabilitation, restoration, remodeling, renovation, expansion, or relocation? Yes No Will any project activities occur within 100 feet of a structure, public improvement, or planned open space older than 50 years? Yes No Will any project activities occur in a Historic District listed on the National Register? Yes No If “yes” was a response to one of the questions above, you must contact the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) immediately. Properties that are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places must meet the specifications reflected in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards or Rehabilitation Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. 4 APPLICATION EVALUATION CRITERIA Points Claimed ENTER POINTS AS DESCRIBED BELOW: 1. If at least 50% of the total units assisted will benefit households with incomes at or below 30% of the county’s median income, enter 15 points. (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 1) 2. If the Public Housing Authority is located in a county with Wilma damages greater than $100,000,000, enter 10 points. 3. Elders/Persons with a Disability Supporting documentation will be required to verify that each assisted unit is currently occupied by someone who meets the HUD definition of “elderly,” or if claiming points for a person with a disability, documentation will be required. (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 2) o If at least 25% of the units that will be assisted are currently occupied by elders or persons with a disability, enter 10 points. o If more than 25% but less than 50% of the units that will be assisted are currently occupied by elders or person with a disability, enter 15 points. o If 50% or greater of the units that will be assisted are currently occupied by elders or person with a disability, enter 20 points. 4. If at least 75% of the assisted units will receive storm resistant replacement windows and doors, enter 25 points. 5. Age of Public Housing Supporting documentation will need to be submitted in order to verify the age of the units which should be based on the year the initial construction of the unit was completed. (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 3) If at least 50% of the assisted units are: (choose only one) o 50 years or older, enter 20 points. o Less than 50 years old but more than 25 years old, enter 15 points. o 25 years old or less, enter 10 points. 6. Management of public housing units: (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 4) o If the Public Housing authority manages 500 units or more, enter 15 points. o If the Public Housing Authority manages fewer than 500 units but more than 300 units, enter 10 points. o If the Public Housing Authority manages 300 units or fewer, enter 5 points. 7. If a letter of support from the local government for which the Public Housing Authority is affiliated is provided, enter 5 points. (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 5) 5 For DCA Use Only APPLICATION EVALUATION CRITERIA Points Claimed ENTER POINTS AS DESCRIBED BELOW: 8. Experience in Managing Federal Programs The Applicant will receive five (5) points for every federal program that is currently managed by the PHA (up to a maximum of five programs or 25 points). The Applicant will be required to document the federal programs they are responsible for administering, outline the compliance measures for each program and indicate the number of years that they have managed each program. (Supporting documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 6) List programs administered and the points being claimed: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 9. Long-term Affordability (Documentation should be provided behind Exhibit 7) o If 50% or more of the assisted units will remain affordable for 30 years or more, enter 15 points TOTAL POINTS CLAIMED (Maximum Points Available 150) 10. Tie-Breaker: Average cost per assisted unit (Total estimated project cost/# of assisted units) 6 $ For DCA Use Only ASSURANCES, CERTIFICATIONS AND SIGNATURES I, the undersigned authorized representative of the housing authority, certify that this Project Proposal has been approved by the appropriate officials and that the housing authority will comply with the following certifications and assurances as well as applicable federal and state requirements in the administration of any award that is made. 1. To comply with HUD Citizen participation requirements, the housing authority will notify each resident of the activities that are taking place, the amount and source of the funding provided, and the reason for making the improvements. 2. The housing authority will not commit, obligate or expend any funds until an environmental assessment has been completed and a release of funds provided by the Department. The Department will advise each applicant that receives an award of the documents required to fulfill the requirements relating to environmental assessment. 3. The housing authority will not attempt to recover, through special assessments, capital costs of public improvements funded in whole or in part with these funds unless otherwise authorized by 24 CFR Section 570.482 and Section 104(b)(5) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. 4. Each housing structure addressed with CDBG funds will, upon completion, meet HUD Section 8 Housing Quality Standards, the local housing code, or standards required by HUD for housing programs administered by public housing authorities. 5. The grant will be administered in conformity with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Fair Housing Act; the housing authority will affirmatively further fair housing and undertake one fair housing activity each year. 6. The housing authority will comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and implementing regulations as required and displacement of persons will be minimized. 7. The information presented in this application is accurate, and documentation is on file and readily accessible to Department of Community Affairs staff. 8. Documentation verifying that the low and moderate income national objective was met must be made available for review by the Department at site visit. 9. The housing authority will not support the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations. 10. The housing authority supports enforcement of applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location that is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. 11. No other source of federal, state, or local disaster funds is available to meet the need for the activities. 12. Submission of this Project Proposal was authorized by the appropriate officials. Signature of Authorized Individual Date 7 Eligible CDBG Activities ACTIVITY NUMBER UNIT OF MEASURE Administration, Planning and Management / Admin funds for use by the PHA in the administration of the grant 21A N/A Engineering 21B N/A Temporary Relocation 08 HH (household) Rehab – Mitigation / multi unit residential rehab activities limited to one or more of the following: (1) Improving the strength of the roof deck attachment; (2) Creating a secondary water barrier to prevent water intrusion; (3) Improving the survivability of the roof covering; (4) Bracing gable-ends in the roof framing; (5) Reinforcing roof-towall connections; (6) Upgrading exterior wall opening protections; (7) Upgrading exterior doors and windows. 14B HU (housing unit) ACTIVITY NAME 8 ATTACHMENT 1 - INSTRUCTIONS Each Public Housing Authority must submit a project budget and proposed accomplishments and beneficiaries. This information should be provided on the Project Description and Budget by Service Area form and/or the Project Description and Budget Summary form (if there is more than one service area). A service area may be defined as a “complex,” a “neighborhood,” or “scattered sites” within a jurisdiction. ATTACHMENT 1– Project Description and Budget Summary This form should reflect the total budget (and related information) for all service areas. The following information explains how the form(s) is to be completed: o o o o o o Administration – Enter the amount to be used for administrative costs other than service delivery. Engineering – Enter the amount to be used for engineering plans and design specifications. Accomplishments/Unit – Enter the unit of measure (i.e., housing unit). Accomplishments/Number - Enter the proposed number of units that will be addressed or constructed. (For example, if 10 housing units will be rehabilitated, enter 10). Beneficiaries – Enter the number of LMI and VLI beneficiaries as well as the total number of beneficiaries. If points are being claimed for assistance to the elderly or disabled, you must indicate the number of elderly and disabled persons to be served. Budget – Enter the amount of CDBG funding that will be allocated to the activity. Enter the amount of other funds that will be allocated to the activity and identify the source of the other funding. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING AN ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET The "Cost Standard Used" to estimate costs will be reviewed by Department staff for cost reasonableness. The Department reserves the right to request justification of the cost reasonableness of any budgetary item. If the housing authority cannot justify a cost, the Department will reduce the line item budget prior to entering into a contract. If the housing authority wishes to be reimbursed for the cost of preparing this Project Proposal, be sure to document the eligibility of the expense. To be an eligible expenditure, the following requirements apply: o The Preparer must have been procured pursuant to 24 CFR Section 85.36, as it existed on the day of advertising for the Request for Proposal. o If the housing authority prepared the Project Proposal using its own staff, or if the staff of another governmental agency was selected pursuant to Chapter 287, Florida Statutes, the County may seek payment only for direct costs incurred as part of the grant proposal preparation. o Invoices or other documentation to justify the amount requested must also be included. The Department will review this procurement or expense, and if it determines that the procurement process or contracting process was not carried out correctly, or the expense is not eligible, the Department will disallow the expense. 9 ATTACHMENT 1 – Project Description and Budget Summary NAME OF HOUSING AUTHORITY ACTIVITY # NAT’L OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION ACCOMPLISHMENTS UNIT 21A ADMIN 21B ENGINEERING (If applicable) 14B Rehab – Mitigation LM 08 Temporary relocation LM NUMBER BENEFICIARIES LMI VLI TOTAL ELDERLY BUDGET DISABLED CDBG AMOUNT OTHER FUNDS SOURCE TOTALS TOTAL UNDUPLICATED BENEFICIARIES (FROM ALL SERVICE AREAS) __________ TOTAL LMI BENEFICIARIES (FROM ALL SERVICE AREAS)__________