Name: Hong, Chi-Yuan
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Jan. 7, 1960
Place of Birth: Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Marital Status: Married
Current Address: Prospect Dental Clinic
333, Pa-Teh Rd. Sec. 2
(Tel) (8862) 2781-7602
Present Position: Professor,
School of Veterinary Medicine,
College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture,
National Taiwan University
School of Dentistry
National Taiwan University,
1, Chang-Teh St.,
Taipei 10016,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
(Tel) (8862) 2312-3456 ext 7336
National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(Tel) (8862) 2312-3456 ext 7336
Education & Qualification:
Board Certified
School of Dentistry,
College of Medicine,
Department of Prosthodontic Dentistry,
School of Dental Medicine
Harvard University
National Taiwan University
1985 ~ 1988 Department of Dentistry,
National Taiwan University Hospital
School of Dental Medicine
Harvard University
Association of Implantology, R.O.C.
Teaching Assistance 1988 ~ 1990 Department of Prosthodontics,
School of Dentistry,
National Taiwan University
1990 ~
2006 ~
School of Dentistry,
College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University
School of Dentistry,
College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University
Department of Veterinary,
College of Life science,
National Taiwan University
Teach: Fixed Prosthodontics
Partial Removable Prosthodontics
Complete Prosthodontics
Fixed Prosthodontics Lab.
Partial Removable Prosthodontics Lab.
Complete Prosthodontics Lab.
Clinical Prosthodontics
Graduate Complete Prosthodontics
Graduate Fixed Prosthodontics Lab.
Graduate Partial Removable Prosthodontics
Graduate Implantology
Graduate Prosth. Clinical Conference
Veterinary Dentistry
Clinical Instructor 1994~1995 School of Dental Medicine
Harvard University
Research Fellow 1986 ~1988 Dr. Yuan-Hong Lee
Graduate School of Material Science
National Taiwan University
1994 ~1995
Fixed Prosthodontics Lab.
Removable Partial Prosthodontics
Complete Prosthodontics
Dr. Charles Hwang
Oral Pathology
Havard School of Dental Medicine
Dr. Steven Goldring
Arthritis Research
Massachusett General Hospital
1. Tissue reaction of Polysulfone in Macaca Cyclopsis. (1986 ~ 1987) (NTUH-75-042-
2. Improved metal etching by using potential static device (1987 ~ 1989) (NTUH76-025-
3. The induction of bone growth by using Calcium Phosphate Cement (CPC). (1987 ~
1988) (76-025-B30)
4. Tissue reaction of Polysulfone in TMjoint of Macaca Cyclopsis. (1988 ~ 1989) (NSC)
5. Tissue reaction in extraction socket of Macaca Cyclopsis by using Hydroxylapatite bone substitute.(1990 ~ 1991)(NSC)
6. Improve physical properties of Injection type denture base resin. (1991~1993)
7. Physical properties of light curing glass ionomer in early contact of water.
8. Effect of base metal castability by using different sprue designs.(1992~1993)
Physical properties of human bone substitute -- Calcium Phosphate Cement (CPC).
A in vitro molecular model for study betel quid biotoxicity. (1997~1998) (NTUHMC,
Oral Cancer—Gene Therapy Preclinical Trials via Tumor Suppressor Proteins.
(1999~) (NHRI, DOH88-TD-1134)
Improve Initial stability of Implant for narrow ridge. (2001~2003) (NTUHMC,
(A) Referred Paper
1. Hong CY (1989): An Improved Technique for Dental Alloy Etching with a
Potentiostatic device. Proc Natl Sci Counc B ROC 13; 139-26.
2. Wong MY, Hong CY and Chang WK (1989): Comparison of Histological Effects of Different Bioceramic Implants on surgically Created Periodontal Defects in
Monkeys. J Formosan Med Assoc 88; 152-8.
3. Hong CY, Hong YC, Guo MK, Hsieh CC and Chen RS (1990): Prevalence of
Mottled Enamel After 12 Years of Water Fluoridation in Chung-Hsing New
Village. J Formosan Med Assoc 89; 225-30.
4. Hong CY, Lin SK, Kok SH, Wong MY and Hong YC (1990): Histologic
Reactions to a Newly Developed Calcium Phosphate Cement Implanted in the
Periapical and Periodontal Tissues. J Formosan Med Assoc 89; 297-304.
5. Kuo YS, Hong CY, Kok SH and Lin FH (1990): Mandibular Subperiosteal
Implant. Chin J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1;1-8.
6. Kok SH, Hong CY, Chen CC, Liu BY and Kuo YS (1990): Histopathological
Responses of Temporomandibular Joint after Intermaxillary Immobilization in the
Macaca Cyclopsis Monkey. Chin J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1; 9-16.
7. Hong YC, Wang JT, Hong CY, Brown WE and Chow LC (1991): The Periapical
Tissue Reaction to a calcium Phosphate Cement in the Teeth of Monkeys. J
Biomed Mat Res 25;485-98.
8. Kuo YS, Kok SH, Liu BY, Hong CY, Chen CC, Liu BY and Lin SK (1992):
Histopathological Responses of Temporomandibular Joint Following
Meniscectomy in the Macaca Cyclopsis Monkey. Chin J Oral Maxillofac Surg 3;
9. Yang PC, Kuo YS, Kok SH, Hong CY, Liu BY and Lin CC (1992): Anterior
Maxillary Resection and Rehabilitation. Chin J Oral Maxillofac Surg 4; 18-25.
10. Kuo MY, Hahn LJ, Hong CY, Kao JH, Chen DS (1993): Low prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among dentists in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Virology
11. Kuo YS, Kok SH, Hong CY, Chen HM, Huang JS, Wey JJ, Chang HH, Yao LW and Lu JS (1994): A Comparison of 7T, 12T and 12S Shape Memory Implant in the Macaca Cyclopsis Monkeys. ASMU, 6; 37-44.
12. Kuo YS, Kok SH, Wang JT, Hong CY, Chen HM,Ho TJ, Huang JS, Lin SK, Wu
HY, Yao LW, Lu JS and Lu HH (1995): Comparison of Clinical and
Histopathological Responses to 7T Shape Memory Implants Restored with Freestanding Crown and Bridge connecting to Natural Tooth . Chin J Oral Maxillofac
Surg . 6; 1-8.
13. Chen HM, Hong CY, Hong YC and Kuo YS (1995): Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Following Maxillectomy. Oral Oncology 4; 295-262.
14. Hong CY (1997). Development of a Model System for Study the Molecular
Mechanism of Particle Induced Cytokine Release. Harvard University, Int. Pub.
No. International App. No. p. 146.
15. Lin SK, Chiang CP, Hong CY, Lin CP, Lan WH, Hsieh CC and Kuo MYP (1997).
Immunolocalization of Interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in radicular cysts. J Oral Pathol Med 26: 458.
Lin SK, Lian HJ, Hong CY, Chang HH, Lee WL, Lan WH and Kuo MYP (1997).
Treatment of a combined endodontic-periodontal lesion with onewall osseous defect using calcium phosphate cement—a case report. Chin Dent J 16: 176-180.
Kuo MY, Huang JS, Hsu HC, Chiang CP, Kok SH, Kuo YS, Hong CY (1999)
Infrequent p53 mutations in patients with areca quid chewing-associated oral squamous cell carcinomas in Taiwan. J Oral Pathol Med 28:221-5.
(Corresponding Author).
Wang JS, Lin LD, Hong CY, Chai TI, Lin CP, Lee WH and Shiau YY (1999). The differences between single and multiple diagnostic groups in the classification of temporomandibular disorders. Chin Dent J 18: 207-15
Hwang YT, Liu BY.Hong CY, Shillitoe EJ, and Hwang CB (1999). Effects of exonuclease activity and nucleotide selectivity of the herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase on the fidelity of DNA replication in vivo. J Virol 73: 5326-32.
Hung KS, Hong CY, Lee J, Lin SK, Huang SC, Wang TM, Weng SC and Michael
Hsiao M (2000). Expressions of p16 INK4A induces dominant suppression of glioblastoma growth in situ through necrosis and cell cycle arrest. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun.
269:718-25. (Co-first Author)
Lin SK, Hong CY, Chang HH, MYP Kuo (2000). Immunologicalization of macrophage and TGF 1 in induced rat periapical lesion. J Endodont 26:335-40.
Wang JS, Lin LD, Liu YH, Hong cy, Lin SK (2000). Construction of bite force transducers with strain gauges. Chin Dent J 19: 193-200
Hong CY, Huang SC, Lin SK, Lee J, Chueh LL, Lee CK, Lin JH and Michael
Hsiao M (2000). Norcantharidin induced post G2/M apoptosis is dependent on wild-type p53 gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 276:278-285.
Ho TJ, Chiang CP, Hong CY, Kok SH, Kuo YS and Kuo MYP (2000). Induction of the cjun protooncogene expression by areca nut extract and arecoline on oral mucosal fibroblasts. Oral Oncology 36:432-6
Lin SK, Wang CC, Chiang CP, Huang SC, Lee J, Lan WH and Hong CY. (2001)
Induction of dental pulp fibroblast matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) gene expression by IL-1 and TNF through prostaglandin-dependent pathway J Endodont.
27:185-9 (Corresponding
Lee MS, Chen YC, Wang TM, Wang JS, KOK SH, Hong CY and Lin SK (2001):
Decontamination of Endotoxin on Particulate Implant Materials with Acetic Acid.
Chin J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1: 10-20.
Chen RS, Liu CC, Tsbg WY, Hong CY, Hsiieh CC and Jeng JH (2001). The effect of curing light intensity on the cytotoxicity of a dentin-bonding agent.
Operative Dentistry . 26: 505-10.
Wang TJ, Huang MS, Hong CY, Tse V, Silverberg GD and Hsiao, M (2001):
Comparisons of tumor suppressor p53, p21, and p16 gene therapy effects on glioblastoma tumorigenicity in situ. Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 287: 173-80.
Liu CM, Hong CY, Shun CT, Wang JS, Hsiao TY, Wang CC and Lin SK (2001):
Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1
(TIMP-1) gene expressions and their differential regulation by proinflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin in nasal polyp fibroblasts. Ann Oto Rhinol Laryn.
110:1129-36 (co-first Author)
Lin SK, Kuo MYP, Wang JS, Lee JJ, Wang CC, Huang S, Shun CT and Hong CY
(2002) Differential regulation of interleukin-6 and inducible cyclooxygenase gene expression by cytokines through prostaglandin-dependent and -independent mechanism in human dental pulp fibroblast. J Endodont.
(Corresponding Author)
Cho DR, Shanbhag AS, Hong CY, Baran GR, Goldring SR (2002): The role of
adsorbed endotoxin in particle-induced stimulation of cytokine release. J Orthop Res.
Liu CM, Hong CY, Shun CT, Hsiao TY, Wang CC, Hsiao M and Lin SK (2002):
Inducible cyclooxygenase and interleukin-6 gene expression in fibroblast from nasal polyps and nasal mucosa: differential regulation by cytokines and prostaglandin E
. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128:245-51 (co-first author)
Kok SH, Hong CY, Kuo MYP, Lee CHK, Lee JJ, Luo IU, Lee MS, Hsiao M and
Lin SK
(2003): Comparisons of norcantharidin cytotoxic effects on oral cancer cells and normal buccal keratinocytes. Oral Oncology 39:19-26 (co-first Author)
Lin SK, Kok HS, Kuo MYP, Wang TJ, Wang JT, Wang CC, Chang HH, Hsiao M and Hong CY (2002): Sequential gene expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1,
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1, Interleukin-6 and Cyclooxygenase-2 in induced rat periapical lesions in rat. Eur J Oral Sci 101:246-53 (corresponding)
Lin SK, Kok SH, Wang TJ, Lee MS, Lan WH, Hsiao M, Goldring SR and Hong
CY (2003): Nitric oxide promotes infectious bone resorption by enhancing cytokine-stimulated interstitial collagenase synthesis in osteoblasts. J Bone Min
Res 18:39-46 (corresponding)
Chen WS, Liu JH, Wei SJ, Liu JM, Hong CY, Yang WK (2003): Colon cancer cells with high invasive potential are susceptible to induction of apoptosis by selective COX-2 inhibitor. Cancer Sci 94:253-58.
Lin SK, Hong CY, Kok SH, Cheng SJ, Lee MS, Wang TM, Lin LD and Wang JS
(2004): Polymyxin B Suppresses the Progression of Induced Rat Periapical Lesion.
J Oral Path Med.
33: 162-9.
Lin SK, Kok SH, Yeh FTC, Kuo MYP, Lin CC, Wang CC, Goldring SR and
Hong CY (2004): Oncostatin M stimulates monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene expression in human osteoblasts through mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathway. Arthritis & Rheumatism .50: 785-93.
Kok SH, Cheng SJ, Hong CY, Lee JJ, Lin SK, Kuo YS, Chiang CP and Kuo MY
(2005): Norcantharidin-induced apoptosis in oral cancer cells is associated with an increase of proapoptotic to antiapoptotic protein ratio. Cancer Lett . 217: 43-52
Shun CT, Lin SK, Hong CY, Kok SH, Hsiao TY, Wang CC and Liu CM (2006):
Tumor necrosis factor stimulates monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene expression in human nasal polyp fibroblasts through mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathway. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology . 114:
Kok SH, Hong CY, Lin SK, Lee JJ, Chiang CP, Kuo MY (2006). Establishment and characterization of a tumorigenic cell line from areca quid and tobacco smokeassociated buccal carcinoma.
Oral Oncol ; 1368-8375
Lin SK, Kok SH, Lin LD, Wang CC, Kuo MY, Lin CT, Hsiao M, Hong CY
(2007). Nitric oxide promotes the progression of periapical lesion via inducing macrophage and osteoblast apoptosis. Oral Microbiol Immunol . 22:24-9.
Lin SK, Kok SH, Shun CT, Hong CY, Wang CC, Hsu MC, Liu CM (2007).
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha stimulates the expression of C-C chemokine ligand 2 gene in fibroblasts from the human nasal polyp through the pathways of mitogenactivated protein kinase. Am J Rhinol . Mar-Apr;21(2):251-5.
Lin SK, Chang HH, Chen YJ, Wang CC, Galson DL, Hong CY, Kok SH (2008):
EGCG diminishes CCL2 expression in human osteoblastic cell via up-regulating
PI3K/Akt/Raf-1 interaction: a potential therapeutic benefit for arthritis
. Arthritis &
Rheumatism . 58:3145-56. (co-corresponding Author)
Lee YL,
Hong CY, Kok SH
, Hou KL, Lin YT, Chen MH
, Wang CC, Lin
SK(2009): An Extract of Green Tea, Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate,Reduces
Periapical Lesions by Inhibiting Cysteine-rich 61Expression in Osteoblasts
. J
Endodont . 35:206-11.
Lin SK, Kok SH, Lee YL, Hou KL, Lin YT, Chen MH, Wang CC, Hong CY
(2009): Simvastatin as a novel strategy to alleviate periapical lesions. J Endodont .
35:657-62. (corresponding Author)
Kok SH, Hong CY , Kuo MY, Wang CC, Hou KL, Lin YT, Galson DL, Lin SK
(2009): Oncostatin M-induced CCL2 transcription in osteoblastic cells is mediated by multiple levels of STAT-1 and STAT-3 signaling: an implication for the pathogenesis of arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 60:1451-62.
Lee YL, Lin SK, Hong CY, Wang JS, Yang H, Lai EH, Chen MH, Kok SH (2010):
Major histocompatibility complex class II transactivator inhibits cysteine-rich 61 expression in osteoblastic cells and its implication in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions. J Endodont . 36:1021-5.
Kok SH, Hou KL, Hong CY, Wang JS, Liang PC, Chang CC, Hsiao M, Yang H,
Lai EH, Lin SK (2011): Simvastatin inhibits cytokine-stimulated Cyr61 expression in osteoblastic cells: A therapeutic benefit for arthritis. Arthritis
Shun CT, Lin SK, Hong CY, Huang HM, Liu CM (2011): Hypoxia induces cysteine-rich 61, vascular endothelial growth factor, and interleukin-8 expressions in human nasal polyp fibroblasts: An implication of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis. Am J Rhinol Allergy . 25:15-8.
Lai EH, Hong CY, Kok SH, Hou KL, Chao LH, Lin LD, Chen MH, Wu PH, Lin
SK(2012): Simvastatin alleviates the progression of periapical lesions by modulating autophagy and apoptosis in osteoblasts. J Endod . 38:757-63.
Wu PH,
Lin SK,
Lee BS, Kok SH, Wang JH, Hou KL, Yang H, Lai EHH, Wang
JS , Hong CY (in press): Epigallocatechin-3-gallate diminishes cytokinestimulated Cyr61 expression in human osteoblastic cells: a therapeutic potential for arthritis. Rheumatology .. (corresponding Author)
(B). Conference Paper
1. Hong CY and Lin CP (1991): Improved Metal Etching by Potentiostatic Device.
69th General Session International Association for Dental Research. Acapulco,
2. Kuo MYP, Lan WH, Lin SK, Hong CY and Hahn LJ (1991): Collagen Gene
Expression in Human Dental Pulp Cell Cultures. 69th General Session
International Association for Dental Research. Acapulco, Mexico.
Kuo MYP, Hong CY, Chen DS, and Hahn LJ (1991): Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Among Dentist in An Area Hyperendemic for HBV --- The Taiwan Experience.
6th Scientific Meeting, South-East Asian Division, International Association for
Dental Research. Taipei, ROC.
Hong CY, Lin SK, Wang JS, Kuo MYP, Jeng JH, Tsai Y and Hwang CBC
(1999). Lime extracts-induced mutations in the pSP189 shuttle plasmid. 14th
IADR Annual scientific meeting, Signapore. (Oral maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology & oral medicine research award)
Huang S, Hung KS, Lee J, Lin HY, Cheuh LL, Hong CY, and Hsiao M (1999).
Norcantharidin induced post G2/M arrest apoptosis in glioblastoma cells is dependent on wild type p53. Terry Fox International Tumor Symposium, Oct. 15-
16, Taipei, Taiwan.
Hong CY, Huang SC, Lee J, Lin HC, Cheuh LL and Hsiao M (2000).
Mechanism of Norcantharidine induced Tumor Cell Death. Keystone Symposia, Jan. 11-15,
Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A.
Hong CY, Huang SC, Kok SH, Lin SK, Lee J.J., Lee MS, Hsioa M and Kuo MYP
(2000). Norcantharidin induced post G2/M arrest apoptosis is dependent with wild type p53. 14th IADR Annual scientific meeting, Taiwan.
Lin SK, Kuo MYP, Lee JJ, Wang JS, Lin LD, Wang TM, Wang CC and Hong CY
(2000). Interleukin-6 and inducible cyclooxygenase gene expression in rat pulpitis and their differential regulation by IL-1
and TNF-
through prostaglandindependent and -independent mechanisms in dental pulp fibroblasts. 14th IADR
Annual scientific meeting, Taiwan. . (Endodontic research award)
(C). Other Publication
1. Hong CY : Pre-clinical prosthodontics laboratory manual (Complete Denture).
Department of Prosthodontics ,School of Dentistry,National Taiwan University
2. Hong CY : Pre-clinical prosthodontics laboratory manual (Removable partial denture). Department of Prosthodontics ,School of Dentistry,National Taiwan
3. Hong CY : Pre-clinical prosthodontics laboratory manual (Crown & bridge).
Department of Prosthodontics ,School of Dentistry,National Taiwan University