Prof. Sudeshni Naidoo

Professor and Principal Specialist
Department of Community Oral Health
University of Western Cape, Faculty of Dentistry
Telephone: +27 21 937-3148
Facsimile: +27 21 931-2287
Sudeshni Naidoo have previously held the posts of Principal Dentist and Dental
Researcher at the Medical Research Council and Senior Registrar in Community
Dentistry. She attended Primary School in South Africa and High School at
Charters Towers in England where she was head girl and attained her “A” levels.
She received her BDS (Lon) and LDS.RCS (Eng) in 1985 and Masters in Dental
Public Health (MDPH) at the University of London and the Diploma in Dental
Public Health (DDPH) in 1994 from the Royal College of Surgeons of England,
followed by her specialist MChD degree in Community Dentistry in 1999. Her
doctorate documented the cranio-facial, oral and dental manifestations of
children with the fetal alcohol syndrome. She is involved mainly with
post-graduate education and training and her main focus of research is on
Infectious Diseases and Infection Control, with particular reference to HIV/AIDS,
Hepatitis and TB, and a specific focus on the disadvantaged with regard to
provision of Oral Health Care, Oral Health Quality of Life, Trauma and Child
Abuse. She has written HIV/AIDS policies, Hepatitis B vaccination policy for the
Provincial Administration of the Western Cape, published and presented on
Child Abuse, Cross infection, Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. Professor Naidoo has
presented numerous scientific papers of her research findings at national and
international conferences and has been an invited speaker, nationally and
internationally on several occasions. She has developed educational material
and organized innovative training programmes, especially with regard to the
diagnosis and management of the oral manifestations of HIV. She has
responded creatively to challenges at an administrative level through her
participation in the organization, planning and execution of various workshops
and seminars. Her leadership and management skills have been well
demonstrated at an executive level in national and international professional and
scientific organizations. She is currently member of the Medical and Dental
Professional Board of the Health Professions Council of South Africa and
chairperson of its Postgraduate Education Committee; secretary of the SA
Division of the IADR; consultant on Noma for the WHO Southern African Region
and past National Vice- President of the South African Dental Association.
Dental Education:
1980 - 1985: King's College Medical & Dental School,
1993 - 1994: University College, London
1996 - 1999: Dept. of Community Dentistry, UWC
2000 - 2003: Dept. of Community Dentistry, US
60 peer reviewed papers (1999-2007); 10 in
press for 2007, 9 chapters in books, 5 policy guidelines,
20 research reports, 15 other publications, 45
conference abstracts (1993-2007), Reviewer for 3
scientific journals (1999-present)
75 presentations to professional groups, radio, press…
Research interests:
Infectious Diseases (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis)
Infection Control
Trauma, dental Trauma and Public Health impact
Ethics, Bioethics and Ethics in Research
Postgraduate Education and Training
Oral Health Related Quality of Life
BDS (University of London) and LDS RCS (Eng)
MDPH (University of London) and DDPH RCS
MChD (Comm Dent)
PhD (University of Stellenbosch)
Management Experience: Established 2 dental clinics on the South Coast of
Natal; A fluoride rinsing & tooth brushing programmes; 3 dental clinics dedicated
to people with HIV; Consultancy services to DOH; Oral Health Directorate;
Calibration of examiners for oral health research
Teaching Activities:
Course coordinator MSc in Dental Public Health.
Undergraduate, post-graduate & continuing education
Supervision of 2 PhD, 15 Masters, 3 Diploma students
Examiner: Hygienists, Therapists, Dental under-& post
Professional Activities: Past Vice President, South African Dental Association;
Past President, South African Dental Association (Western Cape Branch);
Executive Member, South African Dental Association; Associate, The Colleges
of Medicine of South Africa; Member, Medical and Dental Professions Board,
Health Professions Council of South Africa; Chairperson, Postgraduate Dental
Education Committee, Health Professions Council of South Africa; Secretary, SA
Division of IADR; Consultant on Noma for the WHO Southern Africa Region.
An Update of the Global AIDS Epidemic and its Prevention and Control
Professor NAIDOO Sudeshni*.
Faculty of Dentistry, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
Following the United Nations Declaration of Commitment of HIV/AIDS in 2001,
important progress has been made globally in the delivery of effective HIV
prevention, treatment, care and support to reverse the epidemic, however, there
remains much diversity in these responses between countries and regions
globally. While a few countries have reached key targets and milestones for
2005, many countries have failed the pledges specified in the Declaration. Some
countries have made great strides in expanding access and treatment, but have
made little progress in bringing HIV prevention programmes to scale, while other
countries that are now experiencing decreasing national HIV prevalence are
making only slow progress to ensure that treatment is available for those who
need it.
In most countries, a strong foundation now exists on which to build an effective
HIV response, with increasing political commitment and partner coordination at
country level. Domestic public expenditure from governments has significantly
increased in low-income sub-Saharan African countries, and more moderately in
middle-income countries. Treatment access has also dramatically increased.
From 240 000 people in 2001, 1.3 million people in low- and middle-income
countries were receiving antiretroviral medication in 2005. The number of people
using HIV testing and counseling services quadrupled in the past five years in
more than 70 countries. More HIV and AIDS education is provided in primary
and secondary schools and six out of 11 African countries report a decline of
25% or more in HIV prevalence among 15-24 year olds in capital cities.
Furthermore, some countries have reached nearly 60% coverage of HIV positive
pregnant women receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent mother-to-child
transmission. Blood for use in transfusions is now routinely screened for HIV in
most countries. However, there are still significant weaknesses in the response
to HIV. HIV prevention programmes are failing to reach those at greatest risk.
Efforts to increase the knowledge among young people remain inadequate.
Services to prevent HIV infections in infants have not scaled up as rapidly as
programmes provide antiretroviral therapy. Civil society reports from over thirty
countries indicate that stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV
remains pervasive.
The HIV response is insufficiently grounded in the promotion, protection and
fulfillment of human rights. Many countries report that policies tend to interfere
with the accessibility and effectiveness of HIV-related measures fro prevention
and care. National governments, international partners and communities are
failing to provide adequate care and support for the 15 million children orphaned
by AIDS, and the millions of children made vulnerable by the epidemic.
A quarter century into the epidemic, the global AIDS response stands at a
crossroads. The AIDS response must become substantially stronger, more
strategic and better coordinated if the world is to achieve the 2010 Declaration of
Commitment targets. The countries most affected by HIV and AIDS will fail to
achieve the Millennium goals to reduce poverty, hunger and childhood mortality
and countries whose development is already flagging because of HIV and AIDS
will continue to weaken, potentially threatening social stability and national
security, if the response does not increase significantly.
This presentation will provide and overview of the global epidemic today and will
focus on the Declaration of Commitment of HIV/AIDS since 2001 and how we
have fared. It will include issues of leadership; HIV prevention; care, support and
treatment; human rights; reducing vulnerability; research and development and
In conclusion, some suggestions will be put forward regarding the road ahead:
from crisis management to strategic response including increasing commitment
and leadership; sustaining and increasing funding; aggressively address
AIDS-related stigma and discrimination; strengthen AIDS prevention; build
treatment access; strengthen human resources and health systems; ensure
available and affordable HIV prevention and treatment and investment in
research and development for drugs.