Kant 1724-1804

Reading Questions
Kant 1724-1804
Read: (I) Immanuel Kant, ‘Critique of aesthetic judgement’, §1-14, §16, §23-4, §28
from The Classic Readings, pp. 94-122.
I (a) What are the four moments of the judgment of taste? What are the three types of
pleasure discussed in the analytic of the beautiful? Which one represents a judgment of
taste? Why? (b) What is subjective universality? Are judgments of taste subject to
proof? Are they subject to agreement? Describe the Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgment.
(c) What evokes the judgment of taste? Consciousness of what causes the disinterested
pleasure experienced in the Beautiful? Why does Kant feel that this sensation is
universal? (d) What differentiates beauty from sublimity? What are the faculties
involved with each experience? What evokes the feeling of sublimity? What types of
sublimity are there? What does the feeling of sublimity bring one closer to? (e) What
property does an object have that effects disinterested pleasure? What sensations are
associated with sublimity? Kant postulates two stances towards the world. How does he
differentiate them? What is the significance of this separation?