Storytelling (not a state event—League Only)

ORIGINAL ORATORY (OO): The speaker will present an original speech. (10 min max, 30 sec
grace) The subjects vary considerably, but, regardless of the topic, the student’s aim is to arouse,
persuade, inspire and or motivate. The speech must be written by the speaker. There may be a
maximum of 150 quoted words and these quotes must be identified. The speech should be memorized.
No visual aids.
Any appropriate subject may be used. The speech should not be expected to solve any of the great issues
of the day, rather it should be expected to discuss intelligently, with a degree of originality and with
some profit to the audience, the topic chosen. Some speakers do choose to offer solutions, but this is not
necessary. An “OO” may serve to alert the audience to a threatening situation, strengthen devotion to a
cause, or eulogize a person. Witty humor is often employed.
Criteria: judged on content, organization, use of language, effectiveness of writing, delivery.
ORIGINAL ADVOCACY (OA): A sister to Original Oratory with some important differences. Here
the speaker presents an original persuasive speech (10 min. max, 30 second grace) identifying a problem
and offering a clear, concise legislative solution. Not as broad as “OO,” in “OA” the topic is limited to
subjects concerning public policy issues of an actual nature, and the speaker MUST advocate a specific
legislative and/or regulatory governmental action. This memorized speech must be written by the
contestant, with a maximum of 150 quoted words. Quotations must be identified. No visual aids.
Criteria: judged on content, organization, use of language, effectiveness of writing, and delivery.
Remember that the topic must be a public policy issue and the speaker must advocate a specific
legislative or regulatory action.
EXPOSITORY (EXPOS): The purpose of this original, memorized speech is to inform, rather than to
persuade. These speeches range from explaining to actually demonstrating a process. This is the only
state event where props are allowed. Although not required, virtually all Expos speakers use an easel
with illustrated posters (“boards”) to entertain and to better explain the topic. The visual aids must
enhance the speech; costumes may be worn only if they are used as visual aids and are put on and taken
off during the speech; they may NOT be part of the speaker’s beginning or ending attire.
The set-up and take-down of the visual aids are part of the timed speech, which is subject to the 10
minute limit with a 30 second grace period. Timing begins as soon as the speaker enters the staging area
and does not stop until all aids have been cleared from view. No persons or animals may be used as
aids, nor may audience members participate other than as observers.
Criteria: Although it may be funny and entertaining or moving, this is primarily a speech to inform. It
should explain, describe, clarify, illustrate or define an object, idea, concept or process. The props used
should not substitute for effective writing and oral presentation.
Original Prose & Poetry (OPP): The presentations in this event are perhaps the most varied. The
memorized speech is the original work of the student and is subject to the 10-minute max/30 second
grace; there may be up to 150 quoted words. These are creative presentations and may take the form of
plays, stories, poems, essays, or a combination thereof. The primary purpose of the event is to
demonstrate the literary creativity of the speaker. OPP’s are often in the first person, and sometimes
feature multiple characters; they can be funny or moving or both. Dancing and singing are permitted.
Criteria: the presentation may be serious or humorous. Speakers are judged on the effectiveness of
their writing, creativity, use of language, and delivery.
(It helps to have a stopwatch for these events!)
Description: In this spontaneous event, the speaker actually prepares the speech in the judge’s presence.
The topics vary by round, from brief, thought provoking quotations to general interest current events, to
personalities, to single-word abstracts. From the time you are handed the topic, you have two minutes
(novices at a novice tournament have up to 5 minutes) to prepare and organize your speech. The
maximum speaking time is FIVE minutes, and no notes may be used during the speech (although
novices at a novice tournament may use one 3X5 index card written on one side only). Unless there is a
timer in the room, the judge will give you time signals, usually at 2 mins, 3, 4, 4.30, and a 10 second
countdown using finger signals, not vocal cues. Experienced Impromptu speakers will go right to the
wire. There is no minimum time in this event, but length is rewarded in the evaluation.
The judge will call your code number and hand you a slip of paper. Each slip of paper gives you 3
choices. You must choose one of the three. Your prep time begins as soon as you are handed the topics.
At the conclusion of the speech, all speakers must remain in the room until all contestants have spoken,
unless they are double-entered. The judge may ask the other speakers in the room to take over time
signaling, thereby freeing the judge to watch the speaker, not the clock.
Criteria: The speech may be humorous or serious and will be judged on content, organization,
adherence to topic, and delivery. The speech does not necessarily have to be factual. When dealing
with quotations or abstractions, you might relate the topic to some contemporary issue. Whatever
approach you choose, you should adhere to the topic.
Description: This is a fun, exciting event, in which one speaker “debates” a topic against a rival
speaker. The first speaker on the posting is affirmative, the second is negative and goes against the first;
the third is affirmative, the fourth is negative and goes against the third, etc. The topics are worded in
the form of resolutions, and may be silly or serious. The judge gives the “Aff” speaker the topic. That
speaker then has one minute to prepare. The “Aff” then gives a one-minute constructive speech in
which he/she identifies the topic and builds his/her position (either the judge or a student timer will give
you hand signals). The opponent then has one minute to prepare. The “Neg” then gives a one-minute
constructive speech, building the reasons to negate the resolution. The two speakers then square off
against each other in a civilized manner for three minutes of open, unstructured argument. It ends with
the Negative then giving a one-minute rebuttal speech, in which he/she clashes against the ideas
offered by the Affirmative. The Affirmative has the last word, giving a one-minute rebuttal speech in
which he/she clashes against the ideas offered by the Negative. Both speakers deliver their
arguments to the judge only; they should never face each other!
Structure: (Judge begins by handing provided topic to Affirmative Speaker; speaker has 1-minute prep)
Aff Constructive:
1 minute
(Aff hands topic to Neg:
Neg Constructive:
Open Cross Ex:
Neg Rebuttal/Summary
Aff Rebuttal/Summary
1 minute prep)
1 minute
3 minutes
1 minute
1 minute
In extemp, contestants report to a “prep room” which is monitored by a proctor. At an assigned time,
you draw three topics from a pile or envelope. The topics are questions pertaining to current events, and
you should choose the question you are most comfortable speaking about. Here is an example of the
kind of questions a contestant might have:
1. Which nation poses the biggest threat to world security?
2. Does domestic spying violate too many civil liberties?
3. Should the constitution be amended to allow foreign-born presidents?
After reading the topics, you choose one, and then you have 30 minutes to research, write and memorize
a 6 - 7 minute speech (novices may take one index card with notes on it into the round). NEW FOR
STATES 2012: Although you may research saved articles on a laptop or similar device, you may NOT
write your speech or organize your thoughts on the computer; any writing must be done by hand on
paper. You may consult any files that you bring to the contest, including files from a battery operated
electronic retrieval device; no internet access allowed; online articles must be archived. Extempers
typically bring tubs of indexed articles to tournaments. Topics are pulled from the last 6-8 weeks of
Time, Newsweek, The Economist, Christian Science Monitor and Foreign Affairs (although you are not
limited to these publications for research purposes). You then report to a different room and deliver your
speech in front of a judge who judges it based on content, analysis of the question, and delivery.
You may notice that the above questions are a mixture of foreign and domestic topics. At most
tournaments, you may choose both foreign and domestic issues, but at some tournaments, they are
actually separate events, and you may only enter one. If you choose IX, you should not encounter
questions about domestic issues, and if you choose NX, you should not have to answer questions about
foreign issues (but you may be asked to speak about US foreign policy).
Speech Structure: Most extemp speeches adhere to the following format:
I. INTRODUCTION (Approx 1 minute)
A. Attention getter. This can be an anecdote or a quotation relevant to the topic.
B. Explain the link of your anecdote or quote to the topic.
C. Explain the significance of the topic.
D. Read your question WORD FOR WORD as it was written.
E. Answer the question, and say what your two (or three) areas of analysis (main points) will be.
II. BODY (approx 5 minutes)
1. Generalization 1
a. Support Evidence (Cite your sources!)
b. Support Evidence (Cite your sources!)
2. Generalization 2
a. Support Evidence (Cite your sources!)
b. Support Evidence (Cite your sources!)
B. Area of analysis 2 (repeat steps from area 1)
C. Area of analysis 3 (optional; repeat steps from 1)
III. CONCLUSION (30 seconds to 1 minute)
A. Repeat question
B. Repeat answer and summarize the areas of analysis.
C. Tie your ending into your attention getter.
Generally, the art of interpretation is to be regarded as recreating the characters in the selection, making them
seem living and real to the audience. Presentation should be from memory and without the use of costume or
props, however special rules apply to Duo and Thematic Interp--see separate pages.
Selections must be cuttings from published plays, novels, short stories, essays or poetry. With the exception of OI,
your material must be commercially published by Dec. 31 of the competitive school year and must be nationally
available as printed matter; downloaded scripts from electronic sources are “illegal.” During the presentation,
the speaker MUST identify author and title. Words may be added or changed (up to 150 words max, including
the intro) for the purpose of continuity only and must maintain the intention of the author. Selections may be
judged for their appropriateness as contest material and their suitability to the speakers using them.
This is a contest in interpretation. Speakers should be judged on poise, quality and use of voice, inflections,
emphasis, pronunciation, enunciation, and especially the ability to interpret characters creatively and consistently.
Narrative introductions and transitions should be vivid and animated so as to be interesting and integral; speakers
may portray one or multiple characters—neither approach is preferred over the other.
General Rules and Judging Criteria for Interpretation
Characters in the selection should be consistently portrayed. They should be distinct in voice and gesture.
Transitions in time, character, mood and emotion should be clearly evident.
Narration, if used, should enhance the performance, not detract from it.
Clear diction and good vocal communication skills should be utilized by the performer.
The interpretation should recreate the characters in the selection through the use of voice, gesture and facial
expression. The total effect should be to carry the listener away mentally to the time and place of the story.
Specific rules for Open Level “Varsity” tournaments are:
Ten minutes maximum, within 30 seconds grace period.
Selection must be nationally published. The cutting must be from a single source in both DI and HI.
An introduction at or near the beginning of the presentation must include the title and author of the selection.
A maximum of 150 added words is allowed (including the introduction). Words that are changed from the
original text also count as “added words.” Changes can be made for purposes of clarity, but should not
change the intent of the author.
E. Songs that are not printed and published are prohibited; songs that are not part of the source material may
be used in the introduction only and count as “added words.”
F. The selection should be memorized. Using a script or notes in ‘DI’ or ‘HI’ drops you to last place.
G. No props, costumes, or special-effects make-up may be used.
H. Singing, dancing, kneeling—even lying down--in Interp events is allowed!
Selections will be speeches previously delivered in a public forum that originated as public addresses. The
student’s aim is to effectively convey the message intended by the original speaker. There is the usual 10-minute
maximum with a 30 second grace period. 150 original words may be added by the speaker in an introduction and
for purposes of cohesion of the cutting. The introduction MUST include the title of the speech, the author, the
location, and the original date and circumstances under which the original speech was delivered. Two or more
speeches may not be combined. The selection should be memorized. Internet source is permitted in OI only.
Here the speaker interprets an entertaining, published story appropriate for elementary school-aged children. The
use of the book in the presentation is optional. Although also optional, many Storytellers use props; they may
also put on costumes and sing and dance—Storytelling can get very athletic! Multiple characters and zany,
exaggerated voices are the norm. There may be a maximum of 150 added words, including the introduction.
Like any interp, the intro must include the title and author of the story. 10 minute maximum, no minimum. Great
for novices, or anyone looking to sharpen their interpretation skills! And some Storytellings transfer successfully
to Humorous Interpretation!
Description: In this event, a team of 2 speakers interpret a selection taken from a single play, story,
poem, or other literary material. The duo presents a selection from a single, conventionally published,
nationally distributed non-electronic print source and each student may present a single character or
multiple characters; singing and dancing and kneeling are also allowed. Students should not use scripts
and must maintain “off-stage” focus; that is, they may not look at each other or touch each other during
the presentation.
As in the other Interpretation contests, no props, costuming or make-up shall be used. The 10-minute,
30 second grace maximum applies. As in all events, if the speech exceeds the grace period, it is lowered
by one rank. Songs that are not printed and published are prohibited; songs that are not part of the
source material may be used in the introduction only and count as “added words.” The selection
should be balanced, with no one partner dominating. During the presentation the duo team must identify
the author and the title from which the cutting was made. The cutting must be from a single source.
During the introduction only, the participants MAY address each other directly, and may present
personas different from the characters portrayed in the cutting itself. The may even touch each other!
However, during the performance itself, focus must be indirect (off-stage) and no deliberate contact is
Thematic Interpretation (TI)
Description: In this event, the speaker attempts to communicate a specific theme by using at least three
different literary selections (in a 10 minute speech) that illustrate and develop that theme. As in all
events, if the speech exceeds the 30-second grace period, the speaker’s ranking is lowered. Each
selection must be at least 150 words long and be pulled from 3 separate published sources
(although the author need not be different. For example, three selections from three different plays by
Shakespeare would be acceptable). Published songs are acceptable as selections.
Introductory, transitional and explanatory material must be written by the speaker and contribute to the
development of the theme. Authors and titles of each selection MUST be identified; original material
may provide up to 1/3 of the presentation. Original material may be delivered with or without
characterization, but generally the speaker makes eye contact with the audience during these portions of
the performance.
Manuscripts are required in this event. This is the only event where the use of a manuscript is
MANDATORY! It must remain in at least one hand of the speaker at all times. Typically, speakers
house their scripts in a handheld binder. The binder MUST contain the entire script, but it may NOT
contain visual aids or illustrations. It may be used creatively as a prop, or it may be used to merely
gesture. The speaker, although required to carry the manuscript, is not required to actually read from it
although may choose to. The selections may be memorized or read; neither method is preferred.
Criteria: the total presentation should develop one thematic concept. The net result for the listener
should be a new and clearer understanding of the theme the interpreter develops. The quality of the
literary selections will be judged on the basis of the effectiveness of thematic development.
Interpretation of the selections should display a clear understanding of the mood and emotion of the
selections. Introductory and transitional material should contribute to the total effect of the thematic
development. As in all interp events, singing, dancing, kneeling, etc., is allowed.