Personal Care Facility Plan

( Name of Facility )
( name ) Township
( name ) County
Copy Number _____
September 2005
The Executive Administrator of ( name of Facility ) reviews and updates this plan
annually. All previous plan changes have been incorporated into this document.
September 2005
I hereby certify that I have reviewed the ( name of facility ) Emergency Operations Plan. Necessary
changes have been coordinated with all agencies involved and through the Township/County, and
incorporated into the plan. Distribution of changed pages has been made to all recorded holders of
the plan.
September 2005
RECORD OF CHANGES ............................................................................................................ i
ANNUAL REVIEW CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... iii - iv
DEFINITION .......................................................................................................................... v-xii
ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ............................................................................................... xiii
AUTHORITY and REFERENCES ................................................................................... 1
PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................... 1
SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 2
SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................. 2
POLICY GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 3
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 4
CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ........................................................................................ 6
ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES .................................... 9
DE-ESCALATION OF INCIDENT .................................................................................. 12
RECOVERY (REENTRY, RETURN AND RELOCATION) ............................................ 12
PLAN MAINTENANCE AND DISTRIBUTION ............................................................... 12
1 – ( name of facility ) Profile
2 - Letters of Agreement
3 - Evacuation Vehicle Estimates
4 - Notification Roster
5 - Journal
6 - Host Facilities
7 - County Reporting Information
8 - Notice of Movement Sign
9 - Emergency Telephone Directory
Internal Emergency
Bomb Threat
Crisis Intervention
Protective Actions
Hazardous Materials
Community Emergency
Loss of Utilities (Leaks)
Media Control
Emergency Resources
Weather Emergencies
September 2005
External Emergency
Carbon Monoxide
Community Fire
Hazardous Material
Host Facility
Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant
September 2005
Activate - To start or place into action an activity or system.
Basic Plan - The first and major element of the Emergency Operations Plan, which provides a
conceptual overview of the Facility's approach to emergency management.
Contamination - The presence of hazardous materials or blood borne pathogens on locations,
people, animals and equipment.
Decontamination - The removal of contamination from locations, people, animals and
Disaster - Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, earthquake, high water, land slide, tidal wave,
snow storm, fire, explosion, riot, civil disturbance, act of terrorism, nuclear detonations
(accidental or deliberate), chemical or nuclear release, etiologic or epidemic event, which
results in damage to property, injuries, loss of life, or all.
Emergency - Any natural or man-made event, which has the potential for loss of property or
lives and results in immediate protective actions.
Emergency Alert System - A federally established network of commercial radio stations, TV
stations and cable TV systems that voluntarily provide official emergency instructions or
directions to the public during an emergency. Priorities for EAS activation and use are: first,
Federal Government; second, County Government; and third, State Government.
Emergency Management Agency (EMA) - The agency responsible for planning, assignment,
and coordination of all resources in an integrated program of mitigation, preparedness,
response, and recovery for all emergencies.
Emergency Management - The planning, assignment and coordination of all available
resources in an integrated program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery for all
emergencies and disasters whether from enemy attack, man-made or natural sources.
Emergency Management Team – The emergency management team at (name of facility) is
comprised of the Executive Administrator, Resident Care Supervisor, Administrative Staff and
Maintenance Staff.
Emergency Medical Services - Actions that entail the resuscitation, stabilization, and
transportation of the critically ill and injured persons. Exposure to or contamination from
hazardous materials may require use of special procedures for the protection of everyone.
Emergency Operations Center - A facility designated as the location where responsible
officials gather during an emergency to direct and coordinate emergency operations.
September 2005
Emergency Worker - An individual involved in providing or assisting in response and recovery
actions who may be required to enter a restricted area.
Evacuation - A protective action which involves leaving an area of risk until the hazard has
Exercise - An event that tests both the plan and the capability of the various
agencies/departments to implement the provisions of the plan.
Exposure - The absorption of radiation or ingestion of a hazardous material.
Fire Classifications - Fire is often associated with hazardous material incidents, and is divided
into 4 classes.
Class A - Result from combustion of ordinary materials.
Class B - Result from combustion of flammable gases and flammable and
combustible liquids.
Class C - Result from the combustion of materials occurring in or originating from
energized electrical circuits.
Class D - Result from the combustion of certain metals.
Fire Extinguishers - The classification of use for fire extinguishers is as follows:
Water - Used for Class A fires only. Works by removing heat from the fire.
Carbon Dioxide - Used for Class B and Class C fires, may work on a Class A fire, but
never works on a Class D fire. Works by smothering a fire.
Halon Agent - Used for Class B or Class C, may work on a Class A fire, but never
should be used on a Class D fire.
Dry Chemical - Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Chloride,
Potassium Chloride, and Monoammonium Phosphate are the five types of Chemicals
used in the Dry Chemical Extinguishers. They effectively suppress Class B and C fires
and some are useful on Class D fires if they do not contain graphite.
Gases - A form of matter that does not possess a characteristic shape but takes the
shape of its container.
Hazardous Materials - A substance or mixture that, if improperly handled, may be damaging to
our health and well-being or to the environment. There are 7 basic classes of hazardous
Flammable Materials
Spontaneously Ignitable Materials
September 2005
Corrosive Materials
Toxic Materials
Radioactive Materials
Host Facility - Predetermined facility to which people at risk are evacuated, retained, and
Mass Care Center - A facility for providing emergency lodging and care for persons made
temporarily homeless by an emergency.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - A technical bulletin containing detailed information
about a hazardous material.
Monitoring - The periodic or continuous examination for the presence of hazardous materials
in an area or on a person.
Notification - The process of informing organizations with primary and support responsibilities
of an emergency or disaster and what actions, if any, are required.
Notify - To inform about a condition, event or situation.
Operational - Capable of accepting mission assignments at an indicated location with partial
staff and resources.
OSHA - The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is a federal statute to regulate
certain aspects of the workplace.
Protective Action - An action or measure taken to avoid or reduce exposure to a hazard.
Public Alerting - The process where the public is alerted to tune in to the Emergency Alert
System (EAS) for information and instructions.
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) - Licensed volunteer radio amateur (HAM)
communications personnel, equipped and affiliated with the County.
Radiation Incident - Any event involving potential or actual radiation exposure or radioactive
contamination to the public.
Recovery - Actions taken over a protracted period of time to repair any physical damages to
facilities/property and restore the governmental, economic and social structure of the
Reentry - The temporary return to the evacuated area.
Relocation - Actions implemented during recovery to exclude persons from returning to
restricted areas.
September 2005
Response - The phase of emergency management activities which provides emergency
assistance for casualties and actions, which reduce further, damage or expedite recovery
Return - The permanent return of citizens to areas determined by the State to be safe for
SARA - The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) contains provisions
intended to bring to the general public more information about and a better understanding of
local chemical related operations.
Sheltering - The act of taking shelter inside a structure in order to reduce or eliminate
exposure to a hazard.
Special Population - That portion of the population at risk such as school children, hospital
patients, summer camp attendees, nursing home residents, or home-bound or handicapped
people, who are dependent upon outside assistance for evacuation.
State of Disaster Emergency - A state of disaster emergency exists whenever the Governor
issues a declaration of disaster emergency. A disaster emergency shall be declared by
executive order or proclamation of the Governor at any time upon finding that a disaster has
occurred or that the occurrence or the threat of a disaster is imminent. The state of disaster
emergency continues until the Governor finds that the threat or danger has passed and
terminates it by executive order or proclamation, but no state of disaster emergency may
continue for longer than 90 days unless renewed by the Governor.
Take Shelter - A protective action that involves taking cover in a building that can be made
relatively airtight. Generally, any building suitable for winter habitation will provide some
protection with windows and doors closed and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
systems turned off.
Unmet Needs - Capabilities and/or resources required to support emergency operations but
neither available nor provided for at the respective levels of government.
Verification - Follow-up by the addressee to confirm understanding of the contents of a
message or announcement.
Warning Labels - Every Manufacturer and importer of a chemical substance must ensure that
each container of a hazardous substance is labeled, tagged, or marked with the identity of the
product, appropriate hazard warnings, and the name and address of the manufacturer,
importer, or other responsible party.
September 2005
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
American Red Cross
Bureau of Radiation Protection
Centers for Disease Control
Department of Environmental Protection
Emergency Alert System
Emergency Management Agency
Emergency Management Coordinator
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Operations Center
Emergency Operations Plan
Environmental Protection Agency
Facsimile (Message or Machine)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Hazardous Material
Incident Command Post
Incident Command System
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Protective Action Guide
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Public Information Officer
Pennsylvania State Police
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
Standard Operating Procedure
September 2005
( Name of facility )
A. Authority
This plan is issued under the authority of and in accordance with the provision of the
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa. C.S.).
B. References
1) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Emergency Operation Plan and Annexes
2) ( name ) County, Emergency Operation Plan and Annexes
3) ( name ) Township, Emergency Operation Plan
4) Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
5) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Emergency Management
Agency, “Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response
Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants,” NUREG 0654/FEMA
REP- 1, Rev. 1, November 1980, as amended.
The purpose of this plan is to outline the policies, concepts of operations, and procedures to
be used as a guide for officials of the ( name of facility ) in response to an incident involving all
types of Hazards. The plan is written specifically to assure the protection of clients/residents
and staff.
The objective of this plan is to identify each necessary function, determine who will be
responsible for it, assign authority within that function, and illustrate how that function will
relate to others.
This Emergency Operation Plan is a working document, action-oriented and designed as a
guide for the time of stress. It is intended to be flexible and quickly adaptable to produce a
safe environment for clients/residents and staff.
This document is intended to conform to all appropriate federal, state, county and municipal
statutes and accrediting/licensing agency regulations for the safety and care of
clients/residents and employees during an emergency.
September 2005
Orientation of new personnel should include issuance of appropriate sections of this plan and
instruction in the duties assigned therein.
1) This Emergency Operations Plan and Procedures address all emergency situations. It
provides for mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery operations.
2) The basic plan has a broad conceptual framework and describes the approach to
planning and operations.
3) Annexes are hazard specific. These are required when response to a hazard cannot be
expressed generically in the basic plan.
4) Attachments are found throughout the plan in the form of charts and other information.
5) This Emergency Operations Plan is not an inflexible document. It is recognized that
deviation from the precise contents of this plan can, and will, occur due to the unique
nature of emergencies. This deviation, using initiative and common sense, is both
authorized and encouraged in order to adapt to the specific emergency and to ensure
public safety.
A. Situation
1) ( Name of facility ) is an assisted living facility and is located in ( name ) Township, in
( name ) County.
2) There are approximately (
) residents who can reside at ( name of facility ).
3) ( Name of facility ) is vulnerable to effects of natural disasters such as hurricanes,
floods, tornados, earthquakes, winter storms and fires.
4) ( Name of facility ) is also vulnerable to a variety of man-made hazards such as
hazardous materials accidents, major transportation accidents, nuclear power plant
incidents, civil disorders, terrorism, nuclear attack, etc.
5) The potential scope and impact of these emergencies may vary from a minor
emergency requiring minimum response to a major emergency which requires
maximum response, depending on time of day, weather conditions, time of year,
warning time, location and the type of emergency or disaster.
6) An emergency may require that the clients/residents and staff of ( Name of facility ) take
some type of protective action. These actions include:
September 2005
1) Sheltering
2) Evacuation
Appropriate responses may include some combination of these protective actions. The
Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency through
the ( name ) County/( name ) Township EMAs will be available to provide technical
assistance concerning responses to a particular incident.
B. Assumptions
1. Emergencies may require coordination and cooperation among diverse
governmental, private and volunteer organizations in order to protect lives and
property at Grayson View.
2. The location and extent of some emergencies can be predetermined while other
emergencies may occur with little or no warning.
3. Organizations and agencies tasked in this document will respond as required, if
available, to fulfill their responsibilities in providing for public safety.
1. The following policy guidelines will apply to an incident at the ( Name of facility ); In
the event an emergency occurs, the Executive Administrator or designee is
authorized to initiate this plan in coordination with ( name ) Township and/or (name)
County and to take such other action as might be required to protect the interest of
the facility clients/residents.
2. ( Name of facility ), in coordination with ( name ) Township/( name ) County, has
overall responsibility for recommendations relative to evacuation and sheltering
during an incident. The Administrator or designee will provide guidance to all
clients/residents and staff.
3. The ( name ) Township/( name ) County EMAs will assist ( Name of facility ) in
periodically (at least annually) updating this plan and for providing necessary
training of staff.
4. When an emergency is declared and an evacuation or sheltering is imminent,
clients/residents will not be sent into the hazard area.
5. Actions and responsibilities of staff will be carried out under the prescribed
administrative chain of authority.
6. Should an Evacuation be required, clients/residents and staff will evacuate the
September 2005
building and will remain outside the building until they are requested to relocate, or
until advised by the proper authority that it is safe to return. Any clients/residents in
the building will be accompanied by staff that will remain with them until released
by authorized persons.
7. In the event an evacuation is necessary and transportation is to be used, staff
may drive their own vehicles to the designated host area. Private vehicles may be
required to supplement ( Name of facility ) resources.
8. ( Name of facility ) supplies, equipment, and facilities will be used for the welfare of
clients/residents and staff. A record will be maintained for accountability when the
emergency has terminated.
9. Staff will be transported, if necessary, to the designated Host Facility(s), or other
location, as determined by the Executive Administrator and the ( name ) County
Emergency Management Agency, depending on emergency conditions. Families
of clients/residents residing at ( Name of facility ) will be asked to tune to the
Emergency Alert System station for instructions.
10. Once, evacuated, the building should remain closed until local officials, in
coordination with the Dauphin County Emergency Management Agency, have
determined that the emergency has ended. Only after the safety of the affected
area has been verified, should the building be reopened at the discretion of the
Executive Administrator.
Initial Notification
1. The ( name ) Township EMA and/or ( name ) County Emergency Management
Agency may make notification to ( Name of facility ). Notification may include the
a. There has been an accident.
b. Time, type, and level of severity.
c. Any protective action recommendations.
2. Upon receiving information of an emergency, the staff person receiving the call shall
immediately notify the highest-ranking staff person available within the complex;
who will then notify appropriate staff.
3. Upon receipt of notification from Township and/or County officials of an emergency,
the Executive Administrator will notify all staff and, if required, clients/residents.
4. The Executive Administrator will then notify the Township and/or County EMA
Director of action taken or anticipated.
September 2005
B. Implementation
The individual so notified shall implement this Emergency Operation Plan, as appropriate
to conditions (reference Annexes), utilizing implementing procedures developed by the
1. Emergency Management Team Notification
Upon implementation of the Emergency Operation Plan, the ranking staff person shall
immediately notify all members of the Emergency Management Team. The ranking
staff person on duty shall assume the role of directing the emergency response until
such time as a higher-ranking staff person arrives on scene.
2. Notification of On-Duty Personnel
On-duty personnel will be notified of the situation by two-way radios, telephone
systems or by verbal communication through the highest-ranking staff person.
On-duty personnel will remain at their assigned stations unless directed elsewhere by
a member of the Emergency Management Team. Members of the Emergency
Management Team should report to the Executive Administrator's office.
3. Notification of Off-Duty Personnel
The appropriate member of the Emergency Management Team will contact off-duty
personnel who, based on available information upon learning of an emergency, shall
direct off-duty personnel whether they are to proceed directly to the facility and report
to their appropriate Department Supervisor, or in the case of Emergency Management
Team members, to the Executive Administrator's office.
A. General
1. When an emergency has occurred, ( Name of facility ) has the primary responsibility to
respond to save lives and property and to recover from it.
2. If an emergency goes beyond the capabilities of ( Name of facility ), assistance will be
provided from the Township/County, upon request.
3. Depending upon the situation, the Emergency Management Team may utilize multiple
resources, including existing mutual aid agreements and procedures, in order to obtain
what is needed.
September 2005
B. Specific
To understand ( Name of facility ) responses to various types of emergencies, it is
necessary to define those types of emergencies.
1. Normal emergencies: A Normal Emergency may involve fire, emergency medical
and police functions, separately or in any combination. The public safety
organizations in existence handle such events without any additional assistance.
Direction and control is provided by the Incident Commander who may be a
Township, County, or State law enforcement officer or the first fire department unit
or officer dispatched to the scene, depending on the incident and the
2. Abnormal (Limited) emergencies: An Abnormal Emergency may involve any of the
situations and organizations mentioned above, but the emergency has escalated
beyond what is normally expected. Examples include, but are not limited to,
hazardous material (HAZMAT) incidents, police matters and rapidly spreading fires
which involve large numbers of people, large amounts of property or both and large
numbers of casualties.
3. Extreme (Full) emergencies: An Extreme Emergency involves large numbers of
people and property and requires rapid mobilization of resources, including
personnel. The effects are widespread and include such events as hurricanes or
tropical storms, a serious incident at (name and location of Nuclear Power Plant), a
prolonged blizzard, accidental missile launch, a nuclear attack, etc.
C. Phases of Emergency Management
1. This plan is concerned with all types of emergency situations that may develop. It
also deals with activities that occur before, during and after emergency
operations. These activities are accomplished by dividing emergency
management activities into the following phases: mitigation, preparedness,
response and recovery.
2. Mitigation: Mitigation activities are any actions taken to prevent or reduce the
occurrence of any emergency or risk to human life and property. Examples of
mitigation efforts include, but are not limited to:
Building repairs
Disaster insurance
Client/Resident and staff education
Procurement and integration of equipment
Identifying resources.
September 2005
3. Preparedness: Preparedness activities are any actions taken prior to the
emergency that facilitate the implementation of a coordinated response.
Examples of preparedness efforts include, but are not limited to:
Continuity of administrative decisions
Testing and maintaining equipment
Developing emergency plans and procedures
Participation in training, drills and exercises
Hazard identification
4. Response: Response activities are any actions taken immediately before, during
or directly after an emergency to save lives, minimize damage to property and
increase the effectiveness of recovery efforts. Examples of response include,
but are not limited to:
Emergency Medical Services
Police Services
Fire and Rescue Services
Public Works
Protective Actions.
5. Recovery: Recovery is the phase that involves restoring systems to normal.
Short-term recovery actions are taken to assess damage and reestablish vital
life-support systems; long-term recovery actions may continue for years.
Examples of recovery actions include, but are not limited to:
Damage assessment
Debris clearance
Disaster assistance
Temporary Housing
Could include some mitigation efforts.
6. Information concerning mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery is
addressed in the annexes to this plan.
Hazard specific annexes will describe emergency classification levels to be used for
specific emergencies, and will describe those actions unique to the response to such
an emergency.
D. ( Name of facility ) Response
1. Limited Emergency
A hazard exists that could have the potential to effect ( Name of facility ). The
September 2005
Executive Administrator will be requested to stand by for further instructions.
Notification may or may not warrant a decision to close the adult day center since it
is a precautionary level of notification. The final decision rests with the Executive
Administrator who should act on advice from the Township/County Emergency
Management officials. The Executive Administrator may decide to cancel all
outside activities until the situation has been satisfactorily controlled.
2. Full Emergency
Shelter In Place
If the Executive Administrator is notified of a Full Emergency and
evacuation is not feasible, sheltering in place will be the required
protective action. Sheltering involves closing all external air intake
systems, recirculating interior air supply as much as possible, and
moving clients/residents to the safest part of the structure away from
doors, windows, or other openings. Sheltering in place will continue until
local officials advise the Executive Administrator that it is no longer
b. Evacuate
If the Executive Administrator is notified of a Full Emergency and
evacuation is ordered, the clients/residents of the facility will be removed
from the hazard area or transported out of the hazard area to a host
facility where they will be held.
Emergency Management Team
The implementation of this Emergency Operation Plan is the responsibility of the
Emergency Management Team. This team is comprised of the following individuals,
with their stated responsibilities:
1. Executive Administrator - The overall authority for the implementation and direction
of this Emergency Operation Plan rests with the Executive Administrator or
designated alternate. Specific responsibilities include:
a. Receive notification of an emergency situation from the Township/County EMA..
b. Ensure notification of all Administrative staff of emergency actions.
c. Assign internal responsibilities.
d. Coordinate the emergency management response to all emergency conditions.
September 2005
e. Set up the Command Post in the Executive Administrator's Office.
f. Establish and maintain communications with the Swatara Township/Dauphin
County EMAs and provide for internal facility communications via telephone,
intercom or messenger.
g. Coordinate staff scheduling with the Emergency Management Team to ensure
adequate 24-hour staffing for emergency conditions.
h. Coordinate the facility emergency management response with ( name )
Township/( name ) County EMAs, designated host facilities and outside
i. Respond to all internal requests for personnel and equipment support.
j. Receive and maintain current client/resident census, transportation
requirements and staffing needs, reporting unmet needs to the ( name )
Township/( name ) County EMAs.
k. Terminate the emergency condition and deactivate the emergency response
when conditions stabilize, allowing a return to normal operations.
l. Document the emergency management effort when normal operations are
restored (it is advisable to maintain a date-time log of events during the
emergency conditions).
m. Identification of unmet needs and reporting of unmet needs to the ( name )
Township/( name ) County EMAs.
n. Follow appropriate protective actions in conjunction with Township/County
Emergency Management officials.
o. Communicate with the Township/County EMA and determine appropriate
Emergency Alert System messages, and coordinate all facility-related activities.
2. Resident Care Supervisor - The Resident Care Supervisor on duty is responsible
for assignment of all nursing service personnel and any volunteers needed to
supplement staffing requirements. In addition, the Resident Care Supervisor is
responsible for overseeing the preparation of client/resident census reports and the
classification of clients/residents for transport. In the absence of the Executive
Administrator and the Assistant Administrator, the Resident Care Supervisor shall
assume control of the initial emergency response.
3. Administrative Staff - The Administrative Staff is responsible for assisting the
Executive Administrator as requested and with maintaining their normal duties.
September 2005
4. Maintenance Staff - The Maintenance Staff is responsible for maintaining electrical
and mechanical functions necessary to ensure a safe facility environment. The
Maintenance Staff shall answer emergency calls for service from all areas of the
facility. The Maintenance Staff is also responsible to coordinate with Swatara
Township personnel to provide for access to and from the parking areas and
driveways and supervise facility traffic control efforts on the parking areas or the
facility grounds.
5. Other Agencies
There are a number of external agencies with specific responsibilities in the
event of an emergency. These include:
a. ( name ) County Emergency Management Agency
Those responsibilities of the ( name ) County Emergency Management Agency
which are specifically related to this Emergency Operation Plan include:
Implementation of protective action recommendations.
ii. Coordination of emergency medical services to include maintenance of
routine coverage. In the event of an evacuation, provision of
assistance to homebound invalids, hospitals and nursing homes.
iii. Provide resources for unmet needs and channel resource requests
where needs can not be met.
iv. Identification of hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and other
institutions located within the risk area.
Provide additional communications via RACES, County radio
systems, etc.
b. ( name ) Township Emergency Management Agency
Those responsibilities of the ( name ) Township Emergency Management
Agency that are specifically related to this Emergency Operation Plan
Implementation of protective action recommendations.
Notification of schools, day care centers, health care and special
facilities located within the Township.
September 2005
Identification of hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and other
institutions located within the risk area.
Coordination of unmet needs with the County EOC.
The decision to commence recovery operations will be made by the Incident Commander,
Swatara Township/Dauphin County EMAs, PEMA or the Governor.
The Swatara Township/Dauphin County EMAs will notify the Executive Administrator or
designate, in advance, of any recovery operations and coordinate the return of evacuees to
the evacuated area.
The Executive Administrator and Maintenance Staff shall perform safety inspection of the
physical plant and surrounding areas. Upon the determination that reoccupation of the facility
is considered safe, department managers and the emergency management team shall
ensure that the facility is fully prepared to resume normal operations prior to reoccupation.
When the facility is fully prepared, the command post will be re-established in the Executive
Administrator's Office and the Executive Administrator will coordinate transportation and
reoccupation through the ( name ) Township/( name ) County EMAs.
Staff, clients/residents and families will be notified of the decision to reopen the facility using
normal media/information procedures.
A. Maintenance
1. The Executive Administrator is responsible for ensuring the currency of the
EOP, including the development and distribution of changes, as well as
accomplishing an annual review.
2. All changes to the ( Name of facility ) EOP shall be coordinated through the (
name ) Township/( name ) County EMAs.
3. The current date, revision number and line in margin, indicating where changes
occurred shall be placed on all change pages.
September 2005
B. Distribution
Basic distribution of the Emergency Operations Plan for ( Name of facility ) is as
# OF
( Name of facility )
( name ) Township EMA
( name ) County EMA
September 2005