2015 Clean Cities Sweep Part of the Great American Cleanup Sponsored in part by: REGISTRATION PACKET Neighborhood Group Keep North Charleston Beautiful 4800 Park Circle North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone: (843) 745-1073 Fax: 1 (843) 432-3047 kncbsc@gmail.com www.keepnorthcharlestonbeautiful.org This year’s Clean Cities Sweep will be held April 12-18. This package contains all of the documents you will need to complete and return to our office to have your neighborhood participate in this year’s program. Once your neighborhood registration form (provided in this packet) has been submitted to our office, you will receive a confirmation and a request to schedule a date to pick up your supplies. Supplies include: a neighborhood planning packet, a litter pickup kit, and for the first twenty neighborhoods that register a $100 Lowe’s gift card. (Gift cards may only be used to purchase material for outdoor beautification projects, including landscaping supplies, plant material, tools, pine straw, and other similar items. The gift card may not be used to purchase food, promotional items, or giveaways. ) Thank you for your interest in the CCS program. We hope you will decide to volunteer with more than 18,000 volunteers who are donating their time and effort to make North Charleston bloom with beauty! Please feel free to share this packet with friends and colleagues and invite them to participate. DATES TO REMEMBER: February 5 – April 9 Pickup Dates for CCS Supplies All supply pickups are scheduled on Thursday between 8am and 4pm from February 5 until April 9. April 7 by 4pm Deadline for Registrations All CCS registration forms must be received by April 7 at 4pm. April 12 – April 18 Clean Cities Sweep Projects may be any time during the months of March and April; however, trash pickup will only be provided during the week of April 12-18. May 4 by 4pm Post-Event Reports and Receipts Due Post-event reports must be received by May 4 at 4pm. Each group must submit all of these items to be eligible for contest judging and supplies next year. More details will be provided for you in your planning packet when you pick up your supplies or visit our website to download more information. May 11 Award Winners Notified All contest winners will be notified on or before May 11. *May 14 Awards Presented at North Charleston City Council Meeting Please note that this date is tentative and subject to change. Contest winners will be notified with specific details when they receive their award notification. A representative from your group must attend City Council to accept your award, or your prize will be forfeited to the next highest scoring group. * Please note that this date is tentative and subject to change. Neighborhood Registration Form Neighborhood: Contact name: Home phone number: Cell phone number: Email address: Mailing address: Preferred method of contact: Email Home phone Date of CCS event: Cell phone Time of CCS event: Estimated number of participants: GLAD Bags GLAD Bags Gloves # Requested _____ Maximum: 200 Bags *Pairs of Small Latex-Free Gloves Pairs Requested ___________ *Pairs of Large Latex Gloves Pairs Requested ___________ *Pairs of Adult Canvas Gloves Pairs Requested ___________ *You may request a combined total not to exceed 100 pairs. To assist in the effort to efficiently dispose of the litter collected during the CCS, we ask that you pick a central location to deposit your refuse for pickup. Please select a location that allows for easy access of a sanitation truck. We will put our garbage/trash at: (Address & street name) Project Description: Please select the size for your complimentary CCS t-shirt. Each neighborhood will receive one complimentary t-shirt for the project coordinator. Complimentary t-shirts are only available in sizes small, medium, large, and x-large. Sizes are limited. Small Medium Large X-Large Keep North Charleston Beautiful 4800 Park Circle North Charleston, SC 29405 Phone: (843) 745-1073 Fax: 1 (843) 432-3047 kncbsc@gmail.com www.keepnorthcharlestonbeautiful.org