Agricultural Environmental Management Tier 5B Conservation Plan Evaluation Requirements Checklist for AEM Base Program This checklist will help determine if all required tasks and documentation have been completed for the Tier 5B Evaluation of an AEM Tier 3 Plan. Also consult “Participating in AEM Tier 5B” when completing this checklist. Please complete the following information on the farm planned. County: Date: AEM Farm Identification Number: 12-digit HUC of the predominant watershed in which the farm is located: Primary type of farm evaluated: Acres: Animal Units on the farm: Date of the original plan: Existing planned component(s): Farmstead Cropland Additional components planned: Farmstead Cropland Nutrient Mgmt. Nutrient Mgmt. Pasture Pasture Pest Pest NA Additional acres planned: Please check each item addressed and documented in the plan and/or the farm’s case file. If an item does not apply please explain why in the notes section of this form. 1. Identify the land units planned and review the natural resource issues & opportunities, decisions, and recommendations in the plan. 2. Meet with the farmer to review and discuss their plan noting any progress made in implementing decisions from the plan by documenting on the Record of Decisions and Progress form. Also, note any changes made to the farming operation that necessitate a plan update/revision. Note that AEM Tier 1 and 2 can be used to help identify changes and assess the need for additional planning. 3. Check that the existing plan covers all natural resource issues & opportunities and identify any missing high priority issues that should be progressively planned in the updated plan. 4. Discuss with the farmer the decisions/recommendations not implemented from the existing plan then update the plan to reflect any new high priority issues & opportunities, or adjustments to the timetable to implement already planned practices in the Record of Decisions and Progress form. 4-6-10 1 5. Plan any additional high priority issues or components the farmer is now willing to address (progressively plan). Utilize the Participating in AEM Tier 3A document and the Tier 3A Plan Requirements Checklist to help guide the planning. 6. Tier 3B or C plans must be evaluated by or under the supervision of a Certified Planner. 7. Complete the update, review with the farmer and gain their approval. Note the process in the Assistance Notes in the farmer’s case file and in any data management system maintained by the District. 8. Provide a copy of the revised plan to the farmer. 9. Comments: 4-6-10 2