Ann K. Heiman Elementary School 2014-2015 Student and Family Handbook Preparing every child for success in tomorrow’s world! Dear Parents, Welcome to the Ann K. Heiman School Community! We are very excited that you have chosen to attend our school. Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your child. We take this responsibility very seriously. You have our pledge that we will do everything in our power to help your child grow and learn at the highest possible levels. We believe in creating a safe and stimulating learning environment for all of our children. Parent involvement and effective communication are highly valued at our school. We are continually working toward the goal of making Ann K. Heiman Elementary School a “community of learners.” We invite you to become involved in this very important mission. Our school handbook is designed to provide you with important information about our school community. Please review this document and keep it in a handy place for future reference. Please know that you are always welcome to call us with any concerns that you might have. I look forward to our working together for a great school year! Sincerely, Anne Ramirez ~ Principal 2 Ann K. Heiman Elementary School School Handbook Table of Contents Item Page Welcome to Our School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Letter from the Principal School Mission and Vision Statements 2014-2015 School Calendar District and Building Contact Information School Hours Homework Thursday Folders Birthday Celebrations Field Trips Extended Day Programming 2014-2015 Staff Listing Attendance and Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 District Attendance Policy Dress Code Policy School Rules and Positive Behavior Support Inclement Weather School Closure or Delayed Start Health and Medical School Safety Personal Property Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Services Overview Pricing Charging Policy Free and Reduced Benefits Supervision / Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Pick-up/Drop-off Bus Transportation and Behavior Walkers, Bicycles, Skateboarders Getting Involved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Visitors Volunteers School Accountability Committee Parent Teacher Organization Parent/Student Signature Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Signature Page 3 Ann K. Heiman Elementary School This Document: This document serves the purpose of communicating those key items that keep you the parent in good communication with all departments of our school, as well as provide information on those areas that when discussed with your student, will help him or her to succeed with school routines, rules and expectations that make this school the safe, great, proud place it is. We together are the Ann K. Heiman Huskies! Our Mission The mission of Ann K. Heiman Elementary School is to provide a safe learning environment where all students grow in knowledge, skills, and character to reach their optimal level of achievement. August 2003 The Ann K. Heiman School Vision We believe that the most promising strategy for achieving the mission of Ann K. Heiman is to develop as a professional learning community focused on Promoting LEARNING that is challenging, valued, collaborative, engaging, and acquiring skills and tools to learn. Utilizing TEACHING STRATEGIES that are purposeful, flexible, innovative, research based, and data driven. Developing SOCIAL SKILLS that foster respect, responsibility, relationships, pride, and accountability. Recognizing, embracing, and honoring DIVERSITY Creating a CLIMATE that is welcoming, safe, positive, and inclusive. August 2003 4 5 6 Communication We value two way communications with all of our parents! It is very important that we hear both positive feedback and areas we need to improve on. We work to solve issues as they arise so it is helpful to hear about the same issue from several families. This helps us to be certain that we are addressing the problem. If we are not in the office when you call, leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours. We improve the quality of our school and the learning of students when we are all talking with each other and working together to solve issues. District and Building Phone Information 3500 Palermo Avenue- Evans, CO 80620 Main Office 348-2400 District Transportation 348 -6800 Absence Reporting 348-2466 Cafeteria 348-2429 School Fax 348-2430 Nutrition Dept. 348 -6600 Ann K. Heiman Elementary School Hours Morning Kindergarten Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Afternoon Kindergarten Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday All-Day Kinder & 1st-5th Grades Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 AM 8:20 AM 8:25 AM 8:20 8:20 8:20 8:20 A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. to 2:15 P.M. to 11:25 A.M. to 11:25 A.M. to 11:25 A.M. 12:45 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. 12:45 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. 12:45 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. 8:20 A.M. to 2:15 P.M. 8:20 8:20 8:20 8:20 8:20 A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. to 2:15 to 3:45 to 3:45 to 3:45 to 3:45 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Playground and Before School Supervision Begins First Bell Rings Tardy Bell 7 Homework Homework is given on a regular basis at our school. Some grade levels assign work for the week instead of nightly. Students are expected to complete and return assignments neatly and on time. Every grade level has different homework expectations, please communicate with your teacher, and support your student with those expectations. One of the most important things that you can do for your child in kindergarten and 1st grade is to make time to read to your child or listen to your child read every night. In 2nd-5th grade, have your child establish a regular 30 minute reading time every day after school. The positive results of this commitment will last your child a lifetime. Thursday Folders Every week on Thursday, a folder of information will be sent home from our school. We encourage you to take time and look over information contained in this folder. There are always important notices from our school, parent bulletins, and other school related info. There will be a monthly calendar showing all of the school events scheduled for the upcoming month so you can make plans to be an active participant in our school. Much of the information contained in the folder may help answer any questions that you might have. The Thursday folder should be returned to school with your child or in his/her backpack every Friday. Classroom Celebrations and Birthday Parties Please support the District 6 School Wellness Policy (Policy ADF) when considering foods to send in for classroom holiday celebrations and birthday parties. The District 6 Policy encourages healthy alternatives to food with high sugar and high fat content. Home baked products cannot be accepted. We have many children with peanut allergies, so please make sure that any product that you might consider sending in is clearly labeled. Avoid foods with any type of peanut base if possible. Please call the school if you need further clarification. We have birthday celebrations during the last 10 minutes of the school day on the second Friday of the month. There are some exceptions to this process, please make arrangements with your child’s teacher in advance. Birthday Books We make it a practice to announce children’s birthdays as they occur throughout the school year. These announcements are made every morning as we move through the school year. Thanks to our PTO, all children are awarded a free birthday book on the day of their birthday. Field Trips: Throughout the year, your student may be invited to attend a grade level or class field trip. Please review school communication for permission slips, and communicate any health or personal needs that would need to be addressed with the teacher, school nurse or front office. 8 Extended Day Programming We offer many extended day programs through the course of the year. Whether your student becomes involved in our Summit® before and after school programming, University of Northern Colorado Reader Achievers or one of our many clubs or intramurals, please plan to arrange for student drop-off or pick-up as is appropriate. We look forward to serving your student before, during and after the regular school day! 2014 - 2015 STAFF LISTING POSITION Principal Assistant Principal Office Manager Secretary School Psychologist Health Clerk Nurse Literacy Coach Math Coach Library Desk / Office Gifted/Talented Interventionist – 4th Grade Interventionist PE Art Music Spec. Education Spec. Education SPED Resource Room Spec. Education ESL Motor Room Kindergarten AM/PM Kindergarten AM Kindergarten AM/PM First Grade Second Grade Third Grade NAME Anne Ramirez Rick Bucher Gina Hohmann Melanie Fernandez Chelsea Garcia Terry Strachan Jennifer Berg-Ramsey Amber Every Christine Hopkinson Sharon Wright Deanna Butherus Mary Higgins Marcia D’Amato Bill Osentoski Tim Thorngate Pam Korth DeDe Huebner Jen Clark Lisa Lamb Patti Brug Portable 2W Sarah Padilla Erin Garner Jane Molander Karissa Koberstein Brittney Bilyeu Jennifer Orona Terri Maldonado Melissa MacKinnon Cathy Lande Denise Shannon Brenda Trautner Marissa Hurtado Kaitlyn Hix Deb Highfield Elizabeth Gallegos Nan Popineau EXTENSION ROOM # 2409 2410 2401 2400 2418 2426 2426 2487 2487 2491 / 2492 2463 2484 130A 130B 130 130 130C 131 2461 2460 2462 2474 2485 2449 2451 2424 2425 2441 2442 2440 2443 2444 2445 2446 2450 2452 2447 2453 2459 2454 2455 2456 2458 125 122 126 175 252 110 112 184 185 102 103 101 104 105 106 107 111 113 108 114 120 115 116 117 119 256 256 128 128 222 9 Fourth Grade Jennifer Mays Erin Snyder Ryan Galloway Tammy Hermance Tiffany McCall 2480 2481 2482 2483 2457 217 218 219 220 118 Fifth Grade Stefani Hutchins Leslie Heinz Maureen Neville Barb Paulson 2476 2477 2478 2479 213 214 215 216 2468 2485 2438 / 352-2222 152 252 Cafeteria 174 173 173 173 173 ABC Before/After Program Speech Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Vision/O&M Specialist Adaptive PE Building Manager Night Manager/Custodian Ellen Guercio Emily Hawkins Erika Graslie Janis Mountford Judy Smaic Jose Godoy 2473 2472 2472 2472 2472 2428 2428 Kitchen Manager Kitchen Staff Kitchen Staff Instructional Assistant Lunch Monitor SPED Assistant SPED Assistant SPED Assistant SPED Assistant SPED Assistant SPED Assistant Cindy Folsom Sophia Herrera Wendy Bailey Billie Charf Kathy Hansen Jessica Mayer Luda Ditter Wendy McSwain Augie Rekers Sarah Peña Lara Vannest 2429 10 District 6 Attendance Policy The Board believes that significant learning is provided daily for all students in every district classroom. This educational opportunity is the result of in-class participation and quality classroom instruction. The benefits of this experience cannot be fully replaced. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance is an important criterion for success in school and absences are detrimental to effective learning. Each student in the district is required to attend school daily as established by the calendar determined annually by the Board and in compliance with state law. Unauthorized absences shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in accompanying procedures. A cooperative effort between the student, parent, district, and the community regarding attendance fosters a positive educational experience. Therefore, the following goals and guidelines have been developed to establish good attendance habits at an early age. These habits will positively transfer with the students and their parents/guardians as the students’ progress through the district’s educational program and beyond the scholastic setting. Policy Goals The goals of this policy shall be as follows: 1. To improve the attendance of elementary and secondary students. 2. To improve student achievement through improved attendance. 3. To develop attitudes and habits in students, parents/guardians, and the community that reinforce the value of school and good attendance. 4. To address potential attendance problems through early intervention. Excused absences Excused absences are defined as any absence from school due to temporary illness or injury, and any other reason deemed acceptable by the school administrator. In general, prior notice of absence from the student’s parent or guardian is required and the school administrator may require verification, such as a physician’s statement, when appropriate. The following shall be considered excused absences: 1. A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on a prearranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours. Approval for a pre-arranged absence(s) may necessitate a parent conference. 2. A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability. Medical documentation may be required. 3. A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school. 4. A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration. 5. A student who is suspended or expelled. 11 The district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources. When a student has reached four excused absences from school in any month or ten excused absences during any school year, the school shall either require a meeting or other form of communication between the student’s parent/guardian and appropriate school personnel to review and evaluate the reasons for the student being habitually absent from school. A plan may be developed for the student with the goal of assisting the student to remain in school. When practicable, the student’s parent/guardian may participate with school personnel in the development of the plan. If a student is in out-of-home placement (as that term is as defined by C.R.S. 22-32138(1)(e), absences due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities shall be excused. The student’s assigned social worker shall verify the student’s absence was for a court appearance or court-ordered activity. Unexcused absences An unexcused absence is defined as an absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions. Additionally, an unexcused absence shall be recorded if a student leaves a school or leaves a class without permission of the teacher or school administrator. Each unexcused absence shall be entered on the student’s record. The parents/guardians of the student receiving an unexcused absence shall be notified orally or in writing by the district of the unexcused absence. When the district is aware that criteria exist to designate a student as habitually truant, the district shall refer the students and his or her parent/guardian to the Weld County Judicial System, Youth and Family Connections and/or the Weld County District Attorney’s Juvenile Diversion Unit. In accordance with law, the district may impose academic penalties which relate directly to classes missed while unexcused. Penalties may include a warning, school detention or in-school suspension. Academic penalties, out-of-school suspensions or expulsion shall not be imposed for any unexcused absence. The administration shall develop regulations to implement appropriate penalties. The school administration shall consider the correlation between course failure, truancy and a student dropping out of school in developing these regulations and shall implement research-based strategies to re-engage students with a high number of unexcused absences. Students and parents/guardians may petition the Board of Education for exceptions to this policy or the accompanying regulations provided that no exception shall be sustained if the student fails to abide by all requirements imposed by the Board as conditions for granting any such exception. The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10 during any calendar year or school year. In general, all absences occurring after the 10th school day missed are unexcused. 12 Tardiness Tardiness is defined as the appearance of a student without proper excuse after the scheduled time that a class begins. Because of the disruptive nature of tardiness and the detrimental effect upon the rights of the non-tardy student to uninterrupted learning, appropriate penalties shall be imposed for excessive tardiness. Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness. As with daily attendance, tardies can affect your child’s progress in school. Tardies are tracked by our office attendance secretary. Just like absences, an accumulation of tardies will result in a warning letter from the school and a conference with the school principal. Please help us out by making sure that your child is at school on time every day. Any child who arrives after 10:00 a.m. is considered absent for the morning. A student who leaves before 2 pm and does not return will be considered absent for the afternoon. Vacations Personal vacations taken during regularly scheduled school sessions are discouraged. An “pre-arranged absence” request form must be filled out and signed by the building administrator prior to the planned event. You can obtain this form by contacting the school office. In general, all absences occurring after the 10th school day missed are unexcused. When a student is absent and classes continue, the student is missing valuable instruction. The student is responsible for making up all work during the absence time. If your child needs to be out of school for an extended period of time due to a vacation or special activity, please contact the office. Early Student Checkout We discourage checking students out of school during the regular instructional day. This causes the child to miss information and interactions that help them learn the grade level curriculum and may imply that school is not important. It can also lead to attendance issues now and in the future. Please make appointments when the school day will not be interrupted. Please bring your child back to school after appointments if there is time left in the school day. A guardian or person authorized by the guardian must check out students at the front office. Students will be dismissed from class when the guardian or designee arrives at school to sign the student out. If you need to get your child a message before the end of the school day, please call before 3:30. Messages will be taken throughout the morning, and delivered at 3:30. Calls/Messages after this time will not be delivered to your child in time. D6 Non-negotiable Universal Student Dress Code Expectations A dress standard is maintained for students to wear clothing that is in good taste and not disruptive to the educational process or constituting a health or safety hazard. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times. Students not appropriately dressed will be 13 advised, their parents will be contacted, and the students will be asked to change to appropriate clothing before returning to class. During inclement or cold weather, please ensure that proper clothing is worn for being outside for limited amounts of time during recess. Students will be outside for recess on days warmer than 18 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain and snow will also be considered. Greeley-Evans School District 6 Non-Negotiable Universal Student Dress Code Expectations Any clothing item or accessory that causes a disruption to school safety, personal safety and/or the learning environment may result in discretionary intervention by school administrators Tattoos, clothing or accessories that display drugs, sexual innuendos, inappropriate language, alcohol, tobacco products or gang connotations are not permitted. Tattoos displaying any of these must be covered at all times No hats permitted inside of the school building during the school day. If “hoodies” are worn, the hood may not be worn inside of the school. (Religious headwear exceptions) Sunglasses or dark glasses, absent a verified medical condition, are not to be worn or displayed inside of the school building Trench coats are not permitted anywhere on school property Soled shoes or sandals must be worn at all times (For example, no “bedroom” slippers or similar footwear) No exposed undergarments Inappropriately sheer, tight or low cut clothing that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back, breasts or cleavage is not permitted No shaved or notched eyebrows (Absent a verified medical condition) No red or blue unnatural hair color, belts or shoelaces No clothing or belt buckles that display the numbers 13, 14, 18, 31, 41 or 81 No solid red or solid blue shirts (Other than designated school uniforms) No red or blue “Dickies” or “Southpole” brand pants, shorts or shirts No red or blue bandana or any color bandana that is draped on clothing or hanging out of a pocket School Safety At Ann K. Heiman, we take the safety of our students very seriously. We have a school safety committee that looks at safety issues and makes safety recommendations throughout the entire school year. Some things to note: All exterior doors are locked during the school day- Please utilize our front door monitor system to gain access to the building Our campus is closed to all community members from dusk until dawn- There will be no trespassing during this time 14 Our school will run periodic fire drills, tornado drills, and lockdown drills to ensure proper student and staff training in the event of an emergency. In the event we should ever go on complete lock down, whether by drill or by request of local law enforcement you can expect communication to come home informing you of our situation or drill. School Rules (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Ann K. Heiman Elementary School is a school dedicated to creating a successful learning environment for all students through a system of Positive Behavior Support. We are in our 12th year of being a PBIS school. In all grades and all classrooms we use the PBIS system to encourage and develop problem solving skills and good behaviors. There are four basic guidelines for students to follow at Ann K. Heiman. - Be Respectful - Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Kind These guidelines of behavior are introduced to children at all grade levels and students are taught to apply them, not just in the classroom, but in all areas of our building and our school grounds. When students follow these basic rules positive rewards, recognition, and self-satisfaction result. We use a problem solving approach to help correct poor choices students sometimes make. This includes: - clearly define the problem - help the student see his or her responsibility for the problem - consider appropriate consequences - make a plan for how the problem can be avoided in the future A range of consequences to help the student learn and implement more appropriate choices may include loss of privileges during the school day and recess, visiting the principal, calling parents, detention, and restitution for damages caused. Boys Town Boys town and the “Well Managed Classroom” utilize a sound foundation and understanding of classroom management and the need for students to build strong, positive teacher-student and peer relationships. It provides motivational instruction methods, organizational and group management techniques that maximize student “on-task” behaviors as well as problem solving and behavior management techniques that empower students to assume responsibility for managing their own behavior. Social skills we’re teaching your student, and for you to reinforce at home: Following Instructions Greeting others Disagreeing appropriately Having a conversation Accepting criticism/ consequences Accepting “no” Getting the teachers attention Asking for help Making an apology Accepting compliments Asking permission Staying on task 15 Bullying Bullying in schools is a real concern of students, parents, staff and community members. Anti-bullying efforts have been aligned with our PBIS systems here at Ann K. Heiman. We adhere to the Bullying in Schools- board policy JICDE regarding bullying prevention and education in our school. We currently utilize a K-5 curriculum called “Bullying Prevention In Positive Behavior Support.” This program utilizes a system of “Stop, Walk and Talk” to help not only victims of bullying but bystanders and bullies themselves to know what to do when bullying has occurred. The mission here is to give students the tools to reduce bullying behavior through the blending of school-wide positive behavior support, explicit instruction, and a redefining of the bullying construct. Student Email Accounts Greeley-Evans School District 6 will provide a free email account for every student. Having an email account will allow students to email teachers questions and receive classroom updates. Depending on the teacher, students may also be able to turn in assignments using email. All students will receive training on appropriate use of email before teachers provide them with their usernames and passwords. Training will include: dealing with potential bullying, handling email from unknown senders, general email etiquette, and informing students that email messages leave a permanent digital record. Parents are encouraged to use CommonSense Media resources to learn how to support their children as they navigate the online world. Resources can be accessed by visiting the following website ( If you do NOT want your student to have a district provided email account, you may fill-out a “Student Electronic Mail (email) Opt-Out Form” in the office of any district school. Otherwise, your child will be assigned a school email account. Acceptable use of email falls under the Board of Education policy governing student use of the Internet and electronic communications. Policy JS states that no student shall access, create, transmit, retransmit, or forward material or information: 1. That promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacturing or purchasing of destructive devices or weapons. 2. That contains pornographic, obscene, or other sexually oriented materials, either as pictures or writings that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings or appeal to prurient interests in nudity, sex, or excretion. 3. That harasses, threatens, demeans, or promotes violence or hatred against another person or group of persons in violation of the district’s nondiscrimination policies. 4. That uses inappropriate or profane language likely to be offensive to others in the school community. 5. That is knowingly false or could be construed as intending to purposely damage another person's reputation. 16 6. That contains personal information about themselves or others, including information protected by confidentiality laws. 7. Using another individual’s Internet or electronic communications account without written permission from that individual. 8. That impersonates another or transmits through an anonymous remailer proxy. If you have questions, please contact your school principal. Personal Property Lost and Found All coats, jackets, or other personal property that your child brings to school should be clearly marked with your child’s name. We have a lost and found area located near the outside entry to the school cafeteria, by the playground door. Each semester the unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. We do take every precaution to try and return lost and found items to the rightful owner. Often we cannot find the owner because the item has no identification marked on it. Lost and found items are often put on tables in the lobby before “all” school events (such as parent conferences). If your child left an item at school, please check the lost and found. Play Items from Home Playground equipment will be provided for all children to use during recess. Children should not bring toys to school. This includes items such as hand held electronics, Pokemon, Beyblades, Legos, roller blades etc… We are not responsible for any lost, broken or stolen items brought from home. Technology/Cell Phones We have many students who are bringing cell phones to school. While we don’t encourage students bringing cell phones we realize that it may be a necessity for some families for communication purposes. Due to the mobile connection to the internet most devices now have, It’s important for students and parents to read Board Policy JS (Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications), as violation of this policy, even on a personal device can have serious implications for student safety and wellbeing. Students will be asked to keep all mobile devices in a backpack and not use them during the school day. Please remember the school is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen cell phones or mobile devices. Bring Your Own Device Policy It is the teacher’s discretion to implement a policy that allows students to bring their own devices to school for an educational purpose. If a teacher does implement such a policy, parents will receive a copy of the policy along with a permission slip that must be signed by the parent. The following rules would apply: Any student at Ann K. Heiman wishing to use a personally owned electronic device must, with their family, read and sign this agreement and submit it to their classroom teacher. 17 As a review, any parent who wishes that their child use a personally owned electronic device at Ann K. Heiman Elementary agrees to the following: 1. The student takes full responsibility for his or her device. The school is not responsible for the security of the device. 2. The student is responsible for the proper care of their personal device, including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications needed to use the device at school. A sturdy case is highly recommended. 3. The school reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated school policies, administrative procedures, school rules or has engaged in other misconduct while using their personal device. 4. Violations of any school policies, administrative procedures or school rules involving a student’s personally owned device may result in the loss of use of the device in school and/or disciplinary action. 5. The student must comply with teachers’ request to shut down the device or close the screen. 6. The student may not use devices to record, transmit or post photos or video of a person or persons on campus. Nor can any images or video recordings at school be transmitted or posted at any time without the express permission of a teacher. 7. The student should only use their device to access relevant files. 8. The student will use the district’s secured wireless network. Use of cellular 3G, 4G, LTE wireless connections is not allowed. 9. Students are not permitted to use personally owned devices in the cafeteria, health clinic, office, or on the playground. 10. Students are not to share the use of their device with others. Weather Related School Information Unless the weather is extremely inclement, children will remain outside until school begins. If for medical reasons your child must stay inside, please send a note from your doctor. During severe weather we will have the children enter the building to remain in the gym until the first bell rings for school to begin. The signal for this will be an orange cone by the north and west entrance. If there is inclement weather during the day, the children will remain in their classroom during recess times. When District 6 decides to delay the opening of school or cancel a school day, The decision will be made with the safety of our students in mind. The decision will be made by 6:30 a.m. Listen for school announcements on KFKA 1310 AM, KVVS 1170 AM, KGRE 1450 AM, and KUAD 99.1 FM. The Denver television stations will have information if school will be closed. There will also be a recording on the school phone (348-2400) or check the main District 6 website ( Inclement weather or emergencies may result in closing schools, delayed opening, or early dismissal. In any case, working parents need to make daycare arrangements in advance in case of early dismissal or closing. If you do not have a person listed on your database as being permitted to pick up your child, we will not release your child 18 to them. Please make sure your database is updated when phone numbers, contacts, and emergency contacts change. Delayed Start The district may implement a 2-hour delayed start to school should the need arise. In this case, buses will pick students up 2 hours later than the regularly scheduled time, classes will start 2 hours after their regular time (10:25 am for elementary). All AM kindergarten and pre-school programs will be cancelled when there is a 2-hour delayed start and no breakfast will be served on a delayed start day. School dismissal times will remain on regular schedules, including bus drop-off times. All afternoon and evening programs will operate as normally scheduled. Health and Medical Health Services - Who are we? For Health Service forms and information please see the District 6 Health Services Website. > departments > health services District 6 has School Health Clerks who are the main care-givers in health offices in all district and charter schools. They perform first aid and care for ill children, administer medications, perform health screenings, manage immunization and health records. They are available to answer questions and are able to contact School Registered Nurse Consultant at all times. Health Clerks have taken a health clerk training course and have yearly CPR, First Aid, Medication Administration, and other trainings as needed for specific student health needs. District 6 has School Registered Nurse Consultants who work as a team with health clerks, school administration and staff to provide physical, mental, and social support to help children learn. School Registered Nurse Consultants are trained with an RN-BSN and have obtained School Nurse licensure through CDE. School Nurses are responsible for preparing health care plans, documenting health histories, collaborating with special education team on educational plans, delegating to unlicensed personnel who provide care for students, assisting with health education units, consulting with outside health providers and agencies. Illness/Injury, Emergency Information Accidents/Illness/Injury – o Health office staff or other qualified personnel will administer first aid for any ill or injured student. If needed, parent/guardians will be contacted and in extreme cases, 911 may be called. Emergency information – PLEASE KEEP EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATED WITH THE FRONT OFFICE STAFF. We need to be able to contact you if your child is ill or injured. 19 Medications If your child must have medication of any type during school, including prescription or over-the-counter medicine (pills, syrups, cough drops, eye drops, creams, ointments, inhalers, injectable), you have three choices: o Parents/Guardians may come to school and give it to their child at the appropriate time. o Parents/Guardians and health care providers may complete and sign a physician authorization form. The medication must be in a pharmacylabeled bottle or original packaging with instructions. o Parents/Guardians may discuss with their health care provider an alternative schedule so the medication can be given outside of school hours. Medications of any sort (over the counter or prescription) are not to be in the possession of students, except for those with written authorization from their health care provider, their family and school registered nurse consultant. If your child will need any medication or treatment at school, please obtain a copy of the physician authorization form from the health office or download from health services website Health Questionnaire / Students with Health Concerns Health questionnaires - It is extremely important that parents/guardians complete the annual health questionnaire and Emergency Information form. Students with known health concerns – School Registered Nurse Consultants write Health Care Plans (HCP) for students that require specific procedures at school. All students who have diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, severe asthma or who have any medication (prescription or over the counter) in school should have a HCP. Other disorders may also have specific precautions which would require a HCP. PLEASE contact the school Health Clerk or School Nurse if you have concerns about your child’s health. Students with Severe Asthma, Severe Allergies, Seizure Disorder or Diabetes – forms are available from health office or on health services website for physician completion Immunizations Immunizations are an important part of our children’s health care and Colorado Law requires that children going to school be vaccinated to prevent vaccinepreventable disease. Students are not permitted to attend school without meeting immunization requirements or having a signed personal, medical, or religious exemption. If parents have concerns about immunizations and vaccine safety, visit . The Colorado Immunization Program’s website is located at 20 Schools work hard to ensure compliance with the immunization laws. Your help in providing updated immunization records at school registration and when your child receives additional vaccine(s) is greatly appreciated. Screenings Hearing and vision screenings are conducted annually by health services staff including District Audiologist. The following grades are screened: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9, all new students, and students with special education needs – per the State of Colorado guidelines. Glasses when prescribed by an eye care professional are extremely crucial to student success. Please make sure students wear them daily at school. Students who do not pass vision screening will receive a “referral” for followup care. Students who do not pass hearing screening will continue to be monitored by school audiologist. Loaned Clothing The health office has a limited supply of extra clothing for accidents. Please wash and return these clothes at your earliest convenience. Parent Health Resources Health office staff are happy to assist parents in finding health information and access to health care. School Wellness Research shows that children perform better in school when they eat healthy and are physically active. To support academic achievement and healthy living, District 6 offers exciting wellness opportunities for both students and employees. Please visit When to keep your child home / Exclusion from school for health reasons Healthy Children Learn Better. The following Exclusion Guidelines will be utilized to determine if a student should be sent home because of illness. District 6 Health Exclusion Guidelines Symptom Exclusion Guidelines Cough Recommended for students experiencing severe, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, or difficulty breathing. Recommended for students with other symptoms in addition to diarrhea such as: vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, the diarrhea cannot be contained in a toilet, there is blood or mucus in the stool. Student should be diarrhea free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Diarrhea 21 Fever (defined as a temperature >100.5 F orally) Mouth Sores Rash Stomach Ache Abdominal Pain Swollen Glands Vomiting Earache Headache Lice Contagious Illness Other considerations Source: D6 Exclusion Guidelines 08022012 Recommended if the student has symptoms in addition to the fever such as a rash, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Student should be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Recommended if student is drooling uncontrollably. Recommended if student has symptoms in addition to the rash such as behavioral change, fever, joint pain, bruising not associated with injury, or if the rash is open and oozing. Recommended if the pain is severe, if the pain appears after an injury, or if the student had symptoms in addition to the stomach ache such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. Recommended if the student has symptoms in addition to the swollen glands such as difficulty breathing or swallowing, fever, etc. Generally recommended if the student has vomited more than 2 times in 24 hours, if the vomit is green or bloody, if the student had a recent head injury, or if the student has symptoms in addition to the vomiting such as fever, diarrhea, stomach ache, etc. Student should be vomit free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. No exclusion necessary No exclusion necessary. Contact nurse if headache is persistent, severe, is accompanied by other symptoms or if the student has a health care plan. Exclusion is for children found with live head lice only. Data does not support school exclusion for nits (lice eggs). Students on antibiotics for contagious illnesses, such as strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pinkeye or pneumonia, must stay home until antibiotic has been taken for 24 hours. All skin lesions must be covered by a bandage or clothing during the school day. This may include impetigo, ring worm, scabies, and other fungal, bacterial or viral skin infections. Consider exclusion if: - The student is unable to participate comfortably in usual activities - The student requires more medical care than the school personnel are able to provide - The student has a high fever, behavioral changes, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled coughing, or other signs suggesting a severe illness. - The student is ill with a potentially contagious disease and exclusion is recommended by a health care provider, the state or local public health agency. *Adapted from CDPHE - Infectious Disease Guidelines in Public Schools, Revised Dec. 2004. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 22 Food and Nutrition Services Nutrition Services Weld County School District 6 Nutrition Services Department is taking a proactive approach to offering healthier and fresher foods for the students in our community. Our ‘home-cooked’ meals are prepared fresh daily utilizing whole, natural ingredients. Eliminating processed foods and replacing them with items made ‘from scratch’ has allowed the department to significantly reduce the amount of sodium, preservatives and other artificial ingredients that are served to our students. In addition, the Nutrition Services Department continues to expand its Farm to School Program by purchasing fresh produce from local growers. This provides our students with the freshest fruits and vegetables possible, while also supporting the local community. If you ever have a question, concern or want to give some general feedback, please contact us at or call the Nutrition Office at 970.348.6600. Nutrition Services aims to “Fuel the Future of Our Students” with healthy, nourishing foods that provide their bodies with the nutrients they need to grow, learn and succeed in the classroom! Thank you for allowing your student to dine with us. Here is some additional information about our program: 2014-2015 Meal Prices Meal Type Elementary Paid Breakfast $1.40 Reduced Breakfast Free Paid Lunch $2.50 Reduced Lunch Free K-2nd Grade Reduced Lunch $0.40 3rd-12th Grades Middle School $1.50 Free $2.75 N/A High School $1.50 Free $2.75 N/A Adults $1.80 N/A $3.25 N/A $0.40 $0.40 N/A Low Balance/Charging Policy If your student(s) meal balance begins to run low, nutrition staff will provide verbal reminders to students and utilize auto-call and low-balance letters to communicate the need for additional funds to be placed on the meal account. However, from time to time a student’s meal account may have insufficient funds to cover the cost of a meal. Our policy in District 6 is to allow Elementary students to charge up to two (2) breakfast and two (2) lunch meals, Middle School students to charge one (1) breakfast and one (1) lunch and we extend no charging privileges for high school students. All meal charges are to be paid in full by the end of the school year. Meal Payments Payments to your student’s account may be made a number of ways: Cash can be sent with your student to pay for each meal and/or be placed on their meal account. Checks are accepted at all schools for meal accounts. Credit/Debit cards are accepted online at the “web store” at Please allow 24 hours for payment to post to your students’ meal account. 23 Free & Reduced Meal Benefits Your student(s) may qualify to receive their breakfast and lunch meals for free or at a reduced rate. Meal Benefit Applications are mailed to each district household approximately 30 days prior to the start of the new school year and are also available in the school office and cafeteria and online on the district’s website. Only one application per household is necessary. Application processing can take up to 10 business days with families responsible for all meal costs until the application is approved. Once approved, meal benefits are in effect for the entire school year and carry over for the first thirty (30) days into the next school year. Wellness Policy Research shows that children perform better in school when they eat healthy and are physically active. To support academic achievement and healthy living, Weld County School District 6 offers exciting wellness opportunities for both students and employees. With devotion to wellness programming for the entire district, healthy initiatives are changing behaviors for life. District 6 has strategies in place to improve eating habits, increase physical activity, and provide a healthier school atmosphere. For more information about the wellness program, please visit Daily Lunch / Recess Schedule 2014-2015 Lunch Recess Tuesday, Wednesday And Thursday Pickup Lunch Recess Pickup Lunch 11:20 11:40 12:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 11:45 12:05 12:25 1 11:00 11:20 11:40 11:10 11:30 11:50 2 11:00 10:40 11:20 11:30 11:10 11:50 3 11:40 11:20 12:00 12:00 11:40 12:20 4 12:20 12:00 12:40 12:50 12:30 1:10 5 12:00 12:20 12:40 12:30 12:50 1:10 Grade ½ Kinder Full Kinder Monday Friday Recess Pickup 11:45 12:05 12:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 Scheduled same as Tuesday-Thursday 24 Student Pick-Up/ Drop-off We have designated the lane in front of the school as one way from west to east and exiting one way north on Monte Christo Avenue. It is very important that cars and other vehicles stop only to pick up or drop off in this lane, there is no parking in this lane along the sidewalk in front of the school. If you have business in the school, please park in the parking lot, not in the lane. There are several designated crossing zones around the school and we often have a staff member available to help the children cross safely. If you are picking up your child across the street, please teach them to use the crosswalks. Please observe the safety signs posted around the school grounds. Please use the map below as a guide for planning for student drop-off and pick-up. The bus lane to the west of the school is for busses only. We have worked with law enforcement this past year who has determined that parent/student crossing, U-turns and any parking in this area is extremely dangerous. Plan to utilize one of the “Pickup & Parking OK” zones for safe student drop-off or pick-up. We ask that you avoid parking in the developed neighborhoods to the west of the school as much as possible. 25 Playground Supervision The playground supervision starts at 8:00 a.m. Students should not arrive prior to this time unless they are participating in a scheduled activity with supervision. There is no supervision before 8:00 a.m. on our playground. After School Supervision If you are running late, children should wait by the main entrance once our after school supervision ends. If your child attends after school day care and is picked up by the after school provider, please remind the provider of school dismissal times and ask them to pick up your child on time. We do have an after school day care (ABC) that provides fee based day care at our school every day. If you are unable to pick up your child in a timely manner, or if you know you will be delayed on a regular basis, please make arrangements for your child to wait safely with the daycare provider who works out of our school cafeteria (ABC) 352-2222. Bus Transportation and Behavior Riding the school bus is a privilege. Students are expected to remain in their seat and listen respectfully to the directions of the bus driver. Students failing to follow the rules of the bus jeopardize the safety of others. If your child is written up for a bus infraction, you will be contacted. If the infraction continues, the privilege of riding the bus to school may be taken away. In addition to our school expectations behaviors such as bullying, loud voices or bringing food on the bus are considered infractions. Schedules and bus route information can be obtained from the transportation department (348-6800) or the school office (348-2400). If for some reason, your child needs to go home on a separate bus or needs a different drop off point, please send a note with your child with your request. Make sure your child brings the note to the office to be signed by the principal. After the note is signed by the principal or assistant principal, the note should be given by your child to the bus driver. Walkers, Bicycles, Skateboards Please remind your walker, bicycler or skateboarder about road safety. These students need to cross onto school property at cross walks. Bicycles and skateboards need to be dismounted and walked while on school property. Bike racks may be used to lock up bicycles during the school day. Skate boards can be stored in the classroom. 26 Getting Involved Visiting School and Volunteers Parents and community members are always welcome visitors at our school. Your visits give all of our children the feeling that what they do in school is important. We invite you to get involved and help with the great happenings at our school. To get involved at our school, contact our volunteer coordinator by e-mailing or going to the volunteer website You might consider joining the PTO, or let your child’s teacher know you’re available whenever help is needed. When our parents are involved, all of our school community will benefit. A cooperative effort between school and home has a positive impact on your child’s academic growth. Visitors: You will check-in at the front office, and sign into our visitor’s kiosk computer. This will ensure we have a quality real-time record of who is in our building. As a visitor you will receive a daily visitor’s sticker and be invited to enjoy time with your student. Volunteers: The School’s Matter-Get Involved program encourages parents and community members to give their time, knowledge and abilities for the benefit of students in our schools. Whether you have students in the district or not, District 6 welcomes your involvement. Individual school volunteers help support a high-quality educational environment in our schools. If you are looking for a one-time project or an on-going experience there is something for you. Volunteers can: Help in classrooms Chaperone field trips and school activities Assist in science and computer labs Help tutor students Take part in career fairs Serve on one of the various district committees And more! Online Registration and Background Check All volunteers in the Greeley-Evans School District must register online and pass a criminal background check before volunteering in a school. Once registered, volunteers can update their profile, change their volunteer preferences and change the schools where they volunteer. You can read the board policy or the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Thank you for your time and support. It makes a difference! School Accountability Committee Our school has established a school accountability which consists of the school administration, at least one classroom teacher, at least three parents, a representative of our community business partner, and one person from our community. This committee is charged with making recommendations to the school 27 principal on such decisions as spending money and school improvement planning. The team meets quarterly to discuss whether school leadership, personnel and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the school’s performance and improvement. Ann K. Heiman Parent Teacher Organization The Ann K. Heiman PTO meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the school library. This is a group that with great reputation and leadership with its board serves the parents, teachers and students at Ann K. Heiman. The parent group discusses school improvement issues, answers parent questions, discusses fund raising and plans for and implements valuable presentations by community and district leaders as well as school fairs, and community building events. Meetings are open to all parents and we value your input and time. Free child care is provided during the meetings. Translation is also provided, as needed. September 9th PTO Meeting dates for 2014 - 2015 October 14th November 11th December 9th January 13th February 17th March 10th April 14th May 12th 28 Ann K. Heiman Elementary School 3500 Palermo Avenue, Evans, CO 80620 (970) 348-2400 I _____________________________ have read through the 2014-2015 Student & Parent (Parent / Guardian(s) ) Handbook with my student(s). As parent(s)/guardian(s) I/we commit to these 6 actions to help make sure students succeed in school and thrive: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Honor the start and end times of the school day – Page 6- Initial (___) Have my child follow the school dress code- page 13- Initial (___) Talk daily with my child about school including homework and activities Communicate regularly with my child’s teachers – page 6- Initial (___) Encourage my child to do his or her best in school every day and make graduation the goal - Page 3- Initial (___) 6. Have my child read every day for 30 minutes- Page 7- Initial (___) Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Parent/ Guardian___________________________________ Student___________________________________________ Student___________________________________________ Student___________________________________________ Student___________________________________________ Please contact your teacher or our office anytime with questions or concerns. Educating your child is something we will do together. ~Ann K. Heiman Staff~