
Applied Colloid Science and Technology
Course Objectives
This course is a companion course to the PLS (Polymer Layered Silicate) Nanocomposite
course which I taught last semester. Many of the techniques in preparing PLS
Nanocomposite, including colloid chemistry techniques, require a good understanding of
interfacial phenomenon principles. Furthermore, a unique characteristic of nano clay is
embedded within the plate structure of clay nano materials. One of the dimensions (plate
diameter) is in the colloidal range (measured in microns), while the other (plate thickness)
is measured in the nano range. Therefore one may consider nano clay as exhibiting
amphiteric properties: it has both colloid and nano characteristics. However, this course is
designed to be taken independently as its own course as well, and can be taken by students
who have not taken a colloid course before. The course will begin with a brief introduction
to the principles of colloid and surface chemistry. Then it will move on quickly and focus
on applied aspects of colloid chemistry. Successful students completing the course will
have mastered a wide range of colloidal chemistry principles and techniques that will serve
as a solid foundation for future industry or academic laboratory research.
Course Information
Lectures and class discussions. The course will be taught at graduate student level. The
motivated undergraduates with physical chemistry training are encouraged to take the
course to enrich their educational experiences. The course will be taught in English.
Chinese will be used, if needed, to enhance the students' learning experiences.
Course Descriptions/Schedule
1. A short course on selected topics in colloid chemistry - Particle size and PSD - Nano vs.
colloid - Sedimentation - Absorption from solution - Thermodynamics considerations Stability of colloids and nano particles i. Electrical double layers theory ii. DLVO theory 2.
Dispersions - Preparation of dispersions i. Wetting ii. Physical milling iii. Homogenization
iv. Colloid or nano particles by chemical reactions v. Polymerization - Characterization of
Dispersions i. Zeta potential & Electrokinetic phenomenon ii. Rheology iii. Stabilization of
dispersions Electric stabilization Steric stabilization Polymeric stabilization 3.
Emulsions - Emulsion type: o/w, w/o, double emulsion - Emulsion making techniques Thermodynamics and kinetics - Emulsifier selection - HLB 4. Mixed colloids - Dispersion
+ Emulsion i. Preparation ii. Stability iii. Example: Innovation 5. Microemulsions 6. Foams
- Foaming agents - Defoamer vs. Antifoamers i. Theory ii. Practice 7. Surfactants 8.
Selected topics of Industrial applications: - Cement and concrete dispersant technology Recent trends of using water soluble comb polymer as a dispersant
1. Paul Hiemenz, Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 3rd Edition, 1997, CRC
Press 2. Lecture Notes and PowerPoint Presentations
1. Midterm 30% 2. Final exam 50% 3. Classroom discussion and participation 20%
Available Support Services
1. Office Hours: Tuesday, 4 - 8 p.m. 2. The students are encouraged to approach me any
time to discuss any questions you have.