Organic Chemicals Webquest

Organic Chemicals WebQuest….The Bad and The Good
Instructions: The objective of this webquest is to examine the organic molecules that exist around us
and have various functions and uses in our society. Use the web links below to answer the following
questions on a separate sheet of paper. You must include a title with your name, period and date at the
top of your paper. You need to also include each of the 4 heading listed below and then answer the
questions. Your answers should be in complete sentences. Although you do not need to rewrite the
question, I would like the question to be restated into your answer.
Read the first paragraph under the heading of “Citric Acid” and then skip to the “Uses” section.
1. Citric acid is the “common name” for this organic molecule. Write the systematic name (IUPAC),
molecular formula (symbols and subscripts only) and the structural formula (lines and shapes) for
citric acid. All found on the right hand column.
2. What does it mean to be a natural preservative (the link at may
help) and what are some other functions of citric acid?
TNT (explosive chemical)
Read the first two paragraphs under the heading of “Trinitrotoluene”, then read “Characteristics”,
“Toxicity”, and “Common Error”.
3. What is the longer IUPAC name for this molecule? Draw its structural formula and write its
empirical formula (just symbols and subscripts). How many carbons does TNT have? _______
4. Describe how the slang “pink water” and “canary girls” relate to TNT and toxicity.
5. Describe in detail how TNT is different than dynamite. You may use the “Common Error” section as
well as the first few paragraphs and structural formula drawn on
ASPIRIN (medical chemical)
Read the first 3 paragraphs under the “Aspirin” heading and then read the sections “Discovery” and the
“Synthesis of Aspirin”.
6. What is the chemical name for Aspirin? Draw the structural formula (the one with lines for chemical
bonds) for aspirin.
7. What are the known functions or uses of aspirin?
8. How was salacin (the precursor of the active ingredient) of aspirin found and first used by
Hippocrates and other ancient cultures?
9. Draw the multiple reactions used to synthesize aspirin. Try to label each chemical drawn using the
paragraph to help you out. Hint “phenol” is the name given to a 6 carbon benzene ring with an OH
group attached. It is the first molecules drawn in the Synthesis section.
PHYTOCHEMICALS (plant chemicals)
An antioxidant is a chemical that slows down the oxidizing (potentially cancer causing or cell killing)
effects of free radicals in the blood and in tissue. These antioxidants can be found in brightly colored
fruits and vegetables. Read the first paragraph under “Phytochemical” heading, then read “Families of
10. What is a phytochemical? Describe 4 examples of phytochemicals, their characteristic colors and
an example of what food they may be found in.
11. List at least 3 of the possible benefits of eating phytochemicals (or phytonutrients)? What part of the
structure of these chemicals causes their bright colors?
Background and Instructions: This is an easy way to help you to get the needed amounts of fruits and vegetables
recommended each day. The new food pyramid recommends 5 servings (or 5 cups) of fruits or vegetables daily, and by
varying the color choices of these items you can assure yourself the proper amounts of nutrients, immunity boosters and
antioxidants. You can go to (click on “Why 5 a day” in left margin) and for more details on this program. The name of each
phytochemicals (phyto means plant in latin) found within each color is listed below. You need to research the purpose of the
phytochemical in the plant and the benefits of the phytochemical in humans after eating the fruits and vegetables with them.
The information for allicin has already been done for you. Use the following web pages to research each phytochemical and
see its structural formula and molecular formula. Fill in the data table below AND match each phytochemical with its
structural formula drawn on the back side.
Anthocyanin at
Lutein at
Allicin at
Beta-carotene (carotenoids) at
Lycopene at
Fruit or
Veggie Color
Organic phytochemical Purpose of phytochemical Benefits of the
causing the color
in the plant
phytochem in humans
Yellow/Orange beta-carotene
Allicin is the chemical
constituent primarily
responsible for the hot, burning
flavor of fresh garlic.
Powerful antibiotic and antifungal compound, and some
medicinal purposes – it helps
fighting arteriosclerosis, it has
the ability to dissolve fats and it
can also be used as an
antioxidant to some extent.
Matching phytochemicals with their Structural Formulas
Match the letter of each phytochemical with its structural formula below. Then list how many carbons are assumed in
each structural formula. Notice that one of them is answered for you because the “R” groups could be varied numbers of
carbon atoms. You could still use the links from above to help.
A. anthocyanin
B. lutein
C. allicin
D. beta-carotene (a carotenoid)
E. lycopene
This one has a varying amounts of carbon atoms
Extension to your daily life: Now use the 5 A Day Table provided to chart the number of colored fruits
and vegetables you eat for one week. If you bring in a different colored fruit or vegetable, (AND eat it),
each of 4 days this week you can earn 5 points extra credit on this assignment.