July 2014 Minutes - Ocean Pines Association

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
3:00 pm Tennis Clubhouse
Present: Dale Ash (Chair), Leslie Shippee, Larry Morris, John McNult, Paul
Rusko, Bill Rakow, Larry Morris, Dave Marshall, Sonya Bounds
(Director of Parks and Recreation) Bob Thompson (OPA General
Manager) Jeff Knepper (OPA Board Director standing in for Tom Terry)
Absent: Cindy DiNicolas Tom Terry (OPA Board liaison), Eric Liddell
OPA Director of Recreation and Parks Sonya Bounds’ Management Report
Maintenance Report- Sonya reported PW is aware of unfinished concrete by
Court 1, but does not know when PW aims to complete it. Dave will
communicate directly with Butch in PW to have sprinkler head and roller fixed.
2. Capital Project – Bob Thompson presented a drawing of the the Master Plan,
including the location of the prospective pickleball courts adjacent to the
playground, that he proposed taking to Worcester County for approval. The
tennis, pickleball, and platform representatives unanimously supported the plan.
3. Operational Budget Report - FY Budget vs. Performance thru April 30 was
presented. Data insufficient to make meaningful interpretations.
4. Membership Report - Status of membership using latest weekly OPA:
Membership appears to be down slightly from last year. Only memberships
taken out in 2014 were included. Membership data provided to TAC/SRAC and
DMA needs to include data going back one year (ex. July 15, 2013-July 15
2014) to identify valid memberships.
Dave Marshall and Associates Report
 32 players participated in the Breakfast at Wimbledon and round robin event
on 07-05-14. Four stars for the champagne and strawberries!
 Previewed Davis Cup 2 tournament and thanked Paul Rusko and the 7:00
am drop-in group for their help.
 Block Party originally scheduled for Aug 31 has been changed to Friday,
August 1 at 5:00 pm. It will include a tennis exhibition of Dave Marshall,
former tennis pro Ellis Ferreira and others.
 Repaired a deep depression on Court 1 resulting from vandalism. Reminder:
the phone in cabinet on the outside wall of the clubhouse has the police dept.
number ion the cabinet door.
 Reported a successful pickleball event that included the game of Cornhole.
Old Business (as not covered by Sonya and Dave)
 Dave Marshall and his staff will continue to check membership bag tags and
expiration dates because memberships expire and new memberships are
taken out throughout the year. If your bag tag does not display a valid
membership expiration date, go to the membership office in the OPA
Administration Building.
New Business (as not covered by Sonya, Dave, or Old Business)
 The Racquet Sports Advisory Committee (RSAC) will replace the Tennis
Advisory Committee as soon as the OPA Board of Directors approves a
motion and Revision to Board Resolution C-14 to be presented by Tom
Terry (Board liaison to TAC) at the Board meeting on 07-23-14. The RSAC
will consist of three representatives from each of the three primary racquet
sports: tennis, pickleball, and platform tennis. John McNult will be the
Chair of RSAC for its first two years and notify its members of the first
meeting of the RSAC.
The revision of BOD Resolution (C-14) describing the functions of RSAC
and rules relating to membership on the RSAC has been prepared by Tom
Terry, reviewed by the prospective members of the RSAC, and will be
presented to the Board for approval. The members of the RSAC upon
approval of the OPA Board are as follows: Tennis: John McNult, Bill
Rakow, and Leslie Shippee; Platform Tennis: Tom Herricks, Diane Harris,
and Scott Wheatly; Pickleball: Frank Creamer, Julie Woulfe, and Bob
Respectfully submitted,
Dale Ash (Chair, Tennis Advisory Committee)