December 9th

1st 9 wks vocabulary review sheet
adverse (advurs) adjective
1. Contrary to your interests or welfare. "adverse circumstances"
2. In an opposing direction. "adverse currents"
Synonyms: detrimental, unlucky, unfavorable, antagonistic, opposing, bad, unfortunate, negative
Antonyms: beneficial, favorable
apparel (uhparuhl) noun,verb Covering designed to be worn on a person's body.
Synonyms: attire, clothing, garments, clothes
Antonyms: divest, nudity, divestiture, dishabille
arid (aruhd) adjective
1. Very dry, having very little rainfall.
2. A dry area or climate.
Synonyms: tedious, barren, waterless, dry, thirsty, parched, insipid
Antonyms: moist, wet, lively, dewy, exciting
assailant (uhsayluhnt) noun
1. Someone who attacks.
2. person who attacks violently (with blows or words)
barrage (burozh) noun,verb
1. The heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target. "they laid
down a barrage in front of the advancing troops"
2. a rapid, large-scale outpouring of something.
besiege (bihseej) verb
Surround so as to force to give up. "The Turks besieged Vienna"
bigot (bihguht) noun
his own.
A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from
billow (bihloh) noun,verb
1. A large sea wave; to swell up or puff out.
2. to surge or move in waves; to bulge or become inflated
compress (komprEHs) noun,verb
1. Make more compact by or as if by pressing. "compress the data"
2. A cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the
body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever).
Synonyms: condense, push, contract, crush
Antonyms: stretch, expand, enlarge, spread
confront (kuhnfruhnt) verb
1. Oppose, as in hostility or a competition. "You must confront your opponent" "The two
enemies finally confronted each other"
2. Be face to face with. "The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween
Synonyms: accost, affront, challenge, front, encounter, defy, meet, face
Antonyms: avoid, evade, abet, rally, flee, encourage, countenance
constrain (kuhnstrayn) verb
1. Hold back.
2. Restrict.
Antonyms: ask, implore, plead, free
contemporary (kuhntEHmpurEHree) noun,adjective
1. Characteristic of the present. "contemporary trends in design"
2. abreast, coincident, concurrent, equal, fresh, modern, “new”
Synonyms: contemporaneous, instant, extant, concurrent, simultaneous, abreast
Antonyms: obsolete, antique
denounce (dihnouns) verb
1. Speak out against. "He denounced the Nazis"
2. Give away information about somebody.
Synonyms: assail, condemn, criticize, attack, curse
Antonyms: commend, praise, eulogize
depict (dihpihkt) verb
1. Give a description of.
2. Make a portrait of.
Synonyms: portray, describe, picture
designate (dEHzuhgnayt) verb,adjective
1. Appoint a person to a position.
2. To name or mark something.
Synonyms: earmark, style, specify, indicate, show, mark, entitle, nominate
disinterested (dihsihntrihstihd) adjective
1. Unaffected by self-interest.
2. impartial: free from bias or self-interest
Synonyms: impersonal, impartial, dispassionate, detached, unbiased, uninterested, abstract,
Antonyms: interested, concerned
dispatch (dihspach) noun,verb
1. Send off promptly.
2. The act of sending off something.
Synonyms: remit, finish, destroy, route
Antonyms: retard, detain, impede, retain, obstruct
diversity (dihvursuhtee) noun
1. A difference; variety; unlikeness.
2. many different kinds of things.
Antonyms: uniformity, identity
douse (dous) verb
1. Wet thoroughly.
2. (v)to plunge into a liquid, drench; to put out quickly, extinguish
encompass (EHnkuhmpuhs) verb encircle something: to surround, envelop, or encircle
Synonyms: surround, embrace, circle, involve
enigma (ihnihgmuh) noun
1. Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained.
2. A difficult problem.
expressly (EHksprEHslee)
1. In an explicit manner. "he stated expressly that the needed the money by tomorrow"
2. (adj)plainly, in so many words; for a particular purpose.
famished adjective
1. Be hungry; go without food.
2. Deprive of food.
forsake (fawrsayk) verb (v.) to give up, renounce; to leave, abandon
Synonyms: abandon, quit, disown, desert, leave
gainful (gaynfuhl)
1. profitable; bringing money or some special advantage
2. Producing profit or advantage; profitable; advantageous; advancing interest or happiness.
gloat (gloht) noun,verb
1. To brag about something.
2. Gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy.
Synonyms: crow, boast, exult, brag
global (glohbuhl) adjective
1. Effecting the whole earth; worldwide.
2. spread throughout the world; worldwide
Synonyms: comprehensive, cosmopolitan, universal, ecumenical
Antonym: parochial
groundless (groundluhs) adjective Without a basis in reason or fact. "the allegations
proved groundless"
Antonyms: well-founded, well-grounded, authoritative, actual, substantial
hypocrite (hihpuhkriht) noun
A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not
illusion (ihloozhuhn) noun
1. An erroneous mental representation.
2. A trick which makes something look as if it actually exists.
Synonyms: delusion, mistake, hallucination, falsehood, mirage, chimera, rainbow,
Antonyms: reality, truth, fact, form, body, substance
immense (ihmEHns) adjective
1. Extremely large in size or degree.
2. exceptionally large, very great in size or degree (syn: huge, enormous, massive)
Synonyms: massive, colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge
Antonyms: little, small, tiny
incomprehensible (ihNGkompruhhEHnsihbuhl) adjective
1. Incapable of being explained or accounted for.
2. Difficult to understand.
inept (ihnEHpt) adjective
1. Generally incompetent and ineffectual. "inept handling of the account"
2. Revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse. "an inept remark"
Synonyms: unfortunate, undue, unseasonable, gauche
Antonyms: apt, competent, able, suitable, adept, proper, efficient
infuriate (ihnfyureeayt) verb To make someone extremely angry.
Synonyms: incense, madden, anger, enrage
Antonyms: calm, soothe
ingenious (ihnjeenyuhs) adjective
1. Skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends. "an ingenious press agent" "an
ingenious scheme"
2. Showing inventiveness and skill. "an ingenious solution to the problem"
Synonyms: original, innovative, adroit, slim
Antonyms: clumsy, unimaginative, uninventive, unskillful, slow
instantaneous (ihnstuhntaneeuhs) adjective
1. Occurring with no delay. "relief was instantaneous"
2. Immediate or instant; quick.
irk (urk) verb bother, annoy, irritate, or trouble someone
Antonyms: please, soothe, calm
libel (liibuhl) noun,verb
1. Make slanderous statements against. "The paper was accused of libeling him"
2. a written statement that unfairly or falsely harms the reputation of the person about whom it
is made
Antonyms: retraction, vindication, apology
manipulate (muhnihpyuhlayt) verb
1. Influence or control shrewdly or deviously. "He manipulated public opinion in his favor."
2. Hold something in one's hands and move it.
Synonyms: dispense, maneuver, beguile, finesse
maximum (maksuhmuhm) noun,adjective
1. The largest possible quantity.
2. The greatest possible degree.
Synonyms: most, peak, zenith, top, limit, ceiling
Antonyms: minimum, least, lowest, smallest
mimic (mihmihk) noun,verb,adjective Imitate (a person, a manner, etc.), especially for
satirical effect.
Synonyms: mock, echo, imitate, copy, repeat
misgiving (mihsgihvihNG) noun
1. Uneasiness about the fitness of an action.
2. a feeling of doubt or suspicion
Synonyms: fear, concern, doubt, worry, anxiety
motivate (mohtuhvayt) verb
1. Give a reason for action; to inspire
2. to incite; to provide affect for
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
a big, clumsy, slow individual
recede (rihseed) verb
1. Pull back or move away or backward.
2. Move back and away from.
Synonyms: close, back, abate, retreat, retrograde, ebb, retract, subside, diminish, go out
Antonyms: proceed, advance, increase, loom
repast noun
The food served and eaten at one time.
ruffle (ruhfuhl) noun,verb
1. A strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim.
2. Stir up (water) so as to form ripples.
Antonyms: settle, smooth, calm, compose
serene (sureen) adjective
1. calm, peaceful, or tranquil
2. being clear and free of storms
Synonyms: tranquil, peaceful, calm, quiet, restful, placid
Antonyms: agitated, disturbed, stormy, cloudy
sheepish (sheepihsh) adjective
1. Showing a sense of shame.
2. awkwardly shy, embarrassed or abashed
stamina (stamuhnuh) noun
1. Enduring strength and energy.
2. The male reproductive organ of a flower.
Antonyms: weakness, frailty