闫霜, 张黎, 景元书, 何洪林, 于贵瑞. 植物叶片最大羧化速率与叶氮含量关系的变异性. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(6): 640–652. YAN Shuang, ZHANG Li, JING Yuan-Shu, HE Hong-Lin, and YU Gui-Rui. Variations in the relationship between maximum leaf carboxylation rate and leaf nitrogen concentration. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(6): 640–652. http://www.plant-ecology.com/CN/10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00060 http://www.plant-ecology.com/CN/Y2014/V38/I6/640 附录I 最大羧化速率与叶氮含量的拟合关系式 Appendix I The relationship of leaf maximum carboxylation rate and leaf nitrogen 植被类型 Plant functional type 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 优势种 Dominant species 赤松 Pinus densiflora 关系式 Relationship Vcmax,25 = –1.97Na + 9.54 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 29.45Na – 45.4 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 15.94Na + 6.75 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 15.02Na + 5.17 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 15.71Na – 3.04 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 15.59Na – 18.31 赤松 Pinus densiflora Vcmax,25 = 19.79Na – 9.82* Picea sitchensis Vcmax,25 = 14.54Na + 5.51* 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 常绿针叶林 Evergreen needle forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 观测时间 Date 2001年1月 January 2001 2001年3月 March 2001 2001年5月 May 2001 2001年7月 July 2001 2001年9月 September 2001 2001年11月 November 2001 2001年生长季 2001 growing season 文献 References Han et al., 2004 Meir et al., 2002 Han et al., 2004 Han et al., 2004 Han et al., 2004 Han et al., 2004 Han et al., 2004 Han et al., 2004 欧洲云杉 Picea abies Vcmax,25 = 20Na + 24.2* 欧洲赤松 Pinus sylvestris 欧洲赤松 Pinus sylvestris 火炬松 Pinus taeda Vcmax,25 = 11.4Na – 0.64* 1997年8月 August 1997 1992年春季 1992 Spring – Vcmax,25 = 13.5Na + 106* – Medlyn et al., 1999 Vcmax,25 = 13.6Na + 35.1* – Ellsworth et al., 2012 火炬松 Pinus taeda Vcmax,25 = 15.99Na + 12.76* 夏初、夏末 Early summer, summer 夏末 Late summer – 火炬松 Pinus taeda Vcmax,25 = 27.06Na + 5.61* Pinus radiate Vcmax,25 = 15.143Na + 11.26* – Vcmax,25 = 9.71Na + 34.05* – Vcmax,25 = 18.15Na + 6.32* 火炬松 Pinus taeda Vcmax,25 = 25.3Na + 28.6 Fagus sylvatica Vcmax,25 = 31.02Na + 13.13* 垂枝桦 Betula pendula Vcmax,25 = 43.33Na – 20.53* Quercus petraea Vcmax,25 = 18.87Na – 0.13* Fagus sylvatica Medlyn et al., 1999 Medlyn et al., 1999 Crous et al., 2008 late Crous et al., 2008 Walcroft et al., 1997 模型反演 Model inversion 模型反演 Model inversion – Kattge et al., 2009 Meir et al., 2002 Vcmax,25 = 32.6Na – 0.46* 1998年8月 August 1998 1997年8月 August 1997 1996年8月 August 1996 – Fagus sylvatica Vcmax,25 = 17.6Na + 17.8* – Medlyn et al., 1999 Quercus petraea Vcmax,25 = 12.7Na + 50* – Medlyn et al., 1999 Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 40.9Na – 10* 2001–2003年春季 2001–2003 spring 2001年夏季 2001 summer 2002年夏季 2002 summer Grassi et al., 2005 Vcmax,25 = 22.7Na + 25.9* Vcmax,25 = 17Na + 60.8* Kattge et al., 2009 Luo et al., 2001 Meir et al., 2002 Meir et al., 2002 Medlyn et al., 1999 Grassi et al., 2005 Grassi et al., 2005 附录I (续) Appendix I (continued) 植被类型 Plant functional type 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 优势种 Dominant species Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur 关系式 Relationship Vcmax,25 = 59.2Na – 55.3 观测时间 Date 2003年夏季 2003 summer 文献 References Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 25.9Na + 8.28* 2001年秋季 2001 autumn Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 28.4Na + 14* 2002年秋季 2002 autumn Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia, 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 19.4Na + 3.7 2003年秋季 2003 autumn Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia Vcmax,25 = 29.1Na + 4.7 2001年生长季 2001 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 28.7Na + 10.4 2001年生长季 2001 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia Vcmax,25 = 31.4Na + 14.25 2002年生长季 2002 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 38.4Na – 5.9 2002年生长季 2002 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Fraxinus angustifolia Vcmax,25 = 52.8Na – 44.1 2003年生长季 2003 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest 夏栎 Quercus robur Vcmax,25 = 43.5Na – 21.8 2003年生长季 2003 growing season Grassi et al., 2005 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Prunus persica Vcmax,25 = 25Na + 12.1* 1999年4–5月 April–May 1999 Walcroft et al., 2002 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Quercus alba, Acer rubrum, Quercus prinus Vcmax,25 = 31.9Na – 1.9* 1997年生长季 1997 growing season Wilson et al., 2000 落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest Quercus alba, Acer rubrum, Quercus prinus Vcmax,25 = 33.1Na – 9.3 1998年生长季 1998 growing season Wilson et al., 2000 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest – Vcmax,25 = 11.41Na + 0.98* 1996年11月 November 1996 Carswell et al., 2000 Dryobalanops aromatica, Dipterocarpus glabosus, Shorea acuta, Shorea beccariana, Shorea macroptera – Vcmax,25 = 28.01Na + 3.41* 2002年9月 September 2002 Kumagai et al., 2006 Vcmax,25 = 10.71Na + 1.99* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest – Vcmax,25 = 25.88Na + 6.35* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest – Vcmax,25 = 9.3Na + 8.9* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 – Vcmax,25 = 26.19Na + 4.19* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 温带常绿阔叶林 Temperate evergreen broadleaf forest – Vcmax,25 = 30.38Na + 5.4* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 温带常绿阔叶林 Temperate evergreen broadleaf forest – Vcmax,25 = 29.81Na + 5.73* 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 温带常绿阔叶林 Temperate evergreen broadleaf forest 大桉 Eucalyptus grandis Vcmax,25 = –25.2Na 2 + 101.6Na – 16.5 7月 July Grassi et al., 2002 灌木 Bush – Vcmax,25 = 30.2Na + 4.61* Kattge et al., 2009 灌木 Bush – Vcmax,25 = 23.15Na + 14.71* 灌木 Bush Leptospermum scoparium, Kunzea ericoides Vcmax,25 = 34.786Na – 20.29* 模型反演 Model inversion 模型反演 Model inversion – 热带常绿阔叶林 Tropical evergreen broadleaf forest Kattge et al., 2009 Whitehead et al., 2004 附录I (续) Appendix I (continued) 植被类型 Plant functional type C3草本 C3 herbaceous 优势种 Dominant species – 关系式 Relationship Vcmax,25 = 28.17Na + 23.74* C3草本 C3 herbaceous – Vcmax,25 = 40.96Na + 6.42* 草本 Herbaceous Vcmax,25 = 41.04Na + 27.59* C3作物 C3 crop 蓍 Achillea millefolium, Agropyron repens, Anemone cylindrical, 无 芒雀麦 Bromus inermis, Lupinus perennis, 草地 早熟禾 Poa pratensis, Solidago rigida – C3作物 C3 crop – Vcmax,25 = 59.23Na + 4.71* 观测时间 Date 模型反演 Model inversion 模型反演 Model inversion 文献 References Kattge et al., 2009 Kattge et al., 2009 Ellsworth et al., 2004 1996年8月 August 1996 Vcmax,25 = 41.27Na + 22.22* 模型反演 Model inversion 模型反演 Model inversion Kattge et al., 2009 Kattge et al., 2009 *表示该关系式参与统计计算。 * Indicates the equations used in calculation. 参考文献 Carswell FE, Meir P, Wandelli EV, Bonates LCM, Kruijt B, Barbosa EM, Nobre AD, Grace J, Jarvis PG (2000). 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