REGULATION ON GRADUATION OF THE STUDENTS FROM THE COLLEGE “PJETËR BUDI”, INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN PRISHTINA Prishtina, 2012 1 Pursuant to the Article 18.3 paragraph 3 of the Statute of the College “Pjetër Budi”, Institute for Studies– Prishtina, the Learning –Scientific Council by proposal of Dean of College “Pjetër Budi”, in the meeting held on 13.03.2012, approved the following: REGULATION ON GRADUATION OF THE STUDENTS FROM THE COLLEGE “PJETËR BUDI” I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 This Regulation defines the procedures on compilation and defense of Bachelor Thesis as well as the issuance of Diploma for the graduated students of the College “Pjetër Budi”, Institute for Studies– Prishtina, (hereinafter: the College “Pjetër Budi”). Article 2 The duration of the Bachelor basic studies is 3 (three) academic years. Upon completion of the full course of Bachelor studies, students must elaborate on the Bachelor Thesis, to attain the relevant scientific background. The graduation of the student will be upon signing of the approved decision by the Approval Board of Bachelor Thesis. Bachelor Thesis is to be prepared under Mentor’s supervision, after his/her consent to work with the student. Upon approval of the thesis by Mentor, is signed the decision by the Approval Board for approval of the Bachelor Thesis. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. II. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. THESIS Article 3 All basic study programs of the College “Pjetër Budi”, Institute for Studies– Prishtina, conclude by preparation of Bachelor Thesis. Bachelor Thesis is an independent work of the student, as a project, as a general type of study, related to a single scientific discipline or more similar disciplines, when thesis has the complex character. Bachelor Thesis is elaborated by the student him/herself, proving that acquired theoretical capabilities during the studies, can be utilized successfully to solve the practical issues on the relevant domains of science and research. 2 Article 4 Upon successfully passing all exams as defined in curriculum, the student in cooperation with his/her Mentor, choose the topic that will be elaborated for the Thesis. During Thesis preparation, the student is required to consult with Mentor, about the form, content and completion of the Thesis. The compilation of the Thesis has to be in accordance with the guideline set by the College “Pjetër Budi”, which can be provided by the College administration that is annex to this Regulation. After all consultations and finalization of the Thesis, the student is required to submit 5 (five) copies of Thesis as hardcopies to the administration of the College “Pjetër Budi”. Setting the date for graduation, is to be made by the College Dean, but not later than 1 (one) month after the submission of the Thesis to the administration of the College “Pjetër Budi”. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. III. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. THESIS DEFENCE PROCEDURE Article 5 Upon submission of the Thesis in required copies, (see Article 4.3), the Dean of the College for Studies “Pjetër Budi”, by special decision nominates the relevant Board, for the Thesis assessment. Board for the Thesis Assessment is consisted of three members. Members for the Thesis Assessment must be professors, lecturers in the College “Pjetër Budi”. One of the Board members must by the student’s Mentor, and in case of his/her absence must be a lecturer from the relevant domain with the Bachelor Thesis Article 6 6.1. The student is entitled to work in Bachelor Thesis, from the time when is proved that: 6.1.1. The student has completed all exams set by the curriculum, 6.1.2. Chosen topic for the Bachelor Thesis meets requirements set by the Mentor; 6.1.3. The student has no financial or material liabilities, towards College, according to the contract or any contract annex. 6.2. Upon verification of the criteria set in 6.1.1. 6.1.2. and 6.1.3, the College Dean establishes the relevant Board. 3 Article 7 Not later than five (5) days upon the establishing of the Assessment Board for the Bachelor Thesis by the Dean, the Board must meet to assess the Thesis. The Assessment Board Chairman for the Bachelor Thesis initially finds if criteria are met in accordance to this Regulation, for the Thesis assessment. The candidate’s Mentor makes a short presentation of the topic for the assessment in the front of the Board, than other members make the individual assessment and finally make the assessment decision. Based on the assessment decision will be the grading for the Bachelor Thesis. For the grading of the topic the Board takes into the consideration the methodological and empirical aspects of the research and scientific work as well as the research outcome that student achieved during elaboration of the Bachelor Thesis. The marking is made in accordance to the assessment criteria and in the exams i.e. with grades: 6 (six), 7 (seven), 8 (eight), 9 (nine), and 10 (ten). Board Chairman, in presence of the other Board members and with approval of the other members, marks the grade and signs the decision for the student’s graduation. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. Article 8 Bachelor Thesis is the research –empirical work and is not defended publicly by the student. The student who has met criteria under Article 4.3 and 6.1 of this Regulation, not later than 5 (five) days upon the signing date of the graduation decision is notified by the College’s administration about the signing of the decision by the Board for the Bachelor Thesis. Upon signing of the decision by the Assessment Board for the Bachelor Thesis established by the College’s Dean, student now is considered as the graduate and has the full rights according to the Statute of the College and positive legislation in the Republic of Kosovo for graduates. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. IV. AVARAGE GRADE Article 9 4 9.1. The average grade is calculated in accordance to the legislation system of the High Education in Republic of Kosovo. 9.2. All the grades obtained during three years of study along with the grade from the Bachelor Thesis, initially are added and make the total sum, afterwards the sum is divided by the number of all subjects and the Bachelor Thesis. 9.2. As the illustrative example is this: the student has the total sum of the grades 240 out of 29 exams, plus Bachelor Thesis, what make 30 the total number of exams, if is divided like this: 240/30=8.00 V. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. ISSUANCE OF DIPLOMA Article 9 The student who successfully elaborates the Bachelor Thesis and gains the passing mark (6, 7, 8, 9 or 10) is considered graduated. The graduate has to be equipped with the relevant document – Diploma and with diploma supplement, according the defined criteria set out by the Administrative Instruction No. 2/2012 of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Republic of Kosovo. The Diploma is issued to the graduate within 4 (four) weeks after the graduation day. Until the issuance of Diploma, the College for Studies “Pjetër Budi”, will issue to the graduate the Graduation Certificate and the Statements of Marks, where are indicated all subjects with relevant marks, credits (ECTS) which have to be signed by the Dean and the Secretary of the College. Article 10 After successful completion of the three years of studies, in College for Studies “Pjetër Budi”, students will attain the following science titles: 11.1.1. The Bachelor of Arts for Customs and Freight Forward, 11.1.2. The Bachelor of Arts for Management of Tourism and Hospitality, 11.1.3. The Bachelor of Human Resources. 11.1.4. The Bachelor of Arts of Insurances, 11.1.5. The Bachelor of Arts of Business Administration. 11.2. Diploma by which is attained the title of Bachelor, issued to the graduate, upon completion of the exams as prescribed by curricula has not less than 180 credits– ECTS. 11.1. Article 11 5 Diploma obtained by the College “Pjetër Budi”, attaining title of Bachelor of Arts, based on the current system for the credit transfer (ECTS), must have the same content pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Instruction of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology No. 2/2012. Article 12 This Regulation shall enter into force upon its signature by the Dean of the College “Pjetër Budi”, Institute for Studies– Prishtina. ACTING DEAN ____________________ Prof. Dr. Sofronija Miladinoski 6 THE FIRST PAGE COLLEGE “PJETËR BUDI”, INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES - PRISHTINA STUDY PROGRAM (check which program) BACHELOR THESIS THESIS: _________________________________ (note the topic of the Thesis) Mentor Prof. __________________ (name and surname of the professor) Student ____________________ (your name and surname) Prishtina, 2012 7 THE STRUKTURE OF THE TEXT Content The text “CONTENT” must be in capital letters in “BOLD”, on the first row of the page at the center of the page. The content includes titles, headings and the page number where the topic is discussed. Introduction The Thesis of the seminary paper begins with introduction. In the early introduction must be described the topic and the clarification of the methodology used for the Bachelor Thesis. In the introduction must be presented the purpose and the justification of the Thesis. Depending on the topic, by some headings to be defined the methods of Thesis analysis, respectively the analyzed viewpoints. At the end of the introduction to be highlighted the scientific methods by which the student is served during elaboration of the Thesis. Note: The introduction has to be short and concise, depending on the volume of the work, not more than one page. Elaboration of the topic During elaboration of the seminary paper is necessary to clearly set out the presented topic, using methodologies of the scientific researches. The topic of the seminary paper has to be divided into two or more parts, namely the chapters. Conclusions Upon the entire completion and processing the presented topic, must be drawn conclusionsoutcomes. The number of outcomes- conclusions has to be minimum 3 (three) or more, depending on the elaborated topic (note: conclusions or outcomes have to be out of general elaborations of the topic, and not like some do, to include the entire introduction into conclusions). References In alphabetic order to be included the resources- references from the books or internet. For a Bachelor Thesis are required not less than 8 references, scientific texts, university texts and a number of electronic references. Note: Bachelor Thesis may be elaborated without electronic references if are sufficient the scientific books, scientific magazines and university texts. 8 Setting the footnotes (documentation of the sources) It is normal that during the elaboration of the Thesis to use various literature. Setting the footnotes must to be in this way: “Insert – Reference – Footnote”1 MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS Program: Paragraph: Font: Size: Format: Text: Titles: Headings: Microsoft Word 1.5 Times New Roman 12 A4 – standard margins Aligned justified, no “TAB”. Between paragraphs, space (twice “Enter”). Font size 16 Bold Font size 14 Bold - Italic The Thesis should contain 25 - 30 pages 1 (In here to note :name and surname of the author, the title of the book, place and year of publishing, the page or if the source is from the internet, to note correct the source). 9