SIG Design

A Comprehensive Community-School Response to Intervention Model
Conceptual Framework
Logic Model
Current Conditions
Key Inputs/Activities
Core Beliefs
Curriculum and
Behavior Supports
Extended Learning
Core Beliefs
Principal must have the necessary administrative support, human and material resources, and autonomy
for decision on implementation of reform efforts.
Principal must support shared leadership and decision-making with staff.
Principal must be committed to the use of quality principles and tools.
Structures that must be in place to support shared decision-making based on data through leadership and
goal teams, acting as professional learning communities.
Scheduling must allow for intensive, job-embedded coaching, teacher collaboration, efficient SATs, and
strategic and intensive interventions.
An effective RtI system is driven by data which includes assessments for universal screenings, progress
monitoring, and diagnostic purposes. Assessment procedures must be efficient. Decision rules must be
clear. Teachers must have access to results and the training to translate data to strategy.
Goals for improvement must be ambitious but attainable based on student growth.
Professional development must go beyond theory to include job-embedded demonstration, practice, and
feedback through intensive classroom-level coaching. (see Joyce and Showers figure below)
Curriculum must be aligned to standards across content areas and grade levels with appropriate shortcycle assessment for screening and placement to drive an RtI model.
Classrooms should feature robust teaching and learning by incorporating Marzano’s High Yield Strategies
and by providing relevance and connectedness for students using integrated thematic learning strategies
including project-based, placed-based, service learning approaches.
Processes must be in place to ensure fidelity of implementation and provide objective and constructive
feedback to teachers to improve practice.
Schoolwide behavioral expectations must be clearly defined explicitly taught in context (classroom,
cafeteria, playground, hallways, etc.) and consistently enforced with rewards and consequences.
Multiple, meaningful and culturally competent opportunities for parent engagement based on Epstein’s
Model of Parental Involvement (parenting, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and
collaborating with community.
Must include a continuum of support including Adult Basic Education and ESL.
School-Based Health Center is crucial in supporting the health needs of a rural area and establishing the
school as a center for community services and a broker for other community resources
Summer Programs to decrease amount of time necessary for recoupment of skills
Extended Year/After School Programs will increase the amount of time available for instruction, planning,
Importance of Classroom-Level Coaching
Matrix of Key Elements and Actions (Cross-References to SIG Strategies)
Curriculum and
Support must be available for efficient management
Leadership team shares in vision-setting, decision-making
Annual, weekly and daily schedules support time for:
 leadership and goal teams/PLCs
 intensive, job-embedded coaching
 frequent teacher collaboration
 efficient SATs
 strategic and intensive interventions
Data warehouse system will provide enhanced access to data
Project planning decisions, formative and summative
evaluation for instruction, staff evaluation and project
evaluation will all be based on data and established criteria to
increase effectiveness
Job-embedded, focus on coaching
Use technology to deploy resources rapidly, efficiently, and
frequently to remote areas
Ensure curriculum is aligned to standards across content
areas and grade levels
11. Support Building Principal
10. Extended Learning Time
9. Instructional Reform Strategies
8. Teacher/Leadership Effectiveness
7. Recruit and Retain Staff
6. Non Academic Support
5. New Governance
4. Job-Embedded PD
3. Effectiveness of Staff
Key Elements/Actions
2. Data Collection and Analysis
1. Aligned Curriculum
Cross-Reference to SIG Strategies
Promote robust teaching and learning by incorporating
Marzano’s High Yield Strategies
Promote relevance and connectedness by employing
integrated thematic learning strategies including projectbased, placed-based, service learning approaches
Develop fidelity of implementation protocols based on
re:Learning’s Effective Teaching Strategies Rubric
(including self-assessment and coach observation)
Behavior Supports
Extended Learning
A schoolwide system of behavior management based on
positive behavior supports to enhance learning
An array of services (school based health center, classes for
parents to help their children, GED preparation classes)
offered to help parents become active partners in educating
their children and to improve the overall capacity of the
Extended learning time to offer additional learning
opportunities for students and staff in order to support
dramatic, meaningful academic improvement
11. Support Building Principal
10. Extended Learning Time
9. Instructional Reform Strategies
8. Teacher/Leadership Effectiveness
7. Recruit and Retain Staff
6. Non Academic Support
5. New Governance
4. Job-Embedded PD
3. Effectiveness of Staff
Key Elements/Actions
2. Data Collection and Analysis
1. Aligned Curriculum
Cross-Reference to SIG Strategies