Background notes for objective 5

TQE-P Objective Five: Non-traditional RouteObservations and Initial Questions
What we have promised (see excerpt from proposal and work plan on blue
paper at tab 2)
a. “Through this grant, four of the colleges and universities will work
initially with two districts on the development of non-traditional routes to
certification. The development team will work on the design of: a
prototype for the program; summer training for candidates; summer
training for mentors/clinical supervisors for these non-traditional route
teachers; and curriculum and assessment tasks for the candidates during
their year in the classroom. The first year of the grant will focus on
program design and material/curriculum development. In the second year,
districts will commit to recruiting and hiring non-traditional route teachers
within a certification area. These candidates and their mentors will
comprise the first cohort that will pilot test all materials in years two and
three of the project. The materials will be revised and modified to meet
additional certification areas in subsequent years of the project. Ongoing
evaluation of the programs will provide data to the department of
education that can be used to make modifications, if necessary to the
guidelines. By the completion of this project, at least two programs will
be proposed for program approval and have an initial approval visit from
the state.”
i. During the first year we will:
1. Identify the two areas in which we will focus and develop
the infrastructure (recruitment, etc.) for the programs
2. Design criteria for candidates and for mentors.
3. Design curriculum, including summer program to be
implemented in summer of 2006.
4. Design summer training of mentors for 2006.
5. Design assessment plan for candidates.
ii. In year two (summer of 2006 we begin the program with
candidates in regular classrooms for the 2006-2007 year)
Non-traditional Certification Program Guidelines (see copy of guidelines on
ivory paper at tab 4)
i. Restriction on programs
1. Documented shortage areas. Superintendent may propose a
specific shortage area within the district.
2. Sponsorship must be shared by and IHE and an SEA.
ii. Requirements for Institutions
1. IHE with approved program in formal collaborative
agreement with approved school district.
2. Provide an intensive summer program, including a field
component to assess readiness to enter the classroom.
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3. College/university faculty supervises work with district
based supervisors to evaluate candidate performance.
4. Additional coursework is provided to complete candidate
individualized plans.
5. Certification areas limited to institutions that have
approved programs for that certification.
6. Districts must have quality mentoring programs.
iii. Requirements for candidates
1. Meet Admissions Criteria
a. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
with a major in, or closely related to, teaching field.
b. Minimum GPA and three years of career experience
in an area related to teaching field.
c. Individualized plan to meet the specific needs of the
d. Other admissions criteria (see program guidelines)
2. Summer program, including coursework and fieldwork
3. Successful completion of at least one-year of teaching
4. Successful completion of Individualized Plan
5. Successful completion of state licensure exam.
Critical Questions
a. What certification/endorsement areas should be the focus of the prototype
programs? (See data on waivers and emergency credentials on goldenrod
paper at tab 4, updated numbers will be available at our meeting. Note
that guidelines for the documentation necessary to petition the state to start
a new program is provided on the yellow paper at tab 4)
i. What certificate?
1. Initial certification
2. Multiple certificates?
3. Initial certificate with additional endorsement ?
ii. What is the candidate pool?
1. Career changers (the target)
2. Current teachers moving to new assignments
3. Others
iii. How will we recruit?
1. What are the incentives we can provide?
iv. What are the obstacles we may encounter and how will we address
1. Assurance of positions to those who enroll
2. Option for others to be included at their own risk
3. Contract issues, compensation, etc. for emergency
certification individuals
4. Other
b. How long is the program?
i. 12 months, 15 months, 24 months?
c. What structure provides the governance of the program?
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i. One institution/one district?
ii. All institutions/all districts?
iii. Will this be opened to other districts?
iv. Is there a role for the collaboratives?
v. Is the program associated with and advanced degree?
d. Do all partners work on both programs or do we initiate two parallel
a. How do assure that this adds programs that meet district and state needs
rather than replicating programs that could be modified to meet needs?
b. How do we respect the NCATE demands on URI/RIC and assure that this
program will meet those requirements
c. Other
Broad topics for future meetings
a. Candidate Assessment (admission, prior to teaching, throughout the
program, at completion of the program)
b. IHE sponsored courses and supervision
c. Mentor recruitment, selection, training, and compensation
a. Models for programs from within Rhode Island
i. PACT at PC is a program that prepares candidates with a BA
during the summer to enter parochial schools as teachers of record
in the fall. They complete certification programs and a Master’s
degree over the next two years.
ii. PC work with Pawtucket and the collaborative in special
iii. JWU new program
iv. MAT programs at Brown, RISD, RIC, and URI
v. TCP programs at PC, RIC, URI
b. Models for programs from outside Rhode Island
i. See resources from USDOE “Alternative Routes to Certification”
(Tab 8)
ii. See references from National Center for Alternative Certification.
(Tab 8) Our program would most likely fall into Class B.
Examples from Connecticut, Minnesota, or South Carolina might
merit anaylsis.
c. Others
Next steps
a. Next Meeting
b. Focus
c. Preparation
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