
Knight’s Visions
Keeping the vision of Father Michael J. McGivney
State Deputy’s Message:
State Chaplain
Fr. Leo McDowell
State Deputy
Bill Burke
State Secretary
Rod McElwee
State Treasurer
Art Malisani
State Advocate
Dave McLean
State Executive Secretary
Edward G. Wirtz, PSD
Immediate Past State Deputy
Bob Murphy
State Warden
Anthony Malisani
State Program Director
Wayne Mangold
State Membership Director
Ron Kazmierczak
District Deputies:
Kevin Miller
Norman Carr
Louis Hull
Gene Miceli
Dale T. Blom
Steve Geiger
Michael Preciado
Larry C. Hillard
Scott Kinzie
William Breitbach
Gerald Killen
Allen Cormany
Dean Hermes
Web Site
We are near the end of this fraternal year of the Knights of Columbus. I want to
thank all of you for the wonderful work you do for youth, the church, families, and
communities. We are making a positive difference. Highlighted below are several
of the accomplishments of this fraternal year:
1. Degree Exemplifications—we had very successful 2nd and 3rd degree
exemplifications in Butte, Polson, and Billings.
2. Past State Deputy Bob Murphy was certified as a new CO for the 3rd
Degree. We now have two COs for the 3rd Degree Exemplifications.
Hopefully, we will add two more.
3. We have a definite business plan for the Montana State Council which
includes an annual budget and quarterly financial statements. Disentangled
State Council Funds from Montana Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. A
copy of the 2010-11 budget and the 3rd quarter financial statement are
attached. The 4th quarter financial statement will be available after June
4. We are now up to date with the IRS & Supreme for Montana Knights of
Columbus Charities Inc. –1st time since 1983.
5. Redid by-laws for the Montana State Council (not officially updated since
1988) and Montana Knights of Columbus Charities Inc. (not updated since
6. Sold over $35,000 of tickets for the Montana Special Olympics during
2009-10 fraternal year.
7. We again received from Supreme a Special Olympics Incentive Award for
$3500.00 that we gave to the Montana Special Olympics.
8. During the past decade K of C world-wide has donated more than $1.325
billion to charity.
9. In Montana so far this year we have donated over $205.000.00 to charity
and contributed more than 250,000 hours of volunteer labor.
10. The newsletter continues to be available on our website
( and Bernie Adams is our new webmaster. We
thank Randy Heinz for serving as our 1st webmaster and putting our website
10. The Montana Knights were the major supporter of the State Conference on
Affirming the
Culture of Life held in Billings this past March.
Recruiting new members continues to be problematic. We currently have 5195
members. During May we have recruited 20 new members. So far this year we
have recruited 168 new members. We need to recruit at least four more new
members to have a positive net/net for the year. Sixteen councils have not recruited
a member. Hopefully, during the coming fraternal year we will have 100% of our
councils recruiting at least one new member. Please give membership a top priority
for the coming fraternal year (2010-11). As you all know, membership is the life
blood of any volunteer organization. The Knights of Columbus has been successful in this
country as well as elsewhere in increasing membership. Presently there are 1.78 million
Knights. This is an increase of 80,000 over the last fraternal year.
The 106 State Convention in Great Falls went extremely well. The Great Falls Planning
Committee under the leadership of Sonny Haugen did an excellent job. We thank you and your
committee for putting on a successful convention. At the convention in Great Falls, the
following Knights were elected to the following state positions: State Deputy—Rod McElwee;
State Secretary—Art Malisani; State Treasurer—Steve Zachmann; State Advocate—Dave
McLain; and State Warden—Everet Lovec. Father Leo McDowell will continue as the State
Chaplain. I firmly believe that this is an excellent group of officers. However, they will need
you to help them in making the coming fraternal year a great one. Next year’s convention will
be in Miles City, Montana.
I thank all of you for working with me over these past two years. I will continue to be active
with the Knights of Columbus and I look forward to seeing the Montana Knights continue to
grow as the strong right arm of our Church in Montana. I give special thanks to my officers
(Rod McElwee, Art Malisani, Dave McLain, Tony Malisani, Father Leo McDowell, and Bob
Murphy) for the wonderful job they have done. Also, special thanks to our district deputies and
state directors/chairs for promoting and carrying out various projects/events.-William I. Burke
JULY 1, 2009 - MARCH 31, 2010
Sidney T. Smith Birthday Club
Penny A Day A Knight
Right to Life
Past State Deputy
K of C Charities, Inc.
Heart to Heart
Poor Clares
Eleanor’s Project
Native Americans Children’s
Care and Share
Project Hope
<$1,921.00> -0-
Tootsie Roll
Checkbook Balance
First Interstate CD
2010-11 Budget for the State Council
1. Revenue
A. Per Capita for 2009 if all 51 councils pay
B. Proceeds from Spec. Olympic ticket
C. Fund raising
2. Expenses
A. State Convention (Mileage & per diem, etc)
B. Supreme Convention (travel for Bishops, Chaplain)
C. Supreme Convention (expenses for State Deputy)
D. Summer Mtg. Of officers, chairs, DDs)
E. Winter Mtg. Of officers, chairs, DDs)
F. Newsletter
G. Postage
H. Office supplies (also includes badges for DDs, etc)
I. Insurance
J. State Directory
K. External Audit
L. Awards
M. Other mileage & per diem
N. Fund raising expenses
O. Degree Teams
P. Montana/North Dakota Football Game
Q. State Chaplain
R. Committees
1. Membership Chair
2. Ceremonials Chair
3. Youth Chair
4. Family Chair
5. Project/Program Chair
6. Roundtable Chair
7. Special Olympics Chair
8. Church Chair
9. Community Chair
S. CD*
Total of Expenses:
*Our goal should be to maintain approximately a 15% reserve.
.-Bill Burke
State Chaplain’s Message:
Where do we stand as far as putting our faith into practice, not only in our church attendance, but in all that we do as
Knights? I bring this up because of recent events related to Council 140 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Members
of the council become members of the Casey Home Association which owns the Casey Function Center, which is
basically the KC Hall. Note the pun Casey=KC? All sounds good so far.
In May, it became known that the Casey Function Center had entered a rental agreement to NARAL Pro-Choice
(National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) for a fund raising event. After some concerns were
raised, the Casey Function Center canceled the contract. While this part of the story sounds like a good ending, one
needs to ask how this rental agreement happened in the first place.
But, let's look at the rest of the story. It appears that the current president of the Casey Home Association is upset
that they were required to cancel the contract. Remember that he is a member of the local council. He is now
attempting to sever all ties between the local council and the Casey Home Association. After he accomplishes this
separation, he plans on leaving the Knights of Columbus and maybe even the Catholic Church. If the Casey Home
Association is made up of members of the Knights of Columbus, how can this happen?
What is happening to the Church? As Knights, we are called to defend the Church. We are called to be witnesses in
the world to the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death. For some reason, we've gotten in
our minds that we can be personally opposed to something which is evil, but allow, or even sometimes promote, evil
in our society. We can not allow society to control who we are as Catholics. We need to be transforming society.
In the vision of the president of the Casey Home Association, it is not Christian if the organization does not rent to
anyone regardless of color, race, or creed. I do not believe that color or race should prevent us from allowing a
group to use our facilities. But, if they profess something that is completely at odds to what we believe as Catholics,
we need to take a stand. It is not Christian to allow evil to take over our society.
Perhaps this is a good time for each of the councils in Montana to take a look at the policies which exist concerning
their ties with their halls, and their rental policies. If the policies would allow anyone to question our total support
for live, perhaps it is time for us to rework those polices before we end up in a sitituation like that of Council 140 in
Until next time may God bless you. Vivat Jesus!-Fr. Leo McDowell.
State Secretary’s Message:
I have been going thru my records and there are 13 councils that have not turned in their
ANNUAL SURVEY OF FRATERNAL ACTIVITY report. Please look back in your council
records to see whether your council has filled one out, if not please do. Supreme still needs those
figures for their report to the government to help insure to maintain our tax free status. You have
until June 30th. Also 7 councils still need to fill out their February 15th AUDIT report. Again
please get those reports in.
June now kicks off another year of filling out reports. With elections over or will be this month
of June, the call for FORM 185, ELECTION OF OFFICERS are our main objective both for
Supreme’s record but the State’s as well so we can start preparing our directory for the fraternal
year 2010-2011. One idea that I have is to make an extra copy and mail it to PSD Bob Murphy,
1650 Natalie Street, Billings, and Mt. 59105. Brother Bob is putting the Directory together.
This will be my last report as State Secretary and have enjoyed working with all the councils
these last 2 years. However it’s not going to be our last communications. Do to your believe in
me you elected me as your new State Deputy and THANK YOU for your confidence. I leave
June 2nd for Supreme. When I get back, our State Officer’s Meeting will be June 12th and 13th in
Polson. At that time I will give Bernie Adams a list of all the State Officers, Program Directors
and District Deputies and he post that information on our web site. Again thanks and I hope
everyone has an enjoyable summer.
Rod McElwee
Keep Christ In Christmas Program Chairman:
.– Bernie Adams
Council Program Chairman
Bob Murphy needs form 185 or other method of providing names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses
for the State Directory. My address is 1650 Natalie St, Billings,
Mt, 59105,email State Officers, district deputies, Grand Knights and financial
secretaries should provide this information to me.-Bob Murphy
State Fundraising Message.
This pro-life music video they on YOUTUBE:
This lnk is of interest to all members of the Knights of Columbus. The next time you’re
“surfing the web”, check out this site! - Don Hartman
Program Director’s Message:
State Activity Awards 2010
Knights of Columbus from around Montana again showed that the priorities of our order- charity, fraternalism,
family, community, pro-life, church- are important to us.
Below you will find this years winners in the activity awards for 2010.
Pro-Life Awards
This council conducted a fundraiser for Billings CareNet program which is staffed by nurses and volunteers who
give counseling and medical tests for pregnant woman who wish to carry the baby to full term. 20 members
participated and contributed 150 man hours and donated $700 to the CareNet program.
Billings Heights Council #8345 of Billings
Division I
This council provided the beverage service at the Helena Community fund raiser for the Florence Crittendon Home.
A donation of $860 was made with 12 council members and 84 man hours contributed.
Helena Council #844
Division II
This council erected 10 by 20 foot Pro Life Billboard on land donated by a parishioner. This sign is on highly
traveled Highway 93 and affirms the council’s commitment to Right to Life. 79 man hours and 9 members took part
in the setup.
Fr. Ravalli Council #6130 Hamilton
Family Activity Awards
Supreme Award
One hundred and fifteen members of this council’s 191 members, that’s 60%, working in teams of 4 to 6
and assisted by their wives, prepared, setup, served and cleaned up, contributing 740 hours of service to the
mourning families. The wives’ and ladies’ hours of service amounted to an additional 592 hours of service for a
total of 1332 hours. This council provided family members and guests a total of 4782 meals at 37 funeral
Council #882 in Anaconda. Grand Knight Larry Bachmann, Chairmen Ben Friez, Ray Capp, Joe Wolpert and Gene
Division I
This council provided the Hay Wagon and chase car for the hay rides during a Halloween celebration. The council
set up games, prizes and refreshments for all youth.
15% of council members and 125 man hours were put into this project
Billings Heights Council #8345 Grand Knight Kevin Holland. Chairman Tim Ley.
Division II
This council actively engaged their members, the church community, widows and youth in the parish and
community by providing an opportunity to socialize, celebrate and commemorate the council’s activities of the past
year as well as recruit new members. Their activity enlisted the help of 98% of their council and totaled 250 man
hours of effort by the council to host their Annual Pig Roast.
Council #5527 in Hardin. Grand Knight Lowell Medhus, Chairman Frank Krebs.
Church Award
This council took on the challenge of remodeling the bathrooms in the church basement, making them larger and
handicapped assessable. This shows what can be done when a group of men get together on a project. 33% of the
council members put in time on the project with over 345 man hours.
Matthew Gappa Council #6294 in Baker. GK Steve Zachmann Chairman Wayne Mangold
Division I
This council held an Urslaine Christmas Mass and Social for the upkeep of the home of the Ursaline Sisters. This
council showed great support for the religious of our faith. 25 members took part and 23 man hours put in. More
than $500 was raised for the Ursaline Center.
Bishop Eldon B. Schuster Council #1493 of Great Falls. GK Sonny Haugen. Chairman Dean Hauer.
Division II
This council held a pancake breakfast to raise money for the purchase of new exterior sign to placed in front of the
church. More that than $1,200 was presented to the church. 16 members and more than 80 man hours went into this
Fr. Thomas Powers Council #13050 of Billings. Grand Knight and Chairman Thomas Keating.
Youth Awards
This council spent a part of the Christmas season laughing and singing and entertaining Special Olympians and their
own families. Making banners, playing games, cookie decorating and good food made this a special holiday season
for 90 Olympians.
37 council members put in more than 100 man hours.
Bishop Eldon B. Schuster Council #1493 of Great Falls. GK Sonny Haugen. Chairman Dave Glaske.
ivision I
This council served refreshments at Carroll College Football games. Proceeds were split between the Carroll
College scholarship program and the Carroll College Athletic Dept. for scholarships. 25 members put in over 250
man hours on this project.
Council 844 of Helena. Grand Knight and Chairman Scott Pomajevich.
Division II
This council established a middle school track meet for athletes in the Bitteroot Valley. A full day of competition
organized by the council and many workers. 12 members contributed more than 120 man hours to this project.
Fr. Anthony Ravalli Council #6130. Grand Knight Nick Hooper. Chairmen John Stromberg and Jim Rivera.
Community Awards
This council took an idea to promote kindness and overcome bullying and turned it into a community wide middle
school project to promote kindness. Students produced essays, posters or art that promoted “Kindness Makes
Miracles”. The products of the contest were distributed around town to show what can be done with a little
kindness.Prizes were awarded in a random drawing of all entries.
Helena Council 844. Grand Knight Scott Pomajevich. Chairman Carl O’Loughlin.
Division I
This council reached out to the community by sponsoring a Christmas Dinner for the Sidney community. The
Council prepared and delivered more than 270 meals. Many of these meals were to the needy and shut ins. 15
members and more than 240 man hours were put in to the project.
Sidney Council Grand Knight Con Donvan. Chairman LeRoy Strasheim.
Division II
This council held Lenten Fish Frys in the KC Hall. The proceeds were used for scholarships, church utilities and
community giving. 79 members and more than 433 man hours were put in to the project.
Glendive Council #2245. Grand Knight William Brietbach. Chairmen, Doug Byron, Dan Barth, Ted Bartsch.
Council Awards
Supreme Award
This council has turned the usual Fish Fry into a monthly event. This council has First Friday Fish Fry every month
and more during Lent. They use this event to not only raise money for the council but bring the community together
at the parish center. Music, entertainment and good food makes for a great event. 15-20 members put in more than
800 man hours this past year.
Fr. Anthony Raballi Council #6130 Hamilton Grand Knight Nick Hooper. Chairmen Nick Hooper and Bob Howard.
Division I
This council weekly provides a meal for the St. Patrick’s Youth program. The council hopes that this activity will
show the council’s support for the youth who attend the weekly program. Many man hours are put in each week for
the youth.
St. Patricks Council #1259 Billings Grand Knight Karl Boltz. Chairman Mike Depner
Division II
This council’s members make it a practice to reach and give to others by donating blood. The members do this at
various times during the year and is a great way to show the caring nature of the council.
Father Owens Council #5527 of Hardin Grand Knight Lowell Medhus. Chairman Phil Minnick
Montana Columbian Award
Division I
This council showed outstanding activities and timely reporting. Submitting reports in all categories with an
emphansis on Church, Youth and Community.
Kalispell Council #1328 Grand Knight
Division II
In this division the winning council showed great activities with Community Church and Council activities leading
the way. A high percentage of council members working together makes this a successful council.
Thompson Falls Council #11190 Grand Knight Ron Kazmarack.
Family Director’s Message:
- Steve Zachmann
Youth Director’s Message:
Youth Awards
Alcohol Awareness and Abuse contest
8-11 Year Old-Kendra Jones, Thompson Falls-Council 11190
Ceremonials Chairman’s Message:
.A major degree exemplification was held in Laurel on May 16th and over 20 new Knights were brought into our
order as third degree members. District Deputy Dale Blum did and outstanding job in coordinating with councils in
Districts 5 and 6 to get recruitment from many of the councils within the Billings area. Laurel Council sponsored
this degree and supplied a chicken dinner after the Knighting.
The Laurel Council did the 1st degree, Billings Degree Team did the 2nd and the Great Falls Team exemplified the
the 3rd. PSD Bob Murphy was the Conferring Officer.
A scheduled degree in Wolf Point was unfortunately canceled due to lack of candidates. John J Glen,PSD
State Special Olympics Chairman
Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus! The Knights sold $38,120 worth of Special Olympics truck raffle
tickets. Total tickets sold were 7,624. The Knights of Columbus were second in ticket sales. Altogether, 67,473
tickets were sod and raised $364,304. This is outstanding. The winner of the 2010 Silverado Pickup Truck was won
by Dawn Judge of Great Falls. The first place $1,000 gift certificate winner at Town Pump was won by Brent
Erickson of Absarokee. Second Place prize for a Better Built Truck Box from Murdoch’s Ranch and Home Supply
was Mark Kato from Havre. Third place winner for Tire Rama oil changes for a year was Stephanie Barlow,
Sandpoint, ID. Fourth place prizes for “Pizza For a Year” were Judiann Williams, Whitehall, Mark Sanders,
Cascade, Chris Pepos, Stockett, MT, Bradley Robertson, Dickinson, ND and Betse Stuart, Pray, MT.
Congratulations to all the winners and it’s time to start thinking about selling raffle tickets and supporting the
Special Olympics in 2011. Council 844 sold 1050 tickets, Council 1413 sold 1,000 tickets and Council 9976 sold
625 tickets..-Art Malisani,
District Deputies Report
Louis Hull- District 3
Gene Miceli-District 4
Bigfork Council 14060 held a Knights and Ladies Dinner following mass on May 8. Each Knight and Lady hosted a
non-member at the dinner and explained the advantages of Knighthood to the guests. From the effort 3 new Knights
were recruited. A 1st degree exemplification was held May 10 at the Councils normal officers meeting. Good job
Knights and by the way it was an excellent dinner. They served home made sauer kraut and brats.
Polson Father O'Maley Council 6260 agreed to new State Deputy Rod McElwee's request to host the Summer
Meeting of the State Officers and District Deputies which was held June 11,12, and 13.
District 13 Councils all turned in their Special Olympic money on time and the four councils of District 13 sold
$3200 worth of Special Olympic tickets
All Councils are now putting their slates of officers for the new term together for elections which will be held in
June for 14060,6260,1328, and 8329. - Dean Hermes, District 13
District 12
Congratulations to Councils 668, 844, 2360 and 10576 for achieving a district membership goal
of 111.10%! Keep up the recruiting effort and continue to retain members. Thanks for all the
volunteer hours, monetary donations and hard work this past fraternal year. Have a safe summer.
Remember to Pray the Rosary for your personal needs and vocations.-Allen Cormany, District
Report for District #9
Councils #1959 Wolf Point, #2997 Glasgow, #4272 Scobey, and #2613 Plentywood have the
following. Glasgow council is working hard in getting past dues from State and Spreme
corrected. Members from their roster are being updated, and are recruiting new members. They
are attempting to bring members back into the fold and beef up membership. Plentywood
council have a great corp of gentlemen and numbers are steadily increasing. Scobey and the
Wolf Point councils are showing good potential for maintaining numbers and increasing
membership as much as they can.
All councils have active participation in parishes. From members being on parish councils, to
assisting parish priest, these gentlemen having been working hard to meet the demands presented
before them. Though, most councils are starting to wind down the scheduled meeting these
summer months, most will still be active in money raising efforts.
Our council and district had planned to have a 2nd and 3rd degree exemplification planned for
this May, but like all great plans, had some pitfalls. Several councils had 1st degree members
out there that needed the ceremony, but not the right time in order to have it done. Graduations
and crops were the main snags that I found that hampered our plans. Hopefully, in the future, we
can rectify these problems to everyones satisfaction.
Gentlemen, we have had a great year. The future for the Knights is promising. Let us keep the
faith that the Lord will help guide us, and keep our faith strong. Continue to do the good works
that is our namesake. You all should be congratulated on a job well done.-Scott Kinzie
Montana Knights Website
The website for the Montana State Knights of Columbus is The webmaster is Randy Heintz and his
email address is Go to the website to see what’s going on in Montana! The Knight’s Visions newsletter is available
only on-line. Councils must submit the name and email address of the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary to Marty Beatty, who will receive an email and a link to the Knight’s Visions newsletter. Material to be included in the newsletter
can also be submitted to Send articles and pictures of what your Council is doing and we’ll publish the
information in the newsletter. Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries and District Deputies are asked to appoint a Knight who can print
and bring the newsletter to Council meetings. Anyone can read the current newsletter at