The extratropical transitions of eastern Pacific Hurricane Lester and Atlantic Hurricane Andrew (1992): A comparison Michael J. Dickinson12, Kristen Corbosiero3, Lance F. Bosart4 2 3 WeatherPredict Consulting, Wakefield, RI Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 4 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY 1 Corresponding Author Address: Michael J. Dickinson, WeatherPredict Consulting, 50 South County Commons Way, Suite E8, Wakefield, RI 02879. Email: Abstract 1. Introduction The mid-latitude flow can interact with the tropics in many ways. One such way involves the progression of a tropical cyclone (TC) into the mid-latitudes where it can come under the influence of transient upper-level disturbances. This tropical-extratropical interaction known as extratropical transition (ET) has been the focus of a number of studies in the recent literature (see Jones et al. 2003 for a thorough review). The interaction between the tropical cyclone and the increasingly baroclinic environment is called (ET). Broadly speaking, ET is the conversion of a symmetric, vertically stacked, warm-core tropical cyclone with a maximum intensity in the lower troposphere into an asymmetric, cold-core and tilted extratropical cyclone with a maximum intensity in the upper troposphere. A second way in which the extratropics can exert an influence of the tropics is by providing a non-classical mechanism for tropical cyclogenesis to occur. Typically, the incipient cyclogenesis often develops much further poleward (25˚- 30˚N) than TCs that develop from African easterly waves or along monsoon troughs in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins. Numerous studies in the literature have shown that ET is a common occurrence in the Atlantic (Hart and Evans, 2003), western Pacific (Klein et al, 2000), and Australian (Foley and Hanstrum 1992, Sinclair 2002) basins. Hart and Evans (2003) found that relative to the number of TCs, ET is much more frequent in the Atlantic than in any other basin. Hart and Evans estimate that nearly 50% of all Atlantic tropical cyclones undergo ET. In the western Pacific, approximately 25% of all western Pacific tropical cyclones undergo ET (Klein et al., 2000). The only basin to experience frequent tropical cyclogenesis and not experience ET is the eastern North Pacific basin. The potential for ET events in the eastern Pacific has come under increasing scrutiny because of the impact these systems have on the precipitation totals in the southwestern United States (Corbosiero et al, 2009). The evolution of the ET is sensitive to the interaction of the decaying tropical cyclone and the mid-latitude circulation. Over the last several years, several different studies have attempted to classify the evolution of an ET event. Recently Hart (2002) developed a cyclone phase diagram from two parameters calculated directly from the three-dimensional height field. One parameter determines whether the cyclone exhibits a warm or cold core. The second parameter provides a measure of the asymmetries in the thermal structure. The Hart phase space diagrams can be used to examine the lifecycle of all cyclones and can determine the approximate time that extratropical transition occurred. As a TC translates poleward, it is often accelerating poleward over cooler seasurface temperatures (or moving over land) and into increased vertical shear as it begins to interact with a higher latitude upper-level trough/jet system during the ET process. In satellite imagery, the inner core of the tropical cyclone loses its symmetric appearance and gradually takes on the appearance of an extratropical cyclone (EC). The nearly symmetric wind and precipitation distributions that are concentrated about the circulation center of the TC evolve to produce strong and expansive asymmetric wind and precipitation distributions. The increase in translation speed further contributes to the asymmetric structure. Klein et al. (2000) showed that the inner-core of the tropical cyclone becomes asymmetric as strong frontogenesis develops on the poleward side of the tropical cyclone center. The system gradually takes on the appearance of a traditional mid-latitude cyclone. Further indications include an increase in the radius of gale force winds, asymmetries in the wind and precipitation fields, and a decrease in sea surface temperature beneath the tropical cyclone. ET is clearly reflected in the cloud and precipitation patterns of the transitioning TC. ET events can be tremendous rain makers as the large-area of synoptically-driven ascent can act on abundant tropical moisture. Hurricanes Agnes (1972, Bosart and Dean 1991; Bosart and Carr 1978; DiMego and Bosart 1982a,b) and Floyd (1999, Atallah and Bosart 2003; Colle 2003) are two such historic examples. Due to the expansion of the area covered by clouds and precipitation when the tropical cyclone moves poleward, heavy precipitation can occur over land without the tropical cyclone center making landfall. In addition to interacting with a pre-existing tropical cyclone, mid-latitude troughs can also trigger disturbances that could evolve into tropical cyclones. Higher latitude upper-level cold-core disturbances on occasion can initiate ordinary baroclinic cyclogenesis in the subtropics. A subset of these baroclinic developments may in turn become TCs via the tropical transition (TT) process where TT is used to describe the transition of a cold-core baroclinic EC into a warm-core TC. Vertical wind shear associated with the higher latitude upper-level disturbance acts to organize the developing convection and generate low-level vorticity (Bosart and Bracken 2002). Forcing for large-scale ascent associated with the higher-latitude trough can be effective in triggering deep convection because deep instability can be created equally well by cooling aloft ahead of the upper-level disturbance as opposed to hating from below. In the environment favorable for ascent a positive feedback process between deep convection and cyclonic vorticity production by stretching in convectively driven updrafts acts to weaken the vertical wind shear and allows the growing disturbance to develop a warm core. Shear reduction and attendant upper-level potential vorticity (PV) destruction through diabatically driven processes can weaken and eliminate the original triggering baroclinic disturbance, resulting in the development of a warm-core disturbance and anticyclonic outflow aloft via the TT process provided sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are sufficiently warm (at last 23-24 C) to sustain the deep convection . Notable examples of TT include TC Diana (1984; Bosart and Bartlo 1991), TC Michael (2000; Davis and Bosart 2003, 2004), TC Humberto (2001; Davis and Bosart 2006), and TC Catarina (2004), the first documented western South Atlantic TC (McTaggart-Cowan et al. 2006) . The purpose of this paper is to examine in detail the remarkable events of late August 1992. During this period, the ET of TC Lester over the southwestern United States, the first-ever documented ET in this region occurred. At the same time, powerful TC Andrew devastated South Florida and made a second landfall along the central Louisiana coast. Andrew was then steered poleward ahead of the same baroclinic system responsible for the ET of Hurricane Lester just days prior. Finally, the upscale impact of Lester and Andrew on the synoptic-scale flow led to the downstream development and the generation of a “vorticity seed” in the western Atlantic. Despite favorable sea-surface temperatures and low vertical wind shear, no tropical system developed. All of these events are directly related to each other. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the data source and methodology. Section 3 provides a brief description of Hurricanes Lester and Andrew. The climatology and results are presented in Section 4. 2. Data and Methodology The tropical cyclone track information for both the eastern Pacific and Atlantic tropical cyclones was obtained from the National Hurricane Center Best Track dataset (HURDAT). This dataset contains 6-hourly records of tropical cyclone locations and intensities (maximum 1-min 10 m wind speeds and minimum central pressures). As noted by Farfán (2004), the best track information in the eastern Pacific is largely derived from satellite measures of position and intensities and not direct observations. In the Atlantic, reconnaissance flights are commonplace for storms approaching land, thus location and intensity estimates are determined, in large part, through direct observation. To describe the evolution of each of the three systems in question, the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA) dataset (Uppala et al. 2005) available from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) on an equivalent resolution of 1.125˚ x 1.125˚ (the native ERA data are stored at T159 spectral resolution). The dataset consists of geopotential heights, temperatures, and winds on 23 vertical levels extending from 1000 hPa to 1 hPa every 6 h. The National Center for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis dataset (Kalnay et al 1996) is used to supplement to ERA dataset. It is important to note that the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data has a horizontal resolution of 2.5˚, which implies that this data are only able to resolve large-scale circulations. Specifically, the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis is used to investigate large-scale climatological features of the eastern Pacific region. Daily total precipitation data (from 12 UTC to 12 UTC) was obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Climate Prediction Center (NCEP/CPC) Unified Precipitation Dataset (UPD, Higgins et al. 1996)). This national dataset incorporates National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) first-order station precipitation measurements, daily cooperative observer measurements, and data from NWS River Forecast Centers (RFCs), representing over 13,000 stations in the contiguous United States. Precipitation amounts represent 24-h accumulation ending at 1200 UTC, interpolated to a 0.25 latitude–longitude grid. All of the gridded datasets (ERA-40, UPD, and SST) were stored, analyzed, and displayed using the Generalized Meteorological Analysis Package (GEMPAK, Koch et al. 1983). A potential vorticity (PV) approach is ideally suited to the study of ET events. Several studies (e.g., Thorncroft and Jones 2000, McTaggert-Cowan et al. 2001, Attallah et al. 2007) have utilized the PV approach to identify the important interactions between the lower-level tropical cyclone PV maximum and upper-tropospheric PV maximum associated with the approaching trough. Ertel PV is calculated on isobaric surfaces using q g v u v u f g , p x y p x p y where q represents Ertel PV, θ represents the potential temperature, u and v represent the zonal and meridional components of the wind, respectively, g is gravity, f is the Coriolis parameter, and the other terms have their usual meteorological meaning. To track the upper-level disturbances tied to each event, we employ a potential vorticity (PV) – dynamic tropopause (DT) perspective (Hoskins et al. 1985; Hoskins 1990, Morgan and Neilsen-Gammon 1998). The PV/DT perspective has been utilized in a number of studies (Hoskins and Berrisford 1988; Dickinson et al. 1997; Hakim et al. 1996; Davis and Bosart 2003). The DT is determined from the orientation of the 1.5 PV unit (PVU, 1 PVU = 10-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1) surface and value of u, v, and p are interpolated to that surface from above (uT and pT will refer to the values of u and p on the DT, respectively).2 Finally, archived satellite imagery available for both Hurricanes Lester and Andrew were acquired from the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) HurricaneSatellite Dataset (Knapp and Kossin, 2007). The data is available every 3 h with a horizontal resolution of 8 km. Each satellite image is centered on temporally-interpolated tropical cyclone best track. This dataset is the basis for the satellite-tropical cyclone reanalysis project (Kossin and Knapp 2006). For each storm, the infrared window brightness is plotted to show the distribution of the cloud and, presumably, precipitation shields with respect to the salient large-scale features. This data was stored and displayed 2 Due to diabatic effects, PV values in the lower troposphere occasionally may exceed 1.5 PVU. Thus, interpolation upward from the surface may intercept these low-level positive PV anomalies resulting in an artificially low tropopause height. using the MatLab graphics package. Additional diagnostics using the tropical cyclone best track datasets were performed using MATLAB. 3. Storm Histories a) Hurricane Lester The track of Hurricane Lester is shown in Figure 1. Hurricane Lester developed from a tropical wave that moved westward across the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea and crossed Central America (Lawrence and Rappaport 1994). The disturbance was classified a tropical depression on 20 August and moved to the northwest and strengthening to tropical storm intensity in 24 h. By 18 UTC 22 August, Lester had obtained hurricane strength, roughly 400 km west of La Paz and 290 km south of Punta Abreojos, Baja California. At this point, Lester was moving nearly due north ahead of an elogated positively-tilted trough that was moving into the eastern Pacific (Figure ). Lester made landfall as a tropical storm just north of Punta Abreojos near 1000 UTC 23 August. Lester continued north-northeastward into the southwestern United States. The Lester circulation produced a significant amount of precipitation over the desert southwest, including amounts in excess of 80 mm in central Arizona a 40 mm in a band extending from northwest New Mexico, through Colorado and Nebraska. As shown in Figure 1a, much of the precipitation associated with Hurricane Lester fell to the west of the storm track. Recent work by Atallah and Bosart (2003) and Atallah (2004) has found that the majority of the precipitation from tropical systems undergoing ET occurs to the left of the storm track. This is a result of the strong upperlevel dynamical forcing of the approaching trough interacting with the tropical cyclone vorticity and moisture fields. The precipitation distribution associated with Hurricane Lester supports the assertion that this is the first documented case of ET of an eastern Pacific storm. b) Hurricane Andrew It is certainly understandable why the landfall and subsequent extratropical transition of Hurricane Lester in the eastern Pacific was largely ignored. At the same time, Hurricane Andrew was bearing down on south Florida. Andrew made landfall as a Category 5 (after reanalysis) storm near Homestead FL. Much has been written about the history of Hurricane Andrew (e.g., Landsea et al., 2004) and a detailed synopsis of this entire event will not be provided here. Hurricane Andrew crossed south Florida and emerged in the eastern Gulf of Mexico as a Category 4 storm and made a second landfall near Pt. Chevreuill, LA as a Category 3 storm. Andrew continued northward and turned northeastward across eastern Tennessee. Unlike Lester, the Andrew’s precipitation is primarily along the track initially after landfall (Figure 1b), suggesting the Andrew circulation was not significantly initially impacted by the approaching trough. However, as Andrew continued northeastward, the maximum precipitation shifted to the west of the track, indicating the influence of the mid-latitude trough and potentially signifying ET. 4. Results a) Climatology It has been argued that the synoptic-scale environment in the eastern Pacific is typically not conducive to ET events. Figure 2a shows all landfalling eastern Pacific tropical cyclones that propagated northward reaching at least 25˚ N for the period 19582004. The 25˚N threshold is designed to focus on events that could impact northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States. During this 46 year period, 40 tropical cyclones (roughly 9 every 10 years) satisfied this criterion. The most active periods were the 1960s (red) and 1970s (blue) featuring 12 and 10 events, respectively. The 1980s (green), however, had only 4 events satisfy the criteria. The causes of the observed multidecadal variability are unknown and are beyond the scope of the present study. Figure 2b shows how often an eastern Pacific tropical storm of any intensity, comes within 250 km of any given point. This figure can be considered to show the preferred storm tracks for eastern Pacific tropical cyclones. The construction of this figure is similar to Figure 1 of Larson et al. (2004). The most frequent activity occurs at the southern portion of the domain, with return rates of approximately 1, corresponding to one event every year satisfies the criteria. The return rate decreases markedly poleward such that roughly one tropical storm every ten years reaches the southwestern United States. b) Large-scale evolution In the days leading up to the landfall of Hurricane Lester, there was an anomalous ridge in place over the west coast of the U. S. with an anomalous trough over the central Pacific (Figure 3a, d). The orientation of the ridge-trough couplet was oriented to steer eastern Pacific tropical systems northward. As Hurricane Lester made landfall and proceeded inland, the 200 hPa pattern over the U. S. over the following three day period has become highly amplified (Figure 3b, e). Strong positive height anomalies (amplified ridge) developed over eastern Canada while strong negative anomalies developed over the central portions of the U.S. It will be shown in subsequent figures that this pattern amplification was due in large part to diabatic heating from both Tropical Storm Lester and Hurricane Andrew. Note the development of a narrow tongue of negative height anomalies over the western Atlantic (Figure 3 e). This configuration is the precursor to a cyclone wave breaking event (Thorncroft et al. 1993). The result of the cyclonic wave breaking is an upper-level closed circulation. After Hurricane Andrew’s second landfall in Louisiana, the final three day period (Figure 3 c, f) reveals a strong ridge over New England and eastern Canada. Height anomalies over the central and western U. S. have weakened as the tropical remnants have moved off the east coast. The aforementioned cutoff cyclone has developed over the western Atlantic just off the southeast coast of the United States. From this cutoff cyclone, a low-level cyclonic circulation developed. As will be illustrated later in the text, this system attempted to undergo tropical transition (Davis and Bosart reference) but did not complete the transition. The factors inhibiting the tropical transition process will be discussed. Another method of evaluating the evolution of the large scale is through the use of Hovmoller diagrams. The trough of interest (labeled T1 in Figure 4) enters the domain around 18 August and proceeds steadily eastward. The trough strengthens, as indicated by the lowering of the pressure on the DT (to below 480 hPa) and the tightening of the horizontal gradient with the approach of Tropical Storm Lester (labeled L). Notice the interaction of Lester with the trough has stalled the eastward progression of the system to about 26 August. After this point, the trough steadily moves eastward. Again, there the lowering of the pressure on the DT (to below 550 hPa) and a tightening of the gradient as the remnants of Andrew (labeled A) interact with the trough. The second feature of interest, T2, travels eastward across the eastern portion of the country. The trough is steadily weakening as reflected by the lowering of the pressures on the DT (consistent with a lifting of the DT). Near 23 August, there appears to be a split in the trough with a region of lower pressures on the DT splits from the main trough and slowly drifts westward and gradually weakens. As will be shown, this feature is responsible for the generation of the disturbance that failed to complete tropical transition. The evolution of the large-scale is presented in Figure 4. Beginning with 1200 UTC 22 August (Figure 4a), the positively-tilted trough is cross the California coast at this time. Hurricane Lester is heading northward and is just west of the Baja Peninsula at this time. Over the next 24 h (Figs 4b and c), Lester continues northward and interacts with the approaching trough. The 700 hPa vorticity associated with Lester appears to intensify over the 24 h period. It is unclear, however, whether this intensification is a result of the interaction with the trough or if it is due to the system being better resolved by the observations (and thus the reanalysis). By 1200 UTC 25 August (Figure 4d), the remnants of Hurricane Lester appear over southwestern Nebraska within an elongated band of vorticity oriented along the leading edge of the trough. During the period from 1200 UTC 23 August (Figure 4b) to 1200 UTC 25 August (Figure 4d), there is evidence of PV filamentation, consistent with anticyclonic wave breaking (Thorncroft reference), and the development of a cold pool on the DT centered near 60W and 30N (Figure 4d). This wave breaking event is associated with the developing low-level cyclonic vorticity center. While the low-level vorticity center did strengthen, tropical transition did not ensure. By 1200 UTC 26 August (Figure 6e), Hurricane Andrew has made a second landfall in central Louisiana. The trough has continued to progress eastward, with the leading edge of the trough extending from the upper Midwest to New Mexico. Though difficult to track at this time, the remnants of Lester are likely passing through Iowa. Twenty-four hours later (Figure 4f), Andrew is steered to the north-northeast as the trough approaches. By 1200 UTC 28 August (Figure 4g), Andrew is centered over western portions of South Carolina. At this time, the potential temperature gradient on the DT has tightened, reflecting a strengthening of the trough. In addition, low-level vorticity to the north of the Andrew circulation has strengthened considerably over the last 24 h. The rapid development of the vorticity center north of Andrew is a clear indication that extratropical cyclogenesis has occurred. By 1200 UTC 29 August (Figure 4h), a major extratropical cyclone is centered over southern Ontario. The remnants of Andrew, however, remain displaced to the east and are centered over eastern New England at this time. Figure 4 illustrates the impact of weakening tropical cyclones on the large-scale flow. For both Lester and Andrew, a strengthening of the approaching trough and amplification of the downstream ridge occurred. The likely cause for these developments is diabatic heating. Figure 5 is designed to isolate the impacts of the diabatic contributions from Lester and Andrew by simply showing the difference between the local change of potential temperature on the DT from the advection of potential temperature on the DT. If the flow was adiabatic, this value would be 0. c) Storm-scale evolution The proceeding section evaluated the evolution of the synoptic-scale flow in response to the interactions (largely through diabatic processes) of Hurricanes Lester and Andrew. The following section focuses on the evolution of the storm-scale features. Here we use archived satellite imagery (Knapp and Kossin reference) in conjunction with the ERA gridded fields. Thus, there is a directly observed quantity that can be used to validate the ERA products on the storm scale. Hurricane Lester Hurricane Andrew The Non-developing event Finally, the evolution of the non-developing case over the western Atlantic will be discussed. As mentioned previously, the origin of the Null event is related to an upperlevel wave breaking event which deposited a cold-core cyclone over the central Atlantic. This evolution of this system is summarized in the CPS diagram (Figure 12). According to the CP diagram, the event develops as a cold-core extratropical system. Over the period from 25 August to 28 August, the system shifted toward the tropical portion of the phase space diagram suggesting that beginning of tropical transition. Ultimately tropical transition never occurred as the system never became a warm core system. By 28 August, the storm had moved poleward over cooler sea-surface temperatures (inset, Figure 10). The subsequent discussion examines reasons why the tropical transition was not successful in the time prior to 28 August. The evolution of the system is illustrated by the evolution of the 850 – 200 hPa thickness field (dashed) and 850 hPa relative vorticity (solid) in Figure 12. Beginning 1200 UTC 24 Aug, the thickness feature, oriented southwest – northeast, is still connected to the flow at higher latitudes. Over the subsequent 24 hours, the thickness tongue separates from the flow at higher latitudes and consolidates into a coherent closed circulation center (Fig 11 a – d). In response to the development of the upper-level cold core circulation, there is a corresponding organization and strengthening of low-level cyclonic vorticity (solid contours, Figure 11) signifying the development of a nearsurface circulation center beneath the upper-level system. The low-level vorticity center steadily strengthens reaching peak intensity between 0000 and 1200 UTC 27 August (Figure 11 f – g, 12b). This related to a marked decrease in the vertical windshear (Figure 12, top). Beginning around 1200 UTC 26 August, the sea-level pressure steadily dropped as the vertical wind shear fell below 10 m s-1. Despite the development of a robust surface circulation, the deep convection (shaded. Figure 10) never consolidates around the center of circulation. Further, the surface circulation remains under the upper-level cold core. A warm 850-200 hPa thickness thermal ridge never develops near the surface center. While conditions appeared favorable for the tropical transition process to occur, no development occurred. The key question to address is why the convection never consolidated around the circulation center between 0000 UTC 26 August and 1200 UTC 27 August. During this time, the disturbance was located over sufficiently warm water (> 26°C). The answer lies in the vertical moisture profile around the storm center (Figure 13). While the low-levels where sufficiently moist, a band of dry air located between 500 and 350 hPa was present throughout the life cycle of this system. The presence of this dry air prevented meaningful development of deep convection around the storm center. Further, beginning near 1200 UTC 27 August, as the low-level circulation center begins to move northward away from the 850 – 200 hPa cold core (Figure 10), the system moves into a region where the deep-layer vertical wind shear begins increasing sharply and the underlying sea-surface temperatures are cooling rapidly. The dry air together with the increasing vertical wind shear and cooling sea-surface temperatures combined to inhibit the tropical transition process. Summary References Atallah, E. H., and L. F. Bosart. 2003: The extratropical transition and precipitation distribution of Hurricane Floyd (1999). Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1063–1081. Bosart, L. F., P. G. Black, J. L. Evans, J. Molinari, C. S. Veldon, and M. J. 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Figure 4: DT θ and winds and 700 hPa ζ - every 12 h starting from 920822/1200 – large view Figure 5: Hovmoller diagram of DT P or (θ) – large view Figure 6: PMSL, 850-200 hPa Thickness, and 700-400 hPa ζ – every 12 h – large view Figure 7: 850 hPa hght, winds, and θe – large view Figure 8: PMSL, 850-200 hPa thick ness, and 700-400 hPa ζ – every 6 h focused on Lester ET Figure 9: DT θ and winds and Kossin Imagery – same times as Figure 8 Figure 10: Les phase-space diagrams Figure 11: as in Fig. 8 but focused on Andrew transition Figure 12: As in Figure 9 but for Andrew Figure 13: As Figure 10 but for Andrew Figure 14: Available satellite imagery showing ND event – refer back to 3, 4, 5 Figure 15: Hart Phase space diagram (includes SST) Figure 16: Time series of DT θ (or P) and vertical wind shear (850-200 hPa) and 700 hPa ζ Figure 17: Time-cross-section relative humidity for ND