A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 opics CTONICS AND ASSOCIATED HAZARDS. theory main plates and their boundaries n lessons: eos.howstuffworks.com/search.php?media=video&terms=continental+drift onics animation earning Zone Class Clips - Investigating the Great Glen Fault – Geography fWorks Videos "100 Greatest Discoveries: Sea Floor Spreading" uptions of Eyjafjallajökull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia eos.howstuffworks.com/science/convergent-plate-boundaries-videos-playlist.htm#video-5933 w.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0804/es0804page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization eos.howstuffworks.com/science/hot-spots-videos-playlist.htm#video-29183 w.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0904/es0904page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization Definitions, key Case studies. Composition and p the core, mantle, c Asthenosphere an Low velocity layer, process of partial m (peridotite). Conve currents. Know the discontin links with seismic w Differences betwee continental crust.(s Evidence of the int of the Earth.(direct Intro seismic wave s waves. sea-floor spread Evidence: 1.continental drif palaeomagnetism these (fit, geology, mountain chains, g Use examples from America, S. Ameri Sea-floor spreadin Hess and Dietz. As Wegner. Plate boundaries: Destructive,(ocea Subduction zones of Fire. constructive (MO valleys)- Mid-Atlan Iceland case study Rift Valley. conservative plate San Andreas fault. Processes: seism vulcanicity. Associated landfor fold mountains, r ocean ridges, dee trenches and isla Hot spots associa plumes of magma their relationship to movement. Case studies: Hawaii and Yellow (supervolcano). . A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 d main characteristics of earthquakes: the theory of plate tectonics and the existence of earthquakes. Definition: stress Elastic rebound th Focus and epicent seismic waves P a surface waves. in lessons: c.usgs.gov/neis/qed/ w.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-kobe-earthquake/3070.html c.discovery.com/videos/volcano-video/ ww.fema.gov/hazard/volcano/index.shtm aracteristics and causes. w.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-asian-tsunami-causes-and-effects/3195.html ence.howstuffworks.com/nature/natural-disasters/tsunami2.htm w.tsunami.noaa.gov/ es of recent (ideally within the last 30 events should be undertaken from s of the world. In each case, the be examined: he seismic hazard; he event; of the hazard and responses to the Earthquake meas Seismograms and Detection of earthq using P and S wav Measuring earthqu Mercalli scale, Measuring earthqu magnitude: Richte Seismic moment m scale. Effects of earthqua movement, damag liquefaction, landsl aftershocks and ts Management of ea :modify event, vuln loss. Seismic gap level changes, gas water levels etc. Damage limitationdesign, planning. C Kobe, Japan. Indian Ocean, Bo (2004). Tohoku, Sendai, J 2011) More Economical Countries: California, Loma Kobe, Japan (199 Christchurch, New Zealand(2011) Tohoku, Sendai, J 2011) L’Aquila, Italy (20 Less Economicall Countries: Sichuan, China(( Haiti (2010). Gujarat,India(200 A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 ‘ Why do some pl more than others? Factsheet). plate tectonics and the nature of the vulcanicity. Use map evidenc orms. Variations in the frequency of vol in relation to typ margin and type basaltic – acidic the more precise of basalt, andes rhyolite. Charac the lava and the of this on he sha volcano. f volcanoes. rms dies of recent (within the last 30 years) volcanic events should be undertaken from contrasting areas of the h case, the following should be examined: ature of the volcanic hazard mpact of the event of the hazard and responses to the event. ption: /earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=19887 news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7381652.stm Major forms of e activity – types o lava plateaux, s dome, ash and c composite and c Products of volc gases, lavas, py lahars. Example include Nevada (lahar) and Lake (gasses). Main case study include: Minor fo extrusive activity hot springs and Iceland and Yell USA. Modify event, vu and loss. Mt. Etn Sakurajima, Ves Popocatapetl an Pinatubo. Sills, dykes and and laccoliths. W England and SW A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 ELDC case stud Chaiten, Chile. Mt. Nyiragongo Montserrat, Car EMDC case stu Mt Etna, Italy. Mt St Helens, U ND CLIMATE AND ASSOCIATED HAZARDS. of the atmosphere. hips between the factors leading to different climates es: ://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/understanding/fronts.shtml /www.knowitall.org/nasa/simulations/light/atmosphere.html //www.srh.weather.gov/jetstream/global/jet.htm /www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/7p.html w.aoml.noaa.gov/ Tropospere, strato mesosphere and and the boundarie them. Composition of th The atmospheri budget, incomin wave) and outgo radiation(long w variations in ene heat- differentia Horizontal and v transfers. Factors affecting and the heating atmosphere (lat Altitude and env lapse rates( dry and saturated a lapse rates). Alt sun and differing capacities of lan sea.Prevailing w ocean circulatio conveyor belt. Seasonal and d factors. Local fa as aspect, cloud urbanisation. A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 The general atm circulation. Air p their links with w Planetary surfac Tricullular mode Ferrel and Hadle Inter-tropical con zone. Jet streams and waves. The imp the Polar Front J the UK climate. of the British Isles RATE WESTERN MARITIME CLIMATE. hip between various climatological factors. es: ov.uk/weather/uk. Basic climatic characteristics: precipitation and Air masses affec British Isles. Par Polar Maritime a Maritime and the they create. Origin and natur depressions. W changes associa passage of a de Remember Pos Use of synoptic satellite images. Origin and natur anticyclones. As weather conditio and summer. Particular refere radiation and ad Storm events: th occurrence, thei the responses to case study from last 30 years sh undertaken = Th Storm of 1987. Use flood event support any que extreme weathe A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 Extreme Weathe (Phillip Allan Up A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 of one tropical region (either tropical nna, or monsoon, or equatorial) ONSOON climates. Basic climatic characteristics: precipitation and hip between latitude, global winds and global pressure belts The role of subanticyclones and tropical converg ving storms hip between the physical processes and the human and built environment Their occurrenc impact and the r them. Two case recent (within th years) tropical re storms should b from contrasting world. 1. Hurricane 2. Cyclone N 3. Other hur Caribbea breath to the above studies. csc.gallaudet.edu/monsoon/definition/index.html Hurricanes – a pr phenomenon? U website for curren techniques. www.s-cool.co.uk/alevel/geography/weatherions/types-of-monsoons.html local scale: urban climates Temperatures: t heat island effec built environment and human activity on the climate at a local scale Precipitation: fre intensity, fogs, A2 World Cities Scheme of Work 2009-2010 te change an activity on the global climate thunderstorms a relationship to u and processes. Air quality: partic pollution, photoc smog and pollut policies. Winds: the effe structures and variations in w direction and fr The lung weeke Evidence for clim over the last 20 Global warming causes. Possib a global scale, o chosen tropical (above) and on Isles. Responses to g warming: interna national and loc