RECORD OF MENTAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT Name Start Date NHS number Hospital number Draig number Reason for this assessment Type of decision to be made Serious medical treatment Change in accommodation Care planning and review Adult Protection measures Major financial Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards X Specify decision to be made Other (Major decisions, not daily activity) UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08 STAGE 1 Does the person have an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of their mind? Impairment or nature of disturbance in mind function Y N Date above was assessed Name, title, organisation, address of diagnostician if different from assessor (incl. location of records) Is impairment / disturbance (mark with X) Fluctuating Temporary Comments: Permanent UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08 STAGE 2: Does the impairment or disturbance mean that the person is unable to make this specific decision when they need to? Date decision required by Comments: a. Is the person able to consent to this assessment? Y N b. Have they consented? Y N c. Can the decision be delayed until recovery, better circumstances, or until the person has gained skills to make the decision themselves? Y N Date / time and location of capacity assessment(s) Date Time Location UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08 Methods of Communication Used (Mark all that apply) Spoken English Spoken Welsh Other spoken language (specify) British Sign Language Makaton Braille Written English Written Welsh Other written language (specify) Pictures / Photos Audiotape Other (specify) If used, name / details of interpreter or supporter assisting interview(s) If used, name / details / date of any consultation or specialist opinion and summary of relevant information (attach any Specialist Assessments) List any other actions taken to enhance capacity UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08 Determinants of capacity 1. Does the person understand relevant information about the decision to be made? 4. N Comment: Y N Comment: Y N Comment: Evaluate the information Use the information to make a decision Decide without undue influence, persuasion or to please others Can the person communicate their decision by any means? Y Able to retain information with memory, notebook, photograph, poster, video, voice recorder, computer, etc.) 3. Can the person use or weigh the information as part of the decision making process? N Comment: Understand that a decision needs to be made Understand the nature of the decision Understand the likely consequences of the decision, and of making no decision 2. Can the person retain that information in their mind for long enough to make the decision? Y ( By any means – e.g. muscle movements, blink, hand squeeze) UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08 Does the person have the capacity to make the decision in question? Y N Comment: If the person does not have the capacity to make the decision in question, can they be assisted to make some contribution towards the decision? Y N Comment: Assessor/ Decision Maker details Signature Print Name Job Title Assessor’s Address Telephone No Date assessment completed UA110 MCA Assessing Capacity FINAL NTB 24june 08