Livestock systems and land use: which diversity for which sustainability? M. Durua,b,*, O. Theronda,b a INRA, UMR 1248 AGIR, F-31326 Castanet Tolosan, France b Université Toulouse, INPT, UMR AGIR, F-31029 Toulouse, France * corresponding author ABSTRACT: Changes in agriculture during the twentieth century led to high levels of food production based on increasing inputs and specialization of farms and agricultural regions. To address negative externalities of these changes, two forms of ecological modernization (EM) of agriculture are promoted: “weak-EM”, based on increasing input efficiency through crop and animal monitoring and nutrient recycling, and “strong-EM”, based on increasing agrobiodiversity at different space and time scales to develop ecosystem services and in turn reduce inputs. We analyze whether within- or among-farm diversity (in species or farming practices) is an asset for the sustainability of livestock systems. First, we propose a multi-scale (field to territory) and multidomain (environmental, economic, social) analytical framework for defining local livestock systems at stake in our analysis, then we describe its forms of EM (weak vs. strong). Second, we assess both systems, considering sustainability as a state described by state variables and as a process assessed according to ecological (e.g. diversity) and socio-economic principles (e.g. economy of scale or scope, agricultural innovation system type). We analyze their resilience in the face of a changing environment. Third, we apply our framework to assess a variety of livestock system case studies (dairy, organic, integrated crop-livestock). Keywords: agri-food, agro-ecosystem, dairy farm, ecological principle, innovation, profitability, resilience, security, social INTRODUCTION The model of productivist agriculture expanded greatly after the Second World War in Western countries. It is based on use of large amounts of synthetic inputs and natural resources and genetic improvement of plants and animals to minimize the effects of limiting production factors and environmental heterogeneity. It has been accompanied by simplification and standardization of production modes, decreased diversity of crops and livestock breeds, and the creation of uniform landscapes. It has often led to geographical separation of cropping systems and livestock systems (LS) and development of LS with little or no connection to local agricultural land. This model of agriculture allowed a massive increase in agricultural production due to a sharp increase in productivity of farm labor and land. In a context of economy of scale and expression of comparative advantages (e.g. soil fertility, climate, knowledge, labor costs, infrastructure, regulations), it has led to the specialization of farms and regions within countries (e.g. dairy farms in Brittany for France) or between countries (e.g. Europe imports South American soybeans as animal feed). The objectives of increasing the health safety of agricultural production and standardizing it has strengthened the specialization processes (Horlings and Marsden, 2011; Lamine, 2011). In the 1980s, emerged awareness of negative effects of productivist agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, climate change, but also on product quality, human health, and depletion of fossil and water resources, influencing resource scarcity. It was argued that the productivist model could be developed since negative externalities are not included in production costs. More specifically, livestock have been blamed for their effects on nutrient surpluses, water pollution, fossil-energy use, competition for food, and emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) (FAO, 2006; Janzen 2011). At the same time, the development of concepts and political concerns about sustainability and multifunctionality has redefined the objectives assigned to agriculture via agricultural policies. Good agricultural practices reducing negative impacts of agriculture, development of planned biological diversity, and conservation of high-value natural systems and areas have become key targets of these policies. Regarding geographical specialization, the conservation and even the development of LS in crop-oriented zones is becoming a challenge in Western Europe and the USA. Even though livestock 1 can both stress and benefit land, the consensus now seems that agriculture including livestock production produces a number of ecosystem services that benefit human well-being (MEA, 2005; Janzen, 2011). Provisioning services, such as supply of animal products, depend on supporting and regulating services, also called input services (Lamarque et al., 2011), such as soil fertility, soil moisture, soil stability, pest control, and pollination. Land use and management help produce nonmarket services such as carbon (C) sequestration and recreational landscapes (Zhang et al., 2007; van Oudenhoven et al., 2012). In turn, agriculture also produces a number of ecosystem disservices such as GHG (nitrous oxide, methane (CH4)), especially ruminant production (Power, 2010). As underlined by Gliessman (2006), the problem lies not so much with the animals themselves but rather with how they are integrated into agroecosystems and food systems. Two main forms of “ecological modernization” (EM) of crop and livestock systems aim to respond to sustainability regulations and policies (Horlings and Mardsen, 2011). One, continuing the productivist model, is “weak” EM of LS (“weak-EMLS”). It aims primarily to reduce major negative impacts by optimizing input use and, accordingly, energy and matter flows. It is based on increasing resource-use efficiency by recycling waste (Kuisma et al., 2012) and implementing good agricultural practices (Ingram, 2008) or technology, such as precision agriculture (Rains et al., 2011). It may also be based on the use of new technologies such as biofertilizers (Singh et al., 2011) and genetically modified organisms. It does not call into question the specialization of farms and territories or the drastic reduction in the number of cultivated species or breeds. The other form, breaking with the productivist model, corresponds to “strong-EMLS”. In addition to the principles of resource recycling and flow optimization, it aims to promote diversified farming systems (Kremen et al., 20012) that enhance biodiversity in agroecosystems at different organizational levels to provide supporting services (i.e. those necessary for delivery of other services, such as nutrient cycling), regulating services (e.g. climate regulation), and cultural services (i.e. non-material benefits such as aesthetic and recreational enjoyment). These services depend on practices implemented at the plot and farm scales, but also, importantly, at the landscape scale. Unlike weak-EMLS, it introduces a paradigm shift in the way of thinking about the link between environment and production. While weak-EMLS and the associated industrial agriculture model are based mainly on onesize-fits-all technologies and/or agricultural practices rendering agroecosystems (including animals) artificial, the challenge of strong-EMLS is implementing agricultural practices that take advantage of complementarities between ecosystem services provided by biodiversity at different organizational levels. Of course, the two forms of EMLS correspond to two ideals. Both forms can coexist in the same geographical area; however, weak-EMLS corresponds to the current mainstream in developed countries. Continuing the productivist model, weak-EMLS can be considered the dominant sociotechnical regime, i.e. a relatively stable configuration of institutions, techniques, regulations, standards, production norms, practices, and actor networks. This form is dominant because of its ability to create technological, organizational, and institutional “lock-in” that ensure its persistence (Vanloqueren and Baret, 2009). In contrast, strong-EMLS, based on diversified and integrated croplivestock systems, can be considered as production niches, i.e. unstable configurations of formal and informal networks of actors in which radical innovations emerge (Geels, 2002). Depending upon biogeographical, economic (agri-food chains), and political contexts, most LS follow either weak- or strong-EMLS, from grassland-based and mixed crop-livestock systems to confinement systems. The form of EM followed strongly determines the nature and degree of the connectedness of LS to local grassland and cropping systems. Each form of EM has strengths and weaknesses at farm and localto-global levels. Accordingly, concerns about their sustainability are a subject of debate. Sustainability can be defined as the ability to maintain a state at a certain level. For agriculture, sustainability has been used to express the state in which agricultural yields are maintained within the capacity of the ecosystem supporting it. In that sense, sustainability means sustainability of the ecosystem’s function to provide food and other products and services (Kajikawa, 2008). Used in this way, it converges with the WCED’s (1987) definition of sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Most often, existing approaches to assess sustainability of a 2 “snapshot” state of agricultural systems use sustainability indicators covering the three pillars of sustainable development. Resilience thinking offers a vision of sustainability as a process for examining how to maintain system functioning in the face of perturbations (Folke et al., 2002). Persistence is born out of both resistance to change and maintenance of current states, as well as adaptive renewal leading to new states when new characteristics of the context (e.g. episodic shocks) redirect the system (Walker et al., 2004). Resilience is not driven by the identity of the elements of a system, but rather by the functions those elements provide. Assessing resilience answers two key questions: resilience of what (which system and which properties) and resilience to what (which perturbations). Most studies of resilience of agricultural systems assess whether they are able to maintain their essential attributes and functions within and across levels despite changes in specific components or activities. In contrast, Jackson et al. (2011) speak about “sustainagility” rather than resilience, focusing on actors’ capacities to adapt to meet their needs in new ways instead of remaining in current trajectories. For LS, dynamic assessment of resilience is explored less often than assessment of the state of sustainability, but it is the only one that examines their adaptive capacity and trade-offs among services (Turner, 2010). Furthermore, as for every system, analyzing sustainability of a LS requires clearly defining which components lie inside and which lie outside of its boundaries. For this, a LS can be regarded as a domain of activity within a farm that uses resources, produces services (e.g. food, fiber, biodiversity, landscape), and emits waste and pollutants or as a system embedded in larger and more complex socio-economic systems including farms (e.g. agri-food chains). The objective of this paper is to provide an integrated analysis of LS in countries where specialization and intensification of agriculture has led to negative environmental impacts and that are now seeking forms of EM to reduce these impacts while maintaining or increasing agricultural production. It focuses on the diversity of ruminant LS. Throughout the paper, strong and weak forms of EMLS are used as two ends of a continuum. We first define LS at the local level and the two corresponding forms of EM. For this, we rely on the multi-domain and multi-level (local vs. global) grid of Darnhoffer et al. (2010). We then assess LS sustainability according to the two forms of EM, both as a state, using sustainability indicators of LS, and as a process, using ecological and socioeconomic properties of the “social-ecological” system in which LS are embedded. Finally, we illustrate the application of our analytical approach to a French dairy livestock case study and a variety of other LS. CHARACTERIZING THE DIVERSITY OF LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS Livestock systems are embedded in multi-level and multi-domain agricultural systems LS, like agricultural systems in general, can be represented as a complex hierarchical nested system in which the hierarchical levels are composed of multiple subsystems in different domains: ecological and biological, economic and social (Darnhoffer et al., 2009; Ewert et al., 2011; ten Napel et al., 2011). Interactions between these subsystems occur between levels and domains (Fig. 1). In the bottom agricultural level, interacting farms and farmer networks (the farm community) are the key subsystems (Fig. 1, bottom line). They shape the agroecosystem, including crops and animals (left column), which is managed to produce food for society and income for farm families (middle column). The agroecosystem provides goods and non-market services according to local and global biophysical characteristics and farmer management practices. As for other economic actors, farmers’ behavior depends on their social, technical, economic, and political networks and environment. More precisely, their behavior may depend on the ecological context, agri-food chain(s), and social and political contexts in which their agricultural activities are embedded. All of these shape farmers’ individual lifestyles (values, preferences, representation of the farming system state and functioning, objectives and associated strategies, third column), which direct farmers towards one of the two forms of EM (weak or strong). Interactions between subsystems occur between subsystems at the same level (e.g. farm-level), between subsystems at different levels, and between domains via biophysical and socio-economic processes (e.g. nutrient flows, management practices, social interaction, economic organization) (Darnhoffer et al., 2010; Jackson et al., 2010; Ewert et al., 2011). For example, global warming depends on aggregated effects of land use and management practices and in return, it affects the 3 length of growing periods, the crops grown, and vegetation dynamics at the farm level. Interactions across domains occur at the farm level through agricultural practices that depend on biophysical conditions from field (soil and climate), farmland, and landscape levels (e.g. bioregulation). Interactions occur also across time scales at the field level (e.g. cumulative effect of soil management techniques on soil biota and structure) and at higher levels (e.g. nitrogen cascade). Figure 1. Livestock systems in their local, regional and national/global contexts: interactions between hierarchically nested levels (levels n1, 2, 3 in lines) within and between ecological, economic and social domains (columns) and main features of systems by domain and level of organization. Gray cells correspond to the local level, containing communities, farms and agroecosystems (crop, animal, habitat diversity), the level on which this paper focuses. Adapted from Darnhoffer et al. (2010). This conceptual representation of agricultural systems enables us to define boundaries of LS investigated in this paper. We focus our analysis on the local level, where farmers, farmer communities and, potentially, local market organization determine land use and land cover and accordingly their diversity and sustainability. This definition or focus is more restrictive than the one of Cabell and Oelofse (2012), who define agricultural systems as complex entities aiming to produce, distribute, and consume food, fuel, and fiber, and for which public policies intend to decrease environmental impacts of management practices (e.g. C sequestration). In our approach, the levels above the local level are the (external) environment of the LS. Of course the LS is an open system that exchanges energy, material, and information (resources) with its environment. LS involved in weak- or strong-EM differ greatly in the nature and intensity of biophysical and socioeconomic processes and interactions with their environment. Weak-EMLS, in continuity with the productivist model, is primarily underpinned by economic reasoning still based on the economy of scale, searching for the least expensive inputs from the world market (e.g. Argentine or Brazilian soybeans for European livestock farms) and marketing raw agricultural products or even biochemical components (i.e. likely to be traded on the world market). At the farm level, this led to simplification and standardization of cropping systems, animal breeds and feeding systems, and strong mechanization. A general decrease in agricultural market prices (and thus in profit per unit) over the past few decades, especially for animal products, and amortization of large farm investments has pushed farmers to increase farm sizes. Farms tend to be similar and compete to survive, including for land. Locally, they interact little and are mainly interconnected 4 through regional- to world-scale markets. At the regional-market level, the objective of decreasing costs of supplying raw materials (e.g. concentrate feed) and collecting products (e.g. milk) encourages the geographical concentration of the same type of farms and thus the specialization of farms and regions. Accordingly, farm and regional specialization are strongly linked. LS following weak-EM are strongly integrated at higher levels via their great dependence on international trade agreements and commodity prices: “economic sustainability is the foremost concern for the businesses involved, with progress on other dimensions of sustainability being developed from positions of economic viability” (Leat et al., 2011). Strong-EMLS is underpinned by diversification of crop and sometimes animal species within farms and accordingly within landscapes. This form of agriculture, based on functional complementarities between species, can also be based on taking advantage of complementarities between farms at the local level. Hence, livestock farms may buy some of the diversified production of local crop farms (e.g. protein crops) rather than raw materials from national or world markets (e.g. soybeans from other continents). Strong-EMLS offers the opportunity to organize an economy of scope (vs. of scale) at farm and local levels to build a traceable market and take advantage of production potentials (natural and social capital) of farms at the local level. This diversified local market may support development of more sovereign farms than weak-EMLS, insofar as they depend less on the global context for inputs (self-production or local exchange) and product processing and marketing (Altieri et al., 2011). Being based on agrobiodiversity, strong-EMLS are economically and environmentally sustainable, but more adaptive management is needed if they are to succeed. This requires coping with uncertainty (Williams, 2011) and renewing systems of agricultural innovation (Klerxk et al., 2012). In conclusion, weak-EMLS is more connected than strong-EMLS to levels of organization that include farms because networks of people, resources, infrastructure, markets, and institutions that are dedicated to transporting resources to farms and animal products to retailers are potentially much larger. Diversity of livestock systems at the local level Weak-EMLS is based on continually improving crop and animal performances (quantity and quality) while reducing undesirable emissions (Fig. 2) and sometimes sensitivity to adverse environmental conditions (e.g. drought, pests). Its main EM rationale is that of industrial ecology, aiming to organize interactions between subsystems of the entire production system to improve resource-use efficiency and waste recycling (Figuière and Metereau, 2012). Technology-based, precision-livestock farming is one pathway for increasing resource-use efficiency. In dairy production, for example, radio-frequency identification tags can identify cattle in computercontrolled self-feeders to adjust concentrated feed to individual daily potential milk production, while milking robots, which can estimate this potential milk production, allow cows to schedule their own milking (Gebbers and Adamchuk, 2010). Some innovations based on remote sensing for operational crop monitoring need to be organized at a regional level to process and disseminate information at low costs. One of the main objectives of weak-EMLS is to improve the “degree of circularity”, i.e. the proportion of material and energy resources recycled, which directly reflects the level of resource-use efficiency. An increase in the degree of circularity would be for example to shift from using manure directly as fertilizer to using biogas slurry as fertilizer. Some innovations consist of organizing recycling at the landscape level, for example by collecting complementary types of waste for biogas production. Strong-EMLS, based on integrating agroecosystem components and increasing agrobiodiversity to supply multiple ecosystem services to agriculture, thereby reducing the need for off-farm inputs, represents a paradigm shift from conventional systems (Koohafkan et al., 2011). The supply of ecosystem services crucially depends on maintaining biodiversity, from soil microbes to flora and fauna and their interactions (Altieri and Nicolls, 2004, Hooper et al., 2005). For example, manure applications increase diversity of microbial and invertebrate communities in soils, which in turn promotes nutrient cycling (Reganold et al., 2010). Practices implemented at the field scale can impact, by cascading effects, larger ecological scales, such as landscapes, watersheds (nitrates), and the Earth (GHG emissions) (Galloway et al., 2008; Walker, 2004). The necessary coordination of 5 land use within a territory is important to best express biological regulations and, if necessary, exchange raw materials (e.g. forage, straw, manure). Across spatial scales, agrobiodiversity can occur within fields (crop mixture), around field boundary (e.g. hedgerows, grass strips), across neighboring fields (mosaics of crop types and landuse practices), and at the landscape scale (e.g. landscape matrix, woodlots, semi-natural areas). Across temporal scales, asynchronous tilling, planting, harvesting, cover cropping, and crop rotations contribute to the maintenance of landscape-scale heterogeneity (Shennan, 2008), while no-till, permanent grasslands, or landscape infrastructures allow the natural processes of ecological succession to enhance agrobiodiversity dynamically. Regarding ruminants, diversity can be promoted raising different breeds of the same species or different species. Mixed-species stocking offers advantages for animal health (e.g. more effective parasite management) and crops (more uniform use of plants) and can spread cash flow over more than a single market (Anderson et al., 2012). Figure 2. Two forms of ecological modernization of livestock systems (EMLS), shifting from conventional agriculture to weak- and strong-EMLS, focusing on land use. Weak-EMLS is the current mainstream. Local and regional landscapes are represented by light gray and dark gray trapezoids, respectively. The figure at the top left represents a farm composed of one or more activities symbolized by slightly (weak-EMLS) or greatly (strong-EMLS) overlapping circles representing (C)rops in blue, (G)rasslands in green, and (A)nimals in orange. Mixture of species: checkered color circles; exchange of raw material: arrows within light and dark gray trapezoid for weak- and strongEMLS, respectively; disservices and inputs: pink arrows; ecosystem services: green arrows. In strong-EMLS, “integrated crop-livestock systems” offer opportunities to increase ecosystem services via spatial and temporal interactions between animals, crops, and grassland (Fig. 2): grazing crop residues; sacrifice grazing (Sanderson et al., 2013). Crops and livestocks can be integrated at the farm level but also at the local level, through networks to optimize resource allocation or create local diversified marketing channels adapted to the territory, i.e. to select crops or animals that are best suited to a given characteristic, such as soil conditions (Moraine et al., 2013). Synergistically, increasing crop-livestock integration can increase the degree of circularity of nutrients, for example transitioning from growing cover-crops in cropping systems to provide 6 ecosystem services to grazing or harvesting them to feed animals so as to produce biogas from manure (Fig. 3) (Martens et al., 2011). Figure 3. An example of management practices for enhancing recycling (arrows 3 and 4) and ecosystem services (arrows 1 and 2) while increasing fodder for ruminants (arrows 2 and 4) and energy (e.g. methanization). Management practices 1, 2 and 4 are specific to strong ecological modernization of livestock systems. SUSTAINABILITY OF LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS: ASSESSMENT, PRINCIPLES, PROCESSES Sustainability assessment of livestock system state We use well-identified sustainability indicators for LS (e.g. Lebacq et al., 2012) to assess those resulting from the two forms of EM (Table 1). For environmental criteria, strong-EMLS by definition performed better for biodiversity, soil quality, and C sequestration, due mainly to characteristics such as greater proportion of grasslands on the farm and/or crop rotation with grasslands. For nitrate losses, indoor cow feeding (weak-EMLS), where waste can be wellcontrolled, can perform better than grazing (strong-EMLS) in some situations (e.g. sandy soil coupled with rainy weather and low temperatures). For CH4 emissions, detailed description of practices is needed to compare forms of EM. For example, feeding cows with silage maize and concentrated feeds tends to have lower CH4 emissions than grass-based feeding systems, especially if linseed is added (Doreau et al., 2011). Table 1 Qualitative assessment of sustainability of livestock systems when shifting from conventional to weak- and strong-ecological modernization (EMLS) over the current context (adapted from Lebacq et al., 2013) Domain Criteria Weak-EMLS Strong-EMLS =/++ Environment Biodiversity Economy Social GHG (chemical inputs, energy consumption) Soil quality Methane C sequestration Profitability Autonomy Risk Transmissibility Internal (working condition; quality of life) External (multi-functionality of agriculture) Quality of products Sovereignty + ++ =/+ = + - (market) + (dependency +/- + + + + + (local governance) - (due to diversity) +/= +/- =/+ ? - + ? + +; =;-: improving, maintaining or deteriorating the sustainability criterion considered 7 Both forms of EM can be economically profitable. Even though strong-EMLS may have lower outputs, its inputs are also lower (e.g. fewer antibiotics and fertilizers), so that profit per output unit can increase (Lebacq et al., 2012). On the other hand, autonomy (for external financing or inputs) is by definition high for strong-EMLS systems. Risk of income variability may be lower for strongEMLS systems because they are based on an economy of scope (i.e. diversified production). However, for weak-EMLS systems, this depends on their connectivity to the agri-food chain. Farm transmissibility is also generally easier for weak-EMLS systems due to smaller farm size, but capital for machinery can be similar. For social criteria, working conditions and quality of life may differ, but each form of EM may be satisfactory because the assessment depends greatly on farmer preferences and/or lifestyles (Vanclay, 2004). However, as underlined by Tripp (2008), agroecological management is much more complex and accordingly requires advanced and continuous learning because management practices are context-dependent. External criteria are related to the multifunctionality of agriculture, which is undoubtedly greater for strong-EMLS. Product quality is not simple to compare from a human health point of view. On one hand, it can be better controlled in specialized and simplified food-chain production (weak-EMLS), but in some cases, catastrophes can occur due to strong links between components of the agri-food chain (e.g. prion crisis). Strong-EMLS, being more autonomous, has lower risk of such catastrophes. Strong-EMLS performs better from the organoleptic point of view, especially if animals are fed from natural grasslands (e.g. Coulon et al. (2004) for cheeses). For technology, strong-EMLS has higher sovereignty. For energy, however, both forms of EM can have slightly negative or even positive energetic balance due to internal energy production (e.g. biogas production or solar-energy capture). Resilience of livestock systems: a social-ecological point of view To focus on LS sustainability as a process, we rely on the comprehensive review of Biggs et al. (2012), who present three key properties of (agro)ecological systems to manage and four properties of the governance system required to ensure resilience of ecosystem services. Cabell and Oelofse (2012) propose a similar approach, while Schouten et al. (2012) propose a resilience-based framework to assess public policy regarding rural social- and economic-ecological systems. All of these authors highlight the challenge of developing adapted and fully consistent social-ecological systems, which we adapt for LS (Fig. 4). In these studies, as for Darnhoffer et al. (2010), the main issues are the agroecosystem properties to have to provide ecosystem services and the governance structures and management strategies of agroecosystems. We present below some of these key ecological and socioeconomic properties and how they are taken into account in the two forms of EM. Figure 4. The livestock system as a social-ecological system. Farmers and their communities are at 8 the interface of ecological and socioeconomic systems; by their practices they generate services, and emissions, and their practices are shaped by the socioeconomic system and climate and global changes. Key components are plants, animals, and the landscape matrix for ecological systems and retailers, consumers, and politics for socioeconomic systems. Italics indicate the main properties of these systems for enhancing development and resilience of ecosystem services. Black arrows indicate input ecosystem services, while white arrows indicate other ecosystem services. Adapted from Biggs et al. (2012) and Schouten et al. (2012). Properties of the (agro)ecological system to be managed The agroecological system is composed mainly of planned diversity (domestic plants and animals), the landscape matrix, and associated biological diversity and infrastructures (e.g. for water retention, anaerobic digestion) that determine nutrient cycling and agricultural production (Fig. 4, left side). Based on the five ecological principles proposed by Altieri (1999) for developing agroecological cropping systems (i.e. based on ecosystem services), Dumont et al. (2012) developed equivalent ones for LS: Decreasing the inputs needed for production Decreasing pollution by optimizing the metabolic functioning (nutrient cycling) of farming systems Adopting livestock management practices that aim to improve animal (and human) health Increasing biodiversity within LS to strengthen their resilience Preserving biodiversity by adapting cropping and livestock management practices The two first principles aim to increase input efficiency through relevant management, but they depend on the form of EM. For weak-EMLS, the first principle is related essentially to genetic advances, while the second one depends mainly on technology-based increases in input-use efficiency and waste recycling. For example, ammonia emissions can be reduced by storing manure in sealed tanks and then covering it after application to fields. For both EM forms, plants or industrial by-products with high water contents can be promoted for feeding animals if the places of production and use are not too far. Producing energy from waste and by-products can be done in both forms of EM. The third principle is taken into account in both types of EM but according to two different rationales. Strong-EMLS aims to render animals more resilient and less sensitive to pests to a greater extent than weak-EMLS. Productive and health viewpoints are closely interconnected and considered jointly to explain multi-factorial diseases in terms of risk factors. Improving animal health reduces emissions of pharmaceutical residues into the environment. To achieve a human-diet profile balanced in fatty acids, weak-EMLS may add linseed to the diets of ruminants fed maize and soybean (Glasser et al., 2008), whereas strong-EMLS may feed ruminants by grazing (Dewhust et al., 2006). The last two principles are core principles of strong-EMLS. They are explicitly related to agronomic practices or landscape-management strategies that intentionally incorporate functional biodiversity at multiple organizational levels and temporal scales of crop, grassland, and livestock diversity (Ostergard et al., 2010; Kremen et al., 2012; Kremen and Miles, 2012). By considering agrobiodiversity as both a resource and an output of LS, the last three principles put food and agroecosystem integrity at the core of EMLS (Dumont et al., 2012). Furthermore, they provide dualbenefit solutions by stimulating natural processes to reduce inputs and increase income. Properties of social systems that impact (agro)ecological systems directly or indirectly We selected a set of key principles for governance of social-economic systems and management of (agro)ecological systems that determine the local form of LS. Here, governance means the social and political processes that shape the management of agroecosystems and farms. Applied to agricultural systems, some of these principles are related to the economy of agri-food chains and others to agricultural innovation systems for facilitating their adaptation in a changing world (Fig. 4, right side). We examine below how some of these principles sustain only strongEMLS, while others support development of both forms of EM, but according to two different rationales. Farm profitability is needed for modern agriculture to persist, and the need for security depends upon farmers’ adversity to risk (Sander and van Ittersum, 2007). The economy of scale and 9 labor productivity remain strong driving factors for increasing farm profitability in weak-EMLS. LS involved in weak-EM are usually strongly coupled to upstream and downstream segments of agrifood chains, for which profitability depends on farm input and output markets. Due to their high specialization, they are sensitive to price volatility. Thus, reducing the number of “tightly coupled” systems, in which accidents inevitably become catastrophes, is required to prevent risks (Kirschenmann, 2010). In contrast, LS involved in strong-EM are less sensitive to exogenous influences due to their high autonomy. They can spread economic and production risks over several different enterprises, thereby taking advantage of a variety of agricultural markets (Hendrickson, 2008; Darnhoffer et al., 2010). This development of economy of scale may be amplified through high cooperation between individuals at the local level (e.g. by sharing expensive equipment such as direct seeding machines). In addition, local farmers’ markets and food cooperatives can enhance these properties by developing the exchange of protein and forage products between crop and livestock farms (Hendrickson et al., 2008). In weak-EM, knowledge production and dissemination emphasize spreading one-size-fits-all technologies such as precision agriculture. Stakeholders are organized into large networks, institutions, and lobbies that defend the merits of weak-EM and claim the need to concentrate money and effort into large companies to develop technologies (pharmaceuticals, genetics) that consume human and monetary resources. Farms are usually managed through a planned process in which necessary knowledge about the specific production situation is usually low or acquired through automatic and dedicated technologies (e.g. chlorophyll fluorescence sensors). In these systems, innovation is a top-down process in which public and private research and development provide farmers with technologies (inputs and materials) to be used in a standardized manner. In contrast, managers following strong-EM have to cope with uncertainty about biological and ecological processes that generate ecosystem services and partial control (observational uncertainty) over the effects of practices on these processes, especially input services. Furthermore, most research about ecosystem services stresses that agricultural practices aiming to increase their supply should be site-specific. Farmers have to consider the local expression of the processes involved, for example plant-animal interactions during grazing (Hodgson, 1985), soil-animal interactions to manage parasites during grazing (Dumont et al., 2012), and plant-soil interactions for nutrients (Eviner, 2008; Tomich et al., 2010). Most often, farmers incorporate traditional cultivation techniques with modern knowledge (Doré et al., 2011). They practice strong adaptive management, which consists of active monitoring of and feedback from the effects and outcomes of decisions. In this way, farmers learn that consequential actions are always necessarily specific (Jiggins and Röling, 2000). Furthermore, farmers are organized into grassroots networks and institutions for reflexive analysis and sharing of learning. The on-farm innovation implemented in strong-EMLS is usually collaborative (sharing information through field visits). It is based on developing coordination between actors to coproduce knowledge and technology, possibly supported by participatory and interdisciplinary research (Knickel et al., 2009). This so called “agricultural innovation system” supports social involvement i.e. engaging in social exchange. From ecological and social properties to the resilience of sustainable livestock systems Walker et al. (2004) define resilience of a social-ecological system as its “capacity to absorb disturbance, undergo change and retain the same essential functions, structure, identity and feedbacks”. Disturbance can result from slow processes (e.g. climate change, change in consumer behavior) or fast changes (e.g. price volatility, strong drought, animal health crises, certain regulations and norms). For slow changes in the environment of LS, incremental adaptations for both forms of EMLS may be sufficient to maintain farm profitability. However, beyond a certain threshold of disturbance, a specialized farm based on weak-EM may be endangered because incremental technological innovations may no longer maintain profitability or meet environmental standards (e.g. Belgian blue cattle system in Schiere et al., 2012). In contrast, strong-EMLS may resist strong perturbations such as recurrent droughts due to complementarities between diversified organisms (e.g. equilibrium among species with differing drought sensitivities in crop and grassland mixtures), increased biophysical capacities (e.g. soil water-holding capacity in conservation agriculture), or breeding of native livestock breeds. Less diversified farms need to reduce their sensitivity to profit margins, 10 especially when no government subsidies exist to compensate for losses. Ways to do so include irrigating forage crops (if possible) or buying insurance to anticipate abnormal weather years. In the same vein LS involved in weak-EM can decrease their sensitivity to price volatility of inputs (e.g. soybean) and outputs (e.g. meat) by signing contracts with pre-defined prices with companies for supplying and with retailers for selling. In general, strengths and weaknesses of the two forms of EM will depend on trade-offs between economic and social/policy drivers at national or global levels (n3 in Fig. 1). At these levels, the more negative externalities are addressed with norms, regulations, or taxes and the more scarce resources become, the more the context will be favorable for strong-EM. At the local level, synergies between farmers and consumers that promote local markets, possibly supported by local or national policies via subsidies or advertising, can favor the emergence of niches that are based on strong-EM principles (Geels, 2005). Adapting LS to improve their resilience can lead to managing trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services. For example, assessments of French LS (based mainly on weak-EM) show, especially for dairy farms, a reduction in GHG emissions of 15-25% from 1990-2010, while milk production per cow increased (Dollé et al., 2013). However, there was great variability among systems (up to 30%), meaning that many livestock farms can achieve greater reductions. Thus, synergies requiring greater agrobiodiversity may need to be sought to decrease impacts. To reduce trade-offs between animal production and GHG emissions, relevant management practices must also provide an economic benefit for farmers (Sanderson et al., 2013). However, diversifying land use by increasing bioenergy production may create trade-offs in land use at local and regional levels (Sanderson et al., 2013). Adaptations of LS also raise the issue of their adaptive capacities linked to their path dependency, i.e. how their past development largely determines their future path (Cabell and Oelofse, 2012). Farms involved in weak-EMLS may have great difficulty adopting the principles that sustain strong-EMLS due to technical, organizational and “lock-ins”. For example, increasing dairyfarm profitability by increasing farm size and mechanization (e.g. milking robots) can decrease cow grazing, and thus benefits associated with grazed grass. ANALYSIS OF EMERGENT AND CONVENTIONAL LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS Comparison of conventional dairy farms to those involved in sustainable farm networks in Brittany Most farming systems in Brittany are dairy farms (17,000 out of 37,000 farms). Since the 1950s, concentration of livestock has induced strong economic and social development, but also public concern about human health hazards, food security, and environmental problems (AcostaAlba et al., 2012). Governments have set targets for decreasing environmental impacts based on scientific recommendations and conclusions at national (e.g. the French “Grenelle Environnement”), European (e.g. EU Water Framework Directive), and global scales (e.g. Kyoto Protocol); so, there are specific regulations and high pressure to adapt current dairy systems into more sustainable ones. Two main pathways corresponding to weak and strong-EMLS processes are observed. The main and more developed path, supported by the dominant agricultural political movement, encourages farmers to optimize their systems by providing relevant tools such as planning and monitoring to manage grazing and farm-gate nutrient budgets to manage nitrogen. In France, an alternative option is supported by farm networks called CIVAM that promote sustainable agriculture by implementing innovative ways to develop agriculture and rural activities as a part of sustainable territorial development. They promote and develop strategies to enhance the technical and decisional sovereignty of farmers and exchanges with local communities. They attempt to answer local questions from a global perspective about the functions and place of agriculture in society (RAD, 2013). Farmers in these networks are more familiar with self-organization, reflexive analysis, and sharing experiences than most farmers involved in conventional dairy systems. Based on their personal experiences and histories, farmers can identify their sustainability priorities so as to improve their environment, solidarity, product quality, economic efficiency, and quality of life. Each farmer has a personal vision of the progress that he or she can accomplish. The agricultural innovation system that sustains these farmer networks is based fully upon the social principles mentioned above. The goal of farmer networks is to move forward together, exchanging experiences 11 and viewpoints. For this, farmer networks organize local exchanges and training during economic and technical field trips. As for economic principles, farmers aim to be globally self-sufficient and locally interdependent. However, since farm size is small, most CIVAM farmers specialize in dairy production. In addition to these principles, they contract for specifications, including 75% of forage resources coming from grasslands, < 50 kg/ha of synthetic N fertilizer applied to grasslands, no bare soil in winter, rotation length > 3 years, only a small area in silage maize, and no plastic film used to grow maize. However, some ecosystem services requiring specific crop spatial arrangements cannot be implemented because farmers involved in these farm networks are spreading in the landscape. Table 2. Comparison of conventional dairy farms and “sustainable dary farm network” in Brittany Domain Criteria Civam Conventional Structure Agricultural land (ha) 64 71 Animal unit (dairy cows) 75 (49) 96 (48) Land use and Stocking rate (number of animal 1.28 1.61 management units per ha) Land use in ha 45/8/12 40/15/15 (grassland/maize/crops) Maize for silage (%SFP) 12 37 Hedge (ml/ha) >150 linear No obligation meter/ha Economy Inputs (euros/ha) 100 240 Milk / cow (kg) 5749 6636 Food cost (euros/1000l) 78 120 Mechanization cost (euros/ha) 400 500 Farm incomes (euros) 134718 157309 Gross operating profit (euros) 53365 42291 Environment Pesticide treatment frequency for 0.83-1.24 1.66 maize ** GHG emissions (CH4, CO2, N2O 1100 1100 (kg eq CO2/1000l) * Net GHG emissions kg eq 874 1018 CO2/1000l) *Less CH4 emissions for conventional farms; More C sequestered for Civam farms due to grasslands and hedges ** number of applications with standard approved dosages Comparing land use and management and criteria for economic and environmental sustainability for conventional farms in weak-EM and CIVAM farms in strong-EM, crops and grasslands are more diversified in CIVAM farms (Table 2). Milk production per cow for CIVAM farms is lower, but economic results are higher due to lower costs of mechanization and chemical inputs; however, land required per cow, and even more so per kg of milk produced, is higher. Clear differences are found for pesticide applications number, but differences in GHG emissions are small. Clear advantages for environment appear for CIVAM farms only when assuming C sequestration by their large areas of semi-permanent grasslands (Le Rohellec and Mouchet, 2008; Le Rohellec et al., 2011). Recognized types of sustainable livestock systems Organic agriculture: the example of beef farms Organic farming, which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides), livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms, is considered as one form of sustainable agriculture (Francis, 2009). Some ecological principles on which organic farming is based correspond to those we defined above for strong-EMLS (e.g. crop diversity, soil management, animal health). Moreover, many organic farmers are organized in networks for sharing information (Francis, 2009). In a recent review, Gomiero et al. (2013) found 12 that energy consumption and GHG emissions were lowest for organic vs. conventional dairy farms in Europe, regardless of the functional unit of measure (per ha or per l of milk). These authors pointed out that multicriteria analysis based on key indicators is essential, because some systems may have an advantage for one criterion (e.g. CH4 emissions) but a disadvantage for another (e.g. eutrophication). However, being based on contractual obligations for inputs but not results, organic farming does not explore all the possibilities offered by agroecological principles. To bridge the productivity gap between organic and conventional agricultures, experts involved in organic agriculture recently suggested promoting “ecofunctional intensification”, defined as stimulating more knowledge and achieving a high degree of organization per land unit (Niggli et al., 2008), both of which are similar to the principles described above for strong-EM. Comparison of productive, environmental, and economic performances of organic vs. conventional specialized suckler cattle farms in France showed the former to have lower meat production (by -18 to -37% per ha) but also lower GHG emissions per ha (and per kg of animal liveweight depending on system intensification) when taking C sequestration into account (Veysset et al., 2011). Operational costs of organic beef farms decreased due to a decrease in inputs (-9 to 52%), while farm income decreased an average of approximately 20% (Veysset et al., 2011). In these, LS based on natural permanent grasslands, combining improved grass species with biological fertilizers on a small portion of the grazing area, could be one mechanism for turning cows out to pasture earlier, thereby reducing the length of the indoor feeding period. In the USA, alternative beef-production systems (e.g. organic, grass-fed) offer consumers and producers alternatives to conventional beef production, but their production costs are usually higher (Mathews and Johnson, 2013). Beef produced from these systems has different properties (e.g. resource and other input use, GHG emissions, animal welfare, processing and food safety/security concerns) that may appeal to various consumers. In their analysis, Mathews and Johnson (2013) emphasized that the trade-offs associated with each system can influence their attractiveness to consumers. For example, grass-based systems can produce a better fatty-acid profile for meat and accordingly human health properties, while incentives for LS in marginal lands can increase GHG emissions. What about integrated crop-livestock systems? The number of mixed crop-livestock farming systems, in which some of the crops are sold, has greatly declined in Europe and North America since the Second World War. However, integration of crops and livestock at the farm level, as already mentioned, is expected to provide many advantages (Wilkins, 2008). Currently, mixed-farming systems are concentrated in less favorable areas where soil heterogeneity offers opportunities to grow crops for forage and for sale (Ryschawy et al., 2012). In this context, the environmental and economic performances of such systems are usually greater than those of specialized farms. However, in specialized crop or livestock regions, many authors claim that, given the economic context, area-wide integration can be more successful than only farm-level integration (Entz and Thiessen-Martens, 2009). Area-wide integration of crops and livestock can be an option to deal with a range of environmental and economic issues (e.g. nutrient surplus, water shortage, low forage self-sufficiency of livestock farms) or challenges (e.g. decreasing chemical inputs of crop farms). It is based on exchanges of forage, grain, by-products, and manure between specialized crop and livestock farms and can be implemented through weak- or strong-EMLS. For the former form, it may consist of common facilities for producing energy from crop residues as well as manure, straw, or grain exchanges. It requires the proximity of crop and livestock operations unless products are dehydrated (Bell and Moore, 2012). For the latter form, it can occur by introducing legumes in rotations of specialized cash crop farms to be sold as hay or dehydrated product. This increases fertility and biological regulations, decreasing chemical inputs to crop farms while providing fodder for livestock farms (Sanderson et al., 2013). More broadly, crop and livestock integration at different spatial and temporal scales can constitute an ultimate form of strong-EMLS when designed to enhance a large set of ecosystem services (Lovell et al., 2010; Francis and Porter, 2011; Moraine et al., 2013). CONCLUDING REMARKS Focusing on LS at the local level and their land-use dimensions, we described and assessed 13 sustainability of two ideal forms of EM of these systems: weak- and strong-EM, representing two extremes of a continuum. They are based partly upon similar ecological and socioeconomic principles but are implemented differently. For weak-EMLS, reducing negative impacts of LS on the environment is achieved by increasing input-use efficiency and waste recycling, while for strongEMLS, in addition to these practices, it comes from promoting ecosystem services based on biodiversity. Reducing climate and economic risks occurs via insurance and contract for weakEMLS but via diversified farming and agrobiodiversity for strong-EMLS. Organic agriculture can contribute to strong-EMLS; however, since the former is based on contractual obligations for inputs but not results, it can fail to fully exploit ecological and socioeconomic principles that ground strongEMLS. Crop and livestock integration can constitute an ultimate form of strong-EMLS when designed to enhance a large set of ecosystems and based on area-wide integration. In developed countries, weak-EMLS is the dominant sociotechnical regime, and organic and integrated croplivestock farms are at the niche state. Strong-EMLS is only now emerging. In agreement with Baccon et al. (2012), we illustrated that development of EMLS forms depends on institutional contexts. Strong-EMLS may be favored by institutional environments that specifically promote diversified farming systems, limit synthetic inputs and natural resources use, and enhance the social benefits of sustainable agriculture. In contrast, weak-EMLS is driven mostly by the economic dimension of sustainability. More pronounced forms of weak-EMLS have strong path-dependency in the face of change, which may limit their ability to deal with radically new environmental norms and market conditions (Sutherland et al., 2012). Assessing sustainability of the many existing and developing LS in different geographical areas within a country can help politicians adapt their policies to meet their objectives. For example, in Europe, it can help in choosing a balance between direct payments to farmers for conditional observance of environmentally friendly practices and return payments that compensate additional costs and income losses when implementing agroecological practices that go beyond standard good farming practices. It can also help evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of conservation easements (i.e. for long-term ecosystem services) or market credits (e.g. for C sequestration). Acknowledgements This paper has benefited of discussions that occurred in two projects: O2LA (Locally Adapted Organisms and Organizations; ANR-09-STRA-08) funded by the French Agency for Research and CANTOGETHER (Crops and ANimals TOGETHER) funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Biotechnology). References Acosta-Alba, I., S. Lopéz-Ridaura, H. M.G. van der Werf, P. Leterme, and M. S. Corson. 2012. 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