1 SECONDARY SUPPLEMENTARY BOOK SELECTION PROCEDURES The supplementary book selection process provides accountability to our patrons by establishing uniform guidelines for the selection of supplementary books, supporting efforts to maintain a consistent district academic program, and preventing the overlap of materials from grade to grade. The District Secondary School Supplemental Book Committee will be made up of the following: High School 5 parents/patrons representing high schools; 1 from each trustee zone 2 teachers from each large (traditional) high school* 1 teacher from each small (school of choice) high school* School Librarians from each high school* District English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator District Library Curriculum Coordinator District Secondary Academic Coach* Middle School 5 parents/patrons representing middle schools; 1 from each trustee zone School Librarians from each middle school* 1 teacher from each middle school* 1 teacher from each middle school (including K-8 schools)* District English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator District Library Curriculum Coordinator District Secondary Academic Coach* *Qualifies for Teacher Leadership Award The District Secondary Supplemental Book Committee (DSSBC) will meet annually (either in June or August prior to the start of each school year) to review the supplemental book list and consider new proposals. Middle School and High School committees will meet separately except to consider requests to move a title between the high school book and middle school book lists. The review of the supplemental book list will include examining titles currently listed on the supplemental book list to ensure curriculum alignment and reading level of each book. The committee will also consider requests to move a title from one grade level to another grade level, and make recommendations for removing obsolete titles from the book list, moving titles from one grade level to another, and adding proposed titles to the book list. The book list will be presented to the school board for final approval annually. Revised April 30, 2014 2 How Do I Request Addition or Change of a Title to the Supplementary Book List? 1. Before proposing a title to the District Supplemental Book Committee, a teacher OR parent must check to see if the book already is listed on the Elementary or Secondary Supplementary Book Lists. (If it is, then follow the procedure stated below for challenging the placement of a book if a challenge of placement is desired.) If the book is not already designated for another grade level, a teacher can then submit the title to the school’s representative for the District Supplemental Book List Committee. 2. The teacher OR parent completes the supplemental book proposal form and forwards it to his/her building representative serving on the District Supplemental Book Committee. Each building’s member(s) of the District Supplemental Book List Committee will forward his/her school’s completed proposals to the English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator. 3. All proposals for additions or changes to the supplemental book list must be received by the building representative on or before April 30th of each year (date for 2013-2014 school year is May 15). 4. All building level proposals for changes to the supplemental book list must be received by the district English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator on or before May 15th of each year (date for 2013-2014 school year is May 30). 5. At the district committee meeting, the literary merit and curricular ties of proposed books will be discussed. Decisions about supplementary books should be reached by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote will be taken for a super-majority rule (2/3rds = super-majority). 6. Titles recommended by more than one grade level will be placed with the grade level with the strongest curriculum tie as determined by the district committee. 7. The master Supplementary Book List will be updated annually. 8. Approval of new titles to the supplementary book list does not mean that district funding for new titles will be provided. 9. Please do not submit titles for which the literary merit is weak or nonexistent. Revised April 30, 2014 3 Characters: The characters are convincing and credible, show growth and development, and exhibit strengths and weaknesses. What constitutes literary merit? Plot: The plot follows the basic beginning, middle, and end structural elements for the literary time period. Theme: The theme reflects developmental values inherent in growing up, expands vision of life in general and in human nature in particular. Point of View: The narration is skillful and consistent throughout the book (may include more than one narrator) Setting: The setting is clear, believable, authentic, and creates a vivid picture with just enough details. Style: The author skillfully utilizes literary devices, tone and language appropriate to the style, plot, and characters of the text, avoiding clichés. Other: The book is considered a model of literature for the audience it was written for and time period in which it was written as supported by literary criticism and book reviews from professionally recognized sources. Revised April 30, 2014 4 PROPOSAL FOR ADDITION/CHANGE TO SECONDARY SUPPLEMENTARY BOOK LIST Your Name and Title ____________________________________ Date __________ (teacher, parent, etc.) Title of Book: __________________________________________________ Author: _______________________________________________________________ Publisher: ________________________________ Copyright: __________ Number of pages _______ Lexile (found on lexile.com) _____________ Proposed for which list: A. Protected: _______ If so, for which grade level and/or course? ________________________________ OR B. Open ___________ Is this a new proposal or a request for a change: NEW __________ CHANGE__________ If this is a new proposal, complete Part A. If this is a proposal for a change, complete Part B: *********************************************************************** ******* PART A: 1. What is the literary merit of this book? 2. How specifically does this book fit with curriculum goals and outcomes for this grade level and/or course? Be specific. List more than standards numbers. There must be a tie to concept based units as well as standards. Revised April 30, 2014 5 3. What is the justification for placing the book on the protected or open book list? PART B: 1. What is the justification for changing the book’s placement on the supplemental list? Be specific. Include more than just standards numbers when referencing specific standards. Revised April 30, 2014 6 APPROVAL TO SEND BOOK TO DISTRICT COMMITTEE (signature does not designate agreement regarding the book’s appropriateness or literary merit, but does indicate that the department chair, school librarian and principal are aware of the book proposal): English Department Chair (if secondary school): _________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date School Librarian (if secondary school): _________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Building Principal: __________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Building Representative for the District Secondary Supplemental Book Committee (if secondary): __________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Date Received by Building Representative for the District Secondary Supplemental Book Committee: ________ Date Received by the District English Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator: ________ *Keep a copy of form on file at the school and send the original to the district Language Arts Coordinator. Revised April 30, 2014