Bulletin - Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

Welcome to Cornerstone Church!
2nd Sunday of Advent/Blue Jean Sunday, December 8, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Welcome! We are so glad you chose to spend your Sunday with us.
Chiming of the Trinity
Word of Welcome! “God is Good! All the Time!”
Reverend Cromie
Bringing in the Light
Presentation of the Bible
Call to Worship
Mary Gardiner
Christmas Carol #38 “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear,” verses 1 & 4
Director of Music, Susan Rovira
Lighting of the Advent Candle
The Hughes Family
Praise Song “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”
Call to Confession
Kathy Genus
Unison Prayer of Confession
Kathy Genus
Declaration of God’s Love and Forgiveness
Kathy Genus
Congregational Response #49 “Once in Royal David’s City,” vs. 1 & 2
Time for Children and Children’s Offering*
Anthony Maimone
Ritual of Friendship (print your name in Friendship Pad) Lisa Capurso
Reverend Cromie
Joys & Concerns
Bob Wegner
Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer
Kathy Genus
Time of Greeting
Lisa Capurso
Christmas Carol #9 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” vs. 1 & 3
Introduction to the Offertory
Lisa Capurso
Offertory Anthem “Say He Will Come”
Cornerstone Choir
Congregational Response “Give Thanks”
Prayer of Dedication
Lisa Capurso
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Reverend Cromie
Meditation: Advent Sermon Series: The Saving Light in Bethlehem
Week 2: “In the Darkness of Death, There is the Light of Life and Love”
Reverend Cromie
Christmas Carol “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”
Benediction (Please join hands in a circle.)
Reverend Cromie
* Children in Kindergarten through High School may leave for Sunday School.
Next Sunday, December 15th, is the third Sunday of Advent! We will continue the
Sermon Series “The Saving Light in Bethlehem” with “Week 3: In the Darkness of Fear
there is the Light of Joy,” with a sermon based on Luke 2:8:11. Join us! All are
On December 15th we will have our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant! All
children are invited to participate – talk to Kristen DiGirolamo with any questions. Please
have children arrive at church by 9:45 to get ready. On 12/15, we will also have a bible
dedication for all children in 3rd and 4th grades. Join us for this special worship service!
The Christmas Joy Offering will be accepted throughout the month of December with a
special collection on December 22nd and 24th. Envelopes are available if needed. Gifts
to the Christmas Joy Offering will be distributed equally to the Assistance Program of the
Board of Pensions and to support student scholarships at Presbyterian-related racial
ethnic schools and colleges.
This evening a group from Cornerstone will go caroling to local members and shutins. Meet at the McDonalds near McAuliffe at 5:30 PM. ALL are welcome to join the fun!
Our Thanks to our Elders as Members of our Session
Clerk of Session: Sharron A. Smith
2013: Denise Mudalel, Lisa Capurso, Okoro Okparaeke, Chuck Calhoun
2014: Dominique Robert, Todd Moyer, Kellie Pushko, Bruce Thompson
2015: Barbara Dougherty, David LaCross, Gail Carlson, Wendy Barone
The next Session meeting includes a Christmas Potluck Dinner 12/18, at 6 PM.
Our Board of Deacons – thank you for your service!
2013 Betty Thompson (Moderator), Laurie Wegner
2014 David Carlson, Sueli Paes de Barros
2015 Laura Stone
Pastor: Courtney Cromie, 732-928-2424, or 561-703-2263
Director of Music: Susan Rovira, 609-371-1473
Seminary Intern for Outreach, Mission and Evangelism: Kathy Genus, 732-585-3290
Pastoral Seminary Intern: Anthony Maimone, 732-722-8006
Part-time Youth Director: Mary Gardiner, 706-358-8128
Director of Christian Education: Kristen DiGirolamo, 732-657-7808
Treasurer: Tina Kas, 732-928-1778
Administrative Secretary: Elizabeth Hughes, 732-833-6857
Nursery Care: Courtney Miner
Stewardship – thank you to all who have pledged your time, talent, and financial
support for 2014! It’s not too late - pledge sheets are available on the back tables!
Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study is led by Pastor Courtney and meets every
Tuesday morning from 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM at the home of Elizabeth Hughes. The
women are doing a Beth Moore DVD study called David: Seeking a Heart Like His. All
women are welcome!
Angel Tree – This year we are supporting a group of 12 single moms who are members
and friends of the Bayhead Methodist Church who were affected by Superstorm Sandy,
and we are also sponsoring a Jackson family in need. Please visit our angel tree if you
can help! Gifts should be returned to church by Sunday, December 15. THANK YOU!
The Adult Book Study will continue on Tuesday Dec 10th at 6:30 PM at the home of
Bob & Laurie Wegner. The study is based on the book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to
Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. All adults welcome!
The Cornerstone Choir rehearses on Thursdays at DeBows Methodist Church at
7:15 PM. All are welcome to join this fantastic group of people! Feel free to stop by
rehearsal, or contact Susan Rovira, srplus3@comcast.net, for more information.
Shop Rite Gift Cards are available for you to purchase each Sunday before worship,
and 5% of the purchase price goes directly to the church. Thanks to all, we have raised
$9730 for the Foundation Fund. For more information, contact Vernice DaConceicao.
OPEN HOUSE/JEWELRY PARTY on December 15th: On Sunday, 12/15 at 1:00 PM,
Pastor Courtney will host an open house with hot chocolate and cookies. Paparazzi
Jewelry will also be available, with a portion of the sales being donated to Cornerstone!
They feature a wide assortment of jewelry, scarves, accessories, and children’s items.
No pressure to buy - all are invited for fellowship and fun! The open house will be at the
Hughes’s home (5 Kindling Way). Please RSVP to Elizabeth or Pastor Courtney.
The Youth Christmas Party will be on Sunday, December 15th from 4:00-6:30 PM at
the home of the Calhoun’s (4 Dolphin Ct). Games, food & FUN - bring a $10 gift to
swap. Talk to Mary Gardiner or Pastor Courtney for more information on youth group.
Volunteers scheduled for Sunday, December 15th:
 Set-up: The Maimone Family
 Greeters: George & Joan Nebel
Cornerstone Meets at McAuliffe Middle School
35 South Hope Chapel Road, Jackson
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 140, Jackson, NJ 08527
732-928-2424. E-mail: pastor@cornerstonechurchofjackson.org
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
A place where you can be who you are.
“Building Community on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ”
Mission Statement:
We the people of Cornerstone
Are a part of God’s Grand Adventure to:
Ground our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ,
Build up each other in love through prayer, words and deeds,
And to create God’s community in Jackson and beyond.
Sunday December 8, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Poinsettia Dedications
Marye Barbagallo
Wendy Barone
In honor of God’s faithful servants in Cornerstone Church
Ed and Joan Breuninger
In memory of the Breuninger and Rosenbower families
Gail and David Carlson
In memory of loved ones
Rev. Courtney Cromie
In honor of the staff & leadership of Cornerstone Church
In memory of the Reverend Richard M. Cromie, beloved
Lois Fox
In memory of Charles J. Fox, husband
James and Elizabeth Hughes
In memory of our loved ones who have passed
Deborah LaCross
In memory of my mother, Estelle Jennings
Victoria Leach
In memory of my mother, Diane Stackhouse Caso
Joan Mallison
In memory of our parents
Patti Miller
In memory of my parents, Bob and Janet Forlenza
Joan and George Nebel
In memory of our parents
Betty O’Brien
Mike, Kellie, Tyler & Ryan Pushko In memory of loved ones
Betty and Bruce Thompson
In Memory of our parents
Bob Wegner
In memory of Mary Rose Wegner
Poinsettia Dedications
Marye Barbagallo
Wendy Barone
In honor of God’s faithful servants in Cornerstone Church
Ed and Joan Breuninger
In memory of the Breuninger and Rosenbower families
Gail and David Carlson
In memory of loved ones
Rev. Courtney Cromie
In honor of the staff & leadership of Cornerstone Church
In memory of the Reverend Richard M. Cromie, beloved
Lois Fox
In memory of Charles J. Fox, husband
James and Elizabeth Hughes
In memory of our loved ones who have passed
Deborah LaCross
In memory of my mother, Estelle Jennings
Victoria Leach
In memory of my mother, Diane Stackhouse Caso
Joan Mallison
In memory of our parents
Patti Miller
In memory of my parents, Bob and Janet Forlenza
Joan and George Nebel
In memory of our parents
Betty O’Brien
Mike, Kellie, Tyler & Ryan Pushko In memory of loved ones
Betty and Bruce Thompson
In Memory of our parents
Bob Wegner
In memory of Mary Rose Wegner
Anthony Maimone will be leading a new Adult Sunday School class starting on
December 15th before worship at 9:00 AM. The title of the class is: Acts of the Apostles:
Activities of the Early Church & Spiritual Realm. All adults are welcome and encouraged
to participate!
December 24, 2013
4:30 PM
McAuliffe Middle
This year we are blessed to have McAuliffe Middle School available to
us again for our Christmas Eve worship! There will be limited
setup/breakdown since the school is closed for the week. There will
be one nativity and communion service with candlelight FOR ALL at
4:30 PM. Join us to hear the Story of Christmas and the miracle of
Jesus’s birth, and share in Communion as we gather together for this
very special worship service.
Anthony Maimone will be leading a new Adult Sunday School class starting on
December 15th before worship at 9:00 AM. The title of the class is: Acts of the Apostles:
Activities of the Early Church & Spiritual Realm. All adults are welcome and encouraged
to participate!
December 24, 2013
4:30 PM
McAuliffe Middle
This year we are blessed to have McAuliffe Middle School available to
us again for our Christmas Eve worship! There will be limited
setup/breakdown since the school is closed for the week. There will
be one nativity and communion service with candlelight FOR ALL at
4:30 PM. Join us to hear the Story of Christmas and the miracle of
Jesus’s birth, and share in Communion as we gather together for this
very special worship service.