Distance Learning Procedures Manual November 11, 2013 Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................... 2 Distance Learning Instruction at Southeastern Technical College .......................... 2 Regulatory Requirements ............................................................................................. 3 Institutional Commitment ............................................................................................. 4 Offering an Online Course or Hybrid Course ............................................................. 5 Attendance .................................................................................................................. 6-7 Online Attendance Hybrid Attendance Technology and Training for Online Instructors ..................................................... 7-9 Curriculum and Instruction .......................................................................................... 9 Faculty Support ........................................................................................................... 10 Instructional Staff Work Assignments Instructional Staff Work Assignment Adjustments Student Support ..................................................................................................... 10-11 Evaluation and Assessment .................................................................................. 12-13 Proctoring ............................................................................................................... 13-14 STC Proctoring Procedure.......................................................................... 15-17 STC Proctoring Policy ...................................................................................... 18 STC Mission Statement/Online Learning Mission Statement .................................. 19 STC Library Resources Available to Online Students ............................................. 20 Distance Learning Survey of Online Faculty ....................................................... 21-22 Links to Distance Learning Forms *STC Institutional Review Process (IRP) *Instructional Process Evaluation Instrument (IPEI) *Master Course Review *Instructor Self Review Preface The primary purpose of this manual is to help ensure that a high level of quality learning and quality teaching occurs in online and other distance learning courses. The expected outcome of this effort is that students, teachers, and other affected parties can be assured that distance learning courses are consistent with the same courses offered in the traditional setting and that all courses are of the highest quality possible. Southeastern Technical College (STC) has well defined programs of study with well defined courses within the programs. However, in this document, the reader may notice the terms programs and courses being used interchangeably. This is commonplace in educational literature. While in a limited number of programs many courses are available online over a given period of time, courses are also available in a traditional setting. Distance Learning Instruction at Southeastern Technical College Distance learning is defined, for the purposes of this manual, as a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction occurs when student and instructor are not in the same physical location. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. Distance learning instruction can include instruction over Polycom, or web-based instruction (online, hybrid, and web-enhanced instruction) using the Internet. A number of traditional courses are offered in a synchronous manner through utilization of a distance learning system known as Polycom. Polycom is a two-way interactive video and audio network and is primarily utilized to offer courses from the main campus in Vidalia to the Swainsboro campus using a dedicated T-1 line. With Polycom, the instructor can be physically located on either campus. Since the students on both campuses are receiving the same information simultaneously, and the instructor can interact with students on both campuses, the instruction (content, interaction, etc.) is the same. However, the focus of this manual is on asynchronous courses, namely online. Web-based instruction can be delivered in three ways: online classes, web-enhanced classes, and hybrid classes. Online classes refers to students who complete 100% of the required contact hours completely online without classroom visits—except for proctored events, or a required class meeting. Web-enhanced courses require students to complete 100% of the contact hours traditionally by attending classes on campus while being introduced to the Angel platform or other Learning Management System as part of the course requirements. The advantage to web-enhanced classes is that students have access to the instructor, and they may also have access to recorded lectures, videos, discussion boards, online tests, presentations, and many other resources that will enhance student learning. Hybrid classes require students to complete a minimum of 60% of the required contact hours traditionally by attending classes on campus while completing the remaining portion online at the student’s convenience with respect to the instructor’s requirements. Hybrid courses foster increased interaction and contact among students and between the instructor and the students. As a participating member of the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC), a statewide consortium of technical colleges, STC offers online courses (also known as web courses). The Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) works in a collaborative manner with TCSG to create occupational courses and programs using a standardized curriculum delivered over the Internet and through local centers. GVTC brings together the resources of 25 technical colleges to expand online program offerings giving students more technical education options. STC’s relationship with GVTC can be likened to a 2 group of colleges that work together to undertake an enterprise which could be very cost prohibitive for an individual college working alone. GVTC serves as a clearinghouse in some ways and a resource in other ways. Aside from shared efforts to ensure quality assurance and maximize the quality of teaching and learning, STC operates as a separate entity unto itself. All curriculum-related decisions are made by STC instructors and academic administrators. Program and curriculum standards established by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) are adhered to by STC. STC awards credentials such as degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit. Online students get the same high quality instruction and course content that are provided to traditional students, minus the barriers of time and place that prevent so many from pursuing educational opportunities. STC has two designated distance education representatives who serve as the Online Academic Activities Coordinator, Angel Point of Contact, and the GVTC Coordinator who attend GVTC meetings along with peer coordinators from around the state. A platform is needed to facilitate the development, adoption, and implementation for online courses. ANGEL is the comprehensive and flexible e-learning platform developed for educators to enhance their teaching and learning environments through the use of the Internet. The ANGEL system is maintained by GVTC and updated as new and better versions become available. Reference to GVTC, ANGEL, Online Academic Activities Coordinator, Angel Point of Contact, and the GVTC Coordinator will be made throughout this manual. Regulatory Requirements Southeastern Technical College adheres to the legal and regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions in which it operates, e.g., requirements for service to those with disabilities, copyright law, state and national requirements for institutions offering educational programs, international restrictions such as export of sensitive information or technologies, etc. The STC Catalog and Handbook and Website provide evidence of an awareness of these requirements. The Student Affairs Division, which includes two Special Needs Specialists, addresses requirements for service to those with disabilities. The College maintains a policies and procedures manual which addresses legal and regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions in which the College operates. All divisions are fully aware of copyright laws and adhere strictly to the letter of said laws. Southeastern Technical College is committed to ensuring an environment for all students and employees that is fair, humane, and respectful; an environment that supports and rewards students and employees on the basis of relevant considerations, and that is free from illegal or inappropriate conduct. In an instance of perceived violation of Department or Technical College policies, standards of professional conduct or state or federal law, a member of the Technical College community may file a complaint. The following are links to the Technical College System of Georgia policy, procedure, and STC’s local procedure, which are located within the STC Policy Guide: Policy/Purpose: Local Procedure: http://www.tcsg.edu/tcsgpolicy/docs/employee_grievance_procedure_rev3.doc http://ies-pub.southeasterntech.edu/policy_guide/PPE.cfm?PPE_ID=64&admin_mode=0 3 Institutional Commitment Electronically offered programs both support and extend the roles of educational institutions. Increasingly, they are integral to academic organizations, with growing implications for institutional infrastructure. At Southeastern Technical College (STC), all online courses offered are part of existing programs of study. STC has a mission statement which was developed utilizing input of both internal and external stakeholders. The Advisory Committee for each program of study has approved the College’s mission statement. Each program of study also has its own mission statement (also known as purpose), which was developed through input from and approved by the Advisory Committee for that program. Each program’s mission statement reflects the mission statement of the College and the occupational educational needs of the population it serves. In October 2003, STC instituted an Online Learning Department to oversee all of the school’s online programs and courses. A Director of Online Learning was hired as the administrator of this department. In July 2006, STC transitioned to utilizing an Online Academic Activities Coordinator who, in conjunction with the Deans of Academic Affairs, oversees all online activities. STC’s Online Academic Activities Coordinator also served as the GVTC Coordinator. In July 2009, Southeastern Technical College and Swainsboro Technical College merged to form one college. Southeastern Technical College was retained as the name of the merged colleges. The Vidalia and Swainsboro campuses each have distance education representatives who serve as the Online Academic Activities Coordinator and the GVTC Coordinator. STC’s Online Learning Department has developed its own mission statement (see related forms), which reflects the mission statement of the College and the occupational and educational needs of the population it serves. The goals of the College with respect to student access are met whether traditionally or in an online course. In many instances, online classes are more accessible for students living further away than are traditional classes. Traditional programs of study which have or may add online courses do not represent a change to Southeastern Technical College’s stated mission and objectives. Although online courses allow the College to reach student populations beyond the local geographic area, the focus of instruction, curriculum offered, and institutional focus does not change. Since online courses that are available through programs of study are primarily within the College’s geographic area, and the online courses are qualitatively consistent with traditional courses, there is no truly significant change. Students enrolling in a program of study at Southeastern Technical College (STC) can be assured that the program of study they are entering will be sustained long enough for the student to complete the program. If a student’s program of study undergoes change through the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG)’s Instructional Faculty Consortium Committee (IFCC ) process that results in program courses being changed, students are “grandfathered in”, meaning they will be able to complete the program by meeting the original standards under which they entered the program. However, if students miss one or more semesters and reenter the program, they may be expected to complete the program under the new standards. Courses within a given program of study are offered with sufficient frequency so that students can complete a program within a reasonable time frame as stated in the STC Catalog and Student Handbook. Some courses within individual programs are offered every semester, making it possible for students to enter the program every semester. The inclusion of online courses within a given program of study often facilitates a student’s ability to finish the program within a reasonable time frame since the students are not limited to specific times and days as with traditional classes. 4 Offering an Online Course or Hybrid Course Before an instructor can offer an online course or a hybrid course, he/she must submit an Institutional Review Process Form to the Online Academic Activities Coordinator who forwards the form to a review committee comprised of key administrators familiar with online courses. Online and hybrid courses must be approved by the Institutional Review Process (IRP) committee in advance of the semester in which they are to be offered. Faculty must complete and submit an Institutional Review Form (IRP) for new online and hybrid courses and for online courses they had not previously offered, even if the courses were previously offered by another faculty member. The instructor must have a reason for offering the course online or hybrid (i.e. student demand, instructor interest) and note any special hardware/software needs/requirements. Faculty and/or the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Online Academic Activities Coordinator, will indicate expected costs on the IRP form whether for new hardware/software or for technology aids. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, with input from Deans of Academic Affairs and the Online Academic Activities Coordinator, budgets projected expenses in equipment, supplies, and/or adjunct budgets. The Online Academic Activities Coordinator, with the assistance of other IRP committee members, reviews the information and completes Section 2 of the IRP (Institutional Review Process Checklist) for the proposed course. If the Online Academic Activities Coordinator is able to answer all criteria items affirmatively, s/he presents the proposed course to other IRP committee members for their consideration and signatures. Three committee member signatures are required. However, final approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is also required. These signatures of approval complete Section 2 of the IRP. Assistance in the implementation of new online courses is available from the Online Academic Activities Coordinator, GVTC Coordinator, or peer online instructor(s), and Georgia Virtual Technical Connection personnel. [See IRP and IPEI forms included in the Links to Forms section at the end of this document]. Reliability, privacy, safety, and security for online ANGEL courses are provided by Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC). All the courses are loaded onto a server that ANGEL maintains for privacy, reliability, and security. GVTC is the contact for any “server” level administrative changes. At the end of each semester, the online student is given the opportunity to evaluate the course and the instructor using STC’s online course evaluation system. The Deans evaluate various online courses by completing the Instructional Process Evaluation Instrument (IPEI). A Master Course Review Team made up of instructors, deans, and vice presidents was created to review online and hybrid courses to determine if the course meets the basic starting requirements to be taught in the upcoming semester. This is an ongoing process and will be continued to ensure that all existing and new online and hybrid master courses are evaluated. The reviews will rotate on an annual basis; for example, online master reviews will be completed one fiscal year and hybrid master reviews will be completed the next fiscal year. Members of the review team will evaluate 1-3 courses per semester by being enrolled in the online or hybrid Angel course, and by using the STC Master Course Review Online Courses form and the STC Master Course Review Hybrid Courses form. The process is meant to be helpful to the instructors. Reviewers will contact instructors for clarification when needed because some items may be present in the Angel course, but could have been easily overlooked. Reviewers are to contact instructors immediately if anything needs to be corrected. Continuous communication between the reviewer and the instructor is encouraged so that a “yes” can be obtained in all categories of the STC Master Course Review for Online Courses form and the STC Master Course Review for Hybrid Courses form located in the Links to Forms section of this document. 5 Online instructors began using the Instructor Self-Review of Online Courses form (located in the Links to Forms section of this document) to evaluate one of their online courses per semester. The purpose of this self-review is to help pinpoint strengths and weaknesses as an instructor. Instructors are asked to be honest in critiquing their course(s) as the form is not used to penalize instruction, but to maximize quality in online courses. The completed form is given to the Dean immediately following each semester. The Dean will review the form and meet with the instructor if there are areas that need improvement. Although only one online course per instructor is evaluated each semester, the review form will hopefully entice instructors to scrutinize all of their courses in this manner. The completed Self-Review of Online Courses forms are scanned and stored on the S Drive. Self-reviews are not required for hybrid courses. Attendance It is essential that educational programs maintain requirements and standards necessary for successful employment of its graduates in business and industry. In view of the intensive nature of the educational programs, it is necessary for every student to be present and on time every day for all classes. Attendance is counted from the first scheduled class meeting of each semester. To receive credit for a course a student must attend at least 90% of the scheduled instructional time. All work missed due to tardiness or absences must be made up at the convenience of the instructor. Any student attending less than the required scheduled instructional time as noted on each syllabus will receive a "W" for the course if removed from the course on or before midterm. After the semester midterm, any student who has maintained a passing grade within a course will receive a 'WP' for the course when attending less than the required scheduled instructional time as stated on each course syllabus. If, however, the student has not maintained a passing grade, he or she will receive a 'WF' for the course. Online Attendance Attendance for online classes is a required element of the class just as it is with on campus classes. Online students will follow the same attendance procedure as traditional classes along with the following addition. STC has a minimal requirement of two contacts each week. A contact is considered as meaningful communication between the student and the instructor. This could include participating in weekly discussion boards, submitting an assignment for grading, taking a test, etc. The instructor for each course will further define what represents an acceptable contact for his/her class on the course syllabus. An absence occurs when two contacts are not made during a week. For Fall and Spring semesters, when the third absence occurs, the student will be dropped from the course. For Summer semester, when the second absence occurs, the student will be dropped from the course. Hybrid Attendance STC’s attendance procedure is followed for all hybrid classes along with the following addition. Hybrid classes require students to complete a portion of the required contact hours traditionally by attending classes on campus while completing the remaining portion online at the student’s convenience with respect to the instructor’s requirements. STC’s attendance policy located in the STC Catalog and Handbook must be followed in all hybrid classes. For the scheduled class sessions, attendance is counted from the first scheduled class meeting of each term. Three (3) tardies or early departures equal one (1) absence for the course(s) involved. In order for a student to receive credit for a course, 6 a student must attend at least 90% of the scheduled instructional time. For the distance education portion of the class, students will be required to make a minimum of one contact per week. A contact is considered as meaningful communication between the student and the instructor. This could include participating in weekly discussion boards, submitting an assignment for grading, taking a test, etc. The instructor for each course will further define what represents an acceptable contact for his/her class on the course syllabus. Each week that a contact is not made will result in one absence. When the attendance policy for the course is exceeded, the student will be dropped from the course. The course syllabus will define what percentage of the class will be on campus and what percentage will be online. All hybrid courses meet a minimum of 60 percent of the time in the classroom and a minimum of once per week. Technology and Training for Online Instructors Southeastern Tech assures adequacy of technical and physical plant facilities, including appropriate staffing and technical assistance, to support its electronically offered programs. Technical and physical plant facilities are kept up-to-date, and in many cases, advanced beyond what is used in business and industry. STC has state-of-the-art computers with full Internet access in all faculty and Academic Affairs offices. The College currently houses computer labs with 20-25 computers each that are all state-of-the art with full Internet access. Both the STC Vidalia Library and its separate computer lab in the Gillis Building have the same state-of-the art computers with full Internet access. The Swainsboro campus has a library with a computer lab available to students. Additionally, Room 2102 on the Swainsboro campus is an open computer lab with full Internet access. Southeastern Technical College’s (STC’s) budget plan provides for appropriate updating of the technologies employed. STC maintains a technology plan, which is maintained as an electronic copy and is posted on STC’s Intranet. A budget and timeline is included in the technology plan. The selection of technologies for the programs of study at STC is based on input from sources both internal and external to the College. A major source of information concerning appropriate technologies for each program grouping is the program advisory committee, composed of a minimum of five members within business and industry from the STC service area. The members are chosen because of their involvement in work environments directly or indirectly related to the program of study in their respective organizations and their desire to ensure a well-trained workforce. The committees meet twice per year and review current equipment/resources as well as make recommendations for changes and/or additions. Additional sources for information related to the selection of technologies are the staff development activities of faculty. Faculty staff development is guided by a written plan, which includes visits to businesses and industries. These visits give the faculty insight into the technologies utilized in the workplace so that they can make informed decisions concerning selection of equipment for their programs. All STC students have Remote Lab Access (RLA) via the mySTC portal on the college’s website. The RLA allows students to use the College’s software (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.) from the comfort of their own home without having to purchase it. Students save their files to their own personal folder on the College’s server. These files are backed up several times a week. STC’s staffing structure is appropriate and fully qualified to support the programs now operational and envisioned in the near future. Support staff includes the Director of Information Technology, 7 Administrators, Online Mentors or Peers, GVTC Coordinator, and the Online Academic Activities Coordinator. A minimum of two hours of staff development training in online instruction is required each fiscal year for full-time faculty. The two hours of online instruction/training is counted toward the required 50 staff development hours expected of full-time faculty each year. ANGEL training and most online related training is included in each instructor’s yearly staff development plan and is documented by their respective Dean of Academic Affairs. Verification of training is established by appropriate documentation, which is filed in the respective Dean’s office in the instructor’s records. As previously indicated, any instructor considering development and subsequent offering of an online course must go through ANGEL Orientation Training. Additional training related to online courses is also provided to online instructors. Exit surveys are often utilized for most staff development activities conducted internally, which measure the appropriateness and adequacy of the training. The College strives to assure a consistent and coherent technical framework for students and faculty. When a change in technologies is necessary, it is introduced in a way that minimizes the impact on students and faculty. Decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of online technologies are made with faculty input, administrative input, and input from the Director of Information Technology (whose department installs new hardware and software). A plan of implementation, including a time line, is shared with all affected faculty, staff, and appropriate administrators of programs impacted by the change. Instructors take the initiative in learning new software, which are primarily new versions of existing software, through a variety of means. Instructors are allowed and encouraged to include the various means (i.e. online, training, self-study, etc) in their annual staff development plan. Students are acquainted with the new software as a routine part of instruction. The College provides students with reasonable technical support for educational hardware, software, and delivery system required in a program. STC has a Director of Information Technology whose department includes full-time and part-time positions that are utilized as appropriate. The department has a link on the STC web page and ensures that a viable expansive network is maintained and updated as needed. Any online class offered by STC is accessed through the ANGEL Course Management system. Instructors will email their online students on or before the first day of the semester giving them instructions on how to access the Angel website, how to log in to Angel, and information regarding introductory assignments. Additional items to include in this introductory email can consist of what students can do if their Angel username and password combination does not work, expectations for the semester, and any other course specific information that students need to know. Even though online instructors send an introductory email to their students, students should email their online instructor on or before the first day of the semester expressing their interest in attending the course. Additionally, students are required to log into the ANGEL system and post their acknowledgement of STC policies and procedures by the third day of the semester. Failure to do so will result in being dropped as a No Show. The importance of appropriate interaction between instructor and students and among students is reflected in the design of the program and its courses, and in the technical facilities and services provided. Instructor-student interaction is assured through embedded links in the online course(s) STC offers through utilization of ANGEL and GVTC. Additionally, each online course taught at STC utilizes discussion forums where students respond to questions or scenarios posted by their instructor. Students are also required to respond to other students’ responses to ensure both student-to-instructor interaction as well as student-to-student interaction. 8 There is also a procedure in place regarding instructor response time. The instructor will do his or her best to immediately respond to all student email and phone messages. STC and its instructors realize that when an online student has a question, he or she may not be able to continue class work until that question is answered. Email is the best method for an online student to contact his or her instructor. Instructors will reply to all email by the following business day. Additionally, online instructors are required to check email at least once over the weekend and daily if tests or assignments are scheduled during this timeframe. Students can refer to the course syllabus section of Angel, which provides online students with times and dates they can expect their instructor to be available for personal contact (phone calls or on campus visits.). Curriculum and Instruction STC Instructors, Deans of Academic Affairs, and the Online Academic Activities Coordinator evaluate each program to determine the need for offering programs online based on institutional, instructor, and student needs. A formalized process is in place for online course development. Curricular decisions are fundamentally the same for online classes as for traditional classes. Fully credentialed administrators, faculty, and staff are involved throughout the process from conception to implementation. All required information critical to evaluations during the development process will be provided to the Deans of Academic Affairs and the Online Academic Activities Coordinator. Online courses as components of programs of study must meet the same rigor and breadth as courses offered through other formats. Appropriate instructional materials are located within each STC online ANGEL class under the Course Work Tab and are readily available to students. In designing an electronically offered degree, diploma, or certificate program, the College provides a coherent plan for the student to access all courses necessary to complete the program. Students are notified of program requirements through the GVTC Webpage, the STC Webpage (Online Learning Tab), instructors, and program advisors. Faculty advisors review the GVTC Course Catalog a minimum of once a semester and ensure students are advised of all courses that are available online from all 25 technical colleges through GVTC. If STC does not provide a required program course students may need in a given semester, the students are advised as to where, how, and when to obtain the required course if available through GVTC from another member college. STC follows the guidelines established by TCSG concerning course transferability. Students who desire to transfer into an STC program from other institutions are required to secure transcripts and other school records, which indicate credit earned and work accomplished. The Registrar evaluates the transcripts for transfer credit upon request from the student. To be eligible for transfer credit, the course must be essentially the same content as the STC course; the course must have the same number of credit hours (or greater) as the STC course; the student must have earned a C (2.0) or better in the course; and the course must have been taken within the five years prior to transfer. Transfer credit will be considered without restriction of completion dates for courses in academic disciplines—English, mathematics, Social Sciences—psychology and sociology, and Natural Sciences—biology and chemistry. If coursework is from a nationally accredited college, STC reserves the right to evaluate instructor credentials applicable to the requested transfer coursework. The Registrar renders all decisions regarding transferability of credit. STC is consistent in its handling of articulation and transfer issues, which are included in the STC Catalog and Student Handbook. Any articulation and transfer issues or questions are addressed by the Student Affairs Division, Office of the Registrar. 9 Faculty Support Faculty members are employed at STC to provide instruction and perform other duties based on the needs of the College. To ensure the quality and integrity of the academic programs, the College has implemented the following procedures: Instructional Staff Work Assignments Faculty teaching loads should allow for effective and efficient teaching. In determining faculty load, instructional deans/directors shall take into consideration the following factors: course content and level; the type of instruction; the number of class preparations; the expertise of the instructor; student registration load; planned faculty development activities; planned accreditation activities; committee assignments; and other activities which help the institution achieve its stated purpose. Fall and Spring semesters shall consist of fifteen weeks for instruction while the Summer Semester will be made up of nine weeks of instruction. The full-time instructor’s optimal teaching load will be 15 - 20 credit lecture hours and /or 15 – 30 contact hours per semester; or up to 60 credit lecture hours and/or 90 contact hours annually. Faculty members are expected to provide individual academic advising and academic assistance to students outside of the classroom. Full-time teaching faculty members are required to schedule at least ten office hours per week at times and locations which will maximize the opportunity for student contact including drop-in visits. Faculty teaching in areas with mandated licensure or accreditation requirements will carry teaching loads in accordance with those requirements. The instructional deans have the responsibility of assigning schedules in a consistent, fair, and academically appropriate manner. The Deans of Instruction, in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, approve the teaching schedules. Teaching loads may be adjusted for budgetary or productivity considerations. Instructional Staff Work Assignment Adjustments Faculty teaching loads shall be evaluated each term but will not exceed the annual limits of 60 credit hours and/or 90 contact hours. Deans may, in writing, request adjustments to the faculty teaching loads specified above. These adjustments are to take into account exceptional responsibilities or external factors (i.e. accrediting agency guidelines) which could alter an instructor’s teaching load. The Dean shall submit such requests to the Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to the beginning of the term for which the request is made. An under load in one semester may result in an overload in another semester. Student Support Colleges and universities have learned that the twenty-first century student is different, both demographically and geographically, from students of previous generations. These differences affect everything from admissions policy to library services. Reaching these students and serving them appropriately are major challenges to today’s institutions. At Southeastern Technical College, a listing of classes for a particular semester can be found on BannerWeb. Additionally, the schedule is posted on the STC website. The schedule is determined 10 approximately two months in advance. The Deans of Academic Affairs, working together with the faculty, create the credit course schedule. The Deans of Academic Affairs, under the direction of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, work with an adjunct budget, ensure full or part-time (adjunct) faculty are properly scheduled, and work together to fully and appropriately utilize existing classrooms and labs. Prospective students learn about online classes and programs of study through the STC Student Catalog and Handbook, the STC website at www.southeasterntech.edu, or through the GVTC website at www.gvtc.org. Information provided through the STC Catalog and Handbook, or STC website is more than sufficient, fair, accurate, timely, and up-to-date. Students are informed about technology requirements by the appropriate program advisor and/or instructor of a given online course. Estimated costs of tuition, books, and supplies for each program are published in the STC Catalog and Handbook. Counselors, along with program advisors, give students realistic expectations for programs of study in which they express an interest. Admissions requirements for each program of study follow the guidelines established by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). These requirements are stated and published in the STC Catalog and Handbook and on the STC website. STC has a comprehensive Enrollment Management Plan which is followed by instructors and appropriate Student Affairs staff. The STC website, www.southeasterntech.edu, is regularly updated and maintained and is user friendly. It has great utility and is frequently visited by potential and current online students. It includes a link to the College’s yearly publication, the STC Catalog and Handbook. The GVTC website, www.gvtc.org, is a great resource for online students throughout the state of Georgia. It is possible for a student to apply, take an entrance exam, be advised, register for courses, receive financial aid as appropriate, and purchase books and materials through the Campus Bookstore entirely from a distance. STC also has an outstanding library with a wide variety of materials. Access for online students is very comparable and appropriate. STC Library Resources available to online students are shown in a related document found at the end of this manual. STC’s faculty and staff strive to involve online students as much as possible given the restraints of time and distance associated with online courses. While the ability to overcome time and distance through online courses is an asset, it also makes involving students with a sense of community a greater challenge. Online students, just like traditional students, receive regular correspondence from Southeastern Technical College regarding current activities, clubs, and special events. Additionally, online instructors utilize ANGEL Announcements, Angel Mail, and student email accounts to inform students of key information. Finally, the Online Academic Activities Coordinator has created an STC portal page with pertinent information to online students. It is through all of these communication channels that Southeastern Tech strives to involve the student and make it clear that they are a valued part of STC’s student population. To ensure representation of online students in the College, STC encourages online students to be active in student government and/or student organizations where feasible. Information about student organizations is also posted on the STC website. Online students also have the opportunity to participate in graduation ceremonies. 11 Evaluation and Assessment Both the assessment of student achievement and evaluation of the overall program take on added importance as new techniques evolve. For example, in asynchronous programs, the element of seat time is essentially removed from the equation. For these reasons, the institution conducts sustained, evidence based, and participatory inquiry as to whether distance learning programs are achieving objectives. The results of such inquiry are used to guide curriculum design and delivery, andragogy, and educational processes and may affect future policy and budgets and perhaps have implications for the institution’s roles and mission. The Online Academic Activities Coordinator (OAAC) is enrolled in each online course offered at STC. The appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA) may also be enrolled in an online course upon request. The DAA and Online Academic Activities Coordinator have access to up to date syllabi, lesson plans, and course requirements for each course offered online. Using the related documentation, the Online Academic Activities Coordinator may enter course(s), via the Internet, a number of times throughout the term. Using the Instructional Process Evaluation Instrument (IPEI), the dean completes the IPEI for selected online course(s), which is based on Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) quality assurance standards. The IPEI is utilized to give appropriate feedback to the online instructor at least once during the semester. STC is able to review the effectiveness of its distance education efforts to assure alignment with institutional priorities and educational objectives. Student performance is evaluated in a number of ways, including academic performance as indicated by grades achieved and documented on transcripts. Also, Work Ethics traits will be taught in a designated course for each program. If the work ethics designated course is taught online, the assessment will be set up in Angel. Assessments have been developed using scenario type questions unique to each program area. The assessment will make up 5% of a student’s grade for the designated course. A student must make a grade of 70 or above on the assessment in order to successfully pass the work ethics module and receive a work ethics seal on their diploma. Overall student learning from programs of study are measured by program exit exams that are tied to capstone courses in each program. Exit exams used by the programs are reviewed and approved by the Academic Deans. Student learning in the area of general education is assessed using WorkKeys exams, COMPASS tests, and competency tests. Each student must complete these exams prior to graduation to demonstrate competency in the General Education areas. Through a variety of reports such as academic grade distribution, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Deans of Academic Affairs, and the Online Academic Activities Coordinators can compare outcomes of traditional courses with the outcomes of same courses offered online. Results of student course and instructor evaluations are compiled by the Institutional Research Coordinator with help from the Director of Information Technology and the Academic Affairs Secretary. A core set of questions is used for all course evaluations. Additional questions relevant to the type of instruction are also included. Detailed composite results and individual instructor/course reports are generated and provided to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs. These along with semester classroom observations are maintained in notebooks secured in the appropriate office of the Dean of Academic Affairs. Results of the student evaluations and the observations are provided to the appropriate instructors in a timely manner to enable adaptations for the next semester. 12 Online objective, subjective, and practical tests are designed to ensure that the integrity of student work is firmly established. The tests utilized are secure through utilization of modern technologies, and time limits are established for electronically submitted tests. Electronic tests either have a timer or as students approach the time limit, they are given a warning at appropriate time intervals so they are aware and prepared to finish the exam in a prompt manner. Any timed examinations which do not stop the test automatically at the limit have a mechanism to alert the instructor that the time limit has been exceeded by x amount of time. Instructors have clearly established policies indicated in the course information which may appear in the course syllabus, lesson plan, and/or other documents as appropriate. Penalties for exceeding allotted test time may range from point deductions to a grade of 0 (zero) for the test, depending upon the policy established by the online instructor. Proctoring In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event (a major exam, assignment, or presentation). The event will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade, and will be reflected as such on the course syllabus. Students who do not complete the proctored event will receive a WF in the course. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. The proctored event will be administered on the instructor’s home campus and will be monitored by the instructor or another STC employee. Two dates and times will be set for the proctored event, and students may choose the date/time that is most convenient for them. Students must attend one of the proctored sessions as scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Course Calendar. The instructor will be responsible for scheduling of date(s), time(s), lab, etc. On-campus proctors will administer the OnCampus Proctored Event Registration Form at the time of the proctored event. If the event is proctored by anyone other the instructor, the form will be filled out in its entirety and returned (if appropriate) with the hard copy test, note sheets, or any other paperwork outlined by the instructor. If the instructor administers the form, he/she will simply save the completed form. Students living further than 75 miles from campus who cannot come to Southeastern Tech for the event must secure an approved proctoring site. The site and the proctor must meet Southeastern Technical College’s requirements as outlined on the Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form. Students arranging off-campus proctoring must take the event on the same day it is originally scheduled. Proctors must follow the Proctoring Instructions. Off-campus proctors will administer the Off-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form. Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must submit a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor’s discretion. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. A proctoring statement is placed on all online course syllabi. The statement reads as follows: PROCTORED EVENT REQUIREMENT(S) (Online): In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event per online course. The proctored event may be a major exam, assignment, or presentation, etc. that will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade. Online students will be required to take the Proctored Event on the instructor’s home campus; the event will be monitored by the instructor or another STC employee. Students must attend one of the scheduled sessions as scheduled and will need to make arrangements with work, childcare, etc. The specific date of the proctored event is scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Calendar for the online course. Students living further than 75 miles from campus who cannot come to Southeastern Tech for the event must secure an approved proctoring site. The site and the proctor must meet Southeastern Technical College's requirements (instructor will provide 13 more information and necessary forms if this is the case). Students arranging off-campus proctoring must take the event on the same day it is originally scheduled. Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must submit a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor’s discretion. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. Students who do not complete the proctored event will receive a WF in the course. As published on STC’s website, any expenses incurred to obtain a proctor will be the responsibility of the student; however, students are not charged a proctoring fee when taking the proctored exam on the campus of Southeastern Tech. Most of Georgia’s technical colleges do not charge to proctor exams for students enrolled in other TCSG colleges. Students who are enrolled at Southeastern Technical College and live out of the state of Georgia or out of the country could incur a proctoring charge. However, in that instance, the instructor would assist the student in locating the least expensive proctor. GVTC provides the security of personal information, assessment scores, etc., that are stored on the ANGEL server they maintain. The Registrar’s Office maintains a permanent record on all students, which includes admissions data, educational record, work ethics history, and termination status. In keeping with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974), the Registrar maintains the confidentiality of personal and academic records. Upon written request, the Registrar issues transcripts that detail academic history, transfer credit, and honors/awards. Permanent records are kept in a locked vault adjacent to the Registrar’s office. Any records maintained electronically by Student Affairs or instructors are protected by user name and password. 14 IV.U. Procedure: Southeastern Technical College Proctoring Purpose In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event (a major exam, assignment, or presentation). The event will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade, and will be reflected as such on the course syllabus. The instructor reserves the right to choose an event such as a mid-term or final examination, but may also choose a major project, assignment, or presentation. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. Approved Methods On-Campus The proctored event will be administered on the instructor’s home campus and will be monitored by the instructor or another STC employee. Students must attend the proctored session as scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Course Calendar. The instructor will be responsible for scheduling of date(s), time(s), lab, etc. On-campus proctors will administer the On-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form. On-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form Instructors, mentor instructors, and on-campus proctors will be required to administer the On-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form at the time of the proctored event. If the event is proctored by anyone other than the instructor, the form will be filled out in its entirety and returned (if appropriate) with the hard copy test, note sheets, or any other paperwork outlined by the instructor. If the instructor administers the form, the instructor will simply save the completed form. Off-Campus Students living further than 75 miles from campus who cannot come to Southeastern Tech for the event must secure an approved proctoring site. The site and the proctor must meet Southeastern Technical College’s requirements as outlined on the Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form. Students arranging off-campus proctoring will take the event on the same day it is originally scheduled. Proctors must follow the Proctoring Instructions. Off-campus proctors will administer the Off-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form. Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form Students taking proctored events off campus will utilize the Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form found under the Proctoring Tab in ANGEL and submit the completed form to their instructor for approval. If approved, the instructor will notify the proctor. Off- Campus Proctor and Site Qualifications Students choosing to utilize an alternative proctoring solution are responsible for finding a qualified proctor to administer each event and for submitting the required approval form for each event. The proctor must meet the following criteria: be a teacher, professor, librarian (or full-time library staff member), or administrator in a nearby public secondary school, college, university, library, or testing center; be a commissioned officer whose rank is higher than the student's own (for students in the military only). Proctors cannot be family members, friends, or co-workers. Students must confirm that their proctor and/or the event site have the following: 15 a business e-mail address (Exam materials are not sent to proctors who do not have a business e-mail address.); a quiet, appropriately lit, and furnished location in which to complete the exam or assignment; an available computer with reliable access to the Internet; the ability to download files (some exams may require downloaded components); a printer with the ability to print PDF documents; and access to a fax machine or scanner (for returning completed documents to STC). Approved Proctor List Proctors who have been successfully approved by a Southeastern Technical College instructor will have their name placed on the Approved Proctor Form which will be maintained by the Academic Affairs Secretary and kept on the S Drive. Proctoring Instructions Proctors will follow the guidelines as outlined in the Proctoring Instructions Form. The instructor will send this form and any test materials or instructions to the proctor. Off-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form Approved proctors will be required to administer the Off-Campus Proctored Event Registration Form at the time of the proctored event. The form will be filled out in its entirety and returned (if appropriate) with the hard copy test, note sheets, or any other paperwork outlined by the instructor. Proctored Event Scheduling/Makeup Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must submit a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor’s discretion. Students Failing to Complete the Proctored Event Students failing to complete the proctored event will be issued a WF by the instructor. Access to Proctored Event Materials In order to facilitate proper access to proctored event materials (exams and/or assignment documents and instructions), and to limit potential misuse of the materials, they will not be made available to the student prior to the scheduled proctored event. Such materials will either be sent directly to the approved proctor, or if provided via the online Learning Management System (LMS) will be password protected. Access to the materials will be provided to the approved proctor via e-mail by noon on the business-day prior to the scheduled event. Adjunct Instructor Information Adjunct instructors who are unable to come to campus will coordinate their proctored event with their oncampus mentor(s). Adjunct instructors will contact the Academic Affairs Secretary to reserve a lab for the event. 16 Statement for Syllabus In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event per online course. The proctored event may be a major exam, assignment, or presentation, etc. that will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade. Online students will be required to take the Proctored Event on the instructor’s home campus; the event will be monitored by the instructor or another STC employee. Students must attend the session as scheduled and will need to make arrangements with work, childcare, etc. The specific dates of the proctored event is scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Calendar for the online course. Students living further than 75 miles from campus who cannot come to Southeastern Tech for the event must secure an approved proctoring site. The site and the proctor must meet Southeastern Technical College's requirements (instructor will provide more information and necessary forms if this is the case). Students arranging off-campus proctoring must take the event on the same day it is originally scheduled. Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must submit a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor’s discretion. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. Students who do not complete the proctored event will receive a WF in the course. As published on STC’s website, any expenses incurred to obtain a proctor will be the responsibility of the student; however, students are not charged a proctoring fee when taking the proctored exam on the campus of Southeastern Tech. Most of Georgia’s technical colleges do not charge to proctor exams for students enrolled in other TCSG colleges. Students who are enrolled at Southeastern Technical College and live out of the state of Georgia or out of the country could incur a proctoring charge. However, in that instance, the instructor would assist the student in locating the least expensive proctor. The required proctored event for this class is _____________________ (each instructor will specify what event will be proctored in this statement. Use blue font color and bold. Note to instructors Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester). References Exhibit: Proctored Event Registration Form (On-Campus) Exhibit: Proctored Event Registration Form (Off-Campus) Exhibit: Proctor Scheduling and Approval Form Exhibit: Proctoring Instructions Adopted: September 12, 2011 Revised: November 11, 2013 17 IV.U. Policy: Southeastern Technical College Proctoring In order to validate student identity for all online courses, students enrolled in online courses are required to complete one proctored event (a major exam, assignment, or presentation). The event will count a minimum of 20% of the course grade, and will be reflected as such on the course syllabus. Proctored events should be completed prior to the last two weeks of the semester. The proctored event will be administered on the instructor’s home campus and will be monitored by the instructor or another STC employee. Students must attend the proctored session as scheduled on the Lesson Plan/Course Calendar. Students living further than 75 miles from campus who cannot come to Southeastern Tech for the event must secure an approved proctoring site. The site and the proctor must meet Southeastern Technical College’s requirements. Students arranging off-campus proctoring must take the event on the same day it is originally scheduled. Students who do not complete the proctored event as scheduled must have a valid documented excuse within three business days after the scheduled event. If the excuse is approved, students must make arrangements with the instructor to makeup/reschedule the missed event. The penalty and makeup instructions will be at the instructor’s discretion. Students who do not complete the proctored event will receive a WF in the course. Adopted: July 01, 2011 Reviewed: Revised: 18 Southeastern Technical College Mission Statement Southeastern Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, provides an innovative, educational environment for student learning through traditional and distance education delivery methods focused on building a well-educated, globally competitive workforce for Southeastern Georgia. Online Learning Mission Statement The mission of Southeastern Technical College’s Online Learning Department is to provide accessible, effective learning opportunities for students as an alternative to the traditional classroom environment by enhancing the teaching and learning process through the use of educational technologies, providing support and training of faculty, staff, and students in the use of online learning methods, assisting faculty in the development and delivery of online courses, offering online courses in cooperation with the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection, and identifying and providing access to online courses and programs in Southeastern Tech’s eight county service areas and beyond. 19 STC Library Resources Available to Online Students Library Resources Appropriate to the Program Including Reference and Research Assistance The URL for the library website is http://library.southeasterntech.edu/. One of the features on the site is the “Ask a Librarian” service provided by one of the two full-time librarians. Response is usually provided within 24 hours. Librarians are also accessible through e-mail and telephone during the hours that school is in session. Remote Access to Databases, Online Journals and Full-text Resources The Technical College System of Georgia provides funding for participation in group access to the multiple online databases known as GALILEO. GALILEO stands for GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. A World Wide Web-based virtual library, GALILEO provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products. Participating institutions may access over 200 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2,000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications. Southeastern Technical College provides online access to over 50,000 electronic books (eBooks) through EBSCOhost eBooks. This collection includes full-text electronic books, including reference books, scholarly monographs, publications of many university presses, and consumer books that have been converted into digital format. It is possible to perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, read eBooks directly online, or download to most tablets for a week. Titles may be checked out for on-screen viewing for four hours. Offcampus students have access to these books by contacting the Librarians, who establish accounts for them. Additional online resources include Credo Reference, which consists of almost half a million online entries in 100 reference books, and Films on Demand, a database that provides access to over 6,000 streaming videos appropriate for academic research. Databases by Salem Press on health, history, literature and science are also available online, and Learning Express includes online books and assistance in job searching and workplace skills, GED assistance, and admissions and placement preparation. Document Delivery Services Southeastern Technical College participates in Georgia OnLine Database (GOLD). Administered by the Office of Public Library Services, a Unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, GOLD serves as the interlibrary lending and union listing system used throughout the state. This free service is available to faculty, staff, and students. An online request form is available on the library’s webpage. Most documents arrive within a week. Library User and Information Literacy Instruction The Library website provides information on such topics as the Library of Congress classification system, accessing books and articles through Interlibrary Loan, a Glossary of Library terms, and documentation styles. The website also provides tutorials on using the online catalog, GALILEO, and evaluating and citing sources. Training in Information Literacy Including Research Techniques The librarians provide online reference assistance through Ask-a-Librarian on the Library home page. There are tutorials on the library website, which can be incorporated into online classes. 20 21 22 Distance Learning Procedures Manual LINKS TO FORMS Institutional Review Process (IRP) Form https://ies.southeasterntech.edu/College_Documents/Forms/IRP.pdf Instructional Process Evaluation Instrument (IPEI) https://ies.southeasterntech.edu/College_Documents/Forms/IPEI.pdf Master Course Review Form for Hybrid Courses (add link) https://ies.southeasterntech.edu/College_Documents/Forms/MasterReviewHybrid.pdf Master Course Review Form for Online Courses https://ies.southeasterntech.edu/College_Documents/Forms/MasterReview.pdf Instructor Self Review Form https://ies.southeasterntech.edu/College_Documents/Forms/InstructorSelfReview.pdf 23