Digitális tananyagbank

Upper-intermediate (B2)
Focus: Reading/Use of English
This lesson is about something that many experience but
few dare to talk about. This topic is depression.
1 First, go to this interactive exercise to start reading about
the topic and also learn some vocabulary (Note: This type
of gap-fill exercise is part of the emelt szintű érettségi and also
several középfokú nyelvvizsga!)
2 Read the following extract from an article and complete the sentences that follow.
Depression is very common and affects as many as one in
eight people in their teen years. Depression affects
people of every color, race, economic status, or age;
however, it does seem to affect more females than males
during adolescence and adulthood.
1 The family of a depressed person can help them by ...
2 One of the basic mistaken beliefs about a depressed person is that they ...
3 Depressed people themselves sometimes think that ...
4 Quite often the result of depressed people’s perception of their condition is that ...
5 According to scientists, one of the causes of depression is ...
6 The other factors that might play a role in depressed youth might be ...
Research has revealed that depression runs in
recognize that a person is depressed. They may
families and suggests that some people inherit
respond with love, kindness, or support, hoping
genes that make it more likely for them to get
that the sadness will soon pass. They may offer to
depressed. But not everyone who has the genetic
listen if the person wants to talk - although
makeup for depression actually gets depression.
depressed people often don't feel much like talking
And many people who have no family history of
or can't find the words to describe what's wrong. If
depression have the condition. So, although genes
the depressed feeling doesn't pass with a little time,
are one factor, they aren't the single cause of
friends or loved ones may encourage the person to
Life events - for example, the death of a close family
member or friend - can go beyond normal grief and
But not everyone recognizes depression when it
can sometimes lead to depression. Family and
happens to someone they know. And some people
social environment also play a role. For some teens,
have incorrect ideas about what it means to be
a negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere
depressed. People who don't understand may react
can affect their self-esteem and lead to depression.
to the depressed person's low energy with criticism,
scolding them for acting lazy or not trying. Some
Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and
people mistakenly believe that depression is simply
community violence can make it more likely for
an attitude a person can change or a mood they can
people to become depressed.
shake. It's not that easy.
For some teens, undiagnosed learning disabilities
Many people just don't realize that depression can
may block school success, hormonal changes may
cause so many problems or so much pain.
affect mood, or physical illness may present
Sometimes even people who are depressed don't
challenges or setbacks. With or without the genetics
take their condition seriously enough. Some people
for depression, any of these can set the stage for
have the mistaken belief that depression comes
from weakness or is a character flaw. This myth
causes some people to hide their depression.
Substance abuse can cause chemical changes in the
Feeling embarrassed, they may avoid getting help.
brain that affect mood - alcohol and some drugs are
Occasionally, when depression causes physical
known to have depressant effects. The negative
symptoms, a person may see their doctor and be
social and personal consequences of substance
relieved to have a normal physical exam. Once in a
abuse can also lead to severe unhappiness and
while, even a well-meaning doctor may minimize or
even overlook a person's depression by concluding
that there's nothing wrong when medical tests come
Certain medical conditions can affect hormone
back normal.
balance and therefore have an effect on mood.
Some conditions, such as hypothyroidism, are
There is no single cause for depression. Many
known to cause a depressed mood in some people.
factors play a role including genetics, environment,
When these medical conditions are diagnosed and
medical conditions, life events, and certain thinking
treated by a doctor, the depression usually
patterns that affect a person's reaction to events.
... being supportive, listening to the person or they might also suggest they go and
see a doctor.
... can get rid of their bad mood and sadness if they want to.
... they are to blame for their condition as it show their weakness in character
... they don’t seek professional help as they are embarrassed about their condition
... genes. They claim that it is inherited and runs in the families
... tragedies that the teen has to live through, unhappy family atmosphere, being poor
or being subjected to violence, as well as learning disabilities which are not diagnosed.
Also, alcohol abuse or drugs have a negative effect together with different illnesses,
which might all cause depression.