Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-1 Continuous enrollment and deadlines Chapter 6. Continuous Enrollment and Deadlines Every graduate student is required to maintain continuous enrollment from the date of first registration until a degree program is completed. A student who fails to maintain continuous enrollment is considered to have withdrawn from the University. If the student wishes to resume graduate work, a petition for readmission must be made. An applicant for readmission must pay the application fee and must, after review of the student's record of progress toward the degree, be recommended by the Department Chair. The recommendation must then be approved by the Dean. The university "residence" requirement for full-time doctoral students is 3 years (six semesters) of full-time registration, which is defined as a minimum of eight credit hours per semester. Additionally, graduate students must register for at least one credit each semester until all course requirements have been met (but see below regarding delay of payment of federal loans). Comprehensive Examination Students must register for the comprehensive examination in the semester they take it. Students registering for any course work during the semester they take the Comprehensive Examination are assessed no additional fee for the exam (register for COMP 698, Doctoral Comps with classes–note: this is not a Psychology course–the “department” is COMP). However, graduate students who have finished their course work and residency requirement (3 years of full-time enrollment; see above) and who want only to take the Comprehensive Examination in a particular semester can register for the comprehensive examination only (one credit hour of tuition, zero course credit) during the semester that they take the examination (register for COMP 699, Doctoral Comps without classes–again, the “department” is COMP, not PSY). The Most Frequent Registration Scenarios Beyond the Third Year Note: The discussion below is about university requirements and does not take criteria for delay in repayment of federal loans into account. Students must be “full-time” in order not to repay loans, but the definition of “full-time” for federal loan purposes may not be the same as the registration requirements of the university. Students in the first 3 years of the program should be taking enough credits to be considered full-time for the purposes of delay of federal loans. For students who are more advanced, at the present time, registration for dissertation guidance or internship is sufficient for a student to delay federal loan repayment. It appears that registration for 6 credits is also sufficient for delay of federal loan repayment. However, the requirements for demonstrating that a student is full-time for federal purposes could change, and students with federal loans should ascertain with Graduate Financial Aid (202-319-5307) that they are meeting the criteria. Students must register for Advanced Clinical Training (ACT) any semester in which they are doing clinical work that is not part of practica, externship (registered for as PSY 909 or 910, Externship), or internship. See Chapter 4 on training outside the program. Registration for ACT involves not only online registration, but also filling out the ACT form and having the supervisor fill out the form, as well as getting approval with the signature of the Director of Clinical Training. Students must register for Dissertation - Doctoral in the semester they propose their dissertations Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-2 Continuous enrollment and deadlines (as well as the semester they defend their dissertations). So in the fall of the fourth year, if the student is applying for internship and has not yet proposed his or her dissertation, the student must register for PSY 997 (the course number is 998 in the spring), Dissertation - Doctoral. This course does not have credits attached but is charged as if it is three credits. (There is no other version of this course with fewer credits.) If the student is doing ACT (e.g., a second externship or other training), the student must also register for PSY 970, Advanced Clinical Training, which is 0 credits (and fill out the ACT form and get it approved by the Director of Clinical Training). In the spring of the fourth year, if the student has proposed his or her dissertation, is collecting data or otherwise fairly independently working on the dissertation, and is doing Advanced Clinical Training, the student can register for only PSY 971, Advanced Clinical Training for 1 credit (and again fill out the form and get it approved). (Note: it is not permitted to register solely for the 0-credit version of ACT.) If the student is taking the Practicum in Assessment, he or she may register for that (1 credit) plus PSY 970, the 0-credit version of ACT. Students may take PSY 971 (the 1-credit version of ACT) as their sole registration for up to two semesters (assuming they are not on internship and also not defending their dissertation). When the student does internship, he or she must register for Internship each semester (922 in Fall and 923 in Spring). Internship is 1 credit each semester. When the student is finishing dissertation and plans to take the oral exam, the student must register for PSY 997 or 998, Dissertation - Doctoral. If the student is on internship, he or she must register for both Dissertation and Internship that semester. In the semester the student defends his or her dissertation, he or she must also register for the oral examination, which is usually ORAL 998, Dissertation Defense - with classes (i.e., with Dissertation; no extra tuition for the oral exam in that case). If the student is prepared for orals right at the beginning of the following semester, he or she can register just for ORAL 999, Dissertation Defense - no classes (orals only), which is 1 credit of tuition, provided the student was registered for Dissertation the previous semester. See below for further explanation of orals only. Further details on various aspects of advanced-student registration are below. Dissertation Guidance After course requirements are completed and the written Doctoral Comprehensive Examination has been passed, doctoral students are expected to register for PSY 997/998 Dissertation - Doctoral (no credits, but with a fee equal to three credit hours per semester) each semester they are using faculty time to work on the dissertation until the final dissertation has been approved and the Doctoral Oral Examination has been passed. Students are expected to be enrolled in Dissertation - Doctoral (which is often called Dissertation Guidance) for all semesters they are working on their dissertation and using committee member resources. It is important to note the University rule that a student MUST be enrolled in Dissertation - Doctoral during the semester in which he or she submits a dissertation proposal for University approval and the semester in which the student sits for the final doctoral oral examination. If the student gets committee signatures that he or she is ready to take the final oral Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-3 Continuous enrollment and deadlines examination at the beginning of a semester, he or she may then register for orals only for one credit (see Orals Only below), providing the student was registered for Dissertation the previous semester. A minimum of two semesters of Dissertation - Doctoral is required. Dissertation Deadlines Doctoral candidates are admitted to candidacy the first day of the semester after they pass the doctoral comprehensive examination. The program expects students to propose their dissertations within 1 year of admission to candidacy, and students are required by the School of Arts and Sciences to have a dissertation proposal approved 2 years after passing comps/admission to candidacy. Thus, for students who pass comps in the fall, the deadline for the proposal is December, 2 years later. For students who pass comps in the spring, the deadline for the proposal is May, 2 years later. Students may not apply for internship (and get the required form from the Director of Clinical Training attesting to the student’s readiness for internship) until the dissertation proposal has been submitted to the department faculty. Specifically, the 2-page summary of the proposal must be submitted to the department faculty by Oct. 1 of the year in which the student wishes to apply for internship. Only if the proposal has been submitted by Oct. 1 will the Director of Clinical Training fill out the form for internship eligibility required for application to all internships. The department deadline for completion of dissertation and the oral examination is 4 years from the end of the semester of admission to candidacy. In other words, the deadline for students who pass comps in the Fall semester is May, 4.5 years after comps; the deadline for students who pass comps in the Spring semester is December, 4.5 years after comps. If a doctoral candidate does not complete the dissertation and take the final oral examination by his or her deadline, the candidate will be subject to dismissal from the degree program. An extension may be requested prior to the deadline by writing a letter of explanation to the Department Chair and submitting it and a Student Request Form (available from the department office) to the faculty advisor. The student should begin the process of requesting an extension at least 2 months before his or her deadline. If the faculty advisor, the Director of Clinical Training, and the Chair approve the extension, the Chair will then recommend approval to the Dean. An extension must be approved by the Dean and will normally not exceed 1 year. Oral Examination Students must register for the oral exam in the semester in which they take it. Generally this is EXAM 998, Dissertation Defense - With Classes (if it is with Dissertation - Doctoral). See below for orals only registration. (Note: the “department” for registering for this course is not PSY but is EXAM.) See further information on orals in the Dissertation chapter. Orals Only (Dissertation Defense - Without Classes) Doctoral students who have (1) completed all dissertation work prior to the beginning of a semester, and (2) were registered for PSY 997/998 Dissertation - Doctoral the previous semester, may register for orals only (EXAM 999, Dissertation Defense - Without Classes) during the semester in which they will sit for the final doctoral oral examination, provided that all dissertation committee members Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-4 Continuous enrollment and deadlines have signed their approval of the dissertation in the Dean's office. (Note: the “department” for registering for this course is not PSY but is EXAM.) The current date by which these signatures must be obtained is the Wednesday of the second week of classes for that semester. The signatures will indicate that the dissertation committee members have found the dissertation to be complete and in satisfactory form, subject only to minor changes. The fee is one credit hour of tuition. If a clinical student is eligible to register for orals only during a semester of Internship and wants to defend during that semester, he or she must register for the one-credit hour PSY 922/923 Internship and zero-credit Dissertation Defense - With Classes. Only one credit hour of tuition for both will be assessed. However, per University regulations, the student must have been registered for PSY 997/998 Dissertation the semester prior to registering for orals only. A successful oral defense does not relieve the student from the obligation to register the following semester(s) for Internship until the requirement of two semesters of full-time Internship or four semesters of half-time Internship has been met. Internship While on internship, students must register for PSY 922/923 Internship in both Fall and Spring semester (one credit hour of tuition each semester). It is possible for a student to defend his/her dissertation while on internship; this requires registration for PSY 997/998 Dissertation - Doctoral (three credit hours of tuition) as well as Internship. If a student meets the requirements to register for orals only (see above), he or she may register for orals only in addition to registering for Internship and pay only one credit hour of tuition. Leave of Absence (LOA) Approval for an LOA requires documentation of sustained ill health, required military service, or other circumstances resulting in involuntary interruption of graduate studies. The cumulative total period may not normally exceed 1 year. Academic pressures, employment conflicts, and geographical moves are usually insufficient reasons. LOA must be requested by letter addressed to the Chair and submitted with a Student Request Form (available from the department office) to the student's faculty advisor before the beginning of the registration period for that semester. If the leave is approved by the student's faculty advisor, the Director of Clinical Training, and the Chair, the Chair will then forward the request to the Dean, who makes the final decision. During LOA the student pays no fees, receives no credit, and the period is not counted as part of the time allowed for the completion of residence or other degree requirements (i.e., the deadline date gets extended by the period of time the student is on LOA). It must be noted that the student on LOA does not have access to University facilities nor to faculty consultation. Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-5 Continuous enrollment and deadlines In Absentia Students who have completed all course requirements may request In Absentia status when they are required to be away from campus or for other compelling reasons not sufficient for a full leave of absence. Doctoral students may request In Absentia status after they have received approval of their doctoral dissertation proposal and will not be using the assistance of their faculty dissertation committee (example: data collection) and also not doing clinical training (for which they would register for Advanced Clinical Training instead). The total number of semesters a student may register for In Absentia is two. In Absentia status must be requested by letter addressed to the Chair and submitted with a Student Request Form (available from the department office) to the student's dissertation advisor well before the beginning of semester. If In Absentia is approved by the major professor, the Director of Clinical Training, and the Chair, the Chair will then forward the request to the Dean for approval. Upon receiving permission from dean for In Absentia status, a student may then register. Clinical Psychology Student Handbook 6-6 Continuous enrollment and deadlines This option is not available for the semester in which the dissertation topic is submitted, nor for the semester in which the final oral is scheduled. In Absentia is counted as zero credit; however, one credit hour of tuition is assessed. During the semester(s) of Im Absentia registration, the student is entitled to use library, research subject pool, and computer facilities. The student may consult with the dissertation advisor and/or committee members only occasionally during the semester(s) of In Absentia, but he or she should not expect the chair or others on the dissertation committee to read and criticize major drafts of the dissertation. A semester in which the student is registered In Absentia counts toward the time period available for completion of the dissertation (see above). 8/04