266 Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy 2007 List of Scientific Publication in Foreign Languages in 2007 1 Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007 1) Theoretical analysis of neutron double-differential cross section of n+19F at 14.2 MeV, Vol.47, p.102. DUAN Jun-feng, YAN Yu-liang, SUN Xiao-jun, ZHANG Yue, ZHANG Jing-shang 2) Collective Hamiltonian for multi-O(4) model, p.309. GU Jian-zhong, et al. 3) Effects of scale-free topological properties on dynamical synchronization and control in coupled map lattices, Vol.47, p.361. CHEN Wei (School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and 3.Technology of China), FANG Jin-qing, et al. 4) Synchronization and bifurcation of general complex dynamical networks, Vol.47, p.1 073. SUN Wei-Gang (Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University), FANG Jin-qing, et al. 5) Exciton-dependent pre-formation probability of composite particles, Vol.47, p.1 108. ZHANG Jing-shang, WANG Ji-min, DUAN Jun-feng 6) Analysis of neutron double-differential cross sections for n+12C reaction below 30 MeV, Vol.48, No.3, p.534. SUN Xiao-jun, DUAN Jun-feng, WANG Ji-min, ZHANG Jing-shang 7) Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient at isotopes in relativistic mean-field model, Vol.48, p.705. LIANG Jun, MA Zhong-yu 8) Error thresholds in single-peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes, Vol.48, No.4, p.763. FENG Xiao-li (School of Physical Engineering, Zhengzhou University), GU Jian-zhong, ZHUO Yi-zhong, et al. 9) Synchronization and bifurcation analysis in coupled networks of discrete-time systems, Vol.48, No.5, p.871. SUN Wei-gang (Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University), FANG Jin-qing, et al. 2 Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.24, 2007 1) Influence of D-state in 4He on S factor for the 2H(d, γ)4He reaction, No.1, p.69. MA Yin-qun, TIAN Yuan, MA Zhong-yu 2) Mechanism of proton-induced reactions on targets 16O, 27Al, 56Fe, 112Cd, 184W and 208Pb at Ep=800 MeV, No.1, p.72. OU Li, ZHANG Ying-xun, LI Zhu-xia 3) Sensitivity of exponents of three-power laws to hybrid ratio in weighted HUHPM, No.1, p.279. FANG Jin-qing, BI Qiao, LI Yong, LU Xin-biao, LIU Qiang 4) Modified Woods-Saxon potential for heavy-ion fusion reaction, No.4, p.905. TIAN Jun-long, LI Zhu-xia, et al. 5) Measurement of gamma-rays from 11B and 12C, No.8, p.2 216. FU Yuan-yong, ZHOU Shu-hua, et al. 6) Neutron generation and kinetic energy of expanding laser plasmas, No.10, p.2 792. HUANG Yong-sheng, WANG Nai-yan, DUAN Xiao-jiao, LAN Xiao-fei, TAN Zhi-xin, TANG Xiu-zhang, et al. APPENDIX·List of Scientific Publication in Foreign Languages in 2007 267 7) The average lifetime of giant composite systems formed in strongly damped collisions, No.10, p.2 796. TIAN Jun-long, WU Xi-zhen, OU Li, LI Zhu-xia 3 Nuclear Science and Techniques, Vol.18, 2007 1) Modeling the leaching behavior of simulated HLW-glass using PHREEQC, No.3, p.150. ZHANG Hua, LUO Shang-geng 2) Preparation and biological evaluation of 99Tcm-labelled fatty acids, No.3, p.159. LIANG Ji-xin, HU Ji, CHEN Bao-jun, LUO Lian-zhe, LI Hong-yu, SHEN Lang-tao, LUO Zhi-fu 3) Analysis on natural circulation capacity of the CARR, No.3, p.186. TIAN Wen-xi (Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University), ZHANG Jian-wei, et al. 4) Evaluation of decay data of 213Bi, No.5, p.261. HUANG Xiao-long, WANG Bao-song 4 Journal of Physics G, Vol.34, 2007 1) Analysis of intermediate energy proton-induced spallation reactions by an improved quantum molecular dynamics plus statistical decay model, p.827. OU Li, ZHANG Ying-xu, TIAN Jun-long, LI Zhu-xia 2) Systematic study of fusion barriers, p.1 935. WANG Ning (Institute for Theoretical Physics at Justus-Liebig-University), LI Zhu-xia, et al. 3) Direct photon production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sNN =200 GeV in the PACIAE model, p.S873. LI Xiao-mei, LI Shou-ping, HU Shou-yang, ZHOU Feng, SA Ben-hao 5 Nuclear Technology, Vol.159, 2007 1) The design, construction, and preliminary experiment of China’s ADS subcritical experimental assembly venus-1, p.106. SHI Yong-qian, XIA Pu, LUO Zhang-lin, ZHAO Zhi-xiang, DING Da-zhao, LI Yi-guo, ZHU Qin-fu, XIA Hai-hong, LI Ji-gen, ZHANG Wei, CAO Jian, QUAN Yan-hui, LUO Huang-da, WU Xiao-fei 6 Health Physics, Vol.93, 2007 1) The estimation of the number of underground coal miners and the annual dose to coal miners in China, p.127. LIU Fu-dong, LIU Sen-lin, CHEN Ling, MA Ji-zeng, et al. 7 Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol.108, 2007 1) Nuclear data sheets for A=196, p.1 093. HUANG Xiao-long 8 Journals of Alloys and Compounds, 2007 1) Morphology evolution of Ir-Nb-X(X=Hf, Ta, or Ti) ternary alloys, Vol.428, p.220. HUANG C, et al. 2) Formation, structure and magnetic properties of Nd3 - xZrxFe27.8Mo1.2 (0.1≤x≤0.5) compounds, Vol.431, p.68. 268 Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy 2007 HAN S B, CHEN D F, LI J H, et al. 9 Nuclear Physics A, Vol.787, 2007 1) Effects of breakup of weakly bound projectile and neutron transfer on fusion reactions around coulomb barrier, p.281c. LIN C J, ZHANG H Q, YANG F, RUAN M, LIU Z H, WU Y W, WU X K, ZHOU P, ZHANG C L, ZHANG G L, AN G P, JIA H M, XU X X 10 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2007 1) The development of a gas-filled time-of-flight detector, Vol.259, p.213. GUAN Yong-jing, HE Ming, WU Shao-yong, DONG Ke-jun, LIN Min, YUAN Jian, JIANG Shan 2) Measurement of 182Hf with HI-13 AMS system, Vol.259, p.246. QIU Jiu-zi, JIANG Shan, HE Ming, YIN Xin-yi, DONG Ke-jun, BAO Yi-wen, WU Shao-yong, YUAN Jian, YANG Bing-fan 3) Measurement of trace 129I concentrations in CsI powder and organic liquid scintillator with accelerator mass spectrometry, Vol.259, p.271. DONG K J, HE M, JIANG S, QIU J Z, GUAN Y J, LI S H, WU S Y, LIN M, YOU Q B, BAO Y W, HU Y M, ZHOU D, YIN X Y, YUAN J 4) A method for optimizing experimental conditions and simulating spectra in the measurement of heavy nuclides in AMS, Vol.259, 277. WANG Hui-juan, GUAN Yong-jing, JIANG Shan, HE Ming, DU Shu-bin, YUAN Jian, et al. 5) AMS measurement of 26Al cross section for the reaction 14N(16O, α)26Alg, Vol.259, p.629. HE Ming, JIANG Shan, YANG Yao-yun, DONG Ke-jun, WU Shao-yong, et al. 6) 99Tc measurements with accelerator mass spectrometry at CIAE, Vol.259, p.708. HE Ming, JIANG Shan, PENG Bo, DONG Ke-jun, GUAN Yong-jing, LI Shi-hong, WU Shao-yong, QIU Jiu-zi, YIN Xin-yi, DING Yan-qiu 7) Magnet design and construction preparation for CYCIAE-100 at CIAE, Vol.261, p.25. ZHANG Tian-jue, CHU Cheng-jie, ZHONG Jun-qing, YANG Jian-jun, XING Jian-sheng, LU Yun-long, WEI Su-min, CHEN Rong-fan, LI Zhen-guo, FAN Ming-wu 8) Spiral inflector and central region study for three cyclotrons at CIAE, Vol.261, p.60. ZHANG Tian-jue, YAO Hong-juan, GUAN Feng-ping, CHU Cheng-jie, LU Yin-long, JIA Xian-lu, ZHONG Jun-qing, YANG Jian-jun, XING Jian-sheng, LIN Yu-zheng 9) Beam line design for a 100 MeV high intensity proton cyclotron at CIAE, Vol.261, p.65. WEI Su-min, LU Yin-long, ZHANG Tian-jue, ZHOU Zheng-he, LI Zhen-guo, CHU Cheng-jie, WU Long-cheng, JIA Xian-lu, GUAN Feng-ping, PAN Gao-feng, YIN Zhi-guo, HOU Shi-gang, GE Tao, AN Shi-zhong 10) The alternative of RF system design for the 100 MeV cyclotron at CIAE, Vol.261, p.70. WANG Xiu-long, ZHAO Zhen-lu, JI Bin, ZHANG Tian-jue, YIN Zhi-guo, HOU Shi-gang - 11) CYCIAE-100, a 100 MeV H cyclotron for RIB production, Vol.261, p.1 027. ZHANG Tian-jue, LI Zhen-guo, CHU Cheng-jie, for the Project Team 12) Calculation and analysis of proton-induced reactions on 58Ni at incident energies from threshold to 200 MeV, Vol.264, p.207. SHI Yu-yang, HAN Yin-lu 13) Calculation and evaluation of cross-sections for p+54, 56, 57, 58, natFe reactions up to 250 MeV, Vol.265, APPENDIX·List of Scientific Publication in Foreign Languages in 2007 269 p.461. HAN Yin-lu, ZHANG Yue, GUO Hai-rui 11 Physical Review C, 2007 1) In-medium NN cross sections determined from the nuclear stopping and collective flow in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies, Vol.75, 034615. ZHANG Ying-xu, LI Zhu-xia, et al. 2) Pygmy and giant dipole resonances in Ni isotopes, Vol.75, 054320. LIANG Jun, CAO Li-gang, MA Zhong-yu 3) Specific heat in hadronic matter and in quark-gluon matter, Vol.75, 054912. SA Ben-hao, LI Xiao-mei, HU Shou-yang, LI Shou-ping, FENG Jing, et al. 4) Isospin dependence of incompressibility in relativistic and nonrelativistic mean field calculations, Vol.76, 034327. Hiroyuki Sagawa (Center for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu), GU Jian-zhong, ZHANG Xi-zhen 5) Evolution of the proton SD states in neutron-rich Ca isotopes, Vol.76, 044319. M. Grasso (Institut de Physique Nucleaire, Universite Paris-Sud), MA Z Y, et al. 6) Low-lying E1 strength in light drip-line nuclei, Vol.76, 044321. LIN C J, ZHANG X Z, ZHANG R, LIU Z H, ZHANG H Q 12 Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.65, 2007 1) Evaluation of 225Ac decay data, p.712. HUANG Xiao-long, WANG Bao-song 13 International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol.22, 2007 1) Transverse ward-takahashi relation for the fermion-boson vertex vertex function in four-dimensional abelian gauge theory, No.11, p.2 119. HE Han-xin 14 International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.21, 2007 1) From a harmonious unifying hybrid preferential model toward a large unifying hybrid network model, No.30, p.5 121. FANG Jin-qing, LI Yong, BI Qiao 15 Science in China Series G, Vol.50, 2007 1) A harmonious unifying hybrid preferential model and its universal properties for complex dynamical networks, No.3, p.379. FANG Jin-qing, BI Qiao, LI Yong, LU Xin-biao, LIU Qiang 16 Physics of Plasmas, Vol.14, 2007 1) Hot-electron recirculation in ultraintense laser pulse interactions, with thin foils, 103106. HUANG Yong-sheng, LAN Xiao-fei, DUAN Xiao-jiao, TAN Zhi-xin, WANG Nai-yan, SHI Yi-jin, TANG Xiu-zhang 270 Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy 2007 17 Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.246, 2007 1) Error thresholds for quasispecies on single peak Gaussian-distributed fitness landscapes, p.28. FENG Xiao-li (School of Physics and Engineering, Zhengzhou University), GU Jian-zhong, ZHUO Yi-zhong, et al. 18 Materials Research Bulletin, Vol.42, 2007 1) Synthesis of solid solution Er2-xCexW3O12 and studies of their thermal expansion behavior, p.2 090. WU M M (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences), CHEN D F, et al. 19 Rare Metals, Vol.26, 2007 1) Crystal structures and thermal expansion properties of Y2-xErxMo4O15(x=0.0-2.0) solid solutions, No.5, p.426. CHEN Dong-feng, et al. 20 Front Energy Power Eng. China, Vol.1, 2007 1) China ADS sub-critical experimental assembly-venus-1 and preliminary experiment, No.2, p.150. SHI Yong-qian, XIA Pu, LUO Zhang-lin, ZHAO Zhi-xiang, DING Da-zhao, LI Yi-guo, ZHU Qin-fu, XIA Hai-hong, LI Ji-gen, ZHANG Wei, CAO Jian, QUAN Yan-hui, LUO Huang-da, WU Xiao-fei 21 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 2007 1) Measuurement of ultra-low potassium contaminations with accelerator mass spectrometry, Vol.582, p.381. DONG K J, HE M, JIANG S, QIU J Z, GUAN Y J, WU S Y, YUAN J 22 Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.367-370, 2007 1) Microstructural analysis on JLF-1 steel tested by fatigue deformation, No.1, p.147-152. LI Huai-lin, et al. 2) The effect of SiC nanowires on the flexural properties of CVI-SiC/SiC composites, No.1, p.708-712. YANG Wen, YANG Qi-fa, XU Yuan-chao, YU Ji-nan, et al. 23 Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.157, 2007 1) Calculation and Analysis of n+180,182,183,184,186,natW reactions in the En≤250 MeV energy range, No.1, p.78. HAN Yin-lu, SHI Yu-yang, ZHANG Zheng-jun 24 Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.82, 2007 1) Fatigue life and cyclic softening behavior of JLF-1 steel, No.15-24, p.2 595-2 600. LI Huai-lin, et al. 25 Ceramics International, Vol.33, 2007 1) Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and flexural properties of CVI-Tyranno-SA/SiC composite, No.2, p.141-146. YANG Wen, YANG Qi-fa, et al. APPENDIX·List of Scientific Publication in Foreign Languages in 2007 271 26 Journal of Inorganic Materials, Vol.22, 2007 1) Effects of interlayer and matrix on properties of the advanced CVI-SiC/SiC composites, No.6, p.1 147. YANG Wen, YANG Qi-fa, et al. 27 Advances in Complex Systems, Vol.10, 2007 1) Toward a harmonious unifying hybrid model for any evolving complex networks, No.2, p.117. FANG Jin-qing, BI Qiao, LI Yong, LU Xin-biao, LIU Qiang 28 Physica A, Vol.383, 2007 1) Entropy and HUHPM approach for complex networks, No.2, p.753-762. BI Qiao, FANG Jin-qing 29 Progress in Nature Science, Vol.17, 2007 1) Theoretical research progress in complexity of complex dynamical networks, No.7, p.761. FANG Jin-qing 30 Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol.59, 2007 1) Search for possible way of producing super-heavy elements—dynamic study on damped reactions of 244Pu + 244Pu, 238U+238U and 197Au+197Au, No.2, p.729. LI Zhu-xia, WU Xi-zhen, et al. 31 Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.39, 2007 1) Fast reactor technology R&D activities in China, No.39, p.187. XU Mi