4th International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications 2005 1st TERM PROGRAMMES LANGUAGES Zoltán Ésik, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona zoltan.esik@urv.net 1. Types of languages (languages of finite and infinite words, finite and infinite trees, graphs, pictures, etc.) and types of representation. Formal languages in mathematics and computer science 2. Families of languages. Operations on languages (general operations on sets, specific operations). Closure of families of languages under operations. Abstract families of languages. Characterizations and representations of families of languages 3. Decidability problems on languages. Descriptional complexity measures for languages. Languages and computational complexity References Hopcroft, J.E., R. Motwani & J.D. Ullman (2000), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Papadimitriou, C. (1994), Computational Complexity. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Rozenberg, G. & A. Salomaa, eds. (1997), Handbook of Formal Languages, 3 vols. Springer, Berlin. Salomaa, A. (1973), Formal Languages. Academic Press, New York. COMBINATORICS ON WORDS Tero Harju, University of Turku harju@utu.fi 1. Defect theorem 2. Critical factorization theorem 3. Ehrenfeucht’s conjecture References Lothaire, M. (1983), Combinatorics on Words. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Lothaire, M. (2002), Algebraic Combinatorics of Words. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. VARIETIES OF FORMAL LANGUAGES Jean-Éric Pin, CNRS and University Paris 7 jean-eric.pin@liafa.jussieu.fr 1 1. Rational and recognizable sets 2. Finite automata and recognizable sets 3. Automata and semigroups 4. A bit of history... 5. Star-free languages 6. Piecewise testable languages 7. Locally testable languages 8. Varieties, Eilenberg's theorem 9. Elementary semigroup theory 10. More examples of varieties 11. Overview of recent advances References To be distributed. REGULAR GRAMMARS Masami Ito, Kyoto Sangyo University ito@ksuvx0.kyoto-su.ac.jp 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Regular grammars and languages Syntactic congruences Deterministic and nondeterministic automata Operations on languages Shuffle products and closures Directable automata and languages References Hopcroft, J.E. & J.D. Ullman (1979), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Ito, M. (2004), Algebraic Theory of Automata and Languages. World Scientific, Singapore. Salomaa, A. (1981), Jewels of Formal Language Theory. Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD. CONTEXT-FREE GRAMMARS Manfred Kudlek, University of Hamburg kudlek@informatik.uni-hamburg.de 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Normal forms Iteration lemmata Derivation trees, ambiguity Relation to pushdown automata Deterministic context-free languages Complexity of analysis Decidability problems Closure properties Algebraic characterization References 2 Harrison, M.A. (1978), Introduction to Formal Language Theory. AddisonWesley, Reading, MA. Hopcroft, J.E. & J.D. Ullman (1979), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Salomaa, A. (1973), Formal Languages. Academic Press, New York. INFINITE WORDS Juhani Karhumäki, University of Turku karhumak@cs.utu.fi 1. Mechanisms to generate infinite words 2. Repetitions in infinite words and applications 3. Subword complexity of infinite words References Choffrut, C. & J. Karhumäki (1997), Combinatorics of words, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. I: 329438. Springer, Berlin. Fogg, P. (2002), Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1794. Springer, Berlin. Lothaire, M. (1983), Combinatorics on Words. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Lothaire, M. (2002), Algebraic Combinatorics of Words. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. MILDLY CONTEXT-SENSITIVE GRAMMARS Henning Bordihn, University of Potsdam henning@cs.uni-potsdam.de 1. Motivation, definitions and background 2. Tree-adjoining grammars and equivalent devices 3. Further approaches to mild context-sensitivity References Joshi, A.K. (1985), How much context-sensitivity is required to provide reasonable structural descriptions: tree adjoining grammars, in D. Dowty, L. Karttunen & A. Zwicky, eds., Natural Language Parsing: Psychological, Computational, and Theoretical Perspectives: 206-250. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Joshi, A.K. & Y. Schabes (1997), Tree adjoining grammars, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. 3: 69-124. Springer, Berlin. Kudlek, M., C. Martín-Vide, A. Mateescu & V. Mitrana (2003), Contexts and the concept of mild context-sensitivity, Linguistics and Philosophy, 26: 703725. Marcus, S. (1969), Contextual grammars and natural languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. 2: 215235. Springer, Berlin. Partee, B.H., A.G.B. ter Meulen & R.E. Wall (1990), Mathematical Methods in Linguistics. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 3 Pullum, G.K. & G. Gazdar (1982), Natural languages and context-free languages, Linguistics and Philosophy, 4: 471-504. Roach, K. (1987), Formal properties of head grammars, in A. Manaster Ramer, ed., Mathematics of Language: 293-347. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. Shieber, S.M. (1985), Evidence against the context-freeness of natural language, Linguistics and Philosophy, 8: 333-343. Steedman, M. (1985), Dependency and coordination in the grammar of Dutch and English, Language, 61: 523-568. Vijay-Shanker, K. & D.J. Weir (1994), The equivalence of four extensions of context-free grammars, Mathematical Systems Theory, 87: 511-546. FINITE AUTOMATA Sheng Yu, University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada syu@csd.uwo.ca 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata Regular expressions Automata minimization State complexities of regular languages Alternating finite automata Equational representation of regular languages Finite transducers and rational relations Finite languages and cover automata Fuzzy automata and fuzzy regular expressions References Berstel, J. (1979), Transductions and Context-free Languages. Teubner, Stuttgart. Campeanu, C., N. Sântean & S. Yu (2001), Minimal cover-automata for finite languages, Theoretical Computer Science, 267: 3-16. Fellah, A., H. Jürgensen & S. Yu (1990), Constructions on alternating finite automata, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 35(3-4): 117132. Hopcroft, J.E. & J.D. Ullman (1979), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Lewis, H.R. & C.H. Papadimitriou (1998), Elements of the Theory of Computation, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Mateescu, A., A. Salomaa, K. Salomaa & S. Yu (1995), Lexical analysis with a simple finite-fuzzy-automaton model, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1(5): 292-311. Salomaa, A. (1969), Theory of Automata. Pergamon, Oxford. Salomaa, A. (1985), Computation and Automata. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Szilard, A., S. Yu, K. Zhang & J. Shallit (1992), Characterizing regular languages with polynomial densities, in I.M. Havel & V. Koubek, eds., Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 629: 494-503. Springer, Berlin. Wood, D. (1987), Theory of Computation. John Wiley, New York. Yu, S. (1997), Regular languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. I: 41-110. Springer, Berlin. 4 Yu, S. (1999), State complexity of regular languages, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 6(2): 221-233. PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Leiden University hoogeboo@liacs.nl 1. 2. 3. 4. Acceptance by final state and by empty stack: equivalence Equivalence of pushdown automata and context-free grammars Determinism, real-time property LL(1) parsing References Autebert, J.-M., J. Berstel & L. Boasson (1997), Context-free languages and pushdown automata, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. I. Springer, Berlin. Hopcroft, J.E., R. Motwani & J.D. Ullman (2001), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. TURING MACHINES Holger Petersen, University of Stuttgart petersen@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de To be announced. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY Markus Holzer, Technical University of Munich holzer@informatik.tu-muenchen.de 1. Basics in complexity theory: sequential classes, parallel classes 2. Fixed and general membership problems: Chomsky languages, regular languages revisited, Lindenmayer languages, other formal language classes 3. Some other problems: finiteness etc., counting problems 4. Operations on complexity classes 5. Auxiliary space bounded automata with abstract storage: pushdown automata, variants of stack automata References Barrington, D.A. (1989), Bounded-width polynomial-size branching programs recognize exactly those languages in {{m NC}^1}, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 38(1): 150-164. Damm, C., M. Holzer & K.-J. Lange (1992), The parallel complexity of iterated morphisms and the arithmetic of small numbers, in I.M. Havel & V. Koubek, eds., Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 629: 227-235. Springer, Berlin. Holzer, M. (1996), On emptiness and counting for alternating finite automata, in J. Dassow, G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Developments in Language Theory II: At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology: 88-97. World Scientific, Singapore. 5 Holzer, M. & K.-J. Lange (1993), On the complexities of linear LL(1) and LR(1) grammars, in Z. Ésik, ed., Fundamentals of Computation Theory 1993, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 710: 299-308. Springer, Berlin. Holzer, M. & K.-J. Lange (1997), On the complexity of iterated insertions, in G. Păun & A. Salomaa, eds., New Trends in Formal Languages: Control, Cooperation, and Combinatorics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1218: 440-453. Springer, Berlin. Lange, K.-J. (1996), Complexity and structure in formal language theory, Fundamenta Informaticae, 25(3-4): 327-352. Monien, B. (1981), On the LBA problem, in F. Gécseg, ed., Fundamentals of Computation Theory 1981, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 117: 265280. Springer, Berlin. Monien, B. & I. Sudborough (1980), The interface between language theory and complexity theory, in R.V. Book, ed., Formal Languages: Perspectives and Open Problems: 287-324. Academic Press, New York. Papadimitriou, C.H. (1994), Computational Complexity. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Sudborough, I.H. (1975), A note on tape-bounded complexity classes and linear context-free languages, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 22(4): 499-500. Sudborough, I.H. (1976), The complexity of the membership problem for some extensions of context-free languages, Computing Reviews, 19(5): 191-215. PATTERNS Kai Salomaa, Queen’s University, Kingston ON, Canada ksalomaa@cs.queensu.ca 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern languages, E-patterns, NE-patterns Equivalence and inclusion problems, connection to rewriting systems Ambiguity in patterns Pattern systems Pattern selector grammars References Angluin, D. (1980), Finding patterns common to a set of strings, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 21: 46-62. Goldman, S. & S. Kwek (2002), On learning unions of pattern languages and tree patterns in the mistake bound model, Theoretical Computer Science, 288: 237-254. Jiang, T., E. Kinber, A. Salomaa, K. Salomaa & S. Yu (1994), Pattern languages with and without erasing, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 50: 147-163. Jiang, T., A. Salomaa, K. Salomaa & S. Yu (1995), Decision problems for patterns, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 50: 53-63. Marron, A. & K.-I. Ko (1987), Identification of pattern languages from examples and queries, Information and Computation, 74: 91-112. Mateescu, A. & A. Salomaa (1994), Finite degrees of ambiguity in pattern languages, Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 28: 233-253. Mitrana, V. (1999), Patterns and languages: an overview, Grammars, 2(2): 149-173. 6 Ohlebusch, E. & E. Ukkonen (1997), On the equivalence problem for Epattern languages, Theoretical Computer Science, 186: 231-248. DESCRIPTIONAL COMPLEXITY OF AUTOMATA AND GRAMMARS Detlef Wotschke, University of Frankfurt wotschke@psc.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de 1. Major results in descriptional complexity of automata and grammars 2. Relationship between the use of limited resources (like nondeterminism, ambiguity, lookahead, etc.) and their effect on the smallest possible descriptions or representations of objects such as finite automata, probabilistic automata, pushdown automata, context-free grammars, etc. References Bucher, W., H.A. Maurer, K. Culik, II & D. Wotschke (1981), Concise description of finite languages, Theoretical Computer Science, 14(3): 227246. Geller, M.M., H.B. Hunt, III, T.G. Szymanski & J.D. Ullman (1977), Economy of description of parsers, DPDA's, and PDA's, Theoretical Computer Science, 4(2): 143-153. Goldstine, J., C.M.R. Kintala & D. Wotschke (1990), On measuring nondeterminism in regular languages, Information and Computation, 86(2): 179-194. Goldstine, J., H. Leung & D. Wotschke (1992), On the relation between ambiguity and nondeterminism in finite automata, Information and Computation, 100(2): 261-270. Goldstine, J., H. Leung & D. Wotschke (1997), Measuring nondeterminism in pushdown automata, in R. Reischuk & M. Morvan, eds., Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 1997, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1200: 295-306. Springer, Berlin. Goldstine, J., J.K. Price & D. Wotschke (1982), A pushdown automaton or a context-free grammar: which is more economical?, Theoretical Computer Science, 18(1): 33-40. Goldstine, J., J.K. Price & D. Wotschke (1982), On reducing the number of states in a PDA, Mathematical Systems Theory, 15(4): 315-321. Goldstine, J., J.K. Price & D. Wotschke (1993), On reducing the number of stack symbols in a PDA, Mathematical Systems Theory, 26(4): 313-326. Hartmanis, J. (1980), On the succinctness of different representations of languages, SIAM Journal on Computing, 9(1): 114-120. Herzog, C. (1997), Pushdown automata with bounded nondeterminism and bounded ambiguity, Theoretical Computer Science, 181(1): 141-157. Kappes, M. (2000), Descriptional complexity of deterministic finite automata with multiple initial states, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 5(3): 269-278. Kintala, C.M.R. (1978), Refining nondeterminism in context-free languages, Mathematical Systems Theory, 12(1): 1-8. Kintala, C.M.R., K.-Y. Pun & D. Wotschke (1993), Concise representations of regular languages by degree and probabilistic finite automata, Mathematical Systems Theory, 26(4): 379-395. 7 Kintala, C.M.R. & D. Wotschke (1980), Amounts of nondeterminism in finite automata, Acta Informatica, 13(2): 199-204. Kintala, C.M.R. & D. Wotschke (1986), Concurrent conciseness of degree, probabilistic, nondeterministic and deterministic finite automata, in B. Monien & G. Vidal-Naquet, eds., Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 1986, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 210: 291-305. Springer, Berlin. Leung, H. (1998), On finite automata with limited nondeterminism, Acta Informatica, 35(7): 595-624. Leung, H. (2000), On a family of nondeterministic finite automata, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 5(3): 235-244. Leung, H. & D. Wotschke (2000), On the size of parsers and LR(k)grammars, Theoretical Computer Science, 242(1-2): 59-69. Malcher, A. (2001), Descriptional complexity of cellular automata and decidability questions, in J. Dassow & D. Wotschke, eds., Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and Related Structures (DCAGRS 2001): 123-132. Otto-vonGuericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg. Meyer, A.R. & M.J. Fischer (1971), Economy of description by automata, grammars, and formal systems, Proceedings of the IEEE Twelfth Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory. IEEE: 188-191. Salomaa, K. & S. Yu (1991), Degrees of nondeterminism for pushdown automata, in L. Budach, ed., Fundamentals of Computation Theory 1991, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 529: 380-389. Springer, Berlin. Salomaa, K. & S. Yu (1994), Measures of nondeterminism for pushdown automata, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 49(2): 362-374. Valiant, L.G. (1976), A note on the succinctness of descriptions of deterministic languages, Information and Control, 32(2): 139-145. AUTOMATA AND LOGIC Franz Baader, Technical University of Dresden baader@tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de To be announced. DECISION PROBLEMS OF RATIONAL RELATIONS Christian Choffrut, CNRS and University Paris 7 christian.choffrut@liafa.jussieu.fr 1. Recognizable and rational families of relations in free monoids 2. Undecidable problems (the non-unary case) 3. Decidable problems (the unary case) References Berstel, J. (1979), Transductions and Context-Free Languages. Teubner, Stuttgart. Sakarovitch, J. (2003), Éléments de Théorie des Automates. Vuibert, Paris. TWO-DIMENSIONAL LANGUAGES Kenichi Morita, Hiroshima University morita@iec.hiroshima-u.ac.jp 8 1. Basics for two-dimensional languages 2. Two-dimensional automata 3. Two-dimensional grammars References Blum, M. & C. Hewitt (1967), Automata on a two-dimensional tape, in Proceedings of the IEEE Eighth Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory. IEEE: 155-160. Giammarresi, D. & A. Restivo (1997), Two-dimensional languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, 3 vols. Springer, Berlin. Inoue, K. & I. Takanami (1989), A survey of two-dimensional automata theory, in J. Dassow & J. Kelemen, eds., Machines, Languages, and Complexity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 381: 72-91. Springer, Berlin. Rosenfeld, A. (1979), Picture Languages. Academic Press, New York. Wang, P.S.P., ed. (1989), Array Grammars, Patterns and Recognizers. World Scientific, Singapore 1989. Yamamoto, Y., K. Morita & K. Sugata (1989), Context-sensitivity of twodimensional regular array grammars, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 3: 295-319. GRAMMARS WITH REGULATED REWRITING Jürgen Dassow, University of Magdeburg dassow@iws.cs.uni-magdeburg.de 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Background and motivation. Regulation by context-conditions Regulation by prescribed sequences of rules Further regulations Comparison of generative power Decidability, computational and syntactic complexity Some further properties References Abraham, S. (1965), Some questions of phrase-structure grammars, Computational Linguistics, 4: 61-70. Aho, A.V. (1968), Indexed grammars: an extension of context-free grammars, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 15: 647671. Dassow, J. & G. Păun (1989), Regulated Rewriting in Formal Language Theory. Springer, Berlin. Dassow, J., G. Păun & G. Rozenberg (1997), Grammars with controlled derivations, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. II. Springer, Berlin. Fris, I. (1968), Grammars with a partial ordering of the rules, Information and Control, 12: 415-425. Ginsburg, S. & E.H. Spanier (1968), Control sets on grammars, Mathematical Systems Theory, 2: 159-177. Greibach, S. & J.E. Hopcroft (1969), Scattered context grammars, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 3: 233-247. 9 Păun, G. (1980), A new generative device: valence grammars, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 25: 911-924. Rosenkrantz, D.J. (1969), Programmed grammars and classes of formal languages, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 16: 107131. Salomaa, A. (1970), Periodically time-varying context-free grammars, Information and Control, 17: 194-211. Salomaa, A. (1973), Formal Languages. Academic Press, New York. Siromoney, R. & K. Krithivasan (1974), Parallel context-free grammar, Information and Control, 24: 155-162. Walt, A.P.J. van der (1972), Random context languages, in C.V. Freiman, J.E. Griffith & J.L. Rosenfeld, eds., Information Processing 71, vol. I. NorthHolland, Amsterdam. GRAMMAR SYSTEMS Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest csuhaj@sztaki.hu Grammar systems is a recent active field of formal language theory, providing syntactic models, frameworks and tools for describing and studying multi-agent systems at the symbolic level. Several scientific areas have inspired and influenced the developments in this theory: distributed and decentralized artificial intelligence, distributed and parallel computing, artificial life, molecular computing, robotics, ecology, sociology, etc. Computer networks, parallel and distributed computer architectures, distributed and cooperative text processing, natural language processing are candidates for possible applications. A grammar system consists of several language identifying devices (language processors or linguistic agents) that jointly develop a common symbolic environment (usually, a string or a finite set of strings) by applying operations to it. The symbolic environment can be shared by the components of the system, or it can be given in the form of a collection of separated sub-environments, each belonging to a language processor. At any moment in time, the state of the system is represented by the current string describing the environment (collection of strings of the subenvironments). The functioning of the system is realized by changes in its states. Depending on the variant of multi-agent system that the actual grammar system represents, in addition to performing operations, the language processors are allowed to communicate with each other. The behaviour of the grammar system can be characterized by the set of sequences of environmental states following each other, starting from an initial state, or by the set of all environmental states originating from an initial state and satisfying some criteria (final states). The aim of the course is to give a picture about the research directions in the area, without the aim of completeness, by presenting some important frameworks, models, and results. 1. Grammar systems: the theory 10 A short introduction about the motivations, preliminaries, and background information concerning grammar systems theory: aims and objectives, main research directions and perspectives of the area. 2. Cooperating distributed grammar systems Cooperating distributed (CD) grammar systems are syntactic models of the well-known blackboard type problem solving systems from artificial intelligence, where the cooperating problem solving agents are represented by grammars which jointly generate words of a common language, corresponding to the set of problem solutions. The actual contents of the global database, the blackboard, used in the course of the problem solving process, is represented by the actual sentential form in generation. We discuss the most important variants of these systems and their cooperation protocols, the generative power and the descriptional complexity of these constructs. We demonstrate how notions as competence, fairness, incomplete information processing can be represented in terms of CD grammar systems. 3. Colonies Colonies can be considered as grammatical models of communities of very simple, pure reactive agents with emergent behaviour. We discuss the basic variants of these constructions, with special emphasis on the notion of emergence in terms of formal language theory. 4. Eco-grammar systems Eco-grammar systems are formal language theoretic models of artificial life, grammatical frameworks for describing the behaviour of communities of dynamically changing (developing) agents which are in interaction with their shared dynamically changing environment. We introduce the basic variants of eco-grammar systems and discuss their important properties, in particular the team behaviour of the agents. We also demonstrate how characteristics of life as birth, death, overpopulation, pollution can be expressed in terms of eco-grammar systems. 5. Networks of language processors A network of language processors is a virtual graph (a network) with a language processor (a grammar) and a set (a multiset) of strings in each node. The language processors perform operations on the strings that can be found at the corresponding node and then communicate some of the obtained words to each other, according to a protocol. We discuss the two main variants of these constructions: parallel communicating grammar systems where communication is done by request, and parallel communicating grammar systems where communication is done by command. We describe their computational power and descriptional complexity, and demonstrate how phenomena typical in networks can be modelled by these systems. We also present examples for bio-inspired networks of language processors. 11 References Csuhaj-Varjú, E., J. Dassow, J. Kelemen & G. Păun (1994), Grammar Systems: A Grammatical Approach to Distribution and Cooperation. Gordon and Breach, London. Dassow, J., G. Păun & G. Rozenberg (1997), Grammar systems, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol II: 155213. Springer, Berlin. Articles referred in E. Csuhaj-Varjú & György Vaszil, An annotated bibliography of grammar systems: http://www.sztaki.hu/mms/bib.html PARALLEL GRAMMARS Henning Fernau, University of Tübingen fernau@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de 1. 2. 3. 4. Lindenmayer systems Indian parallel grammars (Uniformly) limited Lindenmayer systems Interfaces with regulated rewriting and grammar systems: scattered context grammars and parallel communicating grammar systems References Herman, G.T. & G. Rozenberg (1975), Developmental Systems and Languages. North-Holland, Amsterdam. Prusinkiewicz, P. & A. Lindenmayer (1990), The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Springer, New York. Rozenberg, G. & A. Salomaa (1980), The Mathematical Theory of L Systems. Academic Press, New York. CONTEXT-SENSITIVE GRAMMARS Victor Mitrana, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona vmi@urv.net 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. When and why context-freeness is not sufficient Normal forms for context-sensitive grammars Workspace theorem Linear bounded automata. The LBA problem Closure properties Decidable properties Context-sensitive grammars generating context-free languages References Hopcroft, J.E. & J.D. Ullman (1979), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Immerman, N. (1988), Nondeterministic space is closed under complementation, SIAM Journal of Computing, 17(5): 935-938. Kuroda, S.Y. (1964), Classes of languages and linear bounded automata, Information and Control, 7: 207-223. Rozenberg, G. & A. Salomaa, eds. (1997), Handbook of Formal Languages, 3 vols. Springer, Berlin. 12 Salomaa, A. (1973), Formal Languages. Academic Press, New York. Szelepcseny, R. (1988), The method of forced enumeration for nondeterministic automata, Acta Informatica, 26: 279-284. TREE AUTOMATA AND TREE LANGUAGES Magnus Steinby, University of Turku steinby@utu.fi 1. Finite tree automata and regular tree languages 2. Tree transducers and tree transformations 3. Tree automata and term rewriting References Gécseg, F. & M. Steinby (1984), Tree Automata. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. Gécseg, F. & M. Steinby (1997), Tree languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. III: 1-68. Springer, Berlin. Steinby, M., lecture notes to be prepared for the course. TREE TRANSDUCERS Zoltán Fülöp, University of Szeged fulop@inf.u-szeged.hu By a ‘tree’ we mean a term over a ranked alphabet. A tree transducer is a finite state device which computes a tree transformation, i.e. a binary relation over trees. Hence, tree transducers generalize sequential machines and serve as formal models of the syntax-directed translation. There are several tree transducer models. However, in this lecture series we consider only the most fundamental ones: the classical bottom-up and topdown tree transducers [1], attributed tree transducers [3,6] and macro tree transducers [2,6]. In the first lecture, we consider bottom-up and top-down tree transducers and their restricted versions. We compare the computation power of the different tree transducer models by giving inclusion diagrams of the tree transformation classes computed by them. In the second lecture, we deal with the composition theory and the decomposition theory of tree transducers. We find tree transducer classes C, D and E such that the computation performed by the consecutive application of a tree transducer of type C and a tree transducer of type D can be simulated by a single tree transducer of type E (composition theory). Vice versa, we are interested in tree transducer classes E, C and D which have the following property: any tree transformation computed by a tree transducer of type E can be decomposed into two tree transformations of type C and D (decomposition theory). We give the full description of monoids generated by tree transformation classes in terms of inclusion diagrams and convergent string rewrite systems. 13 In the third lecture, we generalize top-down tree transducers. We introduce macro tree transducers and attributed tree transducers. We compare their computation power and give some composition and decomposition results. The text of the above three lectures can be found in [4]. In the exercise session, we give examples of the tree transducer models and the constructions applied in the lectures. In the paper session, we will consider recent research papers as well as open problems concerning tree transducers. References [1] Engelfriet, J. (1975), Bottom-up and top-down tree transducers - A comparison, Mathematical Systems Theory, 9: 198-231. [2] Engelfriet, J. & H. Vogler (1985), Macro tree transducers, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 31: 95-125. [3] Fülöp, Z. (1981), On attributed tree transducers, Acta Cybernetica, 5: 261-279. [4] Fülöp, Z. (2004), A short introduction to tree transducers, Technical Report 30/04, Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. [5] Fülöp, Z. & S. Vagvölgyi (1992), Decidability of the inclusion in monoids generated by tree transformation classes, in M. Nivat & A. Podelski, eds., Tree Automata and Languages: 381-408, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. [6] Fülöp, Z. & H. Vogler (1998), Syntax-Directed Semantics - Formal Models Based on Tree Transducers. Springer, Berlin. [7] Gécseg, F. & M. Steinby (1984), Tree Automata. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. [8] Gécseg, F. & M. Steinby (1997), Tree languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. III: 1-68. Springer, Berlin. FORMAL LANGUAGES AND CONCURRENT SYSTEMS Jetty Kleijn, Leiden University kleijn@liacs.nl 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Traces Elementary net systems Generalizations References Diekert, V. & G. Rozenberg, eds. (1995), The Book of Traces. World Scientific, Singapore. Hoogers, P.W., H.C.M. Kleijn & P.S. Thiagarajan (1995), A trace semantics for Petri nets, Information and Computation, 117: 98-114. Janicki, R. & M. Koutny (1995), Semantics of inhibitor nets, Information and Computation, 123: 1-16. Mazurkiewicz, A. (1986), Trace theory, in W. Brauer, W. Reisig & G. 14 Rozenberg, eds., Petri Nets: Applications and Relationships to Other Models of Concurrency, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 255: 279-324. Springer, Berlin. Rozenberg, G. & J. Engelfriet (1998), Elementary net systems, in W. Reisig & G. Rozenberg, eds., Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1491: 12-121. Springer, Berlin. GRAPH GRAMMARS AND GRAPH TRANSFORMATION Hans-Jörg Kreowski, University of Bremen kreo@informatik.uni-bremen.de 1. Motivating examples of graphs, graph languages, graph properties, graph-processing problems, and graph algorithms 2. Basic features of rule-based graph transformation 3. Graph transformation units 4. Context-free graph grammars 5. Parallelism and concurrency 6. Computing and modeling by graph transformation References Rozenberg, G., ed. (1997), Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, vol. I: Foundations. World Scientific, Singapore. [In particular: Chapter 1: J. Engelfriet & G. Rozenberg, Node replacement graph grammars: 1-94. Chapter 2: F. Drewes, H.-J. Kreowski & A. Habel, Hyperedge replacement graph grammars: 95-162.] Ehrig, H., G. Engels, H.-J. Kreowski & G. Rozenberg, eds. (1999), Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, vol. II: Applications, Languages and Tools. World Scientific, Singapore. [In particular: H.-J. Kreowski & S. Kuske, Graph transformation units and modules: 607-638.] Ehrig, H., H.-J. Kreowski, U. Montanari & G. Rozenberg, eds. (1999), Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, vol. III: Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distribution. World Scientific, Singapore. PETRI NET THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University, Taipeh yen@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw Petri nets represent one of the most important mathematical models for describing concurrent systems and their behaviors. To understand the basic concepts, analytical techniques, capabilities and limitations of Petri nets, this short course focuses on Petri nets, their analytical techniques and properties from an automata/complexity viewpoint. 1. Introduction to Petri nets: basic notations and definitions, capabilities and limitations of Petri nets, restricted and extended classes of Petri nets 2. Analytical techniques for Petri nets: reachability analysis, coverability graph, matrix equation, structural analysis 15 3. Complexity/decidability issues of Petri net problems: upper and lower bounds for various Petri net problems, including reachabiltiy, boundedness, equivalence and containment, model checking, and more 4. Petri net languages: various Petri net languages and their closure properties, iteration lemma 5. Applications of Petri net theory: applications in supervisory control, membrane computing, and more References Desel, J. & J. Esparza (1995), Free Choice Petri Nets. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Esparza, J. (1996), Decidability and complexity of Petri net problems: an introduction, in W. Reisig & G. Rozenberg, eds., Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1491: 374-428. Springer, Berlin. Howell, R., D. Huynh, L. Rosier & H. Yen (1986), Some complexity bounds for problems concerning finite and 2-dimensional vector addition systems with states, Theoretical Computer Science, 46(2-3): 107-140. Howell, R., L. Rosier & H. Yen (1991), A taxonomy of fairness and temporal logic problems for Petri nets, Theoretical Computer Science, 82: 341-372. Murata, T. (1989), Petri-nets: properties, analysis and applications, Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(4): 541-580. Peterson, J.L. (1981), Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of Systems. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Reisig, W. & G. Rozenberg, eds. (1998), Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models and II: Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1491/1492. Springer, Berlin. Rosier, L. & H. Yen (1986), A multiparameter analysis of the boundedness problem for vector addition systems, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 32(1): 105-135. Yen, H. (1996), On the regularity of Petri net languages, Information and Computation, 124(2): 168-181. TREE ADJOINING GRAMMARS James Rogers, Earlham College, Richmond IN, United States jrogers@cs.earlham.edu 1. Linguistic motivation: extended domain of locality, factoring recursion 2. Formal aspects: substitution and adjunction, derivation trees and derived sets, CFL and TAL, TAL closure results, recognizable tree sets and TAG tree sets, TAG tree set closure results, pumping lemma, independence of paths, MCTAG (variations, generative capacity), EPDA, LCFRS (head grammars, linear indexed grammar, CCG), multidimensional tree automata (CLH), FTAG, lexicalization (LTAG) 3. Linguistic aspects: EDL revisited, lexicalization revisited, FTAG revisited, the condition on elementary tree minimality, dependency, coordination 4. Synchronous TAGs: translation, generation 5. Syntax/semantics interface 6. Statistical approaches: supertagging 16 References Frank, R.E. (1992), Syntactic locality and tree adjoining grammar: grammatical, acquisition and processing perspectives, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Joshi, A.K. & Y. Schabes (1997), Tree-adjoining grammars, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. 3. Springer, Berlin. Joshi, A.K., K. Vijay-Shanker & D. Weir (1991), The convergence of mildly context-sensitive grammar formalisms, in P. Sells, S. Shieber & T. Wasow, eds., Foundational Issues in Natural Language Processing: 31-81. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Kroch, A.S. & A.K. Joshi (1985), Linguistic relevance of tree adjoining grammars, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, MS-CIS-85-18. Vijay-Shanker, K. (1987), A study of tree adjoining grammars, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Vijay-Shanker, K. & A.K. Joshi (1985), Some computational properties of tree adjoining grammars, in Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL: 82-93. Vijay-Shanker, K., D.J. Weir & A.K. Joshi (1987), Characterizing structural descriptions produced by various grammatical formalisms, in Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL: 104-111. Weir, D.J. (1988), Characterizing mildly context-sensitive grammar formalisms, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Weir, D.J. (1992), Linear context-free rewriting systems and deterministic tree-walking transducers, in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL: 136-143. Weir, D.J., K. Vijay-Shanker & A.K. Joshi (1986), The relationship between tree adjoining grammars and head grammars, in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL: 6774. RESTARTING AUTOMATA Friedrich Otto, University of Kassel otto@theory.informatik.uni-kassel.de 1. Restarting automata: motivation, definitions and basic properties. Analysis by reduction: a motivation from linguistics. The RRWWautomaton. Restricted types of RRWW-automata. Error preserving property, correctness preserving property, pumping lemma. An RRWW-automaton for Lcopy := {w#w# | w ε {a, b}*}. A characterization for the use of auxiliary symbols 2. Monotone restarting automata. Monotonicity for restarting automata. Decidability of monotonicity. A characterization of the context-free languages by monotone RWW- and RRWW- automata. A characterization of the deterministic context-free languages by various types of monotone deterministic restarting automata. The taxonomy of monotone restarting automata 17 3. Deterministic restarting automata. The Church-Rosser languages. The growing context-sensitive languages. The shrinking two-pushdown automaton. A characterization of the Church-Rosser languages by the deterministic RWW- and RRWW-automata. The taxonomy of deterministic restarting automata 4. Nondeterministic restarting automata. The Gladkij language LGl := {w#wR#w | w ε {a, b}*}. An RWW-automaton for the Gladkij language. Weak monotonicity for restarting automata. A characterization of the growing context-sensitive languages by the weakly monotone RWW- and RRWW-automata. The computational power of nondeterministic restarting automata. The taxonomy of nondeterministic restarting automata 5. Left-monotonicity. Left-monotonicity for restarting automata. Shrinking (that is, weight-reducing) restarting automata. The power of left-monotone deterministic restarting automata. A characterization of the context-free languages by various types of left-monotone nondeterministic restarting automata. The taxonomy of left-monotone restarting automata 6. Degrees of (non-)monotonicity. A generalization of monotonicity: jmonotonicity and j-left-monotonicity. Hierarchy results with respect to the degree j of monotonicity. Hierarchy results with respect to the degree j of left-monotonicity. Hierarchy results with respect to the degree of weak monotonicity. Open problems and directions for further research References Jančar, P., F. Mráz, M. Plátek & J. Vogel (1995), Restarting automata, in H. Reichel, eds., Fundamentals of Computation Theory 1995, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 965: 283-292. Springer, Berlin. Jančar, P., F. Mráz, M. Plátek & J. Vogel (1997), On restarting automata with rewriting, in G. Păun & A. Salomaa, eds., New Trends in Formal Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1218: 119-136. Springer, Berlin. Jančar, P., F. Mráz, M. Plátek & J. Vogel (1999), On monotonic automata with a restart operation, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 4: 287-311. Jurdziński, T., K. Loryś, G. Niemann & F. Otto (2001), Some results on RRW- and RRWW-automata and their relationship to the class of growing context-sensitive languages, Mathematische Schriften Kassel, 14/01. Also: Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, to appear. Komorowski, J., Z. Pawlak, L. Polkowski & A. Skowron (1998), Rough sets: a tutorial, in S.K. Pal & A. Skowron, eds., Rough-Fuzzy Hybridization: A New Trend in Decision-Making: 3-98. Springer, Singapore. Mráz, F. & F. Otto (2003), Hierarchies of weakly monotone restarting automata, Mathematische Schriften Kassel, 8/03. Niemann, G. & F. Otto (2000), Restarting automata, Church-Rosser languages, and representations of r.e. languages, in G. Rozenberg & W. Thomas, eds., Developments in Language Theory: Foundations, Applications, and Perspectives: 103-114. World Scientific, Singapore. 18 Niemann, G. & F. Otto (2003), Further results on restarting automata, in M. Ito & T. Imaoka, eds., Words, Languages and Combinatorics III: 352-369. World Scientific, Singapore. Otto, F. (2003), Restarting automata and their relations to the Chomsky hierarchy, in Z. Ésik & Z. Fülöp, eds., Developments in Language Theory 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2710: 55-74. Springer, Berlin. Otto, F. & T. Jurdziński (2003), On left-monotone restarting automata, Mathematische Schriften Kassel, 17/03. Plátek, M., F. Otto, F. Mráz & T. Jurdziński (2003), Restarting automata and variants of j-monotonicity, Mathematische Schriften Kassel, 9/03. CONTEXTUAL GRAMMARS Carlos Martín-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona carlos.martin@urv.net 1. Basic classes of contextual grammars: generative power, characterizations, closure properties, decidability properties, descriptional complexity, parsing complexity, ambiguity 2. Contextual automata 3. Bracketed and structured contextual grammars 4. Variants of using selectors: restricted selection, maximal/minimal use of selectors 5. Derivation modes: leftmost derivation, parallel derivation, multidimensional contexts, derivation based on patterns 6. Insertion grammars References Dassow, J. & V. Mitrana (1998), The degree of parallelism in contextual grammars with the maximal competence strategy, in C. Martín-Vide, ed., Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Language: 3-16. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. Ehrenfeucht, A., G. Păun & G. Rozenberg (1997), Contextual grammars and formal languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. II: 237-294. Springer, Berlin. Ilie, L. (1997), Some recent results on contextual languages, Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, 62: 176-193. Kappes, M. (1998), On the generative capacity of bracketed contextual grammars, Grammars, 1(2): 91-101. Marcus, S. (1969), Contextual grammars, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 14: 1525-1534. Marcus, S. (1997) Contextual grammars and natural languages, in G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, eds., Handbook of Formal Languages, vol. II: 215-235. Springer, Berlin. Martín-Vide, C., A. Mateescu, J. Miquel-Vergés & G. Păun (1995), Internal contextual grammars: minimal, maximal and scattered use of selectors, in M. Koppel & E. Shamir, eds., Proceedings of The Fourth Bar-Ilan Symposium on Foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Focusing on Natural Languages and Artificial Intelligence - Philosophical and Computational Aspects: 159-168. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA. Martín-Vide, C., J. Miquel-Vergés & G. Păun (1996), Contextual automata, ms. 19 Martín-Vide, C. & G. Păun (1998), Structured contextual grammars, Grammars, 1(1): 33-55. Mitrana, V. (1995), Contextual insertion and deletion, in G. Păun, ed., Mathematical Linguistics and Related Topics: 271-278. The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Mitrana, V. (1998), Chomsky-Schützenberger type characterizations based on contextual languages, Grammars, 1(2), 167-176. Păun, G. (1997), Marcus Contextual Grammars. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 20