



" Some Situational Determinants of Group Performance on

Standardized Tests of Ability (1984).

"Supervised by Professor R. L. Cooper, Hebrew University,

Jerusalem - {265 pages, including tables and figures, in Hebrew}



*Zeidner, M. (1998 ). Test anxiety: The state of the art (440 pp., illus.). New York: Plenum.

*Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Robert, R. (2002). Emotional intelligence: Science or myth?

Cambridge: MIT Press (697 pp., illus.)

*Zeidner, M., Robert, R, & Matthews, G. (in preparation). The emotional intelligence primer: Current theory, assessment, and applications.

Cambridge: MIT Press.


Zeidner, M. & Most, B. (Eds.). (1992). Psychological testing: An inside view.

Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press. (465 pages)

Saklofske, D. & Zeidner, M. (Eds.). (1995 ). International Handbook of

Personality and Intelligence.

New York: Plenum (36 Chapters, 776 pages).

Zeidner, M. & Endler, N. (Eds.). (1996 ). Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications.

New York: John Wiley (25 chapters, 750 pages).

Schwarzer, C. & Zeidner, M. (Eds.) (1996 ). Stress, anxiety and coping in academic settings.

Tubingen/Basel: Francke Verlag. (7 Chapter, 233 pages).

Boekaerts, M., Pintrich, P., & Zeidner, M. (2000). Handbook of selfregulation (24 chapters) . San Diego: Academic Press.

Schwarzer, Ch. & Zeidner, M. (Eds.) (2002). Developmental issues in stress and coping.

Aachen: Shaker-Verlag

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. (in press). The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns.

New York: Oxford

University Press.



Zeidner, M. (1985). A cross-cultural test of the situational bias hypothesis-

-the Israeli Scene . Evaluation and Program Planning, 8, 367-376

Zeidner, M. (1986). Sex differences in scholastic aptitude: the Israeli scene. Personality and Individual Differences, 7, 847-852.

Zeidner, M. (1987). Test of the cultural bias hypothesis: some Israeli findings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 38-48.

Zeidner, M. & Schechter, M. (1987). Some psychological, health, demographic and economic correlates of air pollution stress .

Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 769.

Zeidner, M. & Nevo, B. (1987). The cross-cultural generalizability of moral reasoning research. International Journal of Psychology, 22,


Zeidner, M. (1987). The validity of college admission indices for Jews and

Arabs in Israel . Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 587-589.

Zeidner, M & Zaki, M. (1987). Disadvantaged pupils and the psychometric test context . Applied psychology: An International Review, 36, 185-


Zeidner, M. (1987). A cross-cultural test of sex bias in the predictive validity of scholastic aptitude examinations: Some Israeli findings .

Evaluation and Program Planning, 10, 289-295.

Zeidner, M. (1987). Gender and culture interaction affects on scholastic aptitude test performance: Some Israeli findings. International Journal of Psychology, 22 , 111-119.

Keinan, G. & Zeidner, M. (1987). Effects of decisional control on test anxiety and achievement , Personality and Individual Differences, 8,

973- 975.

Zeidner, M. (1987). Essay versus multiple choice type classroom exams:

The students' perspective. Journal of Educational Research, 80, 352-


Zeidner, M. (1987). Age bias in the predictive validity of scholastic aptitude tests: some Israeli data. Educational and Psychological

Measurement, 47, 1037-1047.

Zeidner, M. (1988). Classroom testing: The examinees' perspective .

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 14, 215-233.

Zeidner, M. (1988). The relative severity of common classroom discipline techniques: the students' perspective. British Journal of Educational

Psychology, 58, 69-77.

Zeidner, M. (1988). Age as a factor in scholastic aptitude test performance: The Israeli scene. Journal of Applied Developmental

Psychology, 9, 139-149.

Zeidner, M , Klingman, A., & Papko, O. (1988). Enhancing students' test coping skills: Report of a psychological health education program.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 95-101.

Zeidner, M. (1988). Moral judgment patterns of university candidates:

Some Israeli findings . Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 19, 114-


@ Modified Hebrew version appearing in Megamot: Israeli Behavioral

Sciences Research Quarterly, 31, 83ff. (with B. Nevo).

Zeidner, M. (1988). Sociocultural differences in examinees' attitudes towards scholastic ability exams. Journal of Educational

Measurement, 25, 67-76.

Zeidner, M. (1988). Cultural fairness in aptitude testing revisited: A cross- cultural parallel. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 19,

257- 262.

Zeidner, M. & Schechter, M. (1988). Psychological responses towards air pollution: Some personality and demographic correlates . Journal of

Environmental Psychology, 8, 191-208.

Zeidner, M. (1988). Health and demographic correlates of trait anxiety in

Israeli adults. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 1, 127-135 (previously entitled Anxiety Research).

Zeidner, M. & Feitelson, D. (1989). Probing the validity of intelligence tests for preschool children: A smallest space analysis. Journal of

Psychoeducational Assessment, 7, 175-193.

@A modified version entitled "The validity of intelligence tests for preschool children: A smallest space analysis," was published in

Megamot: Behavioral Sciences Quarterly (1991), special issue in memory of Louis Guttman, 33, 404-415. (In Hebrew).

Ben-Zur, H. & Zeidner, M. (1989). Sex differences in anxiety, curiosity and anger: A cross-cultural study. Sex Roles, 19, 335-347.

Zeidner, M. (1990). Some demographic and health correlates of trait anger in Israeli adults . Journal of Research in Personality, 24, 1-15.

Zeidner, M. (1990). Perceptions of ethnic group modal intelligence:

Reflections of cultural stereotypes or intelligence test scores? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 21, 214-231.

Schechter, M. & Zeidner, M. (1990). Anxiety: Towards a decisiontheoretic perspective. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical

Psychology, 43, 15-28.

Zeidner, M. & Hammer, A. (1990). Life events and coping resources as predictors of stress symptoms in adolescents. Personality and

Individual Differences, 11, 693-703.

Zeidner, M., Kramer, L., & Laskov, D. (1990) Scholastic aptitude, matriculation grades, and group interview as predictors of performance in nursing school. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 15,


Klingman, A. & Zeidner, M. (1990). A preliminary study of primary prevention of test anxiety among elementary school students: A phenomenological perspective . Psychology in the Schools, 27, 252-


Zeidner, M. (1990). Does test anxiety bias scholastic aptitude test performance by gender and sociocultural group . Journal of Personality

Assessment, 55, 145-160.

Zeidner, M. (1990). College students' reactions towards key facets of classroom testing. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education,

15, 151-169.

Zeidner, M. (1991). Test anxiety and aptitude test performance in an actual college admission testing situation: Temporal considerations.

Personality and Individual Differences. 12, 101-109.

Zeidner, M. (1991). Statistics and mathematics anxiety in social science students: Some interesting parallels . British Journal of Educational

Psychology, 61 , 319-328.

Ben-Zur, H. & Zeidner, M. (1991). Anxiety and bodily symptoms under the threat of missile attacks. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping (previously entitled Anxiety Research), 4, 79-95.

Zeidner, M. (1992). Key facets of classroom grading: A comparison of teacher and student perspectives . Contemporary Educational

Psychology, 17, 224-243.

@ A modified Hebrew version appears in Studies in Educational

Administration (1993), 19, pp. 47-70.

Zeidner, M. (1992). Sources of academic stress: The case of first year

Jewish and Arab students in Israel : Higher Education, 24, 26-40.

Zeidner, M. & Hammer, A. (1992). Coping with missile attack: Resources, strategies, and outcomes. Journal of Personality, 60, 709-746.

Zeidner, M. & Ben-Zur, H. (1993). Coping with a national crisis: The

Israeli experience with the threat of missile attacks. Personality and

Individual Differences, 14, 209-224.

Zeidner, M. (1993). Coping with disaster: The case of Israeli adolescents under threat of missile attack. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22,

89- 108.

Zeidner, M., Klingman, A., & Itskovitz, R. (1993). Children's affective reactions and coping under threat of missile attack: A semi-projective assessment procedure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60, 435-457.

Zeidner, M. & Nevo, B. (1993). The Test Anxiety Inventory:

Development, psychometric characteristics, and social and cognitive correlates. Megamot: Israeli Behavioral Sciences Research Quarterly,

35, 293-306 (in Hebrew).

Zeidner, M. & Ben-Zur, H. (1994). Individual differences in posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and coping in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War.

Personality and Individual Differences, 16, 459-476.

Zeidner, M. (1994). Personal and contextual determinants of coping and anxiety in an evaluative situation: A prospective study . Personality and

Individual Differences, 16, 899-918.

Izikovitz, R., Zeidner, M. & Klingman, A. (1994). Children's emotional responses to the Gulf War. Psychologia, 4, 170-181 (in Hebrew).

Zeidner, M. & Schechter, M. (1994). Reduction of test anxiety: A first attempt at economic valuation. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 7, 1-18.

Zeidner, M. (1994). Adaptive coping with test situations: A review of the literature. Educational Psychologist, 30, 123-133.

Ben-Zur, H. & Zeidner, M. (1995). Coping patterns and adaptational outcomes under community crisis and daily routine conditions .

Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 8, 185-201.

Zeidner, M. (1995). Coping with examination stress: Resources, strategies, outcomes. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 8, 279-298

Ben-Zur, H. & Zeidner, M. (1996). Gender differences in coping reactions under community crisis and daily routine conditions.

Personality and

Individual Differences, 20, 331-340.

Zeidner, M. (1996). How do high school and college students cope with test situations ? British Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 115-128

Matthews, G., Costa, P., Saklofske, D.H., Deary, I. & Zeidner, M. (1998).

Assessment of personality traits and their implications for clinical practice. European Journal of Personality Assessment, 14 , 35-48.

Zeidner, M. & Schleyer, E. (1999). Test anxiety in intellectually gifted students. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 12, 163-189.

Zeidner, M. & Schleyer, E. (1999). The big-fish-little-pond effect for academic self-concept, test anxiety, and school grades in gifted children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 24, 305-329.

Zeidner, M. & Schleyer, E. (1999). Evaluating the effects of full-time vs. part-time educational programs for the gifted: Affective outcomes and policy considerations. Evaluation and Program Planning. 22, 413-427.

Paunonen, S. V., Zeidner, M., Engvik, H. A., Oosterveld, P., Maliphant, R.

(2000). The nonverbal assessment of personality in five-cultures.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31, 220-239.

Ben-Shlomo, I., Zeidner , M., & Shalev, E. (1999). Retrospective judgement of medical decisions: Is the ‘linear’ model appropriate?

Human Reproduction, 14, 1925-1926.

Zeidner, M. & Schleyer, E. (1999). The effect of educational context on individual difference variables, self-perceptions of giftedness, and school attitudes in gifted adolescents . Journal of Youth and

Adolescence, 28, 687-702.

Roberts, R. Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. M. (2001). Does Emotional intelligence meet traditional standards for an intelligence? Some new data and conclusions. Emotion, 1, 196-231.

Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. M., & Roberts, R. (2001). Slow down, you move too fast: Emotional intelligence remains an ‘elusive’ intelligence.

Emotion, 1, 265-275

Zeidner, M., Roberts, R., & Matthews, G. (2002). Can emotional intelligence be schooled? A critical review . Educational

Psychologist, 37, 215-231.

Matthews, G, & Zeidner, M. (2003). Negative appraisals of positive psychology: A mixed-valence endorsement of Lazarus (2003).

Psychological Inquiry, 14, 137-143.

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D., & MacCann, C. (2003).

Development of emotional intelligence: Toward a multi-level investment model .

Human Development, 46, 69-96

Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D., & Zeidner, M (2003). Development of emotional intelligence: A skeptical- but not dismissive- perspective.

Human Development, 46, 109-114.

MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2003).

Psychological assessment of emotional intelligence: A review of selfreport and performance-based testing. International Journal of

Organizational Assessment, 11 , 247-274.

Zeidner, M., Matthews G., & Roberts, R (2004). Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A critical review. Applied Psychology: An

International Review, 53, 371-399.

Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D. & Zeidner, M, (2004). Seven myths about emotional intelligence. Psychological Inquiry, 15 , 179-196.

Zeidner, M, Roberts, R. D., & Matthews, G. (2004). The emotional intelligence bandwagon: Too fast to live, too young to die.

Psychological Inquiry, 15 , 239-248.

MacCann, C., Roberts, R. D., Matthews, G., & Zeidner, M. (2004). Consensus scoring and empirical option weighting of performance-based

Emotional Intelligence (EI) tests. Personality and Individual

Differences, 36 , 645-662.

Roberts R.D., Matthews G., Zeidner M., Lyusin D.V. (2004) Emotional

Intelligence: Theory, Measures and Applications. Psikhologiya.

ZhournalVysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki ( Psychology. Journal of Higher

School of Economics ). 1 , 3-26.

Zeidner, M., Shani-Zivotich, I., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. (2005).

Assessing emotional intelligence in gifted and non-gifted high school students: Outcomes depend on the measure. Intelligence, 33 , 369-391.

Zeidner, M. (in press). Contextual and personal predictors of adaptive outcomes under terror attack: The Israeli scene . Journal of Youth and

Adolescence .

Zeidner, M. (in press). Individual differences in reaction to terror attack: The

Israeli experience. Personality and Individual Differences.

Zeidner, M. (in press). Gender group differences in coping with chronic terror:

The Israeli scene . Sex Roles .

Zeidner, M. (in press). Anxiety and coping with community disasters: The

Israeli experience. Journal of Research in Personality

Matthews, G., Emo, A., Funke, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (in press).

Emotional intelligence, personality, and task-induced stress. Journal of

Experimental Psychology: General.





Zeidner, M. (1987). Sociocultural differences in test attitudes and motivations--the Israeli scene. In R. Schwarzer, H. Van der Ploeg &

Ch. D. Spielberger (Eds.), Advances in test anxiety research ( Vol. 5, pp. 241-250). Lisse/Berwyn, Swets & Zeitliner.

Zeidner, M. & Ben-Zur, H. (1989). The Hebrew Adaptation of the State-

Trait Personality Inventory (STPI/HB). In R. Schwarzer, H. Van der

Ploeg & Ch. D. Spielberger (Eds.). Advances in Test Anxiety Research

(Vol. 6, pp.253-262). Lisse/Berwyn, Swets & Zeitliner.

Zeidner, M. & Nevo, B. (1992). Test anxiety in examinees in a college admission testing situation: Incidence, dimensionality, and cognitive correlates. In K. Hagtvet (Ed.). Advances in Test Anxiety Research

(Vol. 7, pp. 288-303). Lisse/Berwyn, Swets & Zeitlinger.

Zeidner, M. & Most, B. (1992). Psychological testing: An Introduction. In

M. Zeidner & B. Most, B. (Eds.). Psychological testing: An inside view (pp. 1-47). Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Zeidner, M. (1993). Situational Bias: The examinee's perspective. In B.

Nevo & R. S. Jager (Eds.) . Educational and psychological testing: The test taker's outlook (pp. 39-65). Gottingen: Hogrefe & Huber.

Zeidner, M. (1995). Personality trait correlates of intelligence. In D.

Saklofske & M. Zeidner (Eds.). International handbook of personality and intelligence (pp. 299-319). New York: Plenum.

Most, B. & Zeidner, M. (1995). Constructing personality and intelligence test instruments: Methods and issues. In D. Saklofske & M. Zeidner

(Eds.). International handbook of personality and intelligence (pp.

475- 503). New York: Plenum.

Zeidner, M. & Schwarzer, Ch. (1996). Perceptions of academic stress in first year Israeli and German college students. In Ch. Schwarzer et al.

(Eds.), Stress, anxiety, and coping in academic settings (pp. 69- 92).

Tubingen: Francke-Verlag.

Zeidner, M. & Saklofske, D. (1996). Adaptive and maladaptive coping.

In M. Zeidner & N. Endler (Eds.). Handbook of coping: Theory, research, applications (pp. 505-531). New York: Wiley.

Hart, S., Zeidner, M., & Pavlovic, Z. (1996). Children's rights: Cross- national research on perspectives of children and their teachers. In M.

John (Ed.), Children in charge: The child's right to a fair hearing

(pp.38- 55). London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Saklofske, D.H. (1998). Intelligence and mental health. In H. Friedman (Ed), Encyclopedia of Mental Health

(Vol. 2, 521-534). CA: Sage.

Zeidner, M. (1998). Personality and Intelligence. In B. Nevo (Ed.).

Human Intelligence (Vol. 2, pp. 725-762). Ramat Aviv: Open

University (in Hebrew).

Saklofske, D.H., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., Deary, I., Austin, E., &

Sternberg, R. J., Personality and intelligence (1999). In L. Mervielde,

I.J.Deary, F. de Fruyt, & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality psychology in Europe (Vol.7, pp. 235-262). Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

Boekaerts, M., Pintrich, P., & Zeidner, M. (2000). Self-regulation: An introductory overview. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich & M. Zeidner

(Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation (pp. 1-9). San Diego: Academic


Zeidner, M., Boekaerts, M., & Pintrich, P. (2000). Self-regulation:

Directions for future research. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich & M.

Zeidner (Eds.). Handbook of self-regulation ( pp. 749-768). San

Diego: Academic Press.

Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2000, 2 nd Ed.). Intelligence and personality.

In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.). Handbook of intelligence (pp. 581-610.).

New York: Cambridge University Press.

Matthews, G., & Zeidner, M. (2000). Emotional intelligence, adaptation to stressful encounters, and health outcomes (pp. 459-489). In R.

Bar-On, & J. M. Parker (Eds.), Handbook of Emotional Intelligence.

NY: Jossey-Bass.

Zeidner, M. (2001). Introduction. In J. Andrews, H. Janzen, & D. S.

Saklofske. (Eds.), Handbook of psychoeducational assessment (pp.

1-10). San Diego: Academic Press.

Zeidner, M. (2001). Intelligence and conation: Current Perspectives and directions for future research. In S. Messick & J. Collis (Eds.),

Intelligence and personality: Bridging the gap in theory and measurement (pp. 195-213). Hillsdale, NJ: LEA.

Zeidner, M. & Matthews, G. (2003). Test anxiety. In R. Fernandez-

Ballesteros (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment ( Vol 2, pp. 964-969). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Zeidner, M. & Kidron, Y. (2002). Stress and coping in occupational settings: The role of emotional intelligence. In Ch. Schwarzer & M.

Zeidner (Eds.), Developmental issues in stress and coping (pp. 94-

122). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.

Kidron, Y & Zeidner, M. &. (2002). Sensitive-isolated early adolescents:

A group at risk. In Ch. Schwarzer & M. Zeidner (Eds.),

Developmental issues in stress and coping (pp. 6-22). Aachen: Shaker


Austin, E. J., Matthews, G., Saklofske, D. H., Zeidner, M., Schwean, V. L.,

&. Groth-Marnat, G. (2003). Integrating intelligence and personality:

Theory, research and implications for clinical assessment. In L. E.

Beutler & Groth-Marnat, G. (Eds.). Integrative assessment of adult personality (2 nd Ed, pp. 123-156). New York: Guilford

Roberts, R. D., Rouse, J. R., Flores-Mendoza, C. E., Matthews, G., &

Zeidner, M. (in press). The scientific status of emotional intelligence: Consensus and controversies. In C. E. Flores-Mendoza

& R. Colom (Eds

.), Introdução à Psicologia das Diferenças

Individuais (Intelligence: Advanced Studies). Rio de Janeiro,

Brazil: Vector Editora Psico-Pedagógica

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. (2004). Intelligence theory, assessment, and research: The Israeli experience. In R. J. Sternberg

(Ed.), International handbook of human intelligence (pp. 212-247).

New York: Cambridge University Press.

Matthews, G., & Zeidner, M. (2004). A reappraisal of traits and states:

Self-regulation, adaptation and trilogy of mind. In D. Yun Dai & R.

J. Sternberg (Eds.), Motivation, emotion, and cognition ( pp. 143-

174) . Mahwah, New Jersey: LEA.

Zeidner, M. (2004). Test anxiety. In Ch. Spielberger (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology (Vol. 3, pp. 545-556) .

San Diego: Academic


MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M & Roberts, R. (2004). The assessment of Emotional Intelligence: On frameworks, fissures, and the future. In G. Geher (Ed.). Measuring emotional intelligence:

Common ground and controversy.

( pp. 21-52). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2004). Does emotional intelligence meet traditional standards for an ‘intelligence’? Some new data and conclusions. In G. J. Boyle & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.),

Psychology of individual differences , Volume III (Cognition, emotion, and conation). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications .

Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2005). Evaluative anxiety. In A. Elliot &

C. Dweck (Eds.), Handbook of competence and motivation ( pp.

141-166). NY: Guilford Press.

Zeidner, M. (2005). Emotional intelligence and coping with occupational stress. In A. G. Antoniou & C. L. Cooper (Ed.), New perspectives in occupational health psychology ( pp. 218-239). Cheltenham, Great

Britain: Edward Elgar Publishing

Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M. (2005). Theory, measurement, and applications of emotional intelligence: Frames of reference. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.). International handbook of emotional Intelligence (pp. 333-360). Seattle, WA: Hogrefe & Huber.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. (2005). Emotional intelligence:

An elusive ability? In O. Wilhelm & Randall Engle (Eds.).

Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence ( pp. 79-

100 ).

Beverly Hills: Sage.

Roberts, R., Markham, P. M., Matthews, G., & Zeidner, M. (2005).

Assessing intelligence: Past, present, and future. In O. Wilhelm &

Randall Engle (Eds.). Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence . (pp. 333-360). Beverly Hills: Sage.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. & (in press).

Understanding, measuring, and applying emotional intelligence: What have we learned? What have we missed? In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts

(Eds.). International Handbook of Emotional Intelligence.

Seattle, WA:

Hogrefe & Huber.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. (in press). Measuring emotional intelligence: Promises, pitfalls, solutions? In A. D. Ong & M. Van

Dulmen (Eds.), Handbook of methods in positive psychology . Oxford,

UK: Oxford University Press


Matthews, G., Zeidner, M. & Roberts, R. (in press). Models of personality and affect for education: A review and synthesis. P. Alexander & P. Winne

(Eds.), Handbook of research in educational psychology


Mahwah, NJ:

Lawrence Erlbaum.

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. (in press). Emotional intelligence, coping, and adaptation. In J. Ciarrochi, J. Forgas, & J. D. Mayer (Eds.),

Emotional intelligence in everyday life: A scientific inquiry (2nd edition). Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.

Matthews, G., Roberts, R., & Zeidner, M. (in press). What is this thing called emotional intelligence? In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), The EI bandwagon: The struggle between science and marketing for the soul of emotional intelligence . NJ: LEA.


Zeidner, M. (1996). Advances in coping with stress: International perspectives. International Journal of Psychology, 31 , pp. 103-104.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, G. (2003). Emotional intelligence:

Implications for human factors. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting .



Test Manual for the Hebrew norming and adaptation of Spielberger's Test

Anxiety Inventory (TAI/H), University of Haifa (with Professor Baruch



Test Manual for the Hebrew norming and adaptation Spielberger's State-

Trait Personality Inventory (STAI/H) University of Haifa (with Dr.

Hasida Ben-Zur).


Manual for the Student Stress Inventory University of Haifa (Canadian version of this scale adapted by Norm Endler).


Social-evaluation anxiety: Current research perspectives. Occasional

Conceptual Working Paper. Laboratory for Cross-Cultural Research in

Personality and Individual Differences.


Adaptation of H. Gough’s California Psychology Inventory (CPI) to

Hebrew (with Baruch Nevo).


Coping of Israeli youth with stress of forced evacuation: Resources, strategies, and adaptational outcomes. (with A. Klingman). Occasional

Working Paper. Laboratory for Cross-Cultural Research in Personality and Individual Differences.
